
Why you do not bring a sword to a Gunfight!

I just do not care how good you are with a blade or how good a shape you are.  About 9 times out of 10.
One is going is experience some serious bodily trauma.

Also I just love watching this film.


Maybe some Folks should not be near Fire Arms

I stole this from Knuckledragin My Life Away


The Old Colt Officers Model in 38 Special

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I first saw one of these a very long time ago. When I was still a pre -teenager When Dad would take me to the local range to fire off a few rounds for an hour or so.

  Now it seemed to me that every time that I was there. I saw saw some of the Old Timers with their gun boxes*. From which. every one of them had a Colt Gold Cup that was tricked out to the max.
  That and it seemed to a man. That they also had a Colt Trooper in their possession.
  They would then start blasting away for hours at a time with them. They would also have for the most part some really good patterns. When they went out and got their targets back to be shown off.
  It was at this time. That I decided that one day I would get one of these pistols for the collection I would one day have.
  But the years rolled by and found no joy on finding one. In that I could either not afford it or had not been trashed by previous owners.
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 But let us cut the chase. I finally found one for sale and at a price that I could afford. It was also in very good shape. So after the usual haggling. I was able to finally buy one.
   In what was to follow after this. Was one of the longest waiting periods of my life to collect it & take home with me.
But as soon as I got my paws on it. It was off to the range with my Shooting box in tow.
  Where I found out some very pleasant stuff about my newest toy.
* It had one of the smoothest action that you could hope for.
* Once you figured out how it threw a round out. You could get some
   very good patterns with it. The adjustable sights are a big help here.
* It is not too finicky about what kind of ammo that you feed it.
* The original factory grips are not the best.  But some one smart put a      pachmar grips on it. Now the ergonomics are just about perfect for me    at least.
* This pistol is a keeper!
Here is a couple of videos that are pretty good about it. Also some other stuff from other sites, Enjoy!
Here is something about the Match Version
This pistol is also the foundation gun that brought us the Colt Trooper & the Phyton
* This the kind of Box that I am talking about. I finally own one. It only took 30 years. But I was always a slow learner.
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The 7mm Mauser or 7×57 Round

The Round that started it off with the intermediate calibers of Today
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  Now this round has been really around for the last 100 year plus life. It is also very popular down in the
*** Trigger Alert Insensitive term being used !! ***
“Latin” American part of the New World. Plus it was and probably also still in Southern Africa.
    Now as I said before. It has made some serious changes with its appearance on the scene. Since never before could a rifle throw such a small but very effective bullet so fae & accurately.
  This was to go on & prove itself on the Battlefield in two major wars. The first is during the 2nd Boer War. When the mighty British Empire decided enough was enough. So they started a War with the small people called the Boers. (This Last of the Gentlemans Wars was about control of the Gold & Diamond Mines in Southern Africa. Plus securing the British Cape Town Colony)
  The Boers being the African descendants of Dutch Colonist from the 17th Century. Where & still are some very hard headed folks. Where not too happy about this.
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  So being the Smart & Hardy Folks that they were & are. They went out & very cleverly ordered a large order of Mauser Rifles in the new Caliber of 7mm Mauser. (The Germans were always happy to twist the British Lions Tail. If they could get away with it)
  Needless to say. They then went out and taught the British Army some  very bloody lessons about fieldcraft and markmanship.
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  Teddy Roosevelt also learned about the &mm in the form of the Spanish Hornet. When he and the Rough Riders with several Regular Army Dismounted Cavalry Regiments. Up & Charged up San Juan Hill during the Spanish – American war of 1898.
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  By the way. This war caused the US to change over to the 1903 Springfield Rifle. Since out Krags really could not compete with the rapid fire Mausers.
Here below are what some of these early Bolt Actions looked like.
Your Basic (Swedish) Cavalry Carbine in 7X57
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A Classic Sporterized Mauser 98 in 7×57 Mauser
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Some Videos I found about the 7 mm
The Spanish War – The Rough Riders
The 2nd Boer War
Here is also some more information about his Great Old Timer that is still out there. Plugging away.

7×57mm Mauser

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ammunition 7x57.jpg

Two 7×57mm cartridges next to a 7.5×55mm/GP11(mid), .308 Win and .223 Rem (far right)
Type Rifle
Place of origin  German Empire
Service history
Used by Spain
Dominican Republic
Kingdom of Serbia
Wars First Rif War
Spanish–American War
Second Boer War
Macedonian Struggle
Balkan Wars
First World War
Spanish Civil War
other conflicts
Production history
Designer Paul Mauser
Designed 1892
Variants 7×57mmR (rimmed)
Parent case none
Case type Rimless, bottleneck
Bullet diameter 7.24 mm (0.285 in)
Neck diameter 8.25 mm (0.325 in)
Shoulder diameter 10.92 mm (0.430 in)
Base diameter 12.01 mm (0.473 in)
Rim diameter 12.10 mm (0.476 in)
Rim thickness 1.15 mm (0.045 in)
Case length 57.00 mm (2.244 in)
Overall length 78.00 mm (3.071 in)
Case capacity 3.90 cm3 (60.2 gr H2O)
Rifling twist 220 mm (1 in 8.66 in)
Primer type Large rifle
Maximum pressure (C.I.P.) 390.00 MPa (56,565 psi)
Maximum pressure (SAAMI) 351.63 MPa (51,000 psi)
Ballistic performance
Bullet mass/type Velocity Energy
9.0 g (139 gr) RWS KS 900 m/s (3,000 ft/s) 3,240 J (2,390 ft·lbf)
10.5 g (162 gr) RWS ID Classic 800 m/s (2,600 ft/s) 3,360 J (2,480 ft·lbf)
11.2 g (173 gr) RWS HMK 770 m/s (2,500 ft/s) 3,320 J (2,450 ft·lbf)
11.2 g (173 gr) Factory Military 700 m/s (2,300 ft/s) 2,746 J (2,025 ft·lbf)
Source(s): RWS / RUAG Ammotech[1]

