Well I thought it was funny!

The Mustache Story

The Mustache

Image result for army mustaches vietnam

Posted on 09/04/2017 by Wirecutter
This was sent in by one of our regular readers, Rurik.
Reprinted without his permission.

It happened in a galaxy far away and long ago. The galaxy was South Vietnam and the time was 1970. I was a Specialist 4 trying, not completely successfully, to adjust to the military ambience. Or in the technical language of the military, I was an asshole with an attitude. And an enormous mustache.
Now you might think that in an extraordinarily hot and humid tropic country, a mustache would be the very last thing one would want to grow on one’s face. And ordinarily you would be correct. However, the army is very much like being in high school; whatever they say you cannot do, is exactly what you desire most to do. And when an army seeks order by intricate regulation, it summons from the depths of hell a legion of barracks lawyers.
In the midst of war, out near the sharp and pointy end, such niceties as the minutiae of personal grooming are usually overlooked. But I had been reassigned to finish the last part of my tour of duty in the battalion motor pool. The motor sergeant was one Sergeant Jach, a man who seems to have excelled at being a Tech Sergeant, since he had been promoted to that rank repeatedly, and showed no sign that he ever intended to advance to First Sergeant. His primary talents were yelling, verbal abuse, and throwing around his rank, skills highly valued in his current position. Oh, and selective enforcement of petty regulations.
Which brings us back to … The mustache. It had already left behind the Teddy Roosevelt stage and had reached Stalinesque proportions, and showed every sign of aspiring to a truly Nietzchean dimension. And I was happy. And then one day, the mustache was noticed by Sergeant Jach.
“Specialist! That fucking mustache isn’t regulation. Get it trimmed or get rid of it by noon formation. That’s an order!” And he quoted me the regulation standard, a military mustache could not extend beyond the ends of one’s lips, nor touch the nose, nor touch the top of one’s upper lip – essentially a David Niven mustache.
In such a circumstance, there is only one thing a troop can do. And after lunch, before formation, I bade my mustache farewell, and trimmed it. But strangely this did not satisfy Sergeant Jach.
As we stood in formation and were called to order, his eye fell upon me….
“Wha…! What! What? What…the fuck!!!?” Perhaps for the first time in his career, even obscenities failed him. “Specialist. What’s that on your face?”
“My mustache, sergeant. Trimmed to regulation, just like you ordered.”
“But … Its only on the right side of your face!”
“Yes sergeant. Nothing in the regs says it has to be symmetrical.”
“But you look like a fucking O.D. clown.”
“Yes Sergeant. I’m even wearing an O.D. baggy suit.”
“Do you wanna look like an idiot?!”
“I don’t mind. Nobody around here I want to impress.”
And so it went back and forth for about ten minutes, the raging storm and the calm, immovable boulder. Eventually, we reached a negotiated settlement of truly Kissingerian elegance. Sergeant Jach agreed that I had a right under army regulations to wear a mustache on only half my face, and I agreed that, having made my point, I didn’t really want to spend the rest of my military career looking like a clown. And the remainder of the mustache was shaved off. And for the rest of my tour, Sergeant Jach never jached me around again.
My Opinion. Not that it matters or anybody cares about it!

As you can see below. The Military has had a very long relationship with facial hair. As to myself. I say if it helps a man fight harder and better. Then let it come forth!
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Image result for army mustachesImage result for army mustachesRelated image
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Image result for army mustaches

All About Guns

Mannlicher M1901

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Image result for Mannlicher M1901
This a very strange and frankly ugly at least for me pistol. I have only see it once. When I was much younger.
It seemed to work for the owner and he had a fairly good pattern with it. But I was told that it is extremely hard to find ammo for it now a days. Frankly I was NOt impressed by it then or now.
Here is some more information below about this false start of a Semi Auto Pistol.
I hope that you like this.



Mannlicher M1901

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mannlicher M1901
Type Semi-Automatic Pistol
Place of origin Austria-Hungary
Service history
Used by See Users
Wars World War I
Production history
Designer Ferdinand Mannlicher
Manufacturer Steyr-Mannlicher
Produced 1901–1903
No. built 4,000
Variants Mannlicher M1905
Cartridge 7.63mm Mannlicher
Action Delayed blowback
Muzzle velocity 1070 ft/s (326 m/s)
Feed system 8 round stripper clip into magazine
Sights Iron sights

The M1901 Mannlicher Self-Loading, Semi-Automatic Pistol was an early semi-automatic pistol design.[1]

General features[edit]

This pistol is one of the most simple of blow-back semi-automatic pistols ever designed. The lockwork is essentially that of an elementary single action revolver. While technically listed as a ‘hesitation’ lock because of a delaying cam which has some theoretical tendency to slow down the opening of the breech, in actual practice it functions as an unlocked pistol.[1]
According to the Steyr factory records this arm, patented in 1898, was originally introduced as the “Model 1900” and used a special 8 mm cartridge.
When introduced commercially in 1901 it was chambered for a special straight-case cartridge listed in Austria as “7.63 mm Mannlicher”, designated in Germany as “7.65 mm Mannlicher” (Note: There is also another 7.65 mm Mannlincher cartridge, M.1903, similar to 7.65 mm Borchard), and described in the U.S. as “7.65 x 21 mm”. The Mannlicher “straight sided” cartridge actually has a straight taper to help in extraction.
The cartridge for this pistol was manufactured in Europe until the beginning of WWII. The cartridge has a bullet weighing approx. 85 grains (5.5 g) which may be steel or cupro-nickel jacketed. The powder charge varies with the type of powder used, the European standard being about 3.5 grains (227 mg) of DWM standard powder, producing a muzzle velocity in the neighborhood of 1070 ft/s (326 m/s).
While this is a cartridge of considerable power to use in a blow-back action, the pistol design itself is so sturdy that the arm has given satisfaction through the years.
The firing chamber in this design is part of the receiver proper. The magazine is housed in the grip and is loaded with a clip through the top of the open action. Because of the extremely simple lock work employed, the pistol has a minimum bulk for an arm of its type.[1]

Breechblock design[edit]

The moving breechblock of this pistol was designed as a slide with two rails extending forward beneath the stationary receiver/barrel where they are connected by a cross beam which is also part of the single breechblock forging. The barrelis screwed into the chamber section of the receiver and has a front sight top rib which is part of the barrel forging.
A spiral recoil spring is positioned horizontally, directly below the barrel between the parallel guides of the receiver and rails of the breechblock. An illustration of this spring is shown in the drawing from page 216, Mannlicher Rifles and Pistols, Smith, 1947. When the pistol is discharged, as the breechblock moves to the rear and the slide rails travel back in the receiver guides, the cross-beam at the forward end serves to compress the recoil spring against the frame.
The lockwork is incorporated on the left side of the frame where it is covered by a removable side cover housing of unusual design, being wrapped around at the forward end and serving also as a cover of the recoil spring. An illustration of this cover is shown in the drawing from page 218,.[2] This cover is installed on the frame from the front and is retained buy a spring catch forward of the trigger-guard.
The trigger is connected on the left side of the frame to a trigger bar which, as the trigger is pulled, moves rearward pushing against the sear tail which is under the control of the V-spring that serves as both trigger and sear springs. The sear nose engages in a notch in the left fork of the hammer (the hammer is external) to provide a fine trigger pull which is very unusual in an automatic pistol.
Mounted on the frame under the right portion of the side cover housing is the mainspring, a heavy V-spring. Its greater arm (lower) engages a notch in the right fork of the hammer to drive it forward when released by the sear. Its lesser arm (upper) continuously presses a cam upward that engages a slot in the under surface of the breechblock slide when the action is closed.[1]
Page 218.jpg
To load the pistol grasp the breechblock on the serrated gripping surfaces on the sides and pull the machine straight to the rear. The magazine follower rises to hold the action open while the cross beam at the forward end of the slide compresses the recoil spring. Insert a loaded stripper clip into the clip guide in the face of the breech block and then strip the cartridges into the magazine, compressing the spring below the follower. An illustration of this process is shown in the drawing from page 214, Mannlicher Rifles and Pistols, Smith, 1947. The spring lip at the top of the magazine serves to hold the cartridges. The cam on the right side of the frame, being forced up by the lesser arm of the mainspring, pushes the cam into the slot in the under surface of the breechblock slide and holds the machine back as explained above.[1]
Because of this cam hold-open, the pistol does not close when the clip is removed. However, drawing back slightly on the breechblock will ride it over the cam, and releasing it will permit the recoil spring to close the action.
As the breechblock goes forward, the extractor mounted in the top of the block will snap over the extracting groove of the cartridge as it is chambered.[1]


Movement of the trigger linked to the trigger bar releases the sear from the hammer notch. The compressed arm of the mainspring, pushes against the hammer notch, rotating the hammer on its axis to strike the firing pin, discharging the cartridge.
The breechblock starts back at the instant of discharge, carrying the empty cartridge case with assistance of the extractor. The empty cartridge case is brought sharply against the ejector which is a bar at the back of the magazine. The underside of the breechblock is slotted to travel over the ejector.
The recoiling slide riding over the hammer causes the hammer to rotate on its axis, locking the sear in the notch of the left hammer fork.
The magazine spring forces the next cartridge up into line. At the apex of the recoil stroke the recoil spring acts to reverse the direction of the breechblock, chambering a fresh cartridge. Until trigger pressure is released another discharge is not possible.
1038778871 man3 001.jpg

Magazine unload lever

A unique feature of this pistol model is the unloading device. While the breechblock is held open, pulling down on the serrated lever on the right side at the top of the grip panel will withdraw the lip which is holding the cartridges in the magazine, enabling the magazine spring to move the platform up and force all the cartridges out of the magazine.
1745 discharge lever.jpg


  •  Argentina: As “Modelo 1905”.
  •  Austria-Hungary: Was purchased privately by many officers of the Austro-Hungarian army, though rejected officially after trials in 1904-5.
All About Guns

Some of the Guns that I would like to own & shoot one day!

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If and when I win the Lottery or something. This is what I am going right out & buy. That if it is still legal to so. So here is my list of what I would buy 1st. If you have a better idea post a response below.
Ohio ordnance BAR Semi Automatic Rifle

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A Ruger #1  405 Win Tuned up heavy duty recoil pad & recoil system in stock with scope on it
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50 BMG Barrett with a High End scope on it.                             (I would be the first on the block with this one)
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The Next couple of rifles would be the following.
Winchester 1885 High Wall (223, 220 swift, 243 win, 38-55 & a 257 Roberts)
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Then for the next day………

The Presidents 100

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Now a lot of folks out there in the shooting community. Have never probably even heard of this program. I myself have never even seen one of these folks.  They are that elite!
Related image Who ever can legally wear all of these patches. Will qualify as a REAL BADASS in my book. That and the eye hand coordination of these folks must be off the scale!
But enough said of that. As it usually happens. This very good idea found a serious patron in the form of Theodore Roosevelt. Who really got things rolling.
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Hopefully one day I can go and at least see at Camp Perry Ohio. (By the way, it is a really nice place and the CMP program is a real hidden gem)
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Thanks for your time that you spent reading this!
By the way the Paypal Button is still working! Yes I am still deep down a complete & total mercenary!

Here is also some more information about these incredibly skilled Folks!

