Other Stuff

Some Seriously British Bad Boys

** Trigger warning! The stuff below has some serious adult Conversations and Social Interactions. ***

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Now I am going to give out a few  pieces of serious advice for those folks thinking of going to the United Kingdom for a visit.
When it comes to our cousins across the the Pond. Do not be fooled by their accents or their manners.
So here is a few clues that you might want to remember.
They speak a language that is very similar to the Language we speak here in the USA.
Do not try and drink any of them under the Table! As partaking of spirits is almost a Religion over there!
(They invented Scotch Whiskey and other drinks over there)
Also You may be foolish enough to think that they are a bunch of Sissies.
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Go ahead and tell him, That it’s a skirt!
But trust me on this one! As they have some real hard noses over there. Since one does not go out and conquer the Biggest Empire in History. By being a Poof!
As is shown here.
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So if you get a chance. By all means go! As I had the most fun with my clothes on out there.

Gear & Stuff

How to clean a Hand Gun safely & well

Now I hope that you just back from shooting your trusty side arm. I also hope that you had fun and hit the Bulls Eye a lot!
Image result for Trusty Side Army
Image result for hitting the pistol target Bullseye
Now come the less glamorous job of cleaning the weapon. But since you have spent a pile of jack on it. That and you want it to be able to work well in the future.
So you just get it done.  Now like all jobs. It is going to take some time, goodies and skill. But if you persist thru this. I think that I can help you out.
Here are some helpful hints.
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As a lot of folks have been shot by an”Unloaded” gun. So trust me on this one.
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As both the Cops and later on the Judge. As both of them are not going to be very understanding about things like this.
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Next is this gentle hint. Do not have anybody just horsing around you during this time. Again as both the Cops & the Judge are NOT going to be amused.
Image result for pissed off judge & cops
Image result for pissed off judge & cops
Now here is some stuff that I use on my guns. Hopefully they will do just a good a job as they do for me.
First off you need a place that has good ventilation. Since most of this stuff is mildly toxic and fatal if you drink it. (Please Don’t Okay?)

This is my Idea of a real Man’s Garage by the way. (My day will come when I have one as good as this one)

Image result for a real mans garage
Next you are going to need some rags. I found that old beach towels or old diapers work best. Since they have leave little lint after their use.
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**WARNING** Do not even think of using your Brides wedding gear. Tempting as it may be at times!
Next you need some cleaning oil and solutions. Now I have been using Breakfree since I was a Rookie in Army Basic. It has never let me down so far. But it is up to you.
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Also some Gun Foam is a real time saver. Especially since it will get into the tiniest crevice of the gun. It is alo very useful to get rid of cosmoline and stubborn grease.
***Just do not get it on Wood Stocks or Grips. As it will take the varnish and stain away very quickly. Also not getting it in your eyes is a very good idea!**
I also found that getting a cheap apron is a good idea. Especially since I am a sloppy child as Mom has repeatedly told me.
Your Dry cleaner will also be happy with you too.
You can buy one usually for under Ten Bucks if you look around. Said the Cheapest Teacher in America.
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This “Q” Tip looking thing. I have found to be really useful also. Just do not put them in your ear. Okay? Amazon has them by the way.

RamRodz 0.22/0.223/5.56 Caliber Gun…
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They come in a variety of caliber sizes also.

Next item to get is some cleaning patches. The Good ones come in various sizes.
I myself usually buy a 22 , 243 size,308 caliber and some shotgun sized ones.  For they will last me for the better part of a year or two. Most gun shops and Sporting good stores have them
Or you can cut up some of your rags to get it done.
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Last but not least. Buy yourself a good brass cleaning  rod for pistols. If you can the US Army use to issue them for their side arms. They are very tough and durable. Mine is over 60 years old.
This is comparable to it.
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Also invest in a couple of patch holders. That & some good copper bore brushes and a toothbrush.  Now this seems a lot.
But I figured out the whole rig cost me un $50 & about a day or two to rustle them up. That & they really help me do a good job and save me also a lot of time to boot.
Which is all things considered. A very cheap & effective insurance policy that does pay off in the long run.
Here below also are some pretty good videos that can also help you in getting this detail done right.

All About Guns Other Stuff

Some stuff I found on Theodore Roosevelt & Guns

I have always found “The Good Roosevelt” to be a refreshing kind of guy. So I thought I would share some of the things that I found on the net I hope that you like this!
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As you an see the Old Boy really got around.
Since he is the only American so far to have been awarded the Presidency of the United States, The Nobel Peace Prize and the Medal of Honor.
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Image result for theodore roosevelt nobel peace prize
Image result for theodore roosevelt medal of honor
(His Son -Theodore Jr got his for his actions as a Brigadier General on D Day at Normandy. Generals do not usually get that medal at that rank by the way.)
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Image result for theodore roosevelt jr medal of honor
Roosevelt’s 1903 Springfield Rifle – The later it belonged to Kermit Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt’s sonInline image 10
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I just wish we had more like him around!
I will post some more stuff about him later on.
Thanks for your time on this!


Now you were saying something about the weaker sex?

Now this is what I call a Lady /REAl Woman. Who could probably easily take care of herself if need be.

Gear & Stuff

The Sherman Tank

Now I was assigned to a Armor Cavalry Regiment. When I was in the National Guard. So maybe I know a thing or two about Tanks.
As to the Sherman Tank. My hat is really off to those guys that rode in them during WWII & Korea. They really had a pair of solid brass Testicles.
Here are a few things that I learned about Armored Fighting Vehicles. They are hot, smelly, greasy, loud and blind.
Now by saying blind. When you are buttoned up inside of one. Really only the Driver and the Track Commander (The TC) can see out either by sticking their head out of the hatch*. Or by using his periscope. Yes tanks have periscopes.
Image result for tank periscope
*By the way a good Sniper will just loves this. He & his spotter will be looking mighty hard for you for this point.
Another thing that is mighty important to Tankers is that of TEAMWORK! As the crew thinks like a team or else.
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Image result for sherman tank
How a tank is killed in Modern Combat.
Now everyone thinks that a Tank is invulnerable.
Image result for shot up sherman tank
Trust me it isn’t !
So here are some of the things that Track Folks just hate with a passion.
The Bad Guys Tank
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Anti Tank Guns
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Close Air Support
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Hand held Anti Tank Weapons like the Russian RPG
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Crazy Folks with Molotov Cocktails

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Or just throwing a Track in combat.
Image result for throwing a tank track in combat             Does this look like fun or what!?! Especially when some pissed off at you folks are shooting at you.