The 7×57mmcartridge, also known as the 7mm Mauser7×57mm Mauser7mm Spanish Mauser in the USA and .275 Rigby in the United Kingdom is a first-generation smokeless powderrimlessbottlenecked riflecartridge. It was developed by Paul Mauser of the Mauser company in 1892 and adopted as a military cartridge by Spain in 1893.[2] It was subsequently adopted by several other countries as the standard military cartridge. It is recognised as a milestone in modern cartridge design, and although now obsolete as a military cartridge, it remains in widespread international use as a sporting round. The 7×57mm has been described as “a ballistician’s delight”.[citation needed] Many sporting rifles in this calibre were made by British riflemakers, among whom John Rigby was prominent; and, catering for the British preference for calibres to be designated in inches, Rigby called this chambering the .275 bore after the measurement of a 7 mm rifle’s bore across the lands.[2]


Paul Mauser visited the Kingdom of Spain in 1892 after delivery of trial rifles in 1891 and brought with him a new rifle designed to use a new cartridge of 7 mm caliber which he had developed for use with the than new smokeless propellant introduced as Poudre B in the 1886 pattern 8mm Lebel that started a military rifle ammunition revolution. This new rifle featured a new internal box magazine where the cartridges were stored in a staggered column. The Spaniards were so impressed with this new arm and its new 7×57mm Mauser cartridge that they not only placed an order with Mauser but also awarded him the Grand Cross of the Spanish Military Order of Merit, the highest decoration Mauser ever received.[3]

Cartridge dimensions[edit]

The 7×57mm cartridge has 3.90 ml (60 grains H2O) cartridge case capacity. The exterior shape of the case was designed to promote reliable case feeding and extraction in bolt action rifles and machine guns alike, under extreme conditions.
7 x 57.jpg
7×57mm maximum C.I.P. cartridge dimensions. All sizes in millimeters (mm).
Americans would define the shoulder angle at alpha/2 ≈ 20.55 degrees. The common riflingtwist rate for this cartridge is 220 mm (1 in 8.66 in), 4 grooves, diameter of lands = 6.98 mm (0.275 in), diameter of grooves = 7.24 mm (0.285 in), land width = 3.90 mm (0.154 in) and the primer type is large rifle.
European 7 mm cartridges all have 7.24 mm (0.285 in) grooves diameter. American 7 mm cartridges have 7.21 mm (0.284 in) grooves diameter.
According to the official C.I.P. (Commission Internationale Permanente pour l’Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives) rulings the 7×57mm case can handle up to 390.00 MPa (56,565 psi) Pmax piezo pressure. In C.I.P. regulated countries every rifle cartridge combo has to be proofed at 125% of this maximum C.I.P. pressure to certify for sale to consumers.[4]
The SAAMI Maximum Average Pressure (MAP) for this cartridge is 51,000 psi (351.63 MPa) piezo pressure or 46,000 CUP.[5][6] Although this lower specification is in deference to the purportedly weaker actions of the older Mauser 93 and 95 rifles which are still in circulation,[6] this concern is misplaced, as the original ammunition developed for, and issued with, the M93 Spanish Mauser produced an average pressure of 50,370 CUP in those rifles.[7][8]

7×57mmR (rimmed)[edit]

A rimmed cartridge was developed from the 7×57mm shortly after its introduction for use in break-action rifles and combination guns. A rimmed cartridge greatly simplifies the issues of designing an extractor, particularly in a combination gun or “drilling” which must also be designed to extract rimmed shotgun shells. While various modern break-action and single-shot rifle and pistol designs have been developed that can reliably extract rimless cartridges, most of these date from the 1970s or later.[citation needed] While the external dimensions of the two versions are nearly identical other than the rim, there are differences in the internal design. In particular, the cartridge web, the area immediately above the rim on the rimmed version or the rebate on the rimless version, is thinner in the rimmed case, and some authorities recommend limiting the rimmed cartridge to 41,000 CUP because of this.[9]
7×57mmR hunting cartridge
7×57mmR cartridge dimensions. All sizes in millimeters (mm).[10]

Sporting round[edit]

7×57mm hunting cartridge

The ballistics of the 7×57mm became popular with deer and plains game hunters. The relatively flat trajectory and manageable recoil ensured its place as a sportsman’s cartridge. The 7×57mm can offer very good penetrating ability due to a fast twist rate that enables it to fire long, heavy bullets with a high sectional density. This made it popular in Africa, where it was used on animals up to and including elephants, for which it was particularly favoured by noted ivory hunter W.D.M. “Karamojo” Bell, who shot about 800 African Elephants with 1893 pattern 7×57mm military ball ammunition using RigbyMauser 98 rifles, when most ivory hunters were using larger-caliber rifles.[11]Bell selected the cartridge for moderate recoil, and used 11.2-gram (172.8 gr) long round-nosed military full metal jacket bullets for reliable penetration. Bell sectioned an elephant skull to determine the size and location of the brain, and used careful aim to ensure bullet placement in the brain.[2]
The 7×57mm was also the favored cartridge of Eleanor O’Connor, wife of famous hunter and author Jack O’Connor. Eleanor accompanied her husband on multiple hunting expeditions all over the world, killing small and large game with the 7×57mm.[citation needed] Though not as popular today, the 7×57mm is still produced by most major ammunition manufacturers and many modern rifles are available chambered for the cartridge.
The 7×57mm round was also used by the Indian hunter and conservationist Jim Corbett to put down the infamous man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag besides a few other Man-Eaters of Kumaon. Corbett’s writings mention using the .275 Mauser-Rigby rifle with attached torch to despatch the leopard on a dark summer night in May 1926. For man-eating tigers, Corbett preferred a double-barrelled .450/400 Nitro Express rifle but retained the Mauser-Rigby as a backup weapon.[citation needed]
Able to handle a wide range of projectile weights, easy to reload, mild in recoil and accurate, the 7×57 offers a lot. This is well known to hunters, through both personal experience and the reading of a well-documented track record extending back more than 100 years. Rifle Metallic Silhouette shooters are also discovering the versatility and competitiveness of the 7×57.[12]

Military use[edit]

