Darwin would of approved of this! Fieldcraft

From Wire cutter – The P's

Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance!

How damned hard is it to put a week’s worth of canned goods (vegetables, canned meats) potatoes, and rice back for emergencies?
How hard is it to maintain stock on those items?
Same thing with dog food. Buy 4-5 cases or a 40 pound bag of dried dog food and rotate that shit out.
Dogs have to eat too.
People are screaming because they can’t find bottled water on the shelves.
How about going to Tractor Supply and buying 2-3 of those blue 5 gallon cans and filling them up? Tap water may not taste that great but it ain’t going to kill you unless you live in Eastern Kentucky or West Virginia. I’ve got mine out in my shed.
What about gas? I never ever let myself get below a tank’s worth of gas in cans in the shed and a half a tank in the truck.
That pipeline mess in Alabama a while back taught me a lesson – you couldn’t find gas in Macon County for several days after that happened and I didn’t have but 10 gallons in cans.
Now I try to keep my truck full and I’ve got 30 gallons in cans that I rotate out monthly, plus I’ve got a full tank in my generator.
If I had to jump in the truck and escape some emergency right now, I could drive 800 miles before I even had to start thinking about getting gas.
If we were stuck here and couldn’t get away, I could survive for months with the food we’ve got here.
My biggest inconvenience would be running out of Copenhagen because I only keep a roll on hand at any given time, but that’ll last me a month.
Gotta think ahead, people. Sure, you may not be able to afford to buy all that stuff at once, so piecemeal it together by buying a little at a time.
Go to the Save-a-lot or some other discount store and buy off-brand canned goods at half the price of Del Monte and other name brands.
It’ll taste just fine when you’re hungry.
I’ve always preached buying a box of ammo every week to build up a stockpile. The same thing applies to food and other essentials.