All About Guns Ammo

Top 3 Pistol Calibers for Self-Defense

2 replies on “Top 3 Pistol Calibers for Self-Defense”

The very best caliber is the one you have in your hand at the time of need. For me it’s the Ithaca 37 12 ga. Other than that, it depends on the room. Front room: Sig 40. Home office: S&W 44 Mag. Bedroom: FN FNX 45 Tactical with Ti-Rant Suppessor and red laser with a S&W Model 60 .357 as a very last resort. The FNX is ideal. Low noise, low muzzle flash, low recoil (overall weight), and a boat load of ruin-your-day bullets going down-range. On patrol I carried a S&W Model 19 in .357. Oh Lord! The muzzle flash and report alone sent everyone to the ER. Most folks go to larger calibers after they’ve been in a gun fight or two, or more.

The comment “Oh Lord! The muzzle flash and report alone sent everyone to the ER.” almost made me choke at breakfast! But I forgive you, anyways Thanks for reading my humble blog! Grumpy

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