Now if you want to see a fairly accurate film about the Sherman Tank in the ETO. You might want to see Fury.

Now is is some more Technical info about the Sherman

Sherman Tank Site: News Post 12, pictures and cleaning them up, a lot of them.

Sherman Tank Site: News Post 12, things have been changing, its all behind the scenes.

I’ve gotten my hands on a lot of manuals, and they are all great for gathering info on the Sherman, because you can almost always read them. The picture quality varies a huge amount depending on how it was created. There are some very common and easy to find  Sherman manuals with terrible pictures. For example the two I have on the M4A3, and the manual on the Ford GAA, both were probably photocopied multiple times, then scanned on a really early scanner.
This means, the pictures at best, are mostly black blobs, and even the text isn’t great. All isn’t lost with these, as the line drawings usually come through ok.  In some cases the manuals being sold online are these terrible photo copies printed into a cheap book with no improvements to the quality at all.
Some of these manuals have been scanned in by people with decent scanners, and these though much larger, have much nicer photo quality. Even if the scans are good, the original has to be good as well, and in some cases that’s really mixed.  I have several, scanned at very high resolution, making them restorable, to some degree.
I’ve done the most work on the Ford GAA imaged I have, and the tranny. Here is a selection of the ones I’ve done, but not all. Check out the power train and GAA pages for all of them. These are relaxing to do, and I have a ton to work with so keep checking around the site!

#68 The Chrysler Engine that could have been: The A-65 V12, Chrysler’s home designed tank motor.

The Chrysler Engine that could have been: The A-65 V12, if the war had gone on, there could have been some hotrod Shermans.

Chrysler Corporation had a big impact on the war, and US Tank production. They produced the first, and the model for the others, Tank Arsenal CDA.  They also came up with the A-57 multibank tank motor, that powered a significant number of Sherman tanks. They produced this fantastically complicated, but also reliable motor in a very quickly, and even though the US Army and Marine Corps thumbed their noses at it,  it was well liked by the British.

Chrysler on their own dime came up with a water cooled, V12, tank motor, and offered it to the Army.  It took them about a year to come up with three trial motors.  These 1568 cubic motors started out at 650 horsepower at 2600 RPM and 1485 pounds of torque at 1600 RPM on the test stand.  They came in around 3840 pounds, but there was a proposed all aluminum version that have dropped nearly 1000 pounds.  Designing and producing the prototypes, cost a grand total of 358,000 bucks, that’s over 5 million in today’s dollars. During the dyno testing period, they had a few problems with the fan drives, but these were solved with improved oiling and rolling bearings, and these seemed to have solved the problems.

They used an M4A4 as a test vehicle, and had to stretch it another 9 and 1/2 inches to fit the new motor. Installed and ready to roll the thing came in at 69,170 ponds, and a stock M4A4 came in at 69,640 pounds!  Installed, the early versions had 549 horsepower, but they upped the compression ratio and got it to 580, and it was improved even more with some carburetion changes. They made the compression change by swapping and a cam change during the in vehicle testing phase. Further testing led to the intake and carb changes.  All the while the motor was being swapped in and out, and driving tests done.
The automotive tests were very successful, and that was using the stock powertrain of the Sherman, though with so much power, they decided a gear change would help. By swapping the original 3:53:1 gears for 3:05:1 gears, they A65 was still able to beat an M4A43 in a drag race!  The engine was so promising, it’s an interesting mystery why the Army never developed it further.  Much like the GAA, there was much more performance potential in this motor, and the Army never took it any further.
I suspect what ultimately killed this motor, was the same thing that killed the GAA, the Army was looking at air cooled motors for the future, because you can save a lot of weight, if there is not liquid cooling system needed.
Special thanks goes out to Chris R, one of our readers and a source contributor, sent me a nice little history on the motor.  Thanks again Chris, sorry it took so long!!
Sources:  Sherman, by Hunnicutt, and 1943 A-65 Tank Engine History

News Post #10: Sherman Tank Site News!

Sherman Tank Site News, April of 2017 edition: Data Part II, Data Strikes again. 

The Sherman data sheets have been a very popular addition to the site, so I decided to gun and engine data sheets as well.  One motor Data Sheet is done, and the others are in the works. There are all kinds of new images and info in the various pages on the Shermans guns.
We also have a new layout to the website, instead of a lot of hard to find posts with an Index that was hard to find things in, we now have set pages,  of the main menu.

As you can see from this handy image, we have a page for the Shermans suspension and Track systems.  We have a Sherman Gun Data page. We also have a motor data page, but right now we only have the Ford GAA in it.  Now we also have pages for each tank model and a main page to find them.  There have also been minor image additions to many posts, and a few pages have received minor updates.
The Crew and their Stations post got a massive update as well. 
We also recently reviewed an inside the Hatch of the M4A1 tank.
Coming soon will be the Sherman Transmission, differential and final drive data sheet. I will also be filling out the individual Sherman model pages over the next few days. There is only so much I can do in a day!

Thanks for being interested in the site for all the guys who have commented and sent me interesting info. More great information on the Sherman tank is on the way.


Sherman Tank Site, News Post 9: DATA, DATA everywhere!

News Post 9: New Years News

I decided I needed more hard numbers, the kind of data that makes non tank nerds eyes roll up in their heads, stuff like how many spare periscopes were issued with an early war M4A1! One of the best way to do this is through tank Data sheets, as found in the back of many books on tanks. I used Hunnicutt’s Sherman book for some, but others I’ve made using the Hunnicutt ones as a template and then using data from the Technical Manual for the tank.
We had four, now have spec sheets for 15 different models of Sherman, and 3 Lees! You can find them all on this page. Shermom Model specification sheets. 

90mm GMC M36B1 Spec Sheet PDF
That’s not all though, I decided the gun Data sheets in Hunnicut were really interesting, so I started replicating those, but with an improved format, and slightly more data.  These gun Data Sheets can be found here, Main Guns: THings that go  BOOM!  All the guns the Sherman tank used are covered, and more are coming.

m1-M1A1-M1A2 guns 76.2 Sherman tanks
In the works are Data Sheets for each Sherman tank motor, and several experimental models. These Data sheets will have much more detailed info on the motor, and will include interesting images from the manuals for the motors.
Also in the works as dedicated pages for these data sheets, the beta test of the gun version is up and can be found here.  Next up will be ones for each tank model and then motor.
Also note the latest post on the Ram tank, The Ram: The Shermans awkward Canadian Cousin. This post covers the Canadian and British attempt to come up with a better Sherman before the Sherman design and prototype was done. I’ve been sent some very interesting documents, some are included in the post.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more Sherman information!