The military of the Kingdom of Spain adopted a new Mauser Spanish Model 1893 rifle design in 1893. It was chambered for the also new 7×57mm Mauser cartridge. The original cartridge featured a long, 11.2-gram (173 gr) round-nose, full-metal-jacketed bullet with a muzzle velocity of about 700 m/s (2,300 ft/s) with 2,744 J (2,024 ft·lbf) muzzle energy from a 740 mm (29.1 in) barreled rifle.[2] For the late 19th century, these ballistics were impressive, and the loading provided a fairly flat trajectory combined with excellent penetration. At the same time, it exhibited relatively modest free recoil. That was a combination of attributes that made it popular with both soldiers and sportsmen alike.
The qualities of the 7×57mm as a military round were shown in the Spanish–American War of 1898. At the commencement of the American assault on the strategic Cuban city of Santiago, 750 Spanish troops defended positions on San Juan and Kettle Hills. The attacking force numbered approximately 6,600 American soldiers, most of them armed with then-new smokeless-powder Krag–Jørgensen rifle in .30-40 Krag caliber,[13] and supported by artillery and Gatling gun fire. Though the assault was successful, the Americans soon realized that they had suffered more than 1,400 casualties, nearly 20 per cent of their forces. A U.S. board of investigation later concluded that the casualties were primarily due to the superior firepower of the Spanish Model 1893 Mauser rifles.[citation needed]
During the Second Boer War in South Africa, British authorities were obliged to re-evaluate rifle and ammunition design and tactics after facing Boer sharpshooters and snipers armed with Mauser Model 1895 rifles firing 7×57mm rounds with withering effectiveness, easily outranging the .303 British cartridge as regards accurate long-range fire.[14] The .303 British cartridge at that time was still using cordite propellant, in contrast to the Mauser’s higher-performance ballistitetype smokeless powder.[15] The British modernized the .303 British cartridge to the Mark 7 variant with a “spitzer” bullet, and updated their rifle to the Short Magazine Lee–Enfield No. 1 Mk III.

Military ammunition[edit]

The oldest 1893 pattern military ball ammunition was loaded with a 11.2-gram (172.8 gr) long round-nosed bullet fired at a muzzle velocity of 670 m/s (2,198 ft/s) with 2,514 J (1,854 ft·lbf) muzzle energy from a 589 mm (23.2 in) long barrel. It had a maximum range of 3,250 m (3,554 yd).[16] In 1893 this ballistic performance made it the high-performance service cartridge champion of its day when compared to other 1893 pattern smokeless-powder cartridges such as the 8mm Lebel.303 British, and 8×50mmR Mannlicher.
In 1913, following the lead of French and German Army commands in developing the spitzer or pointed-tip bullet shape, the Spanish ordnance authorities issued a redesigned 7×57mm cartridge with a spitzer bullet (7mm Cartucho para Mauser Tipo S).[17] It was loaded with a 9-gram (138.9 gr) spitzer bullet fired at a muzzle velocity of 850 m/s (2,789 ft/s) with 3,251 J (2,398 ft·lbf) muzzle energy from a 589 mm (23.2 in) long barrel. It had a maximum range of 3,700 m (4,046 yd).[16] The new spitzer bullet style was partially responsible for the cartridge’s improved performance as it significantly reduced air drag within normal combat ranges and withstood higher accelerations in the barrel.
After that military ball ammunition loaded with a 10.5-gram (162.0 gr) spitzer bullet fired at a muzzle velocity of 750 m/s (2,461 ft/s) with 2,953 J (2,178 ft·lbf) muzzle energy from a 589 mm (23.2 in) long barrel became available. Besides a pointed nose this projectile also had a boat tail to reduce drag. It had a maximum range of 5,000 m (5,468 yd).[16]

Military users[edit]

At one time, the 7×57mm Mauser cartridge saw widespread military use. It was used by:

Chambered service weapons[edit]

Mauser Model 1893Mauser Model 1895 and Mauser Model 1899FN Mauser M1924/30Remington Rolling Block, Venezuelan FN Model 1949Hotchkiss Model 1922 machine gunMadsen machine gun.

Use as a parent case[edit]

The .257 Roberts uses the 7×57mm Mauser as its parent cartridge.


The 7×57mm Mauser is also used as the parent case for a host of modified variants that are not officially registered with or sanctioned by C.I.P. or its American equivalent, SAAMI. These cartridges are known as wildcat cartridges. The US wildcat cartridge developer P.O. Ackley developed several 7×57mm Mauser based wildcat cartridges.[26]
The 7×57mm Mauser Ackley Improved is an alternate version of the 7×57mm Mauser cartridge with 40 degree shoulder. This wildcat was designed to be easily made by rechambering existing firearms, and fire forming the ammunition to decrease body taper and increase shoulder angle, resulting in a higher case capacity. Dies for this wildcat chambering are readily available.
The .228 Ackley Magnum is also based on the 7×57mm Mauser cartridge but is also necked down to .228 caliber (5.79 mm). Bullets in this caliber are hard to find but provide greater weight than .223 caliber bullets, up to 100 grains (6.5 g), without excessively quick twist rate.
The .257 Roberts Ackley Improved is a second generation wildcat cartridge based on the .257 Roberts cartridge.

