Useful Shit

Spread by the Sword – Death by the Internet

California Grumpy's hall of Shame Useful Shit

PARODY: An Inspiring Message from the City of Los Angeles Regarding the Palisades Fire

Frankly I just don’t care who you f*ck (Children & Animals excepted) as long as you can get the job done. Grumpy

This great Nation & Its People Useful Shit

Some Red Hot Gospel there!

Useful Shit

Well It is my Blog after all!!!

Useful Shit War

From Bayou Renaissance Man – “Air forces have ceased to be dominant…”

Ukrainians had the advantage of material and intellectual support from NATO countries. Ukraine was the first to develop and use small, innovative drone designs. These often came from civilians, who were seeking to assist friends of family members in the army. Building drones in homes or garages became a major source of drones for Ukrainian troops.

Russia adapted to their disadvantage in drone development by concentrating on electronic jammers, as well as building a lot of drones, often copying successful Ukrainian drones. By rapidly upgrading their jammer technology, Russians can disrupt a lot of new Ukrainian drone tech for a while.

This disruption is becoming more important for the Russians because Ukraine has developed several generations of long range that are increasingly reaching their targets deep a thousand or more kilometers inside Russia. That means Russian economic and military facilities far from Ukraine are suddenly under attack.

These targets include refineries and fuel storage sites as well as weapons development, manufacturing, and storage facilities. In 2023 these attacks destroyed about fifteen percent of Russian refining capacity, reducing, for months, the amount of vehicle fuel available for commercial and military users.

Air bases and ballistic missile storage or launch sites are also under attack. Targets as distant as the Russian Northern Fleet bases around Murmansk are under attack. This has caused a shortage of anti-aircraft systems that can intercept some or all of the drones depending on how many drones and air defense systems are involved.

To deal with this Ukraine has increased production of drones considerably and the objective for 2024 is two million new drones built, mostly armed ones. Halfway through 2024, the production goal is being met. These numbers are comparable to artillery ammunition production, which for Russia is estimated to be three million rounds a year. Hundreds of armed drones used in single attacks are seen as more effective than conventional tube artillery, which is now seen as a poor substitute for drones.

Factories for manufacturing drones are often established in underground facilities to avoid Russian missile attacks. Nearly all the components needed for drone production are available commercially and can be purchased from European or American suppliers and imported. Custom components are manufactured locally in well protected installations. Drone quality and quantity are a Ukrainian advantage they do not want to lose.

Russia is also increasing drone production, in part because they lost their few A-50 surveillance aircraft in 2023 and since then depended on drones for surveillance. Another Russian disadvantage is their reliance on larger and more expensive surveillance and attack drones.

The Russians have been quick to adapt and copy Ukrainian drone designs whenever they obtain a new one that had crash landed intact. Often all it takes is a description of a new Ukrainian drone. Russian drone manufacturers have become adept at copying Ukrainian drone designs based on minimal information. Because of this both Ukrainian and Russian troops face the same drone threat.

More here at

All About Guns Useful Shit War

WW2 Rocket Ships – Beach Landing Battering Rams

All About Guns This great Nation & Its People Useful Shit Well I thought it was funny!

Olympian Shooter By Maximilian

As of writing, the United States has 1 Gold Medal in the Olympic shooting category, putting us in 3rd place behind China and South Korea. To say I am ashamed and embarrassed is to put it lightly. This is America, dammit! As a nation without free healthcare, guns are kind of all we have. We need to win this.

We need to send our best.

There’s various archetypes in every Marine platoon that you can always count on to be there. We’ve covered many of them before, but one of them is the lanky white redneck that can gut any animal, hit any target, and sleep with any one of his cousins. He’s been building his own guns out of rusty pipes and firecrackers since he was a kid, making him an expert in the shooting arts.

Today is the day we call upon him to bring us home the gold. We need you, lanky hillbilly guy.

Useful Shit

How to KILL with a Bayonet!

Paint me surprised by this Some Red Hot Gospel there! Useful Shit

My PSA for the year, Going to the casino any time soon? Might wanna read this first…

Useful Shit

Something worth thinking about while eating today