Well I thought it was funny!

Some more Gun Humor

Save those thumbs & bucks w/ free shipping on this magloader I purchased mine  No more leaving the last round out because it is too hard to get in. And you will load them faster and easier, to maximize your shooting enjoyment.  loader does it all easily, painlessly, and perfectly reliably
Funny Pictures Of The Day – 51 Pics
LOL!   That's something my family would do to me
and then the fight started!

All About Guns Other Stuff

One of the Better War Movies out on DVD -Fury

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Now generally I am with most Veterans. In that when we watch a war Movie. We usually criticize the Hell out of it. For all the Mistakes that Hollywood always seems to make.
Like how they is always some gentle & tormented soul that should not be in the Service. I never saw one did you?Image result for Fury film
Or my all time favorite. How the typical squad is always has fighting between themselves. Yeah there is some grumbling and grab ass / horsing around during downtime.
But really not that much of it happens.  Most of the time you are just too busy for that stuff.
Image result for Fury film
Especially if you have a hard ass Squad Leader & or a Platoon Sgt. (All of the Platoon Sergeants that I have seen are some REALLY Tough Mothers by the way)
Anyways here is a little taste of the Film and the story of the Tankers in WWII ETO. Enjoy!

All About Guns Related Topics

The Las Vegas Shooting, I found this & It seems to Make sense at Least to me!

Here we go again. Although I was hoping we’d make it out of 2017 without some mass shootings, we picked up one last weekend on Sunday night on the Las Vegas Strip, where a gunman began shooting from a hotel room into an outside-venue concert across the Strip and continued until the police battered in the hotel room door to find him dead. Many, many questions have been asked about these events, and there aren’t answers to be had. We’ll talk today about some of the details that have emerged, the theories, and the government spin.


Although it’s undergone some revision, the current reports have it that the gunman, one Stephen Craig Paddock (have to use all three names, for some reason, when talking about serial killers, assassins, and the like) had a lot of weapons in his hotel room, but none of them were fully automatic. This was after CNN desperately drummed up some experts saying how easy it is to convert a semi-auto AR-15 into a fully auto version.
Folks, as I come off hiatus to once again don the ROK Gun Writer hat, I can assure you that it is, in fact, NOT easy to modify an AR-15 into a fully automatic rifle, or, to be more precise, a select fire rifle. The serialized (as in, has the official “number” of the gun) part is the lower receiver. That is “the gun” and everything else is a part bolted onto “the gun.” You can buy registered fully automatic guns (discussed in a bit) and registered fully automatic capable parts, but those parts will not fit in an AR-15 lower receiver as there is extra aluminum there on purpose to block them.
The idea is to make it as mechanically difficult to mount full auto hardware in a semi-auto receiver as it is to just make a new receiver on a mill. That requires skill, and time, and good machinery to do. It’s easier (but more expensive) to undergo the background checks, get permission from the government, and buy one of the “transferable” machine guns that are now all over 30 years old, pre-dating the 1986 legislation stopping the sale of new ones.
However, Paddock didn’t have any fully auto weapons, either legally obtained select fires (as described above) or hack jobs where you make the gun into a runaway that will dump mags until it runs out of ammo (which is technically full auto, but really dangerous.) What he had was at least one rifle modified with a “bump fire” device.

A Vegas suite, some rifles, and presumably the dead shooter.

Bump firing is the idea of rapidly pressing a semi-automatic trigger to mimic full auto cyclic rates. The term comes from modifying the gun to hold your trigger finger steady and press the rifle into it. The gun will go off, recoil will happen, the action will cycle, the gun will come forward, and “bump” your finger, doing it all over again.
A very popular bump fire stock, the SSAR-15 by Slide Fire Solutions, involves a free floating stock with pistol grip and “trigger finger rest” that will hold steady while the rest of the rifle recoils. You simply place your finger across and in front of the trigger onto the rest, and push the gun (and trigger) forward with your support hand, and the cycle happens.

SSAR-15 stock by Slide Fire. Note the pistol grip and trigger finger rest, all part of the stationary stock. You press the fore-end forward, moving the trigger into your finger.