The President’s Hundred Tab/Brassard is a badge awarded by the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) to the 100 top-scoring military and civilian shooters in the President’s Pistol and President’s Rifle Matches. The tab is authorized for wear on military uniforms of the U.S. ArmyU.S. Air Force, and U.S. Coast Guard (enlisted only). The brassard version is authorized for wear on enlisted uniforms of the U.S. Navy. The tab is 4 14 inches (11 cm) long and 58 inch (1.6 cm) high, with the word “PRESIDENT’S HUNDRED” centered in 14 inch (0.64 cm) tall letters. The Army’s and Air Force’s miniature metal replica of the tab is a full-color (yellow with green letters) variant of the tab once authorized for wear on the old Army Green Service Uniform and is about 2 inches (5.1 cm) in width. The brassard is a 3 12 inches (8.9 cm) long by 1 inch (2.5 cm) high curved bronze metallic arm patch with an enameled representation of the Flag of the President of the United States flanked by the Seal of the President of the United States to the left and the seal of the CMP to the right. At the top of the brassard are the raised words “PRESIDENT’S” to the left and “HUNDRED” to the right.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
The President’s Hundred Tab is currently one of four permanent individual tabs authorized for wear by the U.S. Army.[2]


The National Rifle Association‘s (NRA) President’s Match was instituted at the NRA matches of 1878, as the American Military Rifle Championship Match. It was patterned after an event for British Volunteers called The Queen’s Match, a competition started by Queen Victoria and initiated by the National Rifle Association of Great Britain in 1860, in order to increase the ability of Britain’s marksmen following the Crimean War.[1][5][10]
In 1884, the name was changed to the President’s Match for the Military Rifle Championship of the United States. It was fired at Creedmoor, New York until 1891. In 1895, it was reintroduced at Sea Girt, New Jersey.[1][5]
The tradition of making a letter from the President of the United States the first prize began in 1904 when President Theodore Roosevelt, at the conclusion of the President’s Match, personally wrote a letter of congratulations to the winner, Private Howard Gensch of the 1st Regiment of Infantry of the New Jersey National Guard.[1][5]
It cannot be ascertained as to when the President’s Match was discontinued; however, it is known that it was not fired during World Wars I and II. It appears to have disappeared during the 1930s and during the Depression when lack of funds severely curtailed the holding of matches of importance.[1][5]
The President’s Match was reinstated in 1957 at the National Matches as “The President’s Hundred.” The 100 top-scoring competitors in the President’s Match were singled out for special recognition in a retreat ceremony in which they passed in review before the winner and former winners of this historic match.[1][5]
On 27 May 1958, the NRA requested the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel’s approval of a tab for presentation to each member of the “President’s Hundred.” NRA’s plan was to award the cloth tab together with a metal brassard during the 1958 National Matches. The cloth tab was of high level interest and approved for wear on the uniform on 3 March 1958. The first awards were made at Camp Perry, Ohio, in early September 1958. Only the U.S. Navy has authorized the wear of the metal brassard on the uniforms of enlisted sailors. However, the NRA issued the metal brassard to all military and civilian personnel for wear on the shooting jacket.[1][5][10]
In 1977, the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice (NBPRP) assumed responsibility for the President’s Match from the NRA. Today the CMP manages and awards the President’s Hundred Tab/Brassard to the top 100 shooters in those matches.[5]
In September 2008, the Department of the Army authorized a miniature metal tab to be worn on the new Army Service Uniform. This is a scaled-down replica of the President’s Hundred full-color embroidered tab.[1][7]
In January 2014, the Department of the Air Force, via an update to Air Force Instruction 36-2903, authorized the wear of the President’s Hundred Tab on the Airman Battle Uniform (olive drab version) and the Air Force service uniform(miniature full color replica) through the authorization for Airmen to wear any military badge they have earned given it is worn within uniform regulations.[6][7][11] [12]

See also[edit]

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All About Guns

The Sig Saur in 40 S&W

Image result for The Sig P-226 in 40 S&W
As you have no doubt guessed by now. I up and bought myself a new toy. So I thought that I would share my experiences with it so far.
Now for a while now I wanted another Sig in 9mm. Since my P-220 in 45 ACP was getting very lonely.
Image result for The Sig P-220 in 45 acp
So I went shopping and found out this. That here in the People’s Republic of California. It is easier to find a Trump Supporter in San Francisco. Than it is to find a P-226 in 9mm at a reasonable price.  Surprised huh?
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Image result for california gun control humor
Therefore I had to “settle” for one in 40 S&W. (Life can be so hard at times!)
Anyways here is what I found out at the local noise pollution arena. (The Pistol Range)
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Like the other Sig that I have. It is very well designed & built. It is also almost boring as to how accurate it is. Once you figure out where the piece throws its bullet.
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This pretty close to what my pattern looked like at 20 feet. Honest!
Now about the 40 S&W Round itself.
I found that the round itself basically is a lot like the 45 ACP round. While the recoil was pretty much the same. As was the report too.
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Since it was a Sig. I really can not say anything about accuracy. As up to now. I have not either seen or shot one that was not boringly accurate. Also I have never had one jam on me either.
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But the big problem for me with this round are two fold. As the ammo is not cheap out here! That and sometimes it is very hard to find also.
So I am now seriously debating on if I am going to keep it or not. Time will tell, I guess!
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Comparison of the 40 to other defensive rounds
Image result for 40 S&W
here is some more videos, technical & other Information below!
Thanks for reading this!

.40 S&W

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
.40 S&W

An expanded hollow point bullet (left) and an unfired hollow point .40 S&W cartridge
Type Pistol
Place of origin United States
Production history
Designer Bob Klunk
Designed January 17, 1990
Produced 1990–present
Parent case 10mm Auto
Case type Rimless, Straight
Bullet diameter .400 in (10.2 mm)
Neck diameter .423 in (10.7 mm)
Base diameter .424 in (10.8 mm)
Rim diameter .424 in (10.8 mm)
Rim thickness .055 in (1.4 mm)
Case length .850 in (21.6 mm)
Overall length 1.135 in (28.8 mm)
Case capacity 19.3 gr H2O (1.25 cm3)
Rifling twist 1 in 16 in. (406 mm)
Primer type Small pistol
Maximum pressure 35,000 psi (240 MPa)
Ballistic performance
Bullet mass/type Velocity Energy
10.69 g (165 gr) Federal FMJ 1,130 ft/s (340 m/s) 468 ft·lbf (635 J)
7.45 g (115 gr) Cor-Bon Glaser 1,400 ft/s (430 m/s) 500 ft·lbf (680 J)
10.04 g (155 gr) Federal HST 1,160 ft/s (350 m/s) 463 ft·lbf (628 J)
10.04 g (155 gr) Grizzly JHP 1,250 ft/s (380 m/s) 538 ft·lbf (729 J)
12.96 g (200 gr) Doubletap FMJ FP 1,050 ft/s (320 m/s) 490 ft·lbf (660 J)
Test barrel length: 4 inches (100 mm)
Source(s): [1][2]

The .40 S&W (10×22mm Smith & Wesson in unofficial metric notation) is a rimless pistol cartridge developed jointly by major American firearms manufacturers Smith & Wesson and Winchester.[3] The .40 S&W was developed from the ground up as a law enforcement cartridge designed to duplicate performance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation‘s (FBI) reduced-velocity 10mm Autocartridge which could be retrofitted into medium-frame (9mm size) semi-automatic handguns. It uses 0.40-inch (10 mm) diameter bullets ranging in weight from 105 to 200 grains (6.8 to 13.0 g).[4]


In the aftermath of the 1986 FBI Miami shootout, in which two FBI special agents were killed and five wounded, the FBI started the process of testing 9×19mm Parabellum and .45 ACP ammunition in preparation to replace its standard-issue revolver with a semi-automatic pistol. The semi-automatic pistol offered two advantages over the revolver: 1) increased ammunition capacity and 2) increased ease of reloading during a firefight. The FBI was satisfied with the performance of its .38 Special +P 158 gr (10.2 g) L.S.W.C.H.P. (lead semi-wadcutter hollowpoint) cartridge (“FBI Load”) based on decades of dependable performance. Ammunition for the new semi-automatic pistol had to deliver terminal performance equal or superior to the .38 Special FBI Load. The FBI developed a series of practically oriented tests involving eight test events that they believed reasonably represented the kinds of situations that FBI agents commonly encounter in shooting incidents.[citation needed]
During tests of the 9×19mm and .45 ACP ammunition, the FBI Firearms Training Unit’s Special Agent-in-Charge John Hall decided to include tests of the 10mm cartridge, supplying his personally owned Colt Delta Elite 10mm semi-automatic, and personally handloaded ammunition. The FBI’s tests revealed that a 170–180 gr (11.0–11.7 g) JHP 10mm bullet, propelled between 900–1,000 ft/s (270–300 m/s), achieved desired terminal performance without the heavy recoil associated with conventional 10mm ammunition (1,300–1,400 ft/s (400–430 m/s)). The FBI contacted Smith & Wesson and requested it to design a handgun to FBI specifications, based on the existing large-frame S&W Model 4506 .45 ACP handgun, that would reliably function with the FBI’s reduced-velocity 10mm ammunition. During this collaboration with the FBI, S&W realized that downsizing the 10mm full power to meet the FBI medium velocity specification meant less powder and more airspace in the case. They found that by removing the airspace they could shorten the 10mm case enough to fit within their medium-frame 9mm handguns and load it with a 180 gr (11.7 g) JHP bullet to produce ballistic performance identical to the FBI’s reduced-velocity 10mm cartridge. S&W then teamed with Winchester to produce a new cartridge, the .40 S&W. It uses a small pistol primerwhereas the 10mm cartridge uses a large pistol primer.
The .40 S&W cartridge debuted January 17, 1990, along with the new Smith & Wesson Model 4006 pistol, although it was several months before the pistols were available for purchase. Austrian manufacturer Glock Ges.m.b.H. beat Smith & Wesson to the dealer shelves in 1990, with pistols chambered in .40 S&W (the Glock 22 and Glock 23) which were announced a week before the 4006.[5] Glock’s rapid introduction was aided by its engineering of a pistol chambered in 10mm Auto, the Glock 20, only a short time earlier. Since the .40 S&W uses the same bore diameter and case head as the 10mm Auto, it was merely a matter of adapting the 10mm design to the shorter 9×19mm Parabellum frames. The new guns and ammunition were an immediate success.[6][7]
The .40 S&W case length and overall cartridge length are shortened, but other dimensions except case web and wall thickness remain identical to the 10mm Auto. Both cartridges headspace on the mouth of the case. Thus in a semi-auto they are not interchangeable. Fired from a 10mm semi-auto, the .40 Smith & Wesson cartridge will headspace on the extractor and the bullet will jump a 0.142 inches (3.6 mm) freebore just like a .38 Special fired from a .357 Magnum revolver. If the cartridge is not held by the extractor, the chances for a ruptured primer are great.[8] Smith & Wesson does make a double-action revolver that can fire either at will using moon clips. A single-action revolver in the .38–40 chambering can also be modified to fire the .40 or the 10mm if it has an extra cylinder. Some .40 caliber handguns can be converted to 9mm with a special purpose made barrel, magazine change, and other parts.[9][10]

Cartridge dimensions[edit]

The .40 S&W has 1.25 ml (19.3 grains H2O) cartridge case capacity.
40 S&W maximum C.I.P. cartridge dimensions[2] All sizes in millimeters (mm).
The common rifling twist rate for this cartridge is 406 millimetres (16.0 in), 6 grooves, ∅ lands = 9.91 ;mm, ∅ grooves = 10.17 mm, land width = 3.05 mm and the primer type is small pistol.[4] According to the official C.I.P. guidelines, the .40 S&W case can handle up to 225 megapascals (32,600 psi) piezo pressure. In C.I.P.-regulated countries every pistol/cartridge combo has to be proofed at 130% of this maximum C.I.P. pressure to certify for sale to consumers.
The SAAMI pressure limit for the .40 S&W is set at 241.32 megapascals (35,001 psi) piezo pressure.[11]


.40 S&W Jacketed Flat Point cartridge from the side.