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video 1895 Chilean Mauser in 7x57mm

Preview YouTube video 7mm mauser classic Hunting rifle

Preview YouTube video Shooting the Winchester Model 70 7×57 at the Range Review

Preview YouTube video 7mm mauser show and tell (HD)

Preview YouTube video Taking the Heights at San Juan Hill (Pt 1)

Preview YouTube video Rough Riders – Charge Up San Juan Hill

Preview YouTube video BBC The Boer War – Part 1

Preview YouTube video Britain and the Boer War

Preview YouTube video “The Great Anglo-Boer War” TV Documentary 4 – Smokeless Powder


The Winchester 30-30

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  I have to make an confession here. In that this is my first rifle that I “bought” with my Dad. What that means in Queens English is this. I was not even a teenager. When my Dad told me to give him my weeks allowance.
  Which was about 4 or 5 bucks back then. He then told me to get in the car. Were upon we went down to the Local Sears Roebuck Store. Where he up and bought us a Winchester 94 in 30-30.
  Yeah I know this was back in the Dark Ages. (Circa 1965 I think) When honest citizens could do such things. Lord how I miss that! But that is just the way it is now a days.
 Here is what some of you younger folks missed below.
                             ****FAIR WARNING ***
Now some of you folks should not look at the prices. As you just might get sick about it. As this was before the Government figured out how to use inflation as a tax.
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   But let us get back on track able the Rifle Dad bought. After we got it home and Dad had checked it out. We then went out and put it thru its paces with my Moms Dad. (Grandpa).
  Needless to say both of the Older Guys got to shoot it first. As is right & proper. Then I came up to base. It was at this point that I got a basic lesson about shooting. That & the Laws of Physics.
  Since up to then. All I had been allowed to shoot were BB Guns and 22 Single Shot Rifles. So I foolishly thought this should not be a problem.
  So up it goes into the off hand position. I line up on the Target (a large can). Take a deep breathe & let out half of it. All the while trying to keep the sight on target. Then give it a good squeeze and boom.
 Well things did not work out quite the way I wanted to on that shot. Since I thought that somebody that hit me with a meat tenderizer.  As my should was hurting pretty bad.
  But to make it worse. These two refugees from the nursing home. Are laughing their asses off at me. Now do not get me wrong! As I do love these guys. But come on!
  At least I did not start crying in font of them and really disgrace myself.
Then I learned another little lesson in shooting.
  When you are shooting anything bigger than a 22. MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE BUTT OF THE RIFLE UP HARD AGAINST YOUR SHOULDER!
  It was also here that I really learned to appreciate recoil pads. That & to avoid Steel Recoil Plates if at all possible.
   Rant about Steel Butt Plates using Adult Conversation coming up!
  The only reason why you would have one on your rifle. Is if you intend to bash some poor souls face in with it. And then only after you have run out of ammo & your bayonet is missing.
  You then write to your Draft Board to tell them. That they are the only & sole reason. As to why you are going to stay alive & come home. Since you want to talk to them about your unwanted experience with the Military in great detail.
  Now here is what I have found about this fine round. It is a really but popular one. Especially since it extremely effective on Deer Size Animals.
  Also most of them come in the carbine mode.  Like the lever action Marlins and Winchesters . Which basically means this. They are a smaller, lighter rifle/ Than say compared to a  full sized Winchester, Remington or a Mauser.
  In plain English translate to this. A light, walking about gun that can be thrown in the back of the ruck and car. In case something shows up that needs killing.
  There are also some made By Ruger in the Number One series. (I have never seen one yet) Also a few were made in the Re-barreled Remington Rolling Blocks. They also are few and far between.
  As to Bolt Actions. Savage mad a series, But they stopped making them a long time ago. See Below.
  Now for the not so good news as my Principal use to say. The 30-30 will probably never win the Palma Cup. As this round is a classic brush round. Where it gets up close and personal.
  Just forget those very long range shots. That come up once in awhile out in the Mid West and Western Half of the Republic. If you are headed out there. Then go get yourself a 243, 25-06, 308, 270 or to be really safe a 30-06.
  You will have to trust me on this one. As Bambi is a pretty smart critter out here.
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  The another issue use to be the bullets. As you could not use Spitzer or sharp pointed bullets in the Lever Actions. Which reall
  Because if you did. The recoil could cause the point of the bullet to hit the primer of the round ahead of it. When that happens.
  You generally will NOT win any Brownie Points at that range. Also a lot of folks may get hurt and not be terribly amused at you. Plus your gun will be FUBAR. (Look it up)
  But then the really smart guys at Hornady. came up with a brilliant solution if I say so myself. In that they combined a soft tip on the bullet. While retaining the Spitzer shape.
Now you it seems that you can have your cake & eat it too! So its Xmas in July and well done to all hands involved!
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 The only other problem with the 30-30 is with the Winchester 94. The problem being that you can not really mount a scope on it. That & frankly the rear sight on them is a joke.
  If you really want to get a sound shooting rifle. Then you are going to have to replace the factory rear sights. With either one of these.
Lyman No. 2 Winchester 94 Tang Sight
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or a

90Mjt Rear Target Sight



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Have a good gun smith handle this job. I know that my old 30-30 left me shoot a hell of a lot better now. Especially with its recold pad on it.
Winchester Model 94 with an add on adjustable rear sight
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The Savage Model 340
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Here is a couple of good videos. So enjoy!
Gun Porn
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Attachments area

The M-1 Carbine

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  Frankly think that the M-1 Carbine is one the most fun rifles to go out plinking with that the Military has ever made. (I have yet to see somebody not smile when one is pulled out of its gun case)
  Since it is light, has almost no recoil, the report is not really obnoxious like say the Ma Deuce 50 Caliber. That and its sighting system is pretty straight forward. With its classic and no non sense Windage and Elevation set up on the rear sight of it.
  That and the ammo does not usually cost an arm or leg. (Most of the times it comes in boxes of 50 rounds in it)
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  Okay so let us move on a bit. Now I shall bore with some of the usual stuff that you have probably heard before about this gun. Like the story & Movie of “Carbine” Williams is pretty well known by most gun nuts like us.
  But I shall paste it for those folks who want to know more down below.
  Right! Let us move on now. This rifle was basically designed to be given to Folks who really did not need to carry a M-1 Garand around when going in Harms Way.
  Like Officers, Support troops like MP’s, Engineers, Signal Corp etc etc. You know folks that are really vital to keep the Grunts supplied, fed & other  good stuff like that.
  Now as a combat weapon itself. It had a mixed record. Since it was not designed to be a main battle rifle. So while some folks swore by it. Some others swore at it.
  My Dad  told me that he saw a China Man in Korea, Who had a thick padded coat on him. Take six or so rounds and nothing happened until he got hit by a Garand round. So penetration might be a problem.
 I have also been told that it is illegal in some areas to hunt deer with it. Dad also went Deer hunting Korea during the war. Since he wanted to get some fresh meat for his kids. Where he got into a huge fire fight with the Enemy over the carcass. But that is another story for another day.
Siberian Roe Deer
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Examples of the Airborne Carbine below.
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Now here is some more technical stuff for those who want it & some other stuff too!