#30 Sherman Model Specifications: Data, and Lots of It.

Sherman Model Specification Sheets: Detailed Data Sheets For Each Model.

These were a pain in the rear to make, the ones in the back of my copy of Hunnicutt are very bad, so I have reproduced some in Word, and then print them out as PDFs, then take a screen shot of the PDF for this post. I have now hosted all the PDF files, if you want something with copy and pasteable text. I’ve got a system not for these and it’s semi easy to do, so I will keep adding them. I also added at least one, and up to five images with each spec sheet, of the Sherman the spec sheet is for. You can click to enlarge all these images, the sizes very.

M3 Lee spec Sheet

M3 Lee spec sheet in PDF

M3A2 Spec Sheet

M3A2 Lee Spec Sheet in PDF

Early Production M4 75

M4 Early spec sheet

M4 Mid Production

Early M4A1 75

M4A1 Early Spec Sheet

Mid Production M4A1 75

M4A1 75 mid war spec sheet

Mid production M4A2 75

M4A2 75 mid production spec sheet

Mid production M4A3 75

M4A3 75d mid spec sheet

M4A3 75 wet large hatch VVSS

M4A3 75w spec sheet

Early M4A4 75 

Early M4A1 75

M4A1 Early Spec Sheet

Mid Production M4A1 75

M4A1 75 mid war spec sheet

Mid production M4A2 75

M4A2 75 mid production spec sheet

Mid production M4A3 75

M4A3 75d mid spec sheet

M4A3 75 wet large hatch VVSS

M4A3 75w spec sheet

Early M4A4 75 

Early M4A1 75

M4A1 Early Spec Sheet

Mid Production M4A1 75

M4A1 75 mid war spec sheet

Mid production M4A2 75

M4A2 75 mid production spec sheet

Mid production M4A3 75

M4A3 75d mid spec sheet

M4A3 75 wet large hatch VVSS

M4A3 75w spec sheet

Early M4A4 75 

M4A1 76 wet VVSS

M4A1 76w specsheet

M4A2 76 wet VVSS

 M4A2 76w spec sheet

M4A2 76 wet HVSS


M4A2 76w HVSS Easy 8 Spec Sheet

M4A3 76 wet HVSS, or Sherman Easy 8

The M4A3E2 Jumbo 75

M4A3e2 Jumbo spec sheet

Sherman Firefly VC


Firefly Vc Spec Sheet


M10 GMC 3inch spec sheet


M36B1 90mm GMC


Other Stuff

Old School Brit

All About Guns

What Every Gun Lover needs!

The Howdah Gun

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Now back in the Glory Days of the British Empire and the Raj. If you were very rich or had gotten in trouble at home.
The Thing to do was to escape Blighty and head out to one of the Colonies. Especially if you were greedy & or Blood thirsty. Even more especially after the Sepoy Mutiny.

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So as you went East of Suez. You would of course be invited to a Tiger Hunt. If you were of the right sort of chap naturally.
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Yeah right, uh moving on.
How the Howah was usually used. Now back in the day. They way one properly hunted Tigers in India was on top of an Elephant.
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If a Tiger decided to come join you in your basket. Then you had your handy dandy Howdah guns to greet him with. So as you can guess by now. These guns packed quite a punch.
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The Howdah Pistol can also be very useful in Labor Negotiations with the locals at times. (Film The Ghost & The Darkness. Great Film by the way)
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Image result for howdah guns
Anyways here is some other videos and other information about these heavy hitters.

Howdah pistol

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Double barrel .50 caliber (13mm) howdah pistol made in Germany

Breech of the same pistol open for loading. This particular weapon was made for a left-handed user

The howdah pistol was a large-calibre handgun, often with two or four barrels, used in India and Africa from the beginning of the nineteenth century, and into the early twentieth century, during the period of British Colonial rule. It was typically intended for defence against tigerslions, and other dangerous animals that might be encountered in remote areas. Multi-barreled breech-loading designs were later favoured over the original muzzle-loading designs for Howdah pistols, because they offered faster reloading than was possible with contemporary revolvers,[1]which had to be loaded and unloaded through a gate in the side of the frame.
The term “howdah pistol” comes from the howdah, a large platform mounted on the back of an elephant. Hunters, especially during the period of the British Raj in India, used howdahs as a platform for hunting wild animals and needed large-calibre side-arms for protection from animal attacks.[2] The practice of hunting from the howdah basket on top of an Asian elephant was first made popular by the joint Anglo-Indian East India Company during the 1790s. These earliest howdah pistols were flintlock designs, and it was not until about 60 years later percussion models in single or double barrel configuration were seen. By the 1890s and early 1900s cartridge-firing and fully rifled howdah pistols were in normal, everyday use.
The first breech-loading howdah pistols were little more than sawn-off rifles,[2]typically in .577 Snider[3] or .577/450 Martini–Henry calibre. Later English firearms makers manufactured specially-designed howdah pistols[3] in both rifle calibres and more conventional handgun calibres such as .455 Webley and .476 Enfield.[2]As a result, the term “howdah pistol” is often applied to a number of English multi-barrelled handguns such as the Lancaster pistol (available in a variety of calibres from .380″ to .577″),[4] and various .577 calibre revolvers produced in England and Europe for a brief time in the mid-late 19th century.[5]
Even though howdah pistols were designed for emergency defense from dangerous animals in Africa and India, British officers adopted them for personal protection in other far-flung outposts of the British Empire.[3] By the late 19th century, top-break revolvers in more practical calibres (such as .455 Webley) had become widespread,[3] removing much of the traditional market for howdah pistols.
Modern reproductions are available from Italian gun maker Pedersoli in .577 and .50 calibers, as well as in 20 bore.


Now for something completely different

Now you are probably saying right now.”WTF is this Grumpy?” And I would have to agree that this is not your average semi auto pistol.
So here is what I found out about it.