The .40 S&W cartridge has been popular with law enforcement agencies in the United States, Canada, and Australia. While possessing nearly identical accuracy,[12] drift and drop as the 9mm Parabellum, it also has an energy advantage[13] over the 9mm Parabellum[14] and .45 ACP,[15] and with a more manageable recoil than the 10mm Auto cartridge.[6] Marshall & Sanow (and other hydrostatic shock proponents) contend that with good jacketed hollow pointbullets, the more energetic loads for the .40 S&W can also create hydrostatic shock in human-sized living targets.[16][17]
Based on ideal terminal ballistic performance in ordnance gelatin during lab testing in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the .40 S&W earned status as “the ideal cartridge for personal defense and law enforcement”.[7][18] Apart from the imperfect relationship between ordnance gelatin ballistics and actual stopping power, critics pointed to the reduced power of the round compared with the 10mm Auto it was based on. Ballistically the .40 S&W is almost identical to the .38-40 Winchester introduced in 1874, as they share the same bullet diameter and bullet weight, and have similar muzzle velocities.[19] The energy of the .40 S&W exceeds standard-pressure .45 ACP loadings, generating between 350 foot-pounds (470 J) and 500 foot-pounds (680 J) of energy, depending on bullet weight. Both the .40 S&W and the 9mm Parabellum operate at a 35,000 pounds per square inch (240 MPa) SAAMI maximum, compared to a 21,000 pounds per square inch (140 MPa) maximum for .45 ACP.[20]
.40 S&W pistols with standard (not extended) double-stack magazines can hold as many as 16 cartridges. While not displacing the 9mm Parabellum, the .40 S&W is commonly used in law enforcement applications in keeping with its origin with the FBI. Select U.S. special operations units have available the .40 S&W and .45 ACP for their pistols. The United States Coast Guard, having dual duties as maritime law enforcement and military deployments, has adopted the SIG Sauer P229R DAK in .40 S&W as their standard sidearm.
The .40 S&W was originally loaded at subsonic velocity (around 980 ft/s (300 m/s)) with a 180 grains (11.7 g) bullet.[18]Since its introduction, various loads have been created, with the majority being either 155, 165 or 180 gr (10.0, 10.7 or 11.7 g).[21] However, there are some bullets with weights as light as 135 gr (8.7 g) and as heavy as 200 gr (13.0 g).[22]Cor-Bon and Winchester both offer a 135 gr (8.7 g) JHP and Cor-Bon also offers a 140 gr (9.1 g) Barnes XPB hollow-point. Double Tap Ammo, based out of Cedar City, Utah loads a 135 gr (8.7 g) Nosler JHP, a 155 gr (10.0 g), 165 gr (10.7 g) and 180 gr (11.7 g) Speer Gold Dot hollow-point (marketed as “Bonded Defense”), a 180 gr (11.7 g) Hornady XTP JHP, and three different 200 gr (13.0 g) loads included a 200 gr (13 g) Full Metal Jacket (FMJ), a 200 gr (13 g) Hornady XTP JHP and Double Tap’s own 200 gr (13 g) WFNGC (Wide Flat Nose Gas Check) hard cast lead bullet; the latter specifically designed for hunting and woods carry applications.

Case failure reports[edit]

Beretta 96 Feed Ramp

The .40 S&W has been noted in a number of cartridge case failures, particularly in older Glock pistols due to the relatively large area of unsupported case head in those barrels, given its high working pressure.[23][24] The feed ramp on the Glock .40 S&W pistols is larger than on other Glocks, which leaves the rear bottom of the case unsupported, and it is in this unsupported area that the cases fail. Most, but not all, of the failures have occurred with reloaded or remanufactured ammunition.[25] Cartridges loaded at or above the SAAMI pressure, or slightly oversized cases which fire slightly out of battery are often considered to be the cause of these failures,[25] which are commonly referred to as “kaBooms” or “kB!” for short.[25] While these case failures do not often injure the person holding the pistol, the venting of high pressure gas tends to eject the magazine out of the magazine well in a spectacular fashion, and usually destroys the pistol. In some cases, the barrel will also fail, blowing the top of the chamber off.


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All About Guns

M3 and M3A1 Grease Gun SMGs


M3 and M3A1 Grease Gun SMGs

Inline image 1

  When the last big misunderstanding between the Allies & The Axis broke out. (WWII 1939-45 AD) Most Armies were not even aware of the up coming firepower race that was heading their way.
  Since all of the Major Powers except of the USA. Were basically armed with your standard Bolt Action Rifle and your basic machine guns.  All of whom were pretty much the same.
As you can see most WWI veterans would, could, did easily transition back into service. When it came time to issue them their rifles.
Inline image 2
This is what was basically both sides started out with.
The Thompson MG for the Allies
Inline image 4
The Germans & Italians with this
The MP 40
Inline image 5
& The Italian Sub MG Beretta 38a
Inline image 6
Both of which were fine guns that performed very well indeed.
   Now take a gander at this. This what almost every Army had by the end of the War. When it came to the subject of Submachine Guns.
  As you can see. They were a whole lot of them. That and they were fairly liberally issued out. Especially with the Russians. But more on that on a later entry.
Inline image 3
  Now let us get the the “Grease Gun”.  America was as usual was not up to snuff when it came to Arms at this time. But this would change after this war. After we became the Arsenal of Democracy then massive Gun Dealer to the world
  So we turned to Detroit to save our butts. Where the best & the brightest worked at the time. They then came up was a rather ingenious toy. That was cheap, easy to make and got the job done.
  Everything that the Thompson Submachine Gun wasn’t.
(I have shot both of these guns by the way. The Thompson is like a Cadillac. I.E. Classy and practically handbuilt. It was truly a real joy to shoot by the way.
  The M-3 is a like VW Bug. Hey it’s ugly but it’s cheap and will get you from point A to point B. Get the picture? But none the less. It also was a lot of fun to shoot !)
Inline image 7
  Unlike the classic Thompson. While its is an excellent gun and a lot of fun to shoot. It takes a lot longer and a lot more machining and skill to build one. Which really jacks up the price too.
  Now this piece is not as accurate as the Thompson. But it will get the job done. Especially when you have to clean out a room, trench or say a bunker.
  When my Dad was in very early days of the Korean War. He carried this the M-3a as his weapon of choice. The reason being that as it was the best option at the time. (He also could not find a Thompson to steal either)
    Now also if you take into consideration that this was a “Temporary” weapon. It still served a very long time. As I can testify. Because in 1988, I qualified on it at the National Training Center at Ft Irwin with my Guard Unit.
   In closing. All in all, I think that for once the US Taxpayer got his money’s worth out of this gun.
Here now is some more & better information below
 This is a good and fairly cheap book by the way. I got mine on Amazon.
Inline image 8

M3 submachine gun

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Submachine Gun, Cal. .45, M3

World War II-era Guide Lamp M3 submachine gun with 30-round magazine and other accessories. The Buffalo Arms bolt in this original M3 is dated January 1944.
Type Submachine gun
Place of origin United States
Service history
In service 1943–1992 (US) Philippines (revived 2004)
Production history
Designer George Hyde
Designed 1942
Manufacturer General Motors, others
Unit cost Approx. USD $15 (1943; equivalent to $208 in 2016)[5]
Produced 1943–1945
No. built 622,163;
606,694 M3
15,469 M3A1
  • M3A1
  • PAM1
  • PAM2
  • M3 (empty): 8.15 lb (3.70 kg)
  • M3A1 (empty): 7.95 lb (3.61 kg)
Length 29.8 in (760 mm) stock extended / 22.8 in (579.1 mm) stock collapsed
Barrel length 8 in (203.2 mm)

Action Blowbackopen bolt
Rate of fire 450 rounds/min cyclic
Muzzle velocity 920 ft/s (280 m/s)
Effective firing range Sights fixed to 100 yards (91 m)[6]
Feed system 30-round detachable box magazine
Sights Fixed rear peep sight and blade foresight, calibrated to 100 yards for caliber .45 M1911 ball ammunition[6]

The M3 was an American .45-caliber submachine gun adopted for U.S. Army service on 12 December 1942, as the United States Submachine Gun, Cal. .45, M3.[6] The M3 was chambered for the same .45 round fired by the Thompson submachine gun, but was cheaper to produce, and lighter, although, contrary to popular belief, it was far less accurate.[6] This myth stems from a US army training film portraying the M3 as more accurate than its counterparts.[7] The M3 was commonly referred to as the “Grease Gun” or simply “the Greaser,” owing to its visual similarity to the mechanic’s tool.[8]
Intended as a replacement for the .45-caliber Thompson series of submachine guns, the M3 began to replace the Thompson in first-line service in mid-1944. Due to delays caused by production issues and approved specification changes, the M3 saw limited combat use in World War II and the M3A1 none.[6] The M3A1 was used in the Korean War and later conflicts.


M3 in use in Brittany, France, August 1944

In 1941, the U.S. Army Ordnance Board observed the effectiveness of submachine guns employed in Western Europe, particularly the German 9×19mm MP 40 and British Sten guns, and initiated a study to develop its own Sten-type submachine gun in October 1942.[8]The Ordnance Department requested the army submit a list of requirements for the new weapon, and ordnance in turn received a separate list of requirements from both the infantry and cavalry branches for a shoulder-fired weapon with full- or semi-automatic fire capability in caliber .45 ACP or .30 Carbine.[6]
The two lists of requirements received by ordnance were then reviewed and amended by officials at Aberdeen Proving Ground. The amended requirement called for an all-metal weapon of sheet metal construction[9] in .45 ACP caliber, designed for fast and inexpensive production with a minimum of machining, and featuring a dual full-automatic and semi-automatic fire capability, a heavy bolt to keep the cyclic rate under 500rpm, and the ability to place 90 percent of all shots fired from a standing position in full-automatic mode on a 6×6 foot target at a range of 50 yards.[6] The benchmark for testing the M3’s performance would be the M1928A1 Thompson.[6]
George Hyde of General Motors‘s Inland Division was given the task of designing the new weapon, while Frederick Sampson, Inland Division’s chief engineer, was responsible for preparing and organizing tooling for production. The original T15 specifications of 8 October 1942 were altered to remove a semi-automatic fire function, as well as to permit installation of a kit to convert the weapon’s original .45 caliber to that of 9mm Parabellum.[6] The new designation for the 9mm/.45 full-automatic-only weapon was the T20.[6]
Five prototype models of the .45 T20 and five 9mm conversion kits were built by General Motors for testing. At the initial military trials, the T20 successfully completed its accuracy trials with a score of 97 out of 100.[6] In the endurance test, the test weapon fired more than 5,000 rounds of brass-case ammunition, with only two failures to feed.[6] Four army test boards composed of multiple army service branches independently tested and reviewed the T-20 prototype weapons including the Airborne Command, the Amphibious Warfare Board, the Infantry Board, and the Armored Forces Board.[6] All four branches reported malfunctions caused by the M3 magazine, mostly attributed to defective or jammed magazine followers.[6]
The T20 was formally approved by U.S. Army Ordnance for production at GM’s Guide Lamp Division in Anderson, Indiana in December 1942 as the U.S. Submachine Gun, Caliber .45, M3.[6] Guide Lamp produced 606,694 of the M3 variant submachine gun between 1943 and 1945.[6] Although reports of malfunctions caused by the single-feed magazine design appeared during the initial firing trials, no changes were made to the M3 magazine.[6]
Around one thousand M3 submachine guns in caliber 9mm Parabellum were built by Guide Lamp.[10] These original 9mm guns, identified by the markings “U.S. 9 mm S.M.G.” on the left side of the magazine well (without any model designation, such as M3), were delivered to the OSS in 1944. Additionally, Rock Island Arsenal and Buffalo Arms Corporation manufactured parts for a limited number of 9mm conversion kits for the M3.[11] Though 25,000 kits were originally requested for procurement, this was changed to a recommendation by the Ordnance Committee in December 1943 that only 500 9mm conversion kits be obtained.[11] Procurement was authorized in February 1944, but it is believed that only a limited number of kits were actually produced.[11] These conversion kits included a new 9mm barrel, replacement bolt and recoil springs, a magazine well adapter for use with British Sten gun 32-round magazines, and a replacement 9mm Sten magazine of British manufacture.[11] As the M3’s sights were not altered for the new cartridge, the 9mm M3 shot high at 100 yards, but the sighting error was deemed inconsequential. The OSS also requested approximately 1,000 .45-caliber M3 submachine guns with an integral sound suppressor (designed by Bell Laboratories). Specially drilled barrels and barrel nuts were manufactured by Guide Lamp, while the High Standard Firearms Company produced the internal components and assembled the weapon.[12] The Bell Laboratories suppressor was estimated to be only 80% as efficient as the British suppressed STEN Mk IIS.[13]
With its stamped, riveted, and welded construction, the M3 was originally designed as a minimum-cost small arm, to be used and discarded once it became inoperative.[14][15] As such, replacement parts, weapon-specific tools, and sub-assemblies were not made available to unit-, depot-, or ordnance-level commands at the time of the M3’s introduction to service.[16][17] In 1944, a shortage of M3 submachine guns created by the need for interim production changes forced U.S. Army Ordnance workshops to fabricate pawl springs and other parts to keep existing weapons operational.[14][18]
After its introduction to service, reports of unserviceability of the M3 commenced in February 1944 with stateside units in training, who reported early failure of the cocking handle/bolt retraction mechanism on some weapons.[6] Similar reports later came from U.S. forces in Britain who were issued the M3.[6] An investigation revealed several deficiencies in the construction of the M3’s bolt retraction mechanism, together with issues concerning barrel removal and retention as well as easily bent rear sights.[6] As a result, several product improvements were incorporated into all new M3 production, including a new design retracting pawl with improved heat treatment, a new spring stop fitted to the right-hand brace of the retracting lever, a modified ejector featuring a cocking lever trip, a larger ratchet pad with improved heat treatment to more securely retain the barrel assembly, and strengthening gussets fitted to the sides of the fixed ‘L’ rear sight.[6] After new complaints were raised about accidental magazine releases and failure of the wire buttstock to remain in place in the collapsed position, two additional changes were made to M3 production and approved by Ordnance on 31 August 1944.[6]This included a small sheet metal guard around the magazine release button, and the inclusion of a stop between the two rods forming the wire stock at the butt end.[6]
In December 1944, in response to field requests for further improvements to the basic M3 design, an improved, simplified variant of the M3 was introduced, the M3A1. 15,469 M3A1 submachine guns were produced before the end of World War II.[6]
It was originally hoped that the M3 could be produced in numbers sufficient to cancel future orders for the Thompson submachine gun, and to allow the army to gradually withdraw the more expensive Thompson from front-line service. However, due to unforeseen production delays and requests for modifications, the M3 never fully replaced the Thompson during World War II, and purchases of the Thompson continued until February 1944. A total of 622,163 M3/M3A1 submachine guns of all types were assembled by the end of World War II, by which time the Thompson, at over 1.5 million guns produced, outnumbered the M3 and M3A1 in service by a factor of nearly three to one.[6] The M3A1 did not see combat in World War II, but was used in Korea and Vietnam.[citation needed]
The M3 and M3A1 were largely withdrawn from U.S. frontline service beginning in 1959 and into the early 1960s, but continued to be used until the mid-1990s as on vehicle equipment aboard armored vehicles. During the mid 1970s tank drivers of the 1st Battalion 67th Armored attached to the 2nd Armored Division were issued the M3A1, because of its size and portability.[citation needed] During the Gulf War, drivers of the 19th Engineer Battalion attached to the 1st Armored Division were equipped with the M3A1 as part of their vehicle TOE.[citation needed] It was also the initial submachine gun equipping the Delta Force who prized it for its impressively quiet performance when equipped with a silencer.[19]