M1 carbine

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carbine, Caliber .30, M1
M1 Carbine Mk I - USA - Armémuseum.jpg

M1 Carbine
Place of origin United States
Service history
In service 1942–1973 (United States)
Used by See Users
Wars World War II
Hukbalahap Rebellion
Malayan Emergency
Suez Crisis
Korean War
Cuban Revolution
First Indochina War
Vietnam War
The Troubles
Cambodian Civil War
Angolan Civil War
Mexican Drug War
Production history
Designer Frederick L. Humeston
William C. Roemer
David Marshall Williams
Designed 1938–1941
Manufacturer Military contractors
Commercial copies
Unit cost $45 (WW2)
Produced November 1941–August 1945 (U.S. Military)
1945–present (Commercial)
No. built 6,121,309 (WWII)[1]
Variants M1A1, M1A3, M2, M2A2, M3
Weight 5.2 lb (2.4 kg) empty
5.8 lb (2.6 kg) loaded w/ sling
Length 35.6 in (900 mm)
Barrel length 18 in (460 mm)

Cartridge .30 Carbine (7.62 mm)
Action Gas-operated (short-stroke piston)rotating bolt
Rate of fire Semi-automatic (M1/A1)
750 rounds/min (M2)[2]
Muzzle velocity 1,990 ft/s (607 m/s)
Effective firing range 300 yd (270 m)
Feed system 15- or 30-round detachable box magazine
Sights Rear sight: aperture; L-type flip or adjustable, front sight: wing-protected post

The M1 carbine (formally the United States Carbine, Caliber .30, M1) is a lightweight, easy to use,[3] .30 caliber (7.62 mmsemi-automatic carbine that was a standard firearm for the U.S. militaryduring World War II, the Korean War and well into the Vietnam War. The M1 carbine was produced in several variants and was widely used by not only the U.S. military, but by military, paramilitary and police forces around the world. It has also been a popular civilian firearm.
The M2 carbine is the selective-fire version of the M1 carbine capable of firing in both semi-automatic and full-automatic. The M3 carbine was an M2 carbine with an active infrared scope system.[4]
Despite its name and similar appearance, the M1 carbine is not a shorter version of the M1 Garand rifle. It is a completely different firearm and it fires a different type of ammunition. It was simply called a carbine because it is smaller and lighter than the Garand.
On July 1, 1925, the U.S. Army began using the current naming system where the “M” is the designation for Model and the “number” represents the sequential development of equipment and weapons.[5]Therefore, the “M1 rifle” was the first rifle developed under this system. The “M1 carbine” was the first carbine developed under this system. The “M2 carbine” was the second carbine developed under the system, etc.

Development history

Limitations of weapons in the U.S. arsenal

The M1 Rifle and M1 Carbine share only a buttplate screw and use different sized .30 caliber ammunition

Briefing for staff personnel. Note: Folding stock M1A1 carbine on the table

81 mm mortar crew in action at Camp CarsonColorado, April 24, 1943. The soldier on the left has a slung M1 Carbine.

A U.S. anti-tank crew in combat in the Netherlands, November 4, 1944. The soldier on the far right is holding an M1 Carbine

Prior to World War II, U.S. Army Ordnance received reports that the full-size M1 rifle was too heavy and cumbersome for most support troops (staff, mortarmen, radiomen, etc.) to carry. During prewar and early war field exercises, it was found that the M1 Garand impeded these soldier’s mobility, as a slung rifle would frequently catch on brush, bang the helmet, or tilt over the eyes. Many soldiers found the rifle slid off the shoulder unless slung diagonally across the back, where it prevented the wearing of standard field packs and haversacks.
Additionally, Germany’s use of glider-borne and paratroop forces to launch surprise attacks behind the front lines, generated a request for a new compact infantry weapon to equip support troops.[6][7] This request called for a compact, lightweight defensive weapon with greater range, accuracy and firepower than handguns, while weighing half as much as the Thompson submachine gun or the M1 rifle.[6] The U.S. Army decided that a carbine would adequately fulfill all of these requirements, but specified that the new arm should weigh no more than five pounds and have an effective range of 300 yards.[8][9] Paratroopers were also added to the list of intended users and a folding-stock version would also be developed.