Somebody else wrote this one. AS you can guess. Since it is a whole lot better written than I could.
The model 1898 Schwarzlose was a self loading pistol definitely ahead of its time. It was simple, powerful (for the period; it was chambered for 7.63mm Mauser), and remarkably ergonomic. It used a short recoil, rotating bolt mechanism to operate, and very cleverly had one single spring which did the duties of primary recoil spring, striker spring, trigger spring, and extractor spring. Why it failed to become a commercial success is a question I have not been able to definitively answer – I suspect it must have been due to cost. Edward Ezell theorizes that it was unable to compete with the Borchardt/Luger and Mauser pistols because those were able to be made with much more economy of scale. It is really a shame, because the Schwarzlose 1898 is the best of all the pre-1900 handguns I have encountered.

All About Guns

The British Army Rifle The 303 SMLE or "Smelly"

      The Last Real Rifle of the British Empire

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  Now the Brits have made some interesting guns in their lives, Like the 100 Ton Gun in Gibraltar.
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 That and some others that  I will try and cover later on.
My own Personal Experience with it.
  I have owned a couple of them over the years. Sadly I sold them either because of $$ needs at the time. Or just because of Massive stupidity on my part. MEA CULPA!
  Now these rifles  are a very sturdy but heavy rifle. That fires the caliber 303 rifle round.
Image result for 303 british enfield in combat
  Which is an interesting rimmed round. It seems that I heard from somebody or other told me this.
  In that when it hits some poor soul. The round had a tendency to become a mini bad saw. That inflicted some really bad / terminal wounds. Take it for what’s worth.
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  But back to the Rimmed round. As it seems that  almost everyone else had switched over basically by 1930. But I am sure that the British Army had several acres of warehouses filled with the stuff.
Image result for 303 british enfield in combat
  Couple the fact that the British Parliament has always tried to keep the Army’s Budget down. (The Royal Navy always got the Lion’s Share of it Defense Budget)
  So I can see why they stuck with this round as long as they did. So really it’s a matter of. If something works, why mess with it?
He thinks the same thoughts I bet!
Image result for 303 british enfield in combat
  I also have been told that this round is in the same neighborhood as the 30-30 for effectiveness.
  Right moving right along. I was also able to get some so-so results from them at the range. But there where nothing really to write home to.
  But then it was not designed to be a super accurate sniper rifle. Instead if it could hit a soup plate at 200 yards. Then the Army was happy.
(If one gets hit in the chest with a round. The chances are that you are either going to be dead or badly wounded. So so what more do you want?)
  Now before some Tommy comes to the door to punch me in the nose. I really want to emphasis this .
Image result for british tommy wwii
  I really liked it as a rifle. It was a lot of fun to shoot. The only problem really with it was finding ammo for it. Which would not put me in a monetary pinch.
  All I know is this, if I see another one in good shape and is not outrageously expensive. I will most definitely buy it.
Here is some other folks opinion about this fine battle Rifle!
Here is its complete & Technical story that is better told than I can do.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the early twentieth-century British rifle. For other uses, see Lee rifle and Enfield rifle (disambiguation).
Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk 1 (1903) - UK - cal 303 British - Armémuseum.jpg

Short Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk I (1903), Swedish Army Museum, Stockholm.
Type Bolt-action rifle
Place of origin United Kingdom
Service history
In service MLE: 1895–1926
SMLE: 1904–present
Used by See Users
Wars Second Boer War
World War I
Easter Rising
Various Colonial conflicts
Irish War of Independence
Irish Civil War
World War II
Indonesian National Revolution
Indo-Pakistani Wars
Greek Civil War
Malayan Emergency
French Indochina War
Korean War
Arab-Israeli War
Suez Crisis
Border Campaign (Irish Republican Army)
Mau Mau Uprising
Vietnam War
The Troubles
Sino-Indian War
Bangladesh Liberation War
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Nepalese Civil War
Afghanistan conflict
Production history
Designer James Paris LeeRSAF Enfield
Produced MLE: 1895–1904
SMLE: 1904–present
No. built 17,000,000+[1]
Variants See Models/marks
Weight 4.19 kg (9.24 lb) (Mk I)
3.96 kg (8.73 lb) (Mk III)
4.11 kg (9.06 lb) (No. 4)
Length MLE: 49.6 in (1,260 mm)
SMLE No. 1 Mk III: 44.57 in (1,132 mm)
SMLE No. 4 Mk I: 44.45 in (1,129 mm)
LEC: 40.6 in (1,030 mm)
SMLE No. 5 Mk I: 39.5 in (1,003 mm)
Barrel length MLE: 30.2 in (767 mm)
SMLE No. 1 Mk III: 25.2 in (640 mm)
SMLE No. 4 Mk I: 25.2 in (640 mm)
LEC: 21.2 in (540 mm)
SMLE No. 5 Mk I: 18.8 in (480 mm)

Cartridge .303 Mk VII SAA Ball
Action Bolt-action
Rate of fire 20–30 aimed shots per minute
Muzzle velocity 744 m/s (2,441 ft/s)
Effective firing range 550 yd (503 m)[2]
Maximum firing range 3,000 yd (2,743 m)[2]
Feed system 10-round magazine, loaded with 5-round charger clips
Sights Sliding ramp rear sights, fixed-post front sights, “dial” long-range volley; telescopic sights on sniper models. Fixed and adjustable aperture sights incorporated onto later variants.

The Lee–Enfield is a bolt-actionmagazine-fed, repeating rifle that was the main firearm used by the military forces of the British Empireand Commonwealth during the first half of the 20th century. It was the British Army‘s standard rifle from its official adoption in 1895 until 1957.[3][4]. It is often referred to as the “SMLE,” which is short for “Short Magazine Lee-Enfield”.
A redesign of the Lee–Metford (adopted by the British Army in 1888), the Lee–Enfield superseded the earlier Martini–HenryMartini–Enfield, and Lee–Metford rifles. It featured a ten-round box magazine which was loaded with the .303 Britishcartridge manually from the top, either one round at a time or by means of five-round chargers. The Lee–Enfield was the standard issue weapon to rifle companies of the British Army and other Commonwealth nations in both the Firstand Second World Wars (these Commonwealth nations included Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India and South Africa, among others).[5] Although officially replaced in the UK with the L1A1 SLR in 1957, it remained in widespread British service until the early/mid-1960s and the 7.62 mm L42 sniper variant remained in service until the 1990s. As a standard-issue infantry rifle, it is still found in service in the armed forces of some Commonwealth nations,[6] notably with the Bangladesh Police, which makes it the second longest-serving military bolt-action rifle still in official service, after the Mosin–Nagant.[7] The Canadian Rangers reserve unit still use Enfield rifles, with plans to replace the weapons sometime in 2017–2018 with the new Sako-designed Colt C-19.[8] Total production of all Lee–Enfields is estimated at over 17 million rifles.[1]
The Lee–Enfield takes its name from the designer of the rifle’s bolt system—James Paris Lee—and the factory in which it was designed—the Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield. In Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Southern Africa and India the rifle became known simply as the “three-oh-three[9] or the “three-naught-three“.