Design details[edit]

The M3 was an automatic, air-cooled blowback-operated weapon that fired from an open bolt. Constructed of plain .060-in. thick sheet steel, the M3 receiver was stamped in two halves that were then welded together.[6] The M3 was striker-fired, with a fixed firing pin contained inside the bolt. The bolt was drilled longitudinally to support two parallel guide rods, upon which were mounted twin return (recoil) springs. This configuration allowed for larger machining tolerances while providing operating clearance in the event of dust, sand, or mud ingress.[20] The M3 featured a spring-loaded extractorwhich was housed inside the bolt head, while the ejector was located in the trigger group.[21] Like the British Sten, time and expense was saved by cold-swaging the M3’s barrel.[6]

Operating mechanism[edit]

A diagram of the M3 illustrating function.

The M3 operating sequence is as follows: the bolt is cocked to the rear using the cocking handle located on the right side of the ejector housing. When the trigger is pulled, the bolt is driven forward by the recoil springs, stripping a round from the feed lips of the magazine and guiding the round into the chamber. The bolt then continues forward and the firing pin strikes the cartridge primer, igniting the round, resulting in a high-pressure impulse, forcing the bolt back against the resistance of the recoil springs and the inertial mass of the bolt. By the time the bolt and empty casing have moved far enough to the rear to open the chamber, the bullet has left the barrel and pressure in the barrel has dropped to a safe level. The M3’s comparatively low cyclic rate was a function of the relatively low pressure generated by the .45 ACP round, a heavy bolt, and recoil springs with a lighter-than-normal compression rate.[citation needed]


M3 receiver markings

The gun used metal stamping and pressingspot welding and seam weldingextensively in its construction, reducing the number of man-hours required to assemble a unit. Only the barrel, bolt and firing mechanism were precision machined. The receiver consisted of two sheet metal halves welded together to form a cylinder. At the front end was a knurled metal cap which was used to retain the removable barrel. The cold-swaged, rifled barrel had 4 right-hand grooves. M3 and M3A1 submachine guns could be fitted with an optional, detachable flash hider, though none saw any service in World War II.[22] A later production flash hider designated Hider, Flash M9 was produced in time to see service during the Korean War. It proved popular in combat, as frequent night engagements emphasized the need to reduce flash signatures on small arms. In Korea, U.S. soldiers equipped with automatic weapons were taught to look above the flash of their weapon during night firing, a tactic that sometimes prevented the detection of crawling enemy infiltrators and sappers.[citation needed]
Projecting to the rear was a one-piece wire stock made from a formed steel rod that telescoped into tubes on both sides of the receiver. Both ends of the stock were tapped and drilled so that it could be used as a cleaning rod. It could also be used as a disassembly tool or as a wrench used to unscrew the barrel cap.[citation needed]
The M3’s cocking handle assembly was located on the right-hand side of the receiver on the ejector housing, just forward and above the trigger, and consisted of nine parts.[20] As the handle is pulled to the rear, a pawl rises to engage a notch in the bottom of the bolt, pushing the bolt to the rear until it locked back on the sear.
The fixed sights consisted of a rear aperture sight preset for firing at 100 yards (approximately 91 m) and a front blade foresight. All M3 submachine guns were test-fired for accuracy at a distance of 100 feet (30 m).[6] With the sights set at six-o’clock on a bullseye target, each gun was required to keep four out of five shots within or cut the edge of a three-inch (76 mm) bulls’ eye to meet accuracy requirements.[6]
The weapon’s only safety was the hinged ejection port dust cover. This cover had a projection on the underside that engaged a notch on the bolt, locking it in either its forward or rearmost positions. The M3 had no mechanical means of disabling the trigger, and the insertion of a loaded magazine would load the gun. With receiver walls made of relatively thin-gauge sheet metal, the M3/M3A1 were subject to disabling damage if dropped on an open dust cover – the covers bent easily, negating the safety feature. Dropping the gun on a sharp or hard surface could dent the receiver enough to bind the bolt.[citation needed]
The M3/M3A1’s 30-round magazine was the source of complaints throughout the service life of the weapon.[23][24] Unlike the Thompson, the M3 fed from a double-column, single-feed detachable box magazine which held 30 rounds and was patterned after the British Sten magazine; the single-feed design proved difficult to load by hand, and was more easily jammed by mud, dust, and dirt than double-column, double-feed designs like the Thompson.[25] Additionally, the feed lips of the single-feed design proved more susceptible to feed malfunctions when slightly bent or damaged. Plastic dust caps were later issued to cover the feed end of the magazine and keep out dust as well as protect the sensitive feed lips.[citation needed]



In December 1944, a modernized version of the M3 known as the M3A1 was introduced into service, with all parts except the bolt, housing assembly, and receiver interchangeable with those of the M3. The M3A1 had several improvements:

  • Most significantly eliminating the troublesome crank-type cocking lever assembly, replaced by a recessed cocking slot machined into the top front portion of the bolt, letting it be cocked by putting a finger into the cocking slot and pulling back the bolt.
  • The retracting pawl notch was removed, and a clearance slot for the cover hinge rivets was added.
  • The ejection port and its cover were lengthened to allow the bolt to be drawn back far enough to be engaged by the sear.
  • The safety lock was moved further to the rear on the cover.
  • To make loading the single-feed magazine easier, a magazine loading tool was welded to the wire stock; it also served as a cleaning rod stop.
  • The barrel bushing received two flat cuts that helped in barrel removal by using the stock as a wrench.
  • The barrel ratchet was redesigned to provide a longer depressing level for easier disengagement from the barrel collar.
  • The spare lubricant clip (on the left side of the cocking lever assembly) was removed, replaced with an oil reservoir and an oiler in the pistol grip of the receiver assembly. The stylus on the oiler cap could also double as a drift to remove the extractor pin.

At 7.95 pounds empty, the M3A1 was slightly lighter than the M3, at 8.15 pounds empty, primarily due to the simplified cocking mechanism.[6] The M3A1 was formally approved for production on 21 December 1944.[6]
The M3A1 modifications resulted in a more reliable, lighter weight, easier to maintain, and easier to field strip submachine gun; the original M3 needed both the trigger guard removed and the cocking crank assembly detached from the receiver housing before unscrewing the barrel, but the M3A1 only required the user unscrew the barrel. To date, only one 9mm conversion kit for the M3A1 has been discovered.[11]
Because it had already been issued in large numbers, the existing M3 magazine design was retained, despite demonstrated deficiencies exposed during the weapon’s firing trials and its early combat service.[24] In an effort to improve reliability, a hard plastic Tenite cap designated T2 was adopted in November 1944 to fit over the feed lips of loaded magazines.[25] These caps protected the feed lips while keeping out dirt, sand, and debris.[26] Sometime during the 1960s the hard T2 plastic cap was replaced in service with one of pliant neoprene rubber, which could be removed with less noise.[27] Unfortunately, during service in the humid climate of Vietnam it was discovered that the rubber cap caused rust to form on the covered portion of the magazine, while causing loaded ammunition to corrode.[27]
Initially, M3 submachine guns returned for repair were not upgraded to the M3A1 standard, but merely inspected to ensure they had the improved M3 housing assembly and magazine release shield.[28] During the Korean War, existing M3 guns in service were converted to the improved M3A1 configuration using additional new production parts.[29] During the conversion, armorers frequently removed the M3 cocking handle, leaving the rest of the now-redundant cocking mechanism inside the subframe.[30] Overall, the M3A1 was seen by most soldiers and Ordnance technicians as an improvement over the M3. However, complaints of accidental discharge continued to occur even as late as the Korean War.[30] These incidents were sometimes caused by dropping the weapon on a hard surface with an impact sufficient to knock open the ejection port cover and propel the bolt backwards (but not enough to catch the sear). The return springs would then propel the bolt forward to pick up a cartridge from the magazine and carry it into the chamber, where the bolt’s fixed firing pin struck the primer upon contact.[30][31]
In 1945, the Guide Lamp factory manufactured 15,469 M3A1 submachine guns before production contracts were canceled with the end of the war. During the Korean WarIthaca Gun Co built another 33,000 complete guns as well as manufacturing thousands of parts for the repair and rebuilding of existing M3 and M3A1 weapons.[32]

Foreign variants and derivatives[edit]

P.A.M. 1 & 2 (Argentina)[edit]

In 1954, a variant of the U.S. M3A1 submachine gun was designed at the Argentine FMAP (Fábrica Militar de Armas Portátiles) factory in the city of Rosario and put into production the following year as the P.A.M. 1 (Pistola Ametrelladora Modelo 1).[33][34] Constructed of somewhat thinner-gauge steel than the U.S. M3A1, the P.A.M. 1 was in essence a 7/8 scale replica of the U.S. weapon in 9mm Parabellum caliber,[35] but was lighter[36] and had a higher rate of fire. This was due to an incomplete transfer of all details to Argentina.[37] In service, the P.A.M. 1’s thinner sheet steel receiver tended to overheat with extended firing, while the gun itself proved somewhat more difficult to control in automatic fire despite the smaller caliber. Additionally, triggering the weapon to fire individual shots proved difficult owing to the increased rate of fire. Problems with accidental discharges and accuracy with the P.A.M. 1 led to an improved selective-fire version with a grip safety on the magazine housing known as the P.A.M. 2, first introduced in 1963.[37]
Colloquially referred to as La Engrasadora (the Greaser), 47,688 P.A.M. 1 and P.A.M. 2 submachine guns were produced between 1955 and 1972. A number of P.A.M. 1 and P.A.M. 2 submachine guns were used by the Argentine Army during the Falkland Islands War with the United Kingdom in 1982, and captured examples were tested by British military forces.[38]

Type 36 & 37 (China)[edit]

The Type 36 is a direct clone of the M3A1, manufactured in 1947 at the Shenyang Arsenal in Mukden.[39] It resembles a M3A1, except that it has no flats to allow the use of a wrench for easy removal and it has no oil bottle trap in the pistol grip.[39] Its parts are not interchangeable with the M3A1.[39]
10,000 Type 36s were made before they were obtained by pro-Communist forces in 1949.[39]
The Type 37 is a direct clone of the 9mm-chambered M3, made at the 60th Jinling Arsenal near Nanking.[39] Production continued in Taiwan as the Type 39, a successor to the Type 37.[39]


Philippine Naval Special Warfare Group members conduct interdiction training with the U.S. Coast Guard in Cebu City, 2009. Two of them are armed with M3s.