Designing the M1 carbine

In 1938, the Chief of Infantry requested that the Ordnance Department develop a “light rifle” or carbine, though the formal requirement for the weapon type was not approved until 1940. This led to a competition in 1941 by major U.S. firearm companies and designers.
Winchester at first did not submit a carbine design, as it was occupied in developing the .30-06 Winchester M2 Military Rifle. The rifle originated as a design by Jonathan “Ed” Browning, brother of the famous firearm designer John Browning. A couple of months after Ed Browning’s death in May 1939, Winchester hired David Marshall “Carbine” Williams who had begun work on a short-stroke gas piston design while serving a prison sentence at a North Carolina minimum-security work farm. Winchester, after Williams’ release, had hired Williams on the strength of recommendations of firearms industry leaders, and hoped Williams would be able to complete various designs left unfinished by Ed Browning, including the Winchester .30-06 M2 rifle. Williams incorporated his short-stroke piston in the existing design. After the Marine Corps semi-automatic rifle trials in 1940, Browning’s rear-locking tilting bolt design proved unreliable in sandy conditions. As a result, the rifle was redesigned to incorporate a Garand-style rotating bolt and operating rod, retaining Williams’ short-stroke piston. By May 1941, Williams had shaved the M2 rifle prototype from about 9.5 lb (4.3 kg) to a mere 7.5 lb (3.4 kg).
Ordnance found unsatisfactory the first series of prototype carbines submitted by several firearms companies and some independent designers.[10] Winchester had contacted the Ordnance Corps to examine their rifle M2 design. Major René Studler of Ordnance believed the rifle design could be scaled down to a carbine which would weigh 4.5 to 4.75 lb (2.0–2.2 kg) and demanded a prototype as soon as possible. The first model was developed at Winchester in 13 days by William C. Roemer, Fred Humeston and three other Winchester engineers under supervision of Edwin Pugsley, and was essentially Williams’ last version of the .30-06 M2 scaled down to the .30 SL cartridge.[11] This patchwork prototype was cobbled together using the trigger housing and lockwork of a Winchester M1905 rifle and a modified Garand operating rod. The prototype was an immediate hit with army observers.[12]
After the initial army testing in August 1941, the Winchester design team set out to develop a more refined version. Williams participated in the finishing of this prototype. The second prototype competed successfully against all remaining carbine candidates in September 1941, and Winchester was notified of their success the very next month. Standardization as the M1 Carbine was approved on October 22, 1941. This story was the loose basis for the 1952 movie Carbine Williams starring James Stewart. Contrary to the movie, Williams had little to do with the carbine’s development, with the exception of his short-stroke gas piston design. Williams worked on his own design apart from the other Winchester staff, but it was not ready for testing until December 1941, two months after the Winchester M1 Carbine had been adopted and type-classified. Winchester supervisor Edwin Pugsley conceded that Williams’ final design was “an advance on the one that was accepted”, but noted that Williams’ decision to go it alone was a distinct impediment to the project,[11] and Williams’ additional design features were not incorporated into M1 production. In a 1951 memo written in fear of a patent infringement lawsuit by Williams, Winchester noted his patent for the short-stroke piston may have been improperly granted as a previous patent covering the same principle of operation was overlooked by the patent office.[11]
In 1973 the senior technical editor at the NRA contacted Edwin Pugsley for “a technical last testament” on M1 carbine history shortly before his death 19 Nov 1975. According to Pugsley, “The carbine was invented by no single man,” but was the result of a team effort including Bill Roemer, Marsh Williams, Fred Humeston, Cliff Warner, at least three other Winchester engineers, and Pugsley himself. Ideas were taken and modified from the Winchester M2 Browning rifle (Williams’ gas system), the Winchester 1905 rifle (fire control group), M1 Garand (buttstock dimensions and bolt and operating slide principles), and a percussion shotgun in Pugsley’s collection (hook breech and barrel band assembly/disassembly).[13]


WW II M1 Carbine with a magazine pouch mounted on the stock that held two spare 15-round magazines

U.S. Army Rangers resting in the vicinity of Pointe du Hoc, which they assaulted in support of “Omaha” Beach landings on “D-Day”, 6 June 1944. Note Ranger in right center, apparently using his middle finger to push cartridges into a M-1 carbine magazine. The carbine and a backpack frame are nearby.

Closeup of M1 carbine receiver. Note: original flip sight and push button safety.

Comparison of M1 Carbine magazines. Original 15-round magazine on left and 30-round on right.

Paratrooper armed with a folding stock M1A1 carbine, fires a bazooka at an enemy pillbox on Greary Point, Corregidor.

Marine armed with an M1 Carbine and M8 grenade launcher attached to the muzzle, during the Battle of Iwo Jima.


The .30 Carbine cartridge is essentially a rimless version of the then obsolete .32 Winchester Self-Loading cartridge introduced for the Winchester Model 1905 rifle.[14] The propellant was much newer, though, taking advantage of chemistry advances. As a result, the .30 Carbine is approximately 27% more powerful than its parent cartridge. A standard .30 Carbine ball bullet weighs 110 grains (7.1 g), a complete loaded round weighs 195 grains (12.6 g) and has a muzzle velocity of 1,990 ft/s (610 m/s) giving it 967 ft·lbf (1,311 joules) of energy, when fired from the M1 carbine’s 18″ barrel.
At 100 yards (91 m), the M1 carbine can deliver groups between 3 and 5 inches, sufficient for its intended purpose as a close-range defensive weapon. The M1 carbine has a maximum range of 300 yards (270 m). However, bullet drop is significant past 200 yards (180 m).[14] Therefore, the M1 has practical effective range of about 200 yards.[15]
By comparison, the .30-06 M1 Garand is almost 3 times more powerful than the Carbine. M1 Garand rifles fire a .30 caliber ball bullet weighing 152 grains (9.8 g) at a muzzle velocity of 2,805 ft/s (855 m/s) giving a muzzle energy of 2,655 ft/lb (3,600 joules). However, the M1 carbine’s ballistics are markedly superior to the .45ACP caliber submachine guns in common use at the time. As a result, the carbine offers much better range, accuracy and penetration.[6] The M1 is also half the weight of a Thompson submachine gun and fires a lighter cartridge. Therefore, soldiers armed with the Carbine can carry much more ammunition than those armed with a Tommy Gun.
Categorizing the M1 carbine series has been the subject of much debate. Although commonly compared to the later German StG44 and Russian AK-47, the M1 and M2 carbines are under-powered and outclassed by comparison.[16]The Carbine instead falls somewhere between the submachine gun and the assault rifle, and could be called a Personal Defense Weapon since it fulfilled a similar role.
One characteristic of .30 Carbine ammunition is that from the beginning of production, non-corrosive primers were specified. This was the first major use of this type of primer in a military firearm. Because the rifle had a closed gas system, not normally disassembled, corrosive primers would have led to a rapid deterioration of the gas system.[17] The use of non-corrosive primers was a novelty in service ammunition at this time.[18] Some failures to fire were reported in early lots of .30 Carbine ammunition, attributed to moisture ingress of the non-corrosive primer compound.[19]


The M1 carbine entered service with a simple flip sight, which had two settings: 150 and 300 yards.[20] However, field reports indicated that this sight was inadequate, and in 1944, it was replaced by a sliding ramp-type adjustable sight with four settings: 100, 200, 250 and 300 yards.[21] This new rear sight was also adjustable for windage.