Design and history

The Lee–Enfield rifle was derived from the earlier Lee–Metford, a mechanically similar black-powder rifle, which combined James Paris Lee‘s rear-locking bolt system with a barrel featuring rifling designed by William Ellis Metford. The Lee action cocked the striker on the closing stroke of the bolt, making the initial opening much faster and easier compared to the “cock on opening” (i.e., the firing pin cocks upon opening the bolt) of the Mauser Gewehr 98 design. The rear-mounted lugs place the bolt operating handle much closer to the operator, over the trigger, making it quicker to operate than traditional designs like the Mauser.[4] The action features helical locking surfaces (the technical term is interrupted threading). This means that final head space is not achieved until the bolt handle is turned down all the way. The British probably used helical locking lugs to allow for chambering imperfect or dirty ammunition and that the closing cam action is distributed over the entire mating faces of both bolt and receiver lugs. This is one reason the bolt closure feels smooth. The rifle was also equipped with a detachable sheet-steel, 10-round, double-column magazine, a very modern development in its day. Originally, the concept of a detachable magazine was opposed in some British Army circles, as some feared that the private soldier might be likely to lose the magazine during field campaigns. Early models of the Lee–Metford and Lee–Enfield even used a short length of chain to secure the magazine to the rifle.[10]
The fast-operating Lee bolt-action and 10-round magazine capacity enabled a well-trained rifleman to perform the “mad minute” firing 20 to 30 aimed rounds in 60 seconds, making the Lee–Enfield the fastest military bolt-action rifle of the day. The current world record for aimed bolt-action fire was set in 1914 by a musketry instructor in the British Army—Sergeant Instructor Snoxall—who placed 38 rounds into a 12-inch-wide (300 mm) target at 300 yards (270 m) in one minute.[11]Some straight-pull bolt-action rifles were thought faster, but lacked the simplicity, reliability, and generous magazine capacity of the Lee–Enfield. Several First World War accounts tell of British troops repelling German attackers who subsequently reported that they had encountered machine guns, when in fact it was simply a group of well-trained riflemen armed with SMLE Mk III rifles.[12][13]

Standard Mk VII .303 inch cartridgefor Lee–Enfield rifle

The Lee–Enfield was adapted to fire the .303 British service cartridge, a rimmed, high-powered rifle round. Experiments with smokeless powder in the existing Lee–Metford cartridge seemed at first to be a simple upgrade, but the greater heat and pressure generated by the new smokeless powder wore away the shallow, rounded, Metford rifling after approximately 6000 rounds.[3] Replacing this with a new square-shaped rifling system designed at the Royal Small Arms Factory (RSAF) Enfield solved the problem, and the Lee–Enfield was born.[3]

Models/marks of Lee–Enfield Rifle and service periods

Model/Mark In Service
Magazine Lee–Enfield 1895–1926
Charger Loading Lee–Enfield 1906–1926
Short Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk I 1904–1926
Short Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk II 1906–1927
Short Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk III/III* 1907–present
Short Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk V 1922–1924 (trials only; 20,000 produced)
Rifle No. 1 Mk VI 1930–1933 (trials only; 1,025 produced)
Rifle No. 4 Mk I 1931–present (2,500 trials examples produced in the 1930s, then mass production from mid-1941 onwards)
Rifle No. 4 Mk I* 1942–present
Rifle No 5 Mk I “Jungle Carbine” 1944–present (produced 1944–1947) BSA-Shirley produced 81,329 rifles and ROF Fazakerley 169,807 rifles.
Rifle No. 4 Mk 2 1949–present
Rifle 7.62mm 2A 1964–present
Rifle 7.62mm 2A1 1965–present

Magazine Lee–Enfield

The Lee–Enfield rifle was introduced in November 1895 as the .303 calibre, Rifle, Magazine, Lee–Enfield,[3] or more commonly Magazine Lee–Enfield, or MLE (sometimes spoken as “emily” instead of M, L, E). The next year, a shorter version was introduced as the Lee–Enfield Cavalry Carbine Mk I, or LEC, with a 21.2-inch (540 mm) barrel as opposed to the 30.2-inch (770 mm) one in the “long” version.[3] Both underwent a minor upgrade series in 1899 (the omission of the cleaning / clearing rod), becoming the Mk I*.[14] Many LECs (and LMCs in smaller numbers) were converted to special patterns, namely the New Zealand Carbine and the Royal Irish Constabulary Carbine, or NZ and RIC carbines, respectively.[15] Some of the MLEs (and MLMs) were converted to load from chargers, and designated Charger Loading Lee–Enfields, or CLLEs.[16]

Short Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk I

A shorter and lighter version of the original MLE—the famous Rifle, Short, Magazine, Lee–Enfield, or SMLE (sometimes spoken as “Smelly”, rather than S, M, L, E)[7]—was introduced on 1 January 1904.[17] The barrel was now halfway in length between the original long rifle and the carbine, at 25.2 inches (640 mm).[17]
The SMLE’s visual trademark was its blunt nose, with only the bayonet boss protruding a small fraction of an inch beyond the nosecap, being modeled on the Swedish Model 1894 Cavalry Carbine. The new rifle also incorporated a charger loading system,[18] another innovation borrowed from the Mauser rifle’[19] and is notably different from the fixed “bridge” that later became the standard, being a charger clip (stripper clip) guide on the face of the bolt head. The shorter length was controversial at the time: many Rifle Association members and gunsmiths were concerned that the shorter barrel would not be as accurate as the longer MLE barrels, that the recoil would be much greater, and the sighting radius would be too short.[20]

Short Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk III

Short Magazine Lee–Enfield No. 1 Mk. III

Israeli female soldiers equipped with the SMLE Mk III during the 1948 Arab Israeli War.

Magazine Cut-Off on an SMLE Mk III rifle—this feature was removed on the Mk III* rifle.