Well I thought it was funny!

Haven't we all met Somebody like this once in our lives?

Image result for sorry I can't hear you over my awesomeness army funny memes


Firearm Heresy & Blasphemy

Image result for burning at the stake
Well here goes nothing and I suppose there will be a crowd in front of my house soon . Equipped with Torches, pitchforks, Tar. Feathers & of course a rail ready to go. But I have had a good life. So here we go.

Image result for tar & feathers
  I am not a fan of the Colt 1873 Single action Army Revolver. Now I know that saying this is almost Treason and a threat to Society / the Youth of America.
  I am also sure that the Beloved Skeeter Skelton is rising from his grave. As is The Duke, General Patton and Randolph Scott who are on their way to my hiding spot for a good Neck Tie / Lynching party.
Image result for John wayne with a saa
Image result for General patton with a saa
  But before the Army of the Dead descend upon me. here are a few words for my defense of this statement of mine.
   The Colt Single Action Army is a very old design. Especially if you included some of the earlier models of revolving colt. We are then talking about 140 plus years. So this is no spring chicken of a pistol.
  Next it can only safely carry 5 rounds. Especially with the older models of Colt. As a wise man will rests the long firing pin on a empty cylinder. Remember the old rule. Load one round and then skip the next.
  Otherwise if you drop it or have something heavy hits the hammer. There is a good chance that a large chunk of lead is going to be doing some unsupervised flying around. Which usually not a good idea.
  The next issue that comes to mind is the relative over all strength of this pistol. Especially since I have seen examples of blown up ones, Which were due to either a plugged barrel of some sort or a overcharged / badly reloaded ammo round.
Image result for colt saa that blow up
 You know that had to hurt and I am very sure that it left a mark on some poor soul.
  Another thing that comes to mind also is the issue of reloading Now I know that I am spoiled rotten. Especially since I got my Sig Saur. As of today, when I run low on ammo, Well I just hit the magazine release and insert another magazine.
  On the other hand. You have to eject each and every spent cartridge, Then cycle the cylinder and reload each chamber with a fresh round. Now just imagine doing that all the while some body is trying heir best to kill you.
  That is why the smart guys either had a shotgun or a lever action rifle with them. When they expected trouble of some sort, Even today Cops keep a riot shotgun in their squad car for just this reason.
  But the thing that really gets me hot at night is the on going price war of buying one of these guns.Now do not get me wrong on this. I understand a few things. Like the following
* They are not making them any more (Colt S.A.A.)
* They were never cheap in the 1st place
* Every Kid from the Bloomers and beyond have seen a huge number of Westerns on the TV, Internet, Netflix etc etc.
* The price of labor and steel are sky high
* It also takes a lot of skilled Labor to make one of these
But if I am going to spend this kind of money. Sorry but I would buy a nice Colt Python instead of a SAA. Because I can get a better pattern with the Snake gun than I can with the SAA.
  But the last and biggest problem withe the SAA is the sights. Now I have owned a couple of Colt Single Actions 1st generation. I have also either owned & or fired the Ruger’s and a few Italian Copies a couple of times.
 However I have never been able to get a pattern smaller than a dinner plate nor could the Son & Heir. Who is a hell of a lot better shooter.  Because of the huge front sight. Which if you want to adjust your point of impact. One has to take a file to it in order to move your zero.
***Useful information / hint when buying an Old SAA 1st Generation.***
 Check out the front sight to see if someone has done an correcting. If not you either have an untouched gun or someone has swapped barrels on it.
Image result for colt saa
Image result for colt saa
Image result for colt saa
Gear & Stuff

On making your Guns Safer

I found this article on the net & since it’s better written than I could write. I thought I would share it with you!
Enjoy                                                                                           Grumpy
Image result for grumpy old guy
G&A Basics: How to Store Your Gun

by B. Gil Horman   |  October 16th, 201211 Comments

Modern firearms are powerful tools that experienced shooters understand need to be treated with respect. While a gun is in use, we carefully follow a set of common sense rules to keep everyone safe. But how do we practice firearms safety when the shooting or hunting sessions are over? Most of the guns folks own will spend the majority of their working life at rest, placed in one state of storage or another, until the next shooting event. Since they remain powerful tools between trips to the range, it’s very important to store them properly.

A wide variety of safe gun storage accessories and containers are currently available. However, there is no universal solution to fill every role, or to fit every budget. Safe storage options are intended to perform one or more of the following tasks, which they do with varying degrees of effectiveness depending on how much money you’re willing to spend:
1. Prevent a gun from firing
2. Protect a gun from physical damage
3. Act as a theft deterrent
It’s much easier to consider the pros and cons of each storage system when they can be compared side by side. The following discussion is a walkthrough of the most common safe gun storage options, starting with the least expensive:
Trigger Locks ($0-$15):
Trigger locks fulfill a single safe gun storage objective: Prevent the gun from firing. Most new guns now arrive from the manufacturer with a trigger lock of some kind or other in the box. Trigger shoes clamp and lock around the trigger housing to prevent the trigger from being pressed. They should not be engaged on a loaded gun because they come in contact with the trigger as they are installed and removed. Cable locks allow the shooter to run cable through the barrel or action of a firearm. Since the cable blocks the action from being closed, the gun cannot be loaded or fired with the cable lock in place.
If these two lock options are not available, a simple household padlock can be looped over the trigger guard with the hasp set behind the trigger. This will prevent the trigger from completing a firing cycle. Although trigger locks are inexpensive (or even free), and can successfully prevent a gun from firing, they do nothing to protect the gun’s finish or to deter theft.
Soft-Side and Hard-Side Gun Cases ($10- $150):
Most sporting goods stores have entire aisles dedicated to affordable handgun, rifle, and shotgun cases. The options available range from padded fabric sleeves to rugged foam-lined plastic cases. The primary role of this kind of affordable carry case is to protect guns from physical damage. While they do a good job of preventing dings and scratches, their role as a security device is relatively limited.
Most soft and hard side cases can be “legally” locked for transport to and from the shooting range (check your local regulations). This could be a luggage lock through a soft case’s zipper pull, or a padlock through the handles of a hard case. This security system may be enough to keep small children out as well. However, the materials these cases are made of are easily defeated by ordinary edged implements. These low-cost cases also have a low theft deterrence value since they are light and easy to move. They have to be hidden or locked inside of another container to protect them from theft.
Strong Boxes and Metallic Gun Cases ($25 – $350):
In an effort to strike a balance between the security offered by a locking gun cabinet and the portability of a gun case, several companies offer portable strong boxes and metallic gun cases. Metal gun cases usually incorporate a reliable locking system or the means to attach heavy padlocks. Strong boxes, usually intended for handguns, offer mounting systems for permanent attachment to a fixed surface. Some boxes are fitted with quick-opening locking mechanisms, including electronic push-button access and fingerprint scanners.
Strong boxes and metallic gun cases are the first products discussed so far that start to fill all three mandates of a safe gun storage device. They can effectively protect against unauthorized access because of the difficulty in opening these units without a key or lock combination. These containers will effectively protect a gun’s finish from damage. And, if they can be attached or locked to a fixed object or surface, they offer some level of theft deterrence. But with features to fill all three mandates, the price starts to go up. It may be necessary to purchase batteries or extra mounting hardware to take advantage of all the storage device’s available features.
Locking Steel Gun Cabinets ($150 – $450):
Remember that grand wooden gun display case that your great-uncle had in his den? Looking through the engraved glass panes of the double doors, you could see his beautiful vintage shotgun collection. Sometimes he would retrieve that little brass key to open the doors so you could get a better look. While this kind of locking gun cabinet looks wonderful, it does not offer any truly viable level of safe gun storage, accept against small children. To secure firearms, a locking steel gun cabinet is a more secure choice.
Cabinets differ from gun safes in several respects. They follow a less-is-more design. The thinner gauge of steel, a simple locking mechanism, and the lack of fire-proofing insulation greatly reduces the cost. Because they are light enough to be safely carried by one or two people, they can be set up in apartment buildings or second-floor rooms where a gun safe would simply be too heavy or difficult to install.
Cabinets are a big step up from metallic gun cases or strong boxes when it comes to storing multiple firearms. They offer a much larger storage capacity and more configuration options. Cabinets can be securely bolted to a wall or to the floor. However, they do not offer the same level of theft deterrence as a gun safe. If you have the cash for a high-end cabinet, and the room to store it, you may want to spend a little more and purchase an economy-line gun safe.
Gun Safes ($500 – $2,500+):
Simply stated, gun safes are the most secure gun storage option available to the average gun owner. Even the basic units have terrific advantages over any of the other gun storage units described so far. A locked safe will definitely prevent a gun from being handled or loaded. The upholstered interior and built-in gun racks will help to protect the finish of the firearms while allowing air to circulate. And, best of all, they are an effective theft deterrent.
Much like automobiles or personal computers, gun safes are available with a wide variety of features, locking systems, and finishes, all of which affect the bottom line cost of the unit. These cost-changing features include the gauge (or thickness) of the steel used to construct the safe, the strength and reliability of the locking mechanism, the level of fire resistance (if any), the extent of the warranty, shelf and rack configuration options, as well as the color and quality options for the exterior finish.
Because all gun safes are relatively expensive (compared to other gun storage options) it makes sense to consider what you want very carefully before you buy. First-time safe buyers should be careful to avoid two common, but serious, mistakes. The first thing to avoid is buying a safe that’s too small. A unit that’s a perfect fit for your collection today may not serve your needs in ten years. A bit more expense up front may save you the trouble of changing out or adding a second safe down the road.
The second mistake is waiting too long to buy one. Yes, gun safes are big, heavy, difficult to install, and expensive to pay for. But they are well worth the trouble if you have a gun collection you care about. How do you know it’s time to invest in a gun safe? If the guns you have are worth more (sentimentally as well as financially) than the cost of the least expensive safe you would be willing to purchase, then it’s time to start shopping for one.

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All About Guns

Just Reach out & touch Someone!

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  Now when a Company Grade Officer  or Non Com is in a combat zone. And when they are asked on what could really make them happy. One way would be to give them a M2 Browning Heavy Machine gun.