The M1 carbine entered service with a standard straight 15-round box magazine. The introduction of the select-fire M2 carbine in October 1944[22] also brought into service the curved 30-round magazine or “Banana Clip”.[23] After WW2, the 30-round magazine quickly became the standard magazine for both the M1 and M2 carbines, although the 15-round magazine remained in service until the end of the Vietnam war.[24]
Perhaps the most common accessory used on the M1 carbine was a standard magazine belt pouch that was mounted to the right side of the stock and held two extra 15-round magazines. After the introduction of the 30-round magazine, it was common for troops to tape two 30-round magazines together, a practice that became known as “Jungle style“. This led the military to introduce the “Holder, Magazine T3-A1” also called the “Jungle Clip”, a metal clamp that held two magazines together without the need for tape.
The 30-round magazines introduced for use with the selective-fire M2 Carbine would not be reliably retained by the magazine catch made for the original M1 Carbine which was designed to retain a 15-round magazine, so the much heavier (when loaded) 30-round magazine would not be properly seated in the M1 Carbine magazine well. The loaded 30-round magazine would typically cant (impairing feed reliability) or even fall out, which helps explain why the 30-round magazines have a poor reliability record (they are also more prone to damage due to their added length and weight when loaded as thin steel is used to make them). Thus early production M1 Carbines must be fitted with the type IV magazine catch used on the M2 Carbine (and late production M1 Carbines) if it is to be used with 30-round magazines. The type IV magazine catch will have a leg on the left side to correspond with the additional nub on the 30-round magazines.[25] It is also desirable to load 30-round magazines with only 25 rounds to protect their springs from metal fatigue, which can occur if they are left fully loaded for long periods.[citation needed]
Also, in the heat of combat, the M1 carbine’s magazine release button was often mistaken for the safety.[21] This caused soldiers to accidentally release the magazine when they meant to disengage the safety. As a result, the push-button safety was redesigned into a rotating lever-type safety.[21][26]


Due to requests from the field, the carbine was modified to incorporate a bayonet lug starting in 1945.[27] However, very few carbines with bayonet lugs reached the front lines before the end of World War II. By the start of the Korean War, the bayonet lug-equipped M1 was standard issue. It is now rare to find an original M1 carbine without the bayonet lug. The M1 carbine mounts the standard M4 bayonet, which was based on the earlier M3 fighting knife and formed the basis for the later M5M6 and M7 bayonet-knives.
A folding-stock version of the carbine (the M1A1) was also developed after a request for a compact and light infantry arm for airborne troops. The Inland Division of General Motors manufactured 140,000 of them in two product runs in late 1942.[22] They were originally issued to the 82nd and 101st Airborne divisions but were later issued to all army airborne units and the US Marine Corps.[22]
As carbines were reconditioned, parts such as the magazine catch, rear sight, barrel band without bayonet lug, and stock were upgraded with current standard-issue parts. Also, both during and after WW2, many semi-automatic M1 carbines were converted to select-fire M2 carbines by using the T17 and T18 conversion kits.[28] The conversion included a modified sear and slide and added a disconnector, disconnector lever, and selector switch that could be set for semi-auto or full-automatic fire.
During World War II, the T23 (M3) flash hider was designed to reduce the muzzle flash from the carbine, but was not introduced into service until the advent of the M3 carbine.[29] With the exception of T23 hiders mounted on M3 carbines, few if any T23 flash-hider attachments saw service during the war, though unit armorers occasionally hand-built improvised compensator/flash-hiders of their own design.[29][30]
The M1 carbine was used with the M8 grenade launcher, which was developed in early 1944. It was fired with the .30 Carbine M6 Grenade Blank cartridge to launch 22 mm rifle grenades. Stress from firing rifle grenades would eventually crack the carbine’s stock. It also could not use the M8 launcher with an M7 auxiliary “booster” charge (to extend its range) without breaking the stock. This made it a type of emergency-issue weapon.


American infantrymen of the 290th Regiment fight in fresh snowfall near Amonines, Belgium. Soldier in foreground is armed with an M1 carbine.

A total of over 6.1 million M1 carbines of various models were manufactured, making it the most produced small arm for the American military during World War II (compared with about 5.4 million M1 rifles and about 1.3 million Thompson submachine guns). Despite being designed by Winchester, the great majority of these were made by other companies (see list of Military contractors below). The largest producer was the Inland division of General Motors, but many others were made by contractors as diverse as IBM, the Underwood typewriter company, and the Rock-Ola jukebox company. Few contractors made all the parts for carbines bearing their names: some makers bought parts from other major contractors or sub-contracted minor parts to companies like Marlin Firearms or Auto-Ordnance. Parts by all makers were required to be interchangeable. Often one company would get ahead or behind in production and parts would be shipped from one company to the other to help them catch up on their quota. When receivers were shipped for this purpose the manufacturers would often mark them for both companies. One of the stranger combinations were the M1’s made by the combined efforts of Underwood and Quality Hardware. ([31] This receiver was subcontracted from Union Switch and Signal, not Underwood) One has to wonder what the GI thought when he looked at the manufacture’s name of the Carbine he had been issued to carry into battle when it was marked UN-QUALITY.[32] Many carbines were refurbished at several arsenals after the war, with many parts interchanged from original maker carbines. True untouched war production carbines, therefore, are the most desirable for collectors.[33]
The M1 carbine was also one of the most cost effective weapons used by the United States Military during World War II. At the beginning of World War II the average production cost for an M1 carbine was approximately $45, about half the cost of an M1 rifle at approximately $85 and about a fifth of the cost of a Thompson submachine gun at approximately $225. The .30 Carbine ammunition was also far cheaper to produce than the standard .30-06 ammunition; used less resources, was smaller, lighter, faster and easier to make. These were major factors in the United States Military decision to adopt the M1 carbine, especially when considering the vast numbers of weapons and ammunition manufactured and transported by the United States during World War II.

U.S. combat use

World War II

U.S. Marine in combat at Guam.