I own one of these very stocks, although I have not had it mounted on a rifle in years. Bump firing is a cute little trick to do at a range, but all it does is burn up ammo and pretend to be fully auto. It’s not fully auto; it’s way too slow. If you listen to the shots in the videos, that’s not automatic gunfire you are hearing (although everyone says it is,) it’s extremely fast semi auto-shooting. An M-16 will truck along at 400-900 shots a minute, which is a minimum of around 7 shots a second. I don’t think Paddock’s guns were running that fast; they seemed to be going some 50-70% of full auto speed and were similar to bump fire speeds (which need to reset and break the trigger each shot.)
The real reason bump firing and their stocks, or other things like a hell crank trigger are just toys is because of the absolutely horrible degradation in accuracy you suffer while using them. A reasonably competent marksman, with a rest, at the 300-400 yards at which Paddock was shooting, should have been able to connect with every shot had he been shooting  an AR-15 the way it was designed.

300 yards with a decent, but fixed, amount of drop is fairly easy shooting with a bipod and rest. However, if you’re pushing a bump fire device, accuracy suffers to an extreme degree.

However, he apparently was just dumping Sure Fire coffin mags (which hold either 60 or 100, depending on the model and are easily identified by their doubled thickness) into the crowd and not really aiming. Multiple guns were found in the hotel room, and more were found in his home.


The guys over at RVF have come up with seven theories of what might have happened:

1. Lone-wolf “snap” theory: He was angry, frustrated, or bored at life. He had simmering mental or financial issues that went undetected. This caused him to snap and plan a military-style shooting. This is the current mainstream narrative.
2. Lone-wolf “radical” theory: He’s a far-left/antifa sympathizer. He wanted to kill conservatives while advancing gun control or civil war. The authorities are hiding his motive to prevent a political or national crisis.
3. Deep state asset theory: He’s an undercover agent that was participating in a high-level arms deal. The arms deal went bad and the buyers covered their tracks by mowing down a crowd. Possible variant: Mexican bagman.
4. Deep state false flag theory: This was a deep state operation (CIA/FBI) to advance a police state agenda (body scanners, gun control, facial recognition etc.). Paddock is the fall guy they murdered and placed in the crime scene.
5. ISIS theory: He was radicalized by ISIS to kill infidels. He may or may not have had assistance from ISIS members to carry out the attack.
6. Far-left terrorism theory (including multiple shooters): He was part of a larger far-left cell that had planned for massive destruction in Las Vegas. The plan went wrong and he became the patsy while the FBI shields the truth to prevent mass panic.
7. Independent arms dealer theory. He was dealing arms illegally and independently of any sanctioned government black-op program. Some of his clients murdered him and the Las Vegas victims in a deal gone bad.

In addition, how did a guy get so many pounds of weaponry up into a hotel room, defeat the window and the security and the fire alarm, then rain down automatic hell for so long?
More to the point, why did he do it? Paddock was not a “gun guy;” no one knew he had guns, knew guns, or used them. Me, I’m an amateur enthusiast with a modest collection, but my close confidants would say “yeah, he has guns and knows how to shoot.”
None of it makes sense. His brother has no clue; he sent his girlfriend to the Philippines so she’d be out of the country when this went down  (and she doesn’t know anything, apparently, either) and even ISIS has claimed credit multiple times for the event (while some Muslims have the temerity to lecture us about terrorism; they ARE experts in the field, after all.) He was a white, retired, accountant, and those aren’t the kind of guys who shoot up country concerts, even if it WAS Bro-Country.
The really interesting thing is that no one actually saw him shooting. He was dead, amongst a pile of guns, when the police broke down the door. It’s a stretch, but this all may be a setup.

As the reports come in about more and more guns that Paddock purchased over the years, and how they were stashed in multiple locations, and how he apparently did a casing run the previous week, the pundits have tried to put some spin on it, with very little traction.


Hillary, desperate to retain relevancy after getting Trumped last November, starting tweeting politics too soon, and got shut down by people of good taste. Other liberal politicians, who took a more measured response, have found precious little to work with and an unreceptive, GOP dominated government of whom they must convince of the merits of their gun control ideas.

These two bitches got right to work.