  As usually this will make them smile almost as much as a bottle of good booze or a friendly lady with easy morals. I will now try to explain this phenomenon.
Image result for happy looking officer in a combat zone
  Ever since it came into service just after the First World War. Since then it has been in Harm’s way. In almost every war or campaign during the rest of the past 100 years soon.
Image result for early m2 heavy machine gun
Nice haircut for a SNCO huh?
Today in the field
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 Now here is my brief experiences with it. The gun is a massive chunk of steel.  As it just it just seems to scream that it is a classic industrial revolution piece. So you do not just pick it up and move it easily.
Inline image 8
Seriously looking for a hernia huh Son?
  It is also willing & able to take a bite out of the distracted operator. Especially when you slam forward the bolt. As it will take off the finger of idiot that gets their hand in the way.
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  You also need some serious upper body strength to aim this beast. Because if you don’t. You are not going hit anything on purpose.
Especially when it mounted on a track or truck mount.
especially like here
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or here
Inline image 7
  Now for the good news. If you do your part right. The gun will more than keep up its end of the bargain. Since any target hit by one of these rounds that are on steroids. Is going to be in a world of hurt.
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  Also if you hear one. You will know it real fast as it has a very distinct and reassuring noise / roar of its own.
  So if you want to shoot up say a truck, plane or Radar Station. Then this is the round that should come to mind. Also it is an excellent really long range round. If you want to seriously annoy somebody say a mile away.
   My Dad told me of some guys at the Punchbowl in Korea. When they had mounted a civilian rifle scope on one.
  They then proceeded to shoot at the Chinese at over a mile away. He said that it was a huge surprise to them while they were eating their lunch in the open.
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Now here is ome more information about this Monster of a gun. Check out the list of who uses it. Its pretty impressive to say the least.

M2 Browning

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, HB
Browning M2 "Ma Deuce"

M2HB heavy machine gun
Type Heavy machine gun
Place of origin United States
Service history
In service 1933–present
Used by See Users
Wars World War II
Indonesian National Revolution
Korean War
First Indochina War
Suez Crisis
Portuguese Colonial War
Vietnam War
Six-Day War
Iran-Iraq war
Yom Kippur War
Lebanese Civil War
Colombian Internal Conflict
Cambodian Civil War
Cambodian-Vietnamese War
Falklands War
South African Border War
Invasion of Grenada
Bougainville Civil War[1]
Invasion of Panama
Persian Gulf War
Somali Civil War
Yugoslav Wars
Kosovo War
War in Afghanistan[2]
Iraq War
Mexican Drug War
Syrian Civil War[3]
Iraqi Civil War (2014-present)[4]
Yemeni Civil War (2015–present)[5]
Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen[6]
Conflict in Najran, Jizan and Asir
Production history
Designer John M. Browning
Designed 1918[7]
Manufacturer Current: General Dynamics, Fabrique Nationale, U.S. Ordnance, and Manroy Engineering (UK)
Former: Sabre Defence Industries, Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Company, High Standard Company, Savage Arms Corporation, Buffalo Arms Corporation, General Motors Corporation (Frigidaire, AC Spark Plug, Saginaw Steering, and Brown-Lipe-Chappin Divisions), Kelsey Hayes Wheel Company, Springfield Armory, Wayne Pump Company, ERMCO, and Ramo Manufacturing, Rock Island Arsenal
Produced 1921–present (M2HB)
No. built 3 million[8]
Weight 38 kg (83.78 lb)
58 kg (127.87 lb) with tripodand T&E
Length 1,654 mm (65.1 in)
Barrel length 1,143 mm (45.0 in)

Cartridge .50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO)
Action Short recoil-operated
Rate of fire 450-600 rounds/min (M2HB)[9][10]
750–850 rounds/min (AN/M2)
1,200-1,300 rounds/min (AN/M3)
Muzzle velocity 2,910 ft/s (890 m/s) for M33 ball
Effective firing range 1,800 m (2,000 yd)[9]
Maximum firing range 2,500 m (2,700 yd)
Feed system Belt-fed (M2 or M9 links)

The M2 Machine Gun or Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun is a heavy machine gun designed toward the end of World War I by John Browning. Its design is similar to Browning’s earlier M1919 Browning machine gun, which was chambered for the .30-06 cartridge. The M2 uses the much larger and much more powerful .50 BMG cartridge, which was developed alongside and takes its name from the gun itself (BMG standing for Browning Machine Gun). It has been referred to as “Ma Deuce”,[11] in reference to its M2 nomenclature. The design has had many specific designations; the official designation for the current infantry type is Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, HB, Flexible. It is effective against infantry, unarmored or lightly armored vehicles and boats, light fortifications and low-flying aircraft. The M2 has been produced longer than any other machine gun.
The Browning .50 caliber machine gun has been used extensively as a vehicle weapon and for aircraft armament by the United States from the 1930s to the present. It was heavily used during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Falklands War, the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan in the 2000s and 2010s. It is the primary heavy machine gun of NATO countries, and has been used by many other countries as well. The M2 has been in use longer than any other firearm in U.S. inventory except the .45 ACP M1911 pistol, also designed by John Browning.
The current M2HB is manufactured in the U.S. by General Dynamics[12] and U.S. Ordnance[13] for use by the U.S. government, and for allies via Foreign Military Sales, as well as foreign manufacturers such as FN Herstal.


Machine guns were heavily used in World War I, and weapons of larger than rifle caliber were appearing. Both the British and French had large caliber machine guns. The larger rounds were needed to defeat the armor that was being introduced to the battlefield. Armor was also appearing in the skies. During World War I, the Germans introduced a heavily armored airplane, the Junkers J.I. The armor made aircraft machine guns using conventional rifle ammunition (such as the .30-06) ineffective.[14]
Consequently, the American Expeditionary Force‘s commander General John J. Pershing asked for a larger caliber machine gun.[15]Pershing asked the Army Ordnance Department to develop a machine gun with a caliber of at least 0.50 inches (12.7 mm) and a muzzle velocity of at least 2,700 feet per second (820 m/s).[14] U.S. Col. John Henry Parker, commanding a machine gun school in France, observed the effectiveness of a French 11 mm (0.43 in) incendiary armor-piercing round. The Army Ordnance Department ordered eight experimental Colt machine guns rechambered for the French 11 mm cartridge.[16] The French 11 mm round was found to be unsuitable because its velocity was too low. Pershing wanted a bullet of at least 670 gr (43 g) and a muzzle velocity of 2,700 ft/s (820 m/s). Development with the French round was dropped.[16]
Around July 1917, John M. Browning started redesigning his .30-06 M1917 machine gun for a larger and more powerful round. Winchester worked on the cartridge, which was a scaled-up version of the .30-06. Winchester initially added a rim to the cartridge because the company wanted to use the cartridge in an anti-tank rifle, but Pershing insisted the cartridge be rimless.[16] The first .50 machine gun underwent trials on 15 October 1918. It fired at less than 500 rounds per minute, and the muzzle velocity was only 2,300 ft/s (700 m/s). Cartridge improvements were promised.[17] The gun was heavy, difficult to control, fired too slowly for anti-personnel, and was not powerful enough against armor.[18]
While the .50 was being developed, some German T Gewehr 1918 anti-tank rifles and ammunition were seized. The German rounds had a muzzle velocity of 2,700 ft/s (820 m/s), an 800 gr (52 g) bullet, and could pierce [clarification needed]1 in (25 mm) at 250 yd (230 m).[19] Winchester improved the .50 caliber round to have similar performance. Ultimately, the muzzle velocity was 2,750 ft/s (840 m/s).[20]
Efforts by John M. Browning and Fred T. Moore resulted in the water-cooled Browning machine gun, caliber .50, M1921. An aircraft version was termed the Browning aircraft machine gun, caliber .50, M1921. These guns were used experimentally from 1921 until 1937. They had light-weight barrels and the ammunition fed only from the left side. Service trials raised doubts whether the guns would be suitable for aircraft or for anti-aircraft use. A heavy barrel M1921 was considered for ground vehicles.[21]
John M. Browning died in 1926. Between 1927 and 1932, Dr. S.H. Green studied the design problems of the M1921 and the needs of the armed services. The result was a single receiver design that could be turned into seven types of .50 caliber machine guns by using different jackets, barrels, and other components. The new receiver allowed right or left side feed. In 1933, Colt manufactured several prototype Browning machine guns (including what would be known as the M1921A1 and M1921E2). With support from the Navy, Colt started manufacturing the M2 in 1933.[22] FN Herstal (Fabrique Nationale) has manufactured the M2 machine gun since the 1930s.[23] General Dynamics, U.S. Ordnance, and Manroy Engineering (UK) are other current manufacturers.[citation needed]
A variant without a water jacket, but with a thicker-walled, air-cooled barrel was designated the M2 HB (HB for Heavy Barrel). The added mass and surface area of the heavy barrel compensated somewhat for the loss of water-cooling, while reducing bulk and weight: the M2 weighs 121 lb (55 kg) with a water jacket, but the M2 HB weighs 84 lb (38 kg). Due to the long procedure for changing the barrel, an improved system was developed called QCB (quick change barrel). The lightweight “Army/Navy” prefixed AN/M2 “light-barrel” version of the Browning M2 weighing 60 pounds (27 kg) was also developed, and became the standard .50-caliber aviation machine gun of the World War II-era for American military aircraft of nearly every type,[24] readily replacing Browning’s own air-cooled .30 caliber machine gun design in nearly all American aircraft installations.

Design details[edit]

The Browning M2 is an air-cooledbelt-fed machine gun. The M2 fires from a closed bolt, operated on the short recoilprinciple. The M2 fires the .50 BMG cartridge, which offers long range, accuracy and immense stopping power. The closed bolt firing cycle made the M2 usable as a synchronized machine gun on aircraft before and during World War II, as on the early versions of the Curtiss P-40 fighter.
The M2 is a scaled-up version of John Browning’s M1917 .30 caliber machine gun, even using the same timing gauges.


The M2 has varying cyclic rates of fire, depending on the model. The M2HB (heavy barrel) air-cooled ground gun has a cyclical rate of 450-575 rounds per minute.[25] The early M2 water-cooled AA guns had a cyclical rate of around 450–600 rpm.[26] The AN/M2 aircraft gun has a cyclic rate of 750–850 rpm; this increases to 1,200 rpm or more for AN/M3 aircraft guns fitted with electric or mechanical feed boost mechanisms.[10] These maximum rates of fire are generally not achieved in use, as sustained fire at that rate will wear out the bore within a few thousand rounds, necessitating replacement. In addition to full automatic, the M2HB can be selected to fire single-shots or at less than 40 rounds per minute, or rapid fire for more than 40 rounds per minute. Slow and rapid firing modes use 5-7 round bursts with different lengths of pause between bursts.[27]

A U.S. Marine mans a .50 caliber machine gun as part of a security force during a training exercise with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit in November 2002.

The M2 has an effective range of 1,830 metres (2,000 yd) and a maximum effective range of 2,000 metres (2,200 yd) when fired from the M3 tripod. In its ground-portable, crew-served role as the M2HB, the gun itself weighs 84 pounds (38 kg) and the assembled M3 tripod another 44 pounds (20 kg). In this configuration, the V-shaped “butterfly” trigger is located at the very rear of the weapon with a “spade handle” hand-grip on either side of it and the bolt release in the center. The spade handles are gripped and the butterfly trigger is depressed with one or both thumbs. Recently, new rear buffer assemblies have used squeeze triggers mounted to the hand grips, doing away with the butterfly triggers.
When the bolt release is locked down by the bolt latch release lock on the buffer tube sleeve, the gun functions in fully automatic mode. Conversely, the bolt release can be unlocked into the up position resulting in single-shot firing (the gunner must press the bolt latch release to send the bolt forward). Unlike virtually all other modern machine guns, it has no safety (although a sliding safety switch has recently been fielded to USMC armorers for installation on their weapons and is standard-issue for the U.S. Army for all M2s). Troops in the field have been known to add an improvised safety measure against accidental firing by slipping an expended shell casing under the butterfly trigger.[28] The upgraded M2A1 has a manual trigger block safety.

Twin M2HB machine gun during a Pre-aimed Calibration Fire (PACFIRE) exercise in May 2005

Because the M2 was intentionally designed to operate in many configurations, it can be adapted to feed from the left or right side of the weapon by exchanging the belt-holding pawls, and the front and rear cartridge stops (three-piece set to include link stripper), then reversing the bolt switch. The operator must also convert the top-cover belt feed slide assembly from left to right hand feed as well as the spring and plunger in the feed arm. This will take a well trained individual less than two minutes to perform.
The charging assembly may be changed from left to right hand charge. A right hand charging handle spring, lock wire and a little know how are all that are required to accomplish this. The M2 can be battle ready and easily interchanged if it is preemptively fitted with a retracting slide assembly on both sides of the weapon system. This eliminates the need to have the weapon removed from service to accomplish this task.