The iconic Lee–Enfield rifle, the SMLE Mk III, was introduced on 26 January 1907, along with a Pattern 1907 (P’07) sword bayonet and featured a simplified rear sight arrangement and a fixed, rather than a bolt-head-mounted sliding, charger guide.[7] The design of the handguards and the magazine were also improved, and the chamber was adapted to fire the new Mk VII High Velocity spitzer .303 ammunition. Many early model rifles, of Magazine Lee–Enfield (MLE), Magazine Lee–Metford (MLM), and SMLE type, were upgraded to the Mk III standard. These are designated Mk IV Cond., with various asterisks denoting subtypes.[21]
During the First World War, the SMLE Mk III was found to be too complicated to manufacture (an SMLE Mk III rifle cost the British Government £3/15/-) and demand was outstripping supply, so in late 1915 the Mk III* was introduced, which incorporated several changes, the most prominent of which were the deletion of the magazine cut-off mechanism, which when engaged permits the feeding and extraction of single cartridges only while keeping the cartridges in the magazine in reserve, and the long-range volley sights.[19][21][22][23] The windage adjustment of the rear sight was also dispensed with, and the cocking piece was changed from a round knob to a serrated slab.[23] Rifles with some or all of these features present are found, as the changes were implemented at different times in different factories and as stocks of existing parts were used.[24] The magazine cut-off was reinstated after the First World War ended and not entirely dispensed with until 1942.[23]
The inability of the principal manufacturers (RSAF EnfieldThe Birmingham Small Arms Company Limited and London Small Arms Co. Ltd) to meet military production demands, led to the development of the “peddled scheme”, which contracted out the production of whole rifles and rifle components to several shell companies.[25]
The SMLE Mk III* (renamed Rifle No.1 Mk III* in 1926) saw extensive service throughout the Second World War as well, especially in the North African, Italian, Pacific and Burmese theatres in the hands of British and Commonwealth forces. Australia and India retained and manufactured the SMLE Mk III* as their standard-issue rifle during the conflict and the rifle remained in Australian military service through the Korean War, until it was replaced by the L1A1 SLR in the late 1950s.[26] The Lithgow Small Arms Factory finally ceased production of the SMLE Mk III* in 1953.[21]
The Rifle Factory at Ishapore, West Bengal, India produced the MkIII* in .303 British and then upgraded the manufactured strength by heat treatment of the receiver and bolt to fire 7.62×51mm NATO ammunition, the model 2A, which retained the 2000 yard rear sight as the metric conversion of distance was very close to the flatter trajectory of the new ammunition nature, then changed the rear sight to 800m with a re-designation to model 2A1. Manufactured until at least the 1980s and continues to produce a sporting rifle based on the MkIII* action.

Pattern 1913 Enfield

Main article: Pattern 1913 Enfield

Due to the poor performance of the .303 British cartridge during the Second Boer War from 1899–1902, the British attempted to replace the round and the Lee–Enfield rifle that fired it. The main deficiency of the rounds at the time was that they used heavy, round-nosed bullets that had low muzzle velocities and poor ballistic performance. The 7mm Mauserrounds fired from the Mauser Model 1895 rifle had a higher velocity, flatter trajectory and longer range, making them superior on the open country of the South African plains. Work on a long-range replacement cartridge began in 1910 and resulted in the .276 Enfield in 1912. A new rifle based on the Mauser design was created to fire the round, called the Pattern 1913 Enfield. Although the .276 Enfield had better ballistics, troop trials in 1913 revealed problems including excessive recoil, muzzle flash, barrel wear and overheating. Attempts were made to find a cooler-burning propellant but further trials were halted in 1914 by the onset of World War I. This proved fortunate for the Lee–Enfield, as wartime demand and the improved Mk VII loading of the .303 round, caused it to be retained for service.[27]

Pattern 1914/US M1917

Main articles: Pattern 1914 Enfield and M1917 Enfield

The Pattern 1914 Enfield and M1917 Enfield rifles are based on the Enfield-designed P1913, itself a Mauser 98 derivative and not based on the Lee action, and are not part of the Lee–Enfield family of rifles, although they are frequently assumed to be.[28]

Inter-war period

Lee–Enfield No. 4 Mk I Longbranch aperture sights

In 1926, the British Army changed their nomenclature; the SMLE became known as the Rifle No. 1 Mk III or III*, with the original MLE and LEC becoming obsolete along with the earlier SMLE models.[29] Many Mk III and III* rifles were converted to .22 rimfire calibre training rifles, and designated Rifle No. 2, of varying marks. (The Pattern 1914 became the Rifle No. 3.)[29]
The SMLE design was a relatively expensive long arm to manufacture, because of the many forging and machiningoperations required. In the 1920s, a series of experiments resulting in design changes were carried out to help with these problems, reducing the number of complex parts and refining manufacturing processes. The SMLE Mk V (later Rifle No. 1 Mk V), adopted a new receiver-mounted aperture sighting system, which moved the rear sight from its former position on the barrel.[30] The increased gap resulted in an improved sighting radius, improving sighting accuracy and the aperture improved speed of sighting over various distances. In the stowed position, a fixed distance aperture battle sight calibrated for 300 yd (274 m) protruded saving further precious seconds when laying the sight to a target. An alternative developed during this period was to be used on the No. 4 variant, a “battle sight” was developed that allowed for two set distances of 300 yards and 600 yards to be quickly deployed and was cheaper to produce than the “ladder sight”. The magazine cutoff was also reintroduced and an additional band was added near the muzzle for additional strength during bayonet use.[30] The design was found to be even more complicated and expensive to manufacture than the Mk III and was not developed or issued, beyond a trial production of about 20,000 rifles between 1922 and 1924 at RSAF Enfield.[30] The No. 1 Mk VI also introduced a heavier “floating barrel” that was independent of the forearm, allowing the barrel to expand and contract without contacting the forearm and interfering with the ‘zero’, the correlation between the alignment of the barrel and the sights. The floating barrel increased the accuracy of the rifle by allowing it to vibrate freely and consistently, whereas wooden forends in contact with barrels, if not properly fitted, affected the harmonic vibrations of the barrel. The receiver-mounted rear sights and magazine cutoff were also present and 1,025 units were produced between 1930 and 1933.[31]

