Category: Well I thought it was funny!
Some more Gun Humor
and then the fight started!
Well I liked it!
***Trigger Warning to the Max!***
*** Some really offensive material is coming up!****
Now I am willing to bet that this will highly urinate off a few folks. If so. Well I am almost sorry! But for the rest of the world enjoy!
Notice the very comfortable Tank Top. Which makes it easy to blend into the crowd after shooting up the area.
“Who Me? No I love The American / UN/ Anybody else’s Army!”
Now this youngster is obviously well prepared in case it snows in his area of operations.
This brave lad is obvious not very happy about his Squad mates idea of a little humor. Or about their shortage of KY or any other kind of personal / intimate lubricates.
Don’t you just hate it. When your Squad leader dings you on a Uniform Infraction?
Now this upstanding Soldier has it down to the max! As he knows that if you are going into combat. Then you might as well have a sartorial clash! Pity that you can not see the wonderful set of pearls.
Only Teachers & their Spouses will get these!
Enjoy! Grumpy
One of the Funniest Guys that I have ever seen in Print is a man named P.J. O’Rourke. He has to be one of the funniest conservative writers that has come around in a long time.
(If you get a chance & want to know why Washington DC is so FUBAR*. Read his book “Parliament of Whores” . It is both Funny, Sad and very Wise. Amazon has it)
Now this is one of the Most UN Politically Incorrect Stories that I have ever read in my life. (Which is saying a lot!) It was also written a very long time ago in National Lampoon. Back when the term “Freedom of Speech” actually meant something.
For quite a while it was extremely hard to find. But somehow a copy showed up on the internet. Now I offer this up for entertainment purposes only. Also to show how far we have strayed from our Freedoms.
But I do think that it is funny! If it offends anyone out there. My Heart felt Apologies are extended to them. To everyone else I hope that it will give you a few chuckles!
*Fucked Up Beyond Belief & Repair
Ok Students!
Today Class, we have a video in class. There will be a Test both Oral and written on what will be shown to you now. So stay awake and don’t kill each other!
Some Gun Humor