M2 Browning on a Samson RCWSof the Israel Defense Forces

There are several different types of ammunition used in the M2HB and AN aircraft guns. From World War II through the Vietnam War, the big Browning was used with standard ball, armor-piercing (AP), armor-piercing incendiary (API), and armor-piercing incendiary tracer (APIT) rounds. All .50 ammunition designated “armor-piercing” was required to completely perforate 0.875 inches (22.2 mm) of hardened steel armor plate at a distance of 100 yards (91 m) and 0.75 inches (19 mm) at 547 yards (500 m).[29] The API and APIT rounds left a flash, report, and smoke on contact, useful in detecting strikes on enemy targets; they were primarily intended to incapacitate thin-skinned and lightly armored vehicles and aircraft, while igniting their fuel tanks.[30]
Current ammunition types include M33 Ball (706.7 grain) for personnel and light material targets, M17 tracer, M8 API (622.5 grain), M20 API-T (619 grain), and M962 SLAP-T. The latter ammunition along with the M903 SLAP (Saboted Light Armor Penetrator) round can perforate 1.34 inches (34 mm) of FHA (face-hardened steel plate) at 500 metres (550 yd), 0.91 inches (23 mm) at 1,200 metres (1,300 yd), and 0.75 inches (19 mm) at 1,500 metres (1,600 yd). This is achieved by using a 0.30-inch-diameter (7.6 mm) tungsten penetrator. The SLAP-T adds a tracer charge to the base of the ammunition. This ammunition was type classified in 1993.[31][32]
When firing blanks, a large blank-firing adapter (BFA) of a special type must be used to allow the recoil operated action to cycle. This functions on the principle of a recoil booster, to increase the recoil force acting on the short recoil action. This is the exact antithesis of a muzzle brake. Without this adaptor, the reduced-charge blank cartridge would develop too little recoil to cycle the action fully. The adapter is very distinctive, attaching to the muzzle with three rods extending back to the base. The BFA can often be seen on M2s during peacetime operations.


An M2 fired from a rigid-hulled inflatable boat.

B-25H “Barbie III” showing four M2 feeds and 75 mm M5 gun

The M2 .50 Browning machine gun has been used for various roles:

United States[edit]

A U.S. soldier in Normandy stands guard with the M2HB installed on a dual-purpose mounting.

At the outbreak of the Second World War the United States had versions of the M2 in service as fixed aircraft guns, anti-aircraft defensive guns (on aircraft, ships, or boats), infantry (tripod-mounted) guns, and as dual purpose anti-aircraft and anti-vehicular weapons on vehicles.[33][34]
The .50 AN/M2 light-barrel aircraft Browning used in planes had a rate of fire of approximately 800 rounds per minute, and was used singly or in groups of up to eight guns for aircraft ranging from the P-47 Thunderbolt to the B-25 Mitchellbomber, which in the last J-version of the Mitchell could have up to fourteen M2s firing forward for ground attack missions – eight in a solid metal-structure nose, four more mounted in a pair of conformal twin-gunned gun pods on the lower cockpit sides, and two more if the forward dorsal turret’s pair of M2 guns were also aimed straight forward.
In the dual-purpose vehicle mount, the M2HB (heavy barrel) proved extremely effective in U.S. service: the Browning’s .50 caliber AP and API rounds could easily penetrate the engine block or fuel tanks of a German Bf 109 fighter attacking at low altitude,[35] or perforate the hull plates and fuel tanks of a German half-track or light armored car.[29][36][37] While the dual-purpose mounting was undeniably useful, it did normally require the operator to stand when using the M2 in a ground role, exposing him to return fire.[38] Units in the field often modified the mountings on their vehicles, especially tanks and tank destroyers, to provide more operator protection in the anti-vehicular and anti-personnel role.[39] The weapon was particularly hated by the Germans, whose attacks and ambushes against otherwise helpless stalled motor convoys were frequently broken up by .50 caliber machine gun fire.[40][41] Vehicles would frequently “recon by fire” with the M2 Browning, i.e. they would fire continuously at suspected points of ambush while moving through areas still containing enemy forces. One vehicle would fire exclusively to the right, the following vehicle to the left, the next one to the right, and so on in order to cover both flanks of the advancing convoy.
Besides vehicle-mounted weapons, the heavy weapons companies in a World War II U.S. Army infantry battalion or regiment were each issued one M2 Browning with tripod (ground) mount.[42] Mounted on a heavily sandbagged tripod, the M2HB proved very useful in either a defensive role or to interdict or block road intersections from use by German infantry and motorized forces.[43] Hearing the sound of an M2 could often cause enemy infantry to take cover.[44] There are numerous instances of the M2 Browning being used against enemy personnel, particularly infantry assaults[45] or for interdiction or elimination of enemy artillery observers or snipers at distances too great for ordinary infantry weapons.[46][47][48]

An M2 overlooking the Korengal Valley at Firebase Phoenix, Afghanistan, in 2007

The M2HB was not widely used in the Pacific campaign for several reasons, including the weight of the gun, the nature of infantry jungle combat, and because road intersections were usually easily outflanked.[49] However, it was used by fast-moving motorized forces in the Philippines to destroy Japanese blocking units on the advance to Manila.[43] The quad mount .50 was also used to destroy Japanese emplacements.[50]
The M2HB was used in Korea and Vietnam, and later in both Operation Desert Storm, the Afghan theater of Operation Enduring Freedom and in Iraq. In 2003, U.S. Army SFC Paul Ray Smith used his M2HB mounted on an M113 armored personnel carrier to kill 20 to 50 enemies who were attacking a U.S. outpost, preventing an aid station from being overrun and allowing wounded soldiers to be evacuated,[51] SFC Smith was killed during the firefight and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

M45 Quadmount[edit]

M45 .50 AA Quad aka the ‘Meat Chopper’

The M45 Quadmount was a mounting of four .50 M2HB guns with a single gunner situated behind an armored housing. This was used by U.S. AA battalions, fitted either on a towed trailer or mounted in a half-track carrier (M16 AA half-track). With 200 rounds per gun in a powered tracking mount, the guns proved very effective against low-flying aircraft. The use of four guns adequately compensated for the fact that the individual M2HB’s rate of fire (450-550 rounds per minute) was low for an effective anti–aircraft weapon.[52]
Towards the end of the war, as Luftwaffe attacks became less frequent, the quad .50 (nicknamed the Meat Chopper or Krautmower[52]) was increasingly used in an anti-personnel role, similarly to the earlier-introduced (1940) and more powerful — but much more difficult to keep well-fed with ammunition when in action — German 20 mm Flakvierling. Snipers firing from trees were engaged by the quad gunner at trunk level – the weapon would cut down and destroy the entire tree, and the sniper with it.[44][50]
The M45 Quadmount was still in use during the Vietnam War.

Commonwealth and other forces[edit]

Australian M113 with twin mounted M1919 Browning and M2 Browning Quick Change Barrel machine guns.

Commonwealth use of the M2 Browning .50 caliber machine gun (known as the .5 Browning in British and Commonwealth service) was limited in World War II, though from 1942 it was standard armament on US-built AFVs provided under lend-lease such as the M4 ShermanM7 PriestM8 Greyhound, or M10 tank destroyer variously used by BritishCanadianAustralianSouth African and New Zealand units. Nevertheless, the heavy Browning’s effectiveness was praised by many British and Commonwealth soldiers in infantry, armored, and ordnance branches.[53][54] Many commanders thought that the .50 Browning the best weapon in its class, certainly the best of the American weapons, including the M1 Garand and M1 Carbine.[54][55] In North Africa, after Commonwealth units began to obtain sufficient parts, manuals, gauges, and ammunition for the new weapon, the .50 Browning was increasingly used, eventually replacing the 15 mm Besa,[54]but in Italy it was often deleted from top turret mountings because the mount exposed the operator to low branches and enemy fire.[56] All LRDGs, and some SAS units used the aircraft (AN/M2) version of the gun, while beam/waist-mounted and turret-mounted Brownings were used later in the war in such aircraft as the Short Sunderland and Lancaster bomber.
After World War II, the .50 Browning continued to see action in Korea and other theaters, in aircraft, tripod (ground), ground AA (hip-ring), and vehicle mounts. One of its most notable actions in a ground role was in a fierce battle with a nine-man SAS team at the Battle of Mirbat in Oman in July 1972, where the heavy Browning and its API ammunition was used to help repulse an assault by 250 Yemeni Adoo guerrillas, though the more famous weapon from the battle is a 25 pounder gun.[57]
A .50 caliber Browning was installed along with a .30 caliber Browning machine gun in each compact one-man turret on M113 APCs used by the Royal Australian Armoured Corps in South Vietnam.
The M2HB has been in service with the Israel Defense Forces since its establishment and has served in all of Israel‘s wars, operations and conflicts. In 2012 the IDF upgraded its M2HB machine guns to the M2HQCB model, with heavy quick change barrel.[58] Today the M2 serves as an infantry crew-served heavy machine gun, as a remote-controlled external coaxial gun on Merkava main battle tanks, as the main weapon on the Samson RCWS and as a secondary weapons on Israeli Sea Corps gunboats and missile boats.
Nigerian troops have extensively deployed the 50 caliber Browning, mounted on Otokar Cobra APCs, Panhard VBL M11s and Landcruiser gun-trucks in counterinsurgency operations in the Niger Delta, N.E Nigeria, the Jos Plateau and in Mali

M2 as a sniper rifle[edit]

USMC M2 fitted with a Leupold CQBSS variable power scope.

The M2 machine gun has also been used as a long-range sniper rifle, when equipped with a telescopic sight. Soldiers during the Korean War used scoped M2s in the role of a sniper rifle, but the practice was most notably used by US Marine Corps sniper Carlos Hathcock during the Vietnam War. Using an Unertltelescopic sight and a mounting bracket of his own design, Hathcock could quickly convert the M2 into a sniper rifle, using the traversing-and-elevating (T&E) mechanism attached to the tripod. When firing semi-automatically, Hathcock hit man-size targets beyond 1,800 metres (2,000 yd)—twice the range of a standard-caliber sniper rifle of the time (a .30-06 Winchester Model 70). In fact, Hathcock set the record for the longest confirmed kill at 2,250 metres (2,460 yd), a recordwhich stood until 2002, when it was broken in Afghanistan by Canadian Army sniper Arron Perry.[59][60]

Geneva Convention use misconception[edit]

It is often stated,[61] sometimes even by military trainers,[62] that it is illegal under the Geneva Convention to use the M2 against enemy personnel since it would cause “unnecessary suffering”. As such, most gunners supposedly aim for enemy troops’ belt buckles, since those are technically equipment and thus permissible targets. However, there is no provision of the Geneva Convention that has ever been interpreted to forbid the use of the M2 on personnel. The misconception may have arisen during the Korean or Vietnam Wars when U.S. troops were told to use their M2s only on enemy equipment due to shortages of ammunition.[63] It is also possible that a restriction during the latter period limiting the use of the M40 recoilless rifle‘s .50-caliber spotting gun to equipment only, since the M40 was meant to be used against armor and firing the spotting gun at personnel would have given away the M40’s position before it could be used as intended, was mistakenly believed to apply to all weapons of that caliber and given legal justification.[62]

Variants and derivatives[edit]

M2 variants[edit]

An M2HB in the French Foreign Legion’s 2nd Infantry Regiment during an exercise.
Jungle Infantry soldier of the Brazilian Army mans an M2HB in the Amazon rainforest.

The basic M2 was deployed in U.S. service in a number of subvariants, all with separate complete designations as per the US Army system. The basic designation as mentioned in the introduction is Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, with others as described below.
The development of the M1921 water-cooled machine gun which led to the M2, meant that the initial M2s were, in fact, water-cooled. These weapons were designated Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, Water-Cooled, Flexible. There was no fixed water-cooled version.
Improved air-cooled heavy barrel versions came in three subtypes. The basic infantry model, Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, HB, Flexible, a fixed developed for use on the M6 Heavy Tank designated Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, HB, Fixed, and a “turret type” whereby “Flexible” M2s were modified slightly for use in tank turrets. The subvariant designation Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, HB, TT was only used for manufacturing, supply, and administration identification and separation from flexible M2s.

