All About Guns Fieldcraft

Your AR 15 Will Get You Killed – The Soldier Wannabe Test

2 replies on “Your AR 15 Will Get You Killed – The Soldier Wannabe Test”

He makes a few points but this vid is riddled with inaccuracies and mischaracterizations. Most AR parts are forged and milled, not stamped. Name a foe it actually has had to go (or in an SHTFscenario will go) up against protected by L3 body armor. 82% non-lethal? So what, 12% fatal, 82% wounded. Good enough for me. And 63 gn @ 2500 is not equivalent to 40 gn @ 1000 fps.

Look at the next video that queues up after this on his channel. He says the Raging Judge is the best gun for the Apocolypse. Yeah, sure. Five shots you either can’t control (454), are essentially useless beyond 50 yards (45) or 25 yards (410). I’ll stand 300m away with an AR and he can takes his five shots and then I’ll take *one*.

Place your bets.

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