Just like the Congressional Baseball shooting, there is not a whole lot of gun control to be done here. Automatic rifles and machine guns are illegal for citizens to own without massive amounts of legal procedures, and have been that way for 30 years. Automatic weapons simply are no longer used in US crime because they are all accounted for, and you really don’t need automatic fire for much of anything other than making a statement.
I will say it here; bump fire stocks are stupid, and have no place on a serious man’s rifle (which is why mine is in a box). They won’t be banned, because they don’t matter. It would be like banning the SKS used in the previous shooting; it’s an old gun surpassed by most everything and banning it would accomplish nothing.
The pundits can’t even decide if it’s the worst shooting in US history (it’s not) or just “modern history.” It appears that the only real casualty of the gun control agenda is that the bill on legalizing suppressors will probably die in the House, even though Paddock used none in his attack.
Some country artists are trying to go for the sympathy plea and vocally saying they were wrong and that country music artists need to be pro-gun control. I think they’ll find that this will further solidify the schism between real Country and Bro-Country, and the only ones who will follow them will be their fellow tractor-rap fans.


People are wondering why a retired white guy collected guns and then planned and carried out an assault. He wasn’t a gun guy, apparently had no motive, and wasn’t acting in an unplanned rage. He had no kids, no wife, a girlfriend he met while gambling, which seemed to be his only vice, and a penchant for being left alone.
My only theory on the matter is, as American society fractures further, and more and more people go into their old age with never really having had a family of their own or any serious connection, romantically or otherwise, we will see more of these style of events.
The danger with the liberal solution of dealing with discontented, unfulfilled people with access to guns of removing those guns is that you still have those unhappy people, and they will eventually find a way to make themselves heard, with guns or with other means of violence. Perhaps we should examine ways to better our dysfunctional society and stop causing these people to be so disconnected in the first place.
Read More: Las Vegas Tragedy: Over 50 Dead In Worst Mass Shooting In United States History


NFSW – Some Good looking Ladies

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Image result for slim busty topless women
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All About Guns

What I think is some good advice about 22 LR Firearms

Here is another pretty good presentation about what kind of 22 Rifle to buy. This guy seems to know what he is talking about.
Thanks for reading this!

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All About Guns

Nagant Model 1895

Image result for Nagant Model 1895
Now some of you Folks out there are saying WTF is this? Or what is the old fool talking about now?
Well it’s a Nagant Revolver. That the Russian issued to their troops back in Queen Victoria’s time. Which then served Mother Russia until the Early 1950’s.
Image result for Nagant Model 1895

Now I have seen quite a few of them at the Local Gun Shows for the past 20 plus years. I am also in the market for one also. Especially since they have the 2 key things about them. That I like.
A. They are Weird looking.
B. They are still fairly cheap to buy.
(I hope that you are taking the hint oh Son & Heir of mine. As my Birthday is coming up soon!)
Anyways, it is a very tough and reliable pistol. With the key idea that it is almost soldier proof. With a very strange way of firing off a round.
Seems that the Cylinder moves toward the breech of the pistol. Which then seals it off and prevents gas leakage. Why this was done. Is beyond me.
I myself suspect that a lot of really bad vodka was involved in this part of the planning of the gun. But who knows really?
Image result for russia vodka
I just hope that Putin is not a reader of this blog. As he would probably send the Spetsnaz after me.
Image result for Spetsnaz
Now here is some more information about the The Gun from Russia!

Nagant M1895

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nagant M1895 revolver
Nagant Revolver.jpg

A Nagant M1895 produced in 1941 by the Tula Arsenalwith its 7.62×38mmR ammunition
Type Revolver
Place of origin Belgium
Russian Empire
Soviet Union
Service history
In service 1895–present
Used by See Users
Wars Boxer Rebellion
Russo-Japanese War
World War I
Russian Revolution of 1917
Russian Civil War
Spanish Civil War
Winter War
World War II
Chinese Civil War
Hukbalahap Rebellion
Korean War
Vietnam War
Production history
Designer Emile & Léon Nagant
Designed 1886
Manufacturer Nagant, Soviet Arsenals (TulaIzhevsk), Państwowa Fabryka Karabinów[1]
Produced 1895–1945 (1895–1898 Nagant, 1899–1945 Tula, 1930 Warsaw, 1943–1945 Izhevsk)
No. built ~2,000,000[citation needed]
Variants Single-action NCO version, .22 caliber sporting model
Weight 1.8 lb (0.8 kg), unloaded
Length 10.5 in (235 mm)
Barrel length 4.5 in (114 mm)

Cartridge 7.62×38mmR 7.62mm Nagant
Caliber 7.62mm
Action Double action, Single-action
Rate of fire 14–21 rounds/min
Muzzle velocity 891 ft/s (272 m/s)
Effective firing range 50 yds (46 m)[2]
Feed system 7-round cylinder
Sights Fixed front post and rear notch