M2HB heavy machine gun

A number of additional subvariants were developed after the end of World War II. The Caliber .50 Machine Gun, Browning, M2, Heavy Barrel, M48 Turret Type was developed for the commander’s cupola on the M48 Patton tank. The cupola mount on the M48A2 and M48A3 was thoroughly disliked by most tankers, as it proved unreliable in service.[64] An externally mounted M2 was later adopted for the commander’s position on the M1 Abrams tanks. Three subvariants were also developed for use by the U.S. Navy on a variety of ships and watercraft. These included the Caliber .50 Machine Gun, Browning, M2, Heavy Barrel, Soft Mount (Navy) and the Caliber .50 Machine Gun, Browning, M2, Heavy Barrel, Fixed Type (Navy). The fixed types fire from a solenoid trigger and come in left or right hand feed variants for use on the Mk 56 Mod 0 dual mount and other mounts.


M2E2 modification with quick-change barrel (QCB)

When the M2 was first being designed, John Browning faced two design challenges. With the machine tools available at that time, the dimensions that established the location of the bolt face and the depth of the chamber could not be held tightly enough to control the fit of the cartridge in the chamber. The round can be too tight in the chamber and the gun would not shoot, or be too loose in the chamber, resulting in a stoppage or ruptured cartridge. The other dimension that could not be held close enough was when the firing pin would fall. The solution to these problems was adjustable timing and headspace (“headspace” is the distance between the face of the bolt and the base of the cartridge case, fully seated in the chamber); the operator had to screw the barrel into the barrel extension, moving the barrel toward the bolt face to reach the proper headspace with simple gauges to allow the operator to adjust to the proper dimensions. By the late 20th century, the M2 was the only adjustable headspace weapon in the U.S. inventory. With rising reports of injuries from improperly headspaced weapons, the U.S. military held a competition for a quick change barrel conversion kit with fixed timing and headspace in 1997. Three companies offered kits and Saco Defense won the competition. However, funding was lost before the design could be fully evaluated and the program ended. In 2007, the military found money to start a new competition. Saco Defense had since been acquired by General Dynamics, which won the competition.[65]

U.S. Army Ranger Special Operations Vehicle (RSOV) armed with RAMO M2HB-QCB machine gun

On October 15, 2010, the M2A1 heavy machine gun was type classified by the U.S. Army. Formerly known as the M2E2, the M2A1 incorporates improvements to the design including a quick change barrel (QCB) with removable carrying handle, a new slotted flash suppressor that reduces muzzle flash by 95 percent, fixed headspace and timing, a modified bolt, and a manual trigger block safety. “Timing” is the adjustment of the gun so that firing takes place when the recoiling parts are in the correct position for firing. When a standard M2 had a barrel change, the headspace and timing had to be manually set. Improper adjustment could damage the weapon and cause serious injury to the user. Fixed headspace and timing reduces risk, and the carrying handle allows the barrel to be switched in seconds.[66][67] In June 2011, the Army began conversion of M2HB machine guns to M2A1s.[68] The M2A1 was named one of the greatest Army inventions of 2011.[69] As of November 30, 2012, 8,300 built or converted M2A1s had been fielded by the U.S. Army; the program will upgrade the Army’s entire M2 inventory of more than 54,000 guns.[70] The U.S. Marine Corps plans to upgrade all of their ground-mounted M2s to M2A1 standard from 2016 to 2018.[71] The first phase of conversions was completed in March 2017, with 3,600 M2A1s planned to be fielded by the Marines in total.[72] The Israel Defense Forces adopted the M2-HQCB (the commercial version of the M2A1) in 2012 as a replacement to the M2HB.[73]

Aircraft guns[edit]


P-47 firing its eight M2 .50 machine guns during night gunnery

The M2 machine gun was widely used during World War II, and in later postwar conflicts, as a remote or flexible aircraft gun. For fixed (offensive) or flexible (defensive) guns used in aircraft, a dedicated M2 version was developed called the .50 Browning AN/M2. The “AN” stands for “Army/Navy”, since the gun was developed jointly for use by both services (unusual for the time, when the delineations between the Army and Navy were much stricter, and relations between armed services were often cool, if not outright hostile[citation needed]). The AN/M2 had a cyclic rate of 750–850 rounds per minute, with the ability to be fired from an electrically operated remote-mount solenoid trigger when installed as a fixed gun. Cooled by the aircraft’s slip-stream, the air-cooled AN/M2 was fitted with a substantially lighter 36-inch (91 cm) length barrel, reducing the weight of the complete unit to 61 pounds (28 kg),[74] which also had the effect of increasing the rate of fire. The official designation for this weapon was Browning Machine Gun, Aircraft, Cal. .50, AN/M2 (Fixed) or (Flexible). The B-17G Flying Fortressheavy bomber was armed with up to 13 AN/M2 guns in both turreted and flexible positions, with only the later versions of the B-25J Mitchell medium bomber, field-fitted with solid metal noses carrying more AN/M2 guns. These could carry from 14 to 18 M2s, mostly aimed forward for attack duties, including two guns on the forward-located dorsal turret of the B-25H and J models.


The XM296/M296 is a further development of the AN/M2 machine gun for the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter. The M296 differs from previous remote firing variants in that it has adjustable firing rate (500–850 rpm), while lacking a bolt latch (allowing single-shot operation).[75] As an air-cooled gun used aboard a relatively slow rotary-wing aircraft, the M296 has a burst restriction rate of 50 rounds per minute sustained fire or 150 rounds per minute maximum while conducting peacetime training requirements; the combat firing rate is unrestricted but a ten-minute cooling period after prolonged firing is mandated to avoid stoppages due to overheating.[76]

XM213/M213, XM218, GAU-15/A, GAU-16/A, and GAU-18/A[edit]

The XM213/M213 was a modernization and adaptation of existing .50 caliber AN/M2s in inventory for use as a pintlemounted door gun on helicopters using the M59 armament subsystem.
The GAU-15/A, formerly identified as the XM218, is a lightweight member of the M2/M3 family. The GAU-16/A was an improved GAU-15/A with modified grip and sight assemblies for similar applications. Both of these weapons were used as a part of the A/A49E-11 armament subsystem (also known as the Defensive Armament System).
The GAU-18/A, is a lightweight variant of the M2/M3, and is used on the USAF’s MH-53 Pave Low and HH-60 Pave Hawkhelicopters. These weapons do not use the M2HB barrel, and are typically set up as left-hand feed, right-hand charging weapons, but on the HH-60 Pavehawks that use the EGMS (External Gun Mount System) the gun is isolated from the shooter by a recoil absorbing cradle and all weapons are set up as right hand charge but vary between left and right hand feed depending on what side of the aircraft it is on. A feed chute adapter is attached to the left or right hand feed pawl bracket allowing the weapon to receive ammunition through a feed chute system connected to externally mounted ammunition containers holding 600 rounds each.

AN/M3, GAU-21/A, and M3P[edit]

German Army ramp gunner mans an M3M on board a CH-53 helicopter

During World War II, a faster-firing Browning was developed for aircraft use. The AN/M3 features a mechanical or electrically boosted feed mechanism to increase the rate of fire to around 1,200 rounds per minute. The AN/M3 was used in Korea on the F-82 Twin Mustang (the XP-82 mounted a total of 14 AN/M3 machine guns), F-86 SabreF-84 Thunderjet and F-80 Shooting Star, and in Vietnam in the XM14/SUU-12/A gun pod. Today, it can be found on the Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano.
The M3-series is used by the U.S. military in two versions; the M3M and M3P. The fixed, remote-firing version, the FN M3P, is employed on the Avenger Air Defense System, and is currently used on the OH-58D, augmenting the XM296 .50 cal. machine gun.[77] The M3M flexible machine gun has been adopted by USN under the designation GAU-21/A for use on helicopters. The GAU-21/A is also being used by the U.S. Marine Corps to upgrade from the XM-218/GAU-16 .50 cal. machine gun for the CH-53E,[78] on the UH-1Y Venom, and on the Canadian Forces’ CH-146 Griffon via the INGRESS upgrade.[citation needed] The Air Force is looking to replace the GAU-18 on the HH-60G Pave Hawk with the GAU-21 because of its higher 1,100 rpm rate of fire, longer 10,000-round barrel life, and lower recoil through use of a soft mount.[79]


The M2 family has been widely used abroad, primarily in its basic infantry configuration. A brief listing of designations for M2 family weapons follows:

Country NATOMember Designation Description
 Argentina[80] No M2HB 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun
 Australia[80] Global Partner M2HB-QCB[81]
 Austria[80] No üsMG M2
 Belgium[80] Yes
 Benin[80] No
 Brazil[80] Mtr .50 M2 HB “BROWNING”
 Bulgaria[80] Yes
 Burkina Faso[80] No
 Canada[80] Yes FN M2HB-QCB, GAU-21
 Chad[80] No
 Cote d’Ivoire[80]
 Croatia[80] Yes
 Democratic Republic of Congo[80] No
 Denmark[80] Yes M/50 TMG
M/2001 TMG 12.7 × 99 mm FNH M2HB-QCB[83]
? 12.7 × 99 mm FNH M3M machine gun[84]
 Czech Republic[80] Yes 12.7 × 99 mm FNH M2HB-QCB[85]
 Djibouti[80] No 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun
 Dominican Republic[80]
 El Salvador[80]
 Estonia[86] Yes Browning M2 sometimes as Raskekuulipilduja Browning M2 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB. Usually mounted on vehicles, such as the Pasi XA-180 and XA-188, but the tripod version is also in use.
 Ethiopia[80] No 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun
 France[80] Yes
 Finland[87] No 12,7 RSKK 2005 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun in Protector remote weapon stations in Patria AMVAPCs.[88]
 Gabon[80] 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun
 Germany[89] Yes M3M, MG50
 Guatemala[80] No
 Hungary[citation needed] Yes
 India[80] No
 Iraq No
 Ireland[80] .5 Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)[90]
 Israel[80] No מק”כ 0.5 12.7 × 99 mm M2HB-QCB, used by all ground forces (infantry, armored fighting vehicles and tanks) and naval forces
 Italy[80] Yes 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun
 Jamaica[80] No
 Japan[80] 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun M2
 South Korea[80] K6 (standard HMG), MG50 (being phased out), M3M (used by Cheonghae Unit[91]) 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB with additional modification; licensed by Yeohwa Shotgun
 Kuwait[80] 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun
 Libya[citation needed] No
 Latvia[92] Yes M2HB-QCB
 Luxembourg[80] Mitrailleuse .50 M2 HB[94]
 Madagascar[80] No
 Namibia No
 Netherlands[80] Yes
 New Zealand[80] Global Partner
 Nicaragua[80] No
 Norway[80] Yes 12,7 mitraljøse
 Oman[80] No
 Portugal[80] Yes
 Qatar[80] No
 Romania[80] Yes
 Rwanda[80] No
 Saudi Arabia[80]
 South Africa[80] 50 Browning
 Soviet Union No M2 AA variant, Lend-Lease, 3100 pieces[95]
 Spain[80][96] Yes M2HB-QCB, M3M
 Sweden[97] No Kulspruta 88 (Ksp 88)
  Switzerland[80] MG 64
 Turkey[80] Yes
 Turkmenistan[98] No
 United Arab Emirates[80]
 United Kingdom[80] Yes L2A1
L6, L6A1 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun; ranging gun for the L7 105 mm tank gun on the Centurion tank
L11, L11A1 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun; ranging gun
L21A1 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun; ranging gun for the 120 mm tank gun on the Chieftain tank
L111A1[99] 12.7 × 99 mm M2QCB machine gun
M3M[100] 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun; Upgraded M2 for use on Commando Helicopter Force and other units as helicopter door guns.
 United States[80] Browning Caliber .50 M2, M2HB, XM218/GAU-16, GAU-21 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun
 Uruguay[80] No 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB machine gun