Lee–Enfield No. 1 Mk V

Long before the No. 4 Mk I, Britain had obviously settled on the rear aperture sight prior to WWI, with modifications to the SMLE being tested as early as 1911, as well as later on the No. 1 Mk III pattern rifle. These unusual rifles have something of a mysterious service history, but represent a missing link in SMLE development. The primary distinguishing feature of the No. 1 Mk V is the rear aperture sight. Like the No. 1 Mk III* it lacked a volley sight and had the wire loop in place of the sling swivel at the front of magazine well along with the simplified cocking piece. The Mk V did retain a magazine cut-off, but without a spotting hole, the piling swivel was kept attached to a forward barrel band, which was wrapped over and attached to the rear of the nose cap to reinforce the rifle for use with the standard Pattern 1907 bayonet. Other distinctive features include a nose cap screw was slotted for the width of a coin for easy removal, a safety lever on the left side of the receiver was slightly modified with a unique angular groove pattern, and the two-piece hand guard being extended from the nose cap to the receiver, omitting the barrel mounted leaf sight. No. 1 Mk V rifles were manufactured solely by R.S.A.F. Enfield from 1922–1924, with a total production of roughly 20,000 rifles, all of which marked with a “V”.

Rifle No. 4

Lee–Enfield No. 4 Mk I

Lee–Enfield No. 4 Mk 2 with the ladder aperture sight flipped up and 5-round charger

By the late 1930s, the need for new rifles grew and the Rifle, No. 4 Mk I was officially adopted in 1941.[32] The No. 4 action was similar to the Mk VI, but stronger and most importantly, easier to mass-produce.[33] Unlike the SMLE, that had a nose cap, the No 4 Lee–Enfield barrel protruded from the end of the forestock. The charger bridge was no longer rounded for easier machining. The iron sightline was redesigned and featured a rear receiver aperture battle sight calibrated for 300 yd (274 m) with an additional ladder aperture sight that could be flipped up and was calibrated for 200–1,300 yd (183–1,189 m) in 100 yd (91 m) increments. This sight line like other aperture sight lines proved to be faster and more accurate than the typical mid-barrel rear sight elements sight lines offered by Mauser, previous Lee–Enfields or the Buffington battle sight of the 1903 Springfield.
The No. 4 rifle was heavier than the No. 1 Mk. III, largely due to its heavier barrel and a new bayonet was designed to go with the rifle: a spike bayonet, which was essentially a steel rod with a sharp point and was nicknamed “pigsticker” by soldiers.[33] Towards the end of the Second World War, a bladed bayonet was developed, originally intended for use with the Sten gun—but sharing the same mount as the No. 4’s spike bayonet—and subsequently the No. 7 and No. 9 blade bayonets were issued for use with the No. 4 rifle as well.[34]However, in McAuslan in the Rough, George MacDonald Fraser alleges that the Pattern 1907 bladed bayonet used with the SMLE was also compatible with the No. 4 rifle.[35]
During the course of the Second World War, the No. 4 rifle was further simplified for mass-production with the creation of the No. 4 Mk I* in 1942, with the bolt release catch replaced by a simpler notch on the bolt track of the rifle’s receiver.[36] It was produced only in North America, by Long Branch Arsenal in Canada and Savage-Stevens Firearms in the USA.[36]The No.4 Mk I rifle was primarily produced for the United Kingdom.[37]
In the years after the Second World War, the British produced the No. 4 Mk 2 (

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Preview YouTube video Firing of the 100-ton gun at Fort Rinella. 5th May 2013

Preview YouTube video Lee Enfield SMLE MKIII

Preview YouTube video Lee Enfield Rifle vs M1903 Springfield Rifle and M1 Garand – With R. Lee Ermey

Image result for guy bragging about himself
 Now if you want the ultimate Bragging Rights target pistol. Then one must just might want to consider getting one of Colt’s Snake Guns.

Which is the Colt Python. Now I know that there are a few of you folks out there that are already grumbling at the Old Foole.
This I am sure are some the things that they are going to bring up.
1. Yes they are incredibly expensive.
Related image
     I myself have seen some going for over 2 grand lately.   But you get what you pay for! I have found when the very best of anything is involved, things get very expensive very quickly.That and not everyone will ever be able to get one. That & Life can be very cruel at times
2. Yes there are other variations of the Python that might be a better pistol. Like the Boa, The Grizzly,The King Cobra & the Anaconda.
Image result for colt boa
Image result for colt grizzly
Image result for colt king cobra
Image result for colt anaconda
But then I have not seen a whole lot of them in over 40 years shooting & looking for them.
3. Some of the S&W are very good also. If you get it tuned it up by a Master Pistolsmith. (Good luck on finding one, who has the time)
Image result for colt python versus the S^W
4. Its basically 1950’s technology. It is also a hand made gun.
    (So what the hell is wrong with that?)
5. I would not take this pistol into combat.
    Well Old Buddy neither would I. Especially as I am now a full fledged practicing Coward in my Old Age. Unless some asshole bothers me enough or my family or friends.
  Okay lets us move on now.
  Now I have posted the Wiki article about the Python below. It seems like they did not mess it up too badly. Yes I am cheating. But why invent the wheel?
So I am going to end this one with some gun porn. Thanks for taking the time to come visit! God Bless you!
Inline image 1
Inline image 2
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Here is some more & better information about the Python.

Colt Python

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colt Python

Colt Pythons with 6-inch (15 cm) and 4-inch (10 cm) barrels and nickel finish
Type Revolver
Place of origin United States
Production history
Manufacturer Colt’s Manufacturing Company
Produced 1955–2005
Variants 2.5-inch (6.4 cm), 3-inch (7.6 cm), 4-inch (10 cm), 6-inch (15 cm) and 8-inch (20 cm) barrel
Weight 38 ounces (1.1 kg) to 48 ounces (1.4 kg)

Cartridge .357 Magnum
Action Double-action
Maximum firing range 75 yrds
Feed system Six-round cylinder
Sights Rear adj.; front ramp

The Colt Python is a .357 Magnum caliber revolver formerly manufactured by Colt’s Manufacturing Company of HartfordConnecticut. It is sometimes referred to as a “Combat Magnum”.[1] It was first introduced in 1955, the same year as Smith & Wesson’s M29 .44 Magnum. Now discontinued, the Colt Python targeted the premium revolver market segment. Some firearm collectors and writers such as Jeff CooperIan V. Hogg, Chuck Hawks, Leroy Thompson, Scott Wolber, Renee Smeets and Martin Dougherty have described the Python as the finest production revolver ever made.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]