The Nagant M1895 Revolver was a seven-shot, gas-seal revolverdesigned and produced by Belgian industrialist Léon Nagant for the Russian Empire.
The Nagant M1895 was chambered for a proprietary cartridge, 7.62×38mmR, and featured an unusual “gas-seal” system, in which the cylinder moved forward when the gun was cocked, to close the gap between the cylinder and the barrel, providing a boost to the muzzle velocity of the fired projectile and allowing the weapon to be suppressed (an unusual ability for a revolver).[3]

Russian M1895[edit]

Léon Nagant and his brother Émile were well known in the Russian Tsar’s court and military administration because of the part they had played in the design of the Russian service rifle, the Mosin–NagantModel 1891. The Nagant M1895 was adopted as the standard issue side arm for the Imperial Russian Army and police officers, where it replaced earlier Smith & Wesson models.[4]
Production began in Liège, Belgium; however Russia purchased the manufacturing rights in 1898, and moved production to the Tula Arsenal in Russia, and was soon producing 20,000 examples per year.[4]
Until 1918 it was produced in two versions: a double-action version for officers, and a cheaper single-action version for the ranks.[5] It continued to be used after the Russian Revolution by the Red Armyand Soviet security forces. The distinctive shape and name helped it achieve cult status in Russia and in the early 1930s the presentation of a Nagant M1895 revolver with an embossed Red Star was one of the greatest honours that could be bestowed on a Party Member. The common Russian name for the revolver, наган (nagan) became synonymous with the concept of the revolver in general and was applied to such weapons regardless of actual make or model.
As early as 1933 the M1895 had started to be replaced by the Tokarev semi-automatic pistol but was never fully replaced until the Makarov pistol in 1952. It was still produced and used in great numbers during World War II and remained in use with the Russian Railways, postal service, and some remote police forces[6] for many years. In the Russian Federation, it was only retired from use with postal security service in 2003, and from bailiff security service (Федеральная служба судебных приставов) in 2009.[7]

Technical characteristics[edit]

Revolvers typically have a small gap (sometimes called the flash gap) between the cylinder and the barrel to allow the cylinder to revolve. The bullet must “jump” this gap when fired, which can have an adverse effect on accuracy, especially if the barrel and chamber are misaligned. The gap also is a path for the escape of high pressure (and temperature) gases. Expensive revolvers such as Korth and Manurhin are hand-fitted, keeping the gap to a minimum. Mass-produced revolvers may have a gap as large as 0.25 mm.
The M1895 by contrast, has a mechanism which, as the hammer is cocked, first turns the cylinder and then moves it forward, closing the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. The cartridge, also unique, plays an important part in sealing the gun to the escape of propellant gases. The bullet is deeply seated, entirely within the cartridge case, and the case is slightly reduced in diameter at its mouth. The barrel features a short conical section at its rear; this accepts the mouth of the cartridge, completing the gas seal. By sealing the gap, the velocity of the bullet is increased by 15 to 45 m/s (50 to 150 ft/s.) This feature also eliminates the possibility of injury from gases escaping through the gap, which can damage a finger if the user holds the gun with a finger positioned beside the gap.[8]

Holstered Nagant with the gate open for loading.

The disadvantage of this design is that Nagant revolvers were laborious and time-consuming to reload, with the need to manually eject each of the used cartridges, and reload one cartridge at a time through a loading gate. At the time the revolver was designed, this system was obsolete. In England the Webley revolver used a break action that simultaneously ejected all six spent cartridges; and in America the swinging crane and star ejector had replaced the loading gate and ejector rod system. However, the Nagant design did have the advantage of requiring less machining than more modern designs.
The Nagant M1895 was made in both single-action and double-action models before and during World War I; they are known colloquially as the “Private’s model” and the “Officer’s model”, respectively. Production of the single-action model seems to have stopped after 1918, with some exceptions, including examples made for target competition. Most single-action revolvers were later converted to double-action, making original single-action revolvers rather rare.
Whether fired in single action or double action, the Nagant M1895 has a markedly heavy trigger pull.