The Colt Python is a double action handgun chambered for the .357 Magnum cartridge, built on Colt’s large I-frame. Pythons have a reputation for accuracy, smooth trigger pull, and a tight cylinder lock-up.[2] They are similar in size and function to the Colt Trooper and Colt Lawman revolvers.[8]


The Colt Python was first introduced in 1955 as Colt’s top-of-the-line model and was originally intended to be a large-frame 38 Special target revolver.[3] As a result, it features precision adjustable sights, a smooth trigger, solid construction, and extra metal. Pythons have a distinct appearance due to a full barrel underlug, ventilated rib and adjustable sights.[3] Originally, Colt manufactured Pythons with hollow underlugs but left them solid to work as a stabilizing barrel weight. When the revolver is at full cock, just as the trigger is pressed, the cylinder locks up for the duration of the hammer strike. Other revolvers have a hint of looseness even at full-cock. The gap between the cylinder and forcing cone is very tight, further aiding accuracy and velocity.[2] Starting in the 1970s each Python revolver was boresighted at the factory with a laser and was the first mass-produced revolver to do so.[3]

End of production[edit]

In October 1999, Colt Manufacturing Co. announced the termination of its production of Python revolvers. In a 2000 follow-up letter to distributors, the company cited changing market conditions and the costs of defending lawsuits as the reasons for the discontinuation of the Python line as well as a number of other models.[9] The Colt Custom Gun Shop continued making a limited number of Pythons on special order until 2005, when even this limited production was terminated.[2][10]

Models and variants[edit]

Colt Python rollmark on the barrel.

Colt Python Target, 8 inch barrel .38 Special.

The Python was originally available in two finishes: Royal Blue and Bright Nickel. The Bright Nickel model was discontinued with the introduction of the more durable satin stainless and mirror-polished Ultimate Stainless models.[2] The stainless steel and Royal Blue finishes were offered until 2003 by Colt on the Python “Elite” model.[8]
Pythons were available with 2.5-inch (6.4 cm), 3-inch (7.6 cm), 4-inch (10 cm), 6-inch (15 cm) and 8-inch (20 cm) barrels.[2] The six-inch model was the most popular generally, and the 8-inch model was intended for hunting. A 3-inch barrel version is very collectible, although not rare.[3]
The Python Hunter model, with 8-inch barrel and factory-installed 2X Leupoldscope, was made in 1980.[11] The Python Hunter was the first field-ready handgun hunting package made by a major handgun manufacturer.[11] The scope was mounted on the barrel using Redfield mounts and the gun was packaged in a Haliburton case.[11] It was discontinued by 1990 and briefly offered as a “Custom Shop” model afterward.[11] A Python Target model was made for several years in .38 Special only, in blue and nickel finishes.[8]
Two variants of the Python were made in small numbers by Colt. The first was the Colt Boa of 1985, a limited production .357 Magnum revolver, made for the Lew Horton Distributing Company in Massachusetts. It used a Python barrel mated to a Trooper Mk V frame. Six hundred 6-inch revolvers and 600 4-inch revolvers were made, of which 100 were matched sets. Though it resembles a Python visually, it is substantially different internally. The second was the stainless steel Colt Grizzly of 1994, another limited production .357 Magnum revolver. It used a Python barrel mated to a Colt King Cobraframe. 500 of these revolvers were manufactured, with 6-inch Magna-Ported barrels and smooth, unfluted cylinders. The ported barrel includes a bear footprint. Similar to the Grizzly was the Colt Kodiak, which was a Colt Anaconda with a Magna-Ported Barrel and an unfluted cylinder. Approximately 2000 Kodiaks were manufactured.[8]
According to Colt historian, R.L. Wilson, Colt Pythons have been collected by Elvis Presley and various kings in the traditional sense: “H.M. (His Majesty) Hussein I of Jordan ordered a limited number of Pythons with 4-inch and 6-inch barrels, as gifts to his selected friends. Casing and barrel were embossed with His Majesty’s crest. The Python for King Juan Carlos of Spain bore his name in flush gold on the sideplate. Among other celebrated recipients: King Khalid and Prince Fahd (Saudi Arabia), King Hassan (Morocco), Sheik Zayed (United Arab Emirates), President Anwar Sadat (Egypt) and President Hafez Assad (Syria).”[4]


Colt Pythons with 8-inch and 6-inch barrels and royal blue finish

The Python immediately made inroads into the law enforcement market when introduced, with the 6-inch barrel being popular with uniformed officers and the 4-inch barrel considered optimum for plainclothes use.[3] However, it has since fallen out of common use (along with all other revolvers) due to changing law enforcement needs that favor semi-automatic pistols. When law-enforcement agencies realized that the 9 mm semi-automatic pistols fire a round with similar characteristics to the .38 Special with higher capacity, they began a migration to these, and other, semi-automatic pistol cartridges.[12][13] The move away from the Python is also being driven by the increasing number of law enforcement agencies which require officers to carry department-issue weapons (as a way to reduce liability).
The Colorado State Patrol issued 4-inch blue Pythons until their switch to the S&W .40 caliber autoloader.[14] Georgia State Patrol and Florida Highway Patrol issued Pythons to their officers.[14]
A Python, loaded with .357 Magnum semiwadcutter bullets, was used to murder Irish crime reporter Veronica Guerin in 1996, an act which resulted in the creation of the Criminal Assets Bureau.[15][16]
Colt’s Python revolvers are still popular on the used market and command high prices.[17]


Official Colt historian RL Wilson described the Colt Python as “the Rolls-Royce of Colt revolvers”,[4] and firearms historian Ian V. Hogg referred to it as the “best revolver in the world”.[7] However, the revolver is not without its detractors. The downside to the Colt Python’s precision is its tendency to go “out of time” with continued heavy shooting.[18] This is a condition in which the cylinder does not turn in exact alignment with the forcing cone, so a shooter may be sprayed with burning propellant when the gun is fired, or the gun may not fire when used as a double-action.[18] When this happens, the lockwork needs to be re-timed.[18]
Author Martin Dougherty notes the weight of the Python as a drawback, as it is quite heavy for a handgun of its caliber, ranging from 2.4 lbs (1.1 kg) to 2.6 lbs (1.2 kg). This makes it only 6 to 9 ounces lighter than Smith & Wesson‘s more powerful M29 .44 Magnum, which weighs 3.0 lbs in 6½-inch barrel configuration (1.36 kg).[1]