History and usage[edit]

The M1895 revolver was used extensively by the Russian Imperial Army and later by the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. In Russian service, it was known for its extreme sturdiness and ability to withstand abuse. As one former Imperial Russian officer stated, “if anything went wrong with the M1895, you could fix it with a hammer”.[citation needed]
It was widely employed by the Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka, as well as its Soviet successor agencies, the OGPUand NKVD. Seven Nagant revolvers were used by communist revolutionaries to murder the Russian imperial family and their servants in July 1918.[9] In the police role, it was frequently seen with a cut-down barrel to aid in concealment by plainclothes agents. Despite the advent of the more modern Soviet TT pistol, the M1895 remained in production and use throughout World War II.
The Nagant’s sealed firing system meant that the Nagant revolver, unlike most other revolvers, could make effective use of a sound suppressor, and suppressors were sometimes fitted to it.[10]
Suppressed M1895 Nagant revolvers, modified in clandestine workshops, also turned up in the hands of Viet Congguerrillas during the Vietnam War as assassination weapons. There is an example of a suppressed Nagant M1895 in the CIA Museum in Langley, Virginia, USA.
The weapon was considered “antique” in Belgium and it became legal to be in possession of the weapon. In 2013 the weapon was again prohibited. Nagant revolvers have been found with the terrorist Amédy Coulibaly in 2015 and with a Dutch weapondealer.[11]



  • Nagant “Private’s model” («солдатский» наган) – a single-action version for non-commissioned officers and soldiers
  • Nagant “Officer’s model” («офицерский» наган) – a double-action version for officers
  • suppressed Nagant[12] with sound suppressor known as the “BRAMIT device” (BRAtya MITiny – “Mitin Brothers”) – produced since 1929 for Soviet reconnaissance and scout troops
  • Ng wz. 30 (Nagant wz. 30)


  • KR-22 «Sokol» (КР-22 «Сокол») – .22 LR[13]



7.62×38mmR (7.62 mm Nagant) cartridge, left, shown next to a .32 S&W Long Cartridge (middle) and a .22 LR cartridge (right) for comparison.

7.62mm Nagant is also known as 7.62×38mmR (Rimmed) or “Cartridge, Type R”. The projectile is seated below the mouth of the cartridge, with the cartridge crimp sitting just above the bullet. When fired, the crimp expands into the forcing cone, completing the gas seal and ostensibly increasing muzzle velocity by approximately 75 ft/s.
The 7.62 mm caliber was chosen, in part, to simplify the tooling used in barrel-making and manufacture of projectiles because the Russian service rifle of the time, the Mosin–Nagant M91, featured an identical bore diameter, being chambered for the 7.62×54mmR rifle cartridge.
The revolver can be fired using the .32 S&W.32 S&W Long and .32 H&R Magnum cartridges, but this practice is not generally advised. .327 Federal Magnums should never be fired in this revolver. The Nagant revolver was not designed to fire these rounds, which have different dimensions, so the shooter should be aware of the risks before attempting to use them in the revolver. Aftermarket cylinders for .32 can be installed, allowing them to safely fire .32 H&R or .32 ACP.

Comparison of .32 Smith & Wesson Long, .32 H&R Magnum and 7.62×38mmR Nagant

Proper fitting ammunition can be reloaded from .32-20 Winchester brass by using the Lee Nagant die set. This allows the reloaders to work up a load that fits their needs and is specific for the Nagant. While this eliminates the bulged/split/stuck cases experienced when using .32 S&W and .32 H&R, the gas seal that made the Nagant famous will still not fully function, due to the .32-20 not being long enough to protrude past the cylinder like the original Nagant ammunition.

Swedish / Norwegian[edit]

7.5 mm Swedish/Norwegian Nagant round

Other Nagant revolver designs were also adopted by police and military services of Sweden (7.5mm M1887), Norway (M1893), Poland, and Greece (ΠερίστροφονM1895).
The Swedish and Norwegian Nagants used a different cartridge, the 7.5 mm Nagant. This ammunition is interchangeable with the 7.5mm 1882 Ordnance (aka Swiss 7.5mm revolver).[14][15]



Well I thought it was funny!

Well I liked it!

Image result for gun diversity


For Sale, Real Cheap!

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HA HA Made you look, huh?

Gear & Stuff

Some Gun Gear Things that have really worked out well for me

Now over the past several decades of shooting. (God does that ever sound pompous!)
Image result for useful shit meme
No not really!
I have found some stuff that makes some good gear to have around. No I am not getting paid (as of yet) to say this. So here we go!

  One of the most useful things that I have found over the years for cleaning your guns after shooting. Was this cleaning fluid called Break Free or CLP.  
  I first used it in the Army a long time ago in the early 80’s. Where I was very pleasantly surprised by it. That and a little will go a very long way. Usually a bottle will last me almost 6 months. (During the year I go to the range about 30 times by the way)
Inline image 4
Their cleaning  foam by the way. Will really do a job on cleaning out the metal on a gun. Just make sure that it DOES NOT GET ON ANY WOOD! As it will take the finish off like crazy asap!
 It is also extremely useful in getting rid of old cosmoline that is caked on by the way.
Image result for breakfree clp
Also a  bench rest for shooting my various very heavy Benchrest Rifles has proven a great help to me. I most highly recommend it for the more seasoned (Old Farts like me)/ Veteran shooters.Image result for benchrest
I have been using this model below  now for quite a few years now.
It is a Hoppe’s Expert’s Bench Rest Front Shooting Rest
Image result for Hoppe's Expert's Bench Rest Front Shooting Rest
The great thing about is that it is made of cast metal. So it will be probably be used by my Great Grand Kids. Since I always remember what my Dad (The Chemist) saying. “Plastics are no damn good in the long run”.
  I have priced them and you can get one usually under $69 bucks if you look hard enough.
One piece cleaning rods
I have also been lucky in using this. The only problem being that if you shoot various calibers , pistols and long arms. You might have to buy a couple of them in various sizes. But there are fairly cheap and will last a long time.
Here is what I use,

Dewey 1-Piece Cleaning Rod

Inline image 2
Scopes That I have found that go to good job. But will not break the bank. Think BSA, Redfield, Nikon. Also if you are careful. Sometimes you can get some good used ones at the Gunshows at reasonable prices. But remember the motto- Buyer Beware!

Inline image 5

If you go to the local gun shows. I have seen these for sale for under $150.00. Considering how expensive some of the other brands are.
This is almost as good in my humble opinion.
All About Guns

Spanish Astra 600/43

Image result for Spanish Astra 600/43
Image result for the old pomona gun shows
 Now I will not torture you younger readers about the Prices of Guns back in the 1970’s & 80’s. Because that would be just cruel. But instead I will say that there were some pretty good bargains.
Image result for old gun prices
Image result for old gun prices
Especially since the WWII and Korean Vets. Were starting to sell some of their guns at the time.

But since I had the worst of all problems at the time. I.E. Young. Dumb, broke and full of well you know what. I could not really partake in the feast too much.Image result for young dumb & broke
Especially now. When I remember when the shows were filled with Spanish Pistols.
As Franco was getting rid of his surplus guns.
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I of course thought they must be some real clunkers. That & they looked weird to boot!
Image result for Spanish Astra 600/43
What an idiot!
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Spanish Astra 600/43 9mm Parabellum Semi-Auto Pistol WWII

 Image result for Spanish Astra 600/43 9mm Parabellum Semi-Auto Pistol WWII
Here is some more & better information about this Pistol

Astra 600

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Astra 600
Type Semi-automatic pistol
Place of origin Spain
Service history
In service 1943–1945
Used by See Users
Wars World War II
Production history
Manufacturer Astra-Unceta y Cia SA
Produced 1943–1950s
No. built Approx. 60,000
Variants Model 400
Weight 1.08 kg (2.4 lb)
Length 205 mm (8.1 in)
Barrel length 135 mm (5.3 in)

Cartridge 9×19mm Parabellum
Action Blowback operated
Feed system 8-round box magazine
Sights Fixed iron sights

The Astra 600 was a Spanish semi-automatic pistol used during World War II. It was a shortened version of the Astra 400 in 9×19mm Parabellum.


The gun was made in Spain for Germany during World War II, and about 60,000 pistols were made, although only the first 10,500 were delivered before the liberation of France cut off the supply lines between Spain and Germany. The remaining pistols were primarily sold after the war to West Germany for police use, with a smaller number being purchased by the Portuguese Navy. The gun was rugged and of high quality and accuracy, despite the blowback operation of the gun and heavy weight, it gave a snappy, distinct recoil. Because of its ruggedness and weight, it was in some countries nicknamed “the pipewrench”.


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Preview YouTube video Spanish Astra 600/43 9mm Parabellum Semi-Auto Pistol WWII

Preview YouTube video Astra 400, 9mm Largo

Preview YouTube video field stripping, Astra 400, Astra 1921, 9mm Largo, field strip procedure