M1 Carbine at First Iwo Jima Flag Raising

The M1 carbine with its reduced-power .30 cartridge was not originally intended to serve as a primary weapon for combat infantrymen, nor was it comparable to more powerful assault rifles developed late in the war. However, it was markedly superior to the .45-caliber submachineguns in use at the time in both accuracy and penetration,[6] and its lighter .30 cartridge allowed soldiers to carry more ammunition. As a result, the carbine was soon widely issued to infantry officers, American paratroopers,[34] NCOs, ammunition bearers, forward artillery observers, and other frontline troops.[35] The first M1 carbines were delivered in mid-1942, with initial priority given to troops in the European Theater of Operations (ETO).[6]
The M1 carbine gained generally high praise for its small size, light weight and firepower, especially by those troops who were unable to use a full-size rifle as their primary weapon.[36][37] However, its reputation in front-line combat was mixed and negative reports began to surface with airborne operations in Sicily in 1943,[38] and increased during the fall and winter of 1944.[39]
In the Pacific theater, soldiers and guerrilla forces operating in heavy jungle with only occasional enemy contact praised the carbine for its small size, light weight, and firepower.[40] The Carbine bullets would easily penetrate the front and back of steel helmets, as well as the body armor used by Japanese forces of the era.[41][42] Soldiers and Marines engaged in frequent daily firefights (particularly those serving in the Philippines) found the weapon to have insufficient penetration and stopping power.[43][44] Reports of the carbine’s failure to stop enemy soldiers, sometimes after multiple hits, appeared in individual after-action reports, postwar evaluations, and service histories of both the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps.[43][45]
The carbine’s exclusive use of non-corrosive-primer ammunition was found to be a godsend by troops and ordnance personnel serving in the Pacific, where barrel corrosion was a significant issue with the corrosive primers used in .30-06 caliber weapons.[43] However, in the ETO some soldiers reported misfires attributed to moisture ingress of the non-corrosive primer compound.[19]

Selective-fire version

U.S. Army troops fighting in the streets of Seoul, Korea. September 20, 1950. The M1 in the foreground has the bayonet mounted.

Initially, the M1 carbine was intended to have a select-fire capability, but in order to speed up development it was decided to omit this feature. On 26 October 1944, in response to the Germans’ widespread use of automatic weapons, especially the Sturmgewehr 44 assault rifle, the select-fire M2 carbine was adopted, along with a new 30-round magazine. The M2 had a fully automatic rate-of-fire of about 850–900 rounds-per-minute. Although actual M2 production began late in the war (April 1945), US Ordnance issued conversion-part kits to allow field conversion of semi-auto M1 carbines to the selective-fire M2 configuration. These converted M1/M2 select-fire carbines saw limited combat service in Europe, primarily during the final Allied advance into Germany. In the Pacific, both converted and original M2 carbines saw limited use in the last days of the fighting in the Philippines.[30]

Infrared sight versions

The M3 carbine was an M2 carbine with the M2 infrared night sight or sniperscope.[4] The M3 did not have iron sights.[4] It was first used in combat by Army units during the invasion of Okinawa, about 150 M3 were used on Okinawa. For the first time, U.S. soldiers had a weapon that allowed them to visually detect Japanese infiltrating into American lines at night, even during complete darkness. A team of two or three soldiers was used to operate the weapon and provide support.[46]At night, the scope would be used to detect Japanese patrols and assault units moving forward. At that point, the operator would fire a burst of automatic fire at the greenish images of enemy soldiers.[46] The M3 carbine had an effective range of about 70 yards (64 meters), limited by the visual capabilities of the sight.[47] Fog and rain further reduced the weapon’s effective range.[46][47] However, it is estimated that fully 30% of Japanese casualties inflicted by rifle and carbine fire during the Okinawan campaign were caused by the M3 carbine.[46]
The system was refined over time, and by the Korean War the improved M3 infrared night sight was in service. The M3 sight has a longer effective range than its predecessor, about 125 yards (114 meters). However, it still required the user to carry a heavy backpack-mounted battery pack to power the scope and infrared light. They were used primarily in static defensive positions in Korea to locate troops attempting to infiltrate in darkness. In total, about 20,000 sets were made before they became obsolete, and were surplussed to the public.

Korean War

M1 carbine in action during Korean War. Note: 30-round magazine, stock pouch for two 15-round Magazine and grenade launcher.

U.S. Marines holding captured Chinese Communists during fighting on the central Korean front. Note: M1 carbine with mounted bayonet

By the Korean War, the select fire M2 carbine had largely replaced the submachine-gun in U.S. service[48] and was the most widely used Carbine variant.[49][50] Although, the semi-auto M1 carbine was also widely used- especially by support troops. However, in Korea, all versions of the carbine soon acquired a widespread reputation for jamming in extreme cold weather,[51][52][53]this being eventually traced to weak return springs and poor maintenance under the harsh conditions.[54][55]
There were also many complaints from individual soldiers that the carbine bullet failed to stop heavily clothed[56][57][58][59] or gear-laden[60][61][62] North Korean and Chinese (PVA) troops even at close range and after multiple hits.[52][54][63]Marines of the 1st Marine Division also reported instances of carbine bullets failing to stop enemy soldiers, and some units issued standing orders for carbine users to aim for the head.[64][65] PVA infantry forces who had been issued captured U.S. small arms disliked the carbine for the same reason.[66]
A 1951 official U.S. Army evaluation reported that …”There are practically no data bearing on the accuracy of the carbine at ranges in excess of 50 yards. The record contains a few examples of carbine-aimed fire felling an enemy soldier at this distance or perhaps a little more. But they are so few in number that no general conclusion can be drawn from them. Where carbine fire had proved killing effect, approximately 95 percent of the time the target was dropped at less than 50 yards.”[67] The evaluation also reported that …”Commanders noted that it took two to three engagements at least to settle their men to the automatic feature of the carbine so that they would not greatly waste ammunition under the first impulse of engagement. By experience, they would come to handle it semiautomatically, but it took prolonged battle hardening to bring about this adjustment in the human equation.”[67]
Despite its mixed reputation, the M2 carbine’s firepower often made it the weapon of choice, when it came to night patrols in Korea.[67][68] And, troops would tape two or three 30 round magazines together to speed up the process of reloading.[68]The M3 carbine with its infrared sniperscope was also used against night infiltrators, especially during the static stages of the conflict. M3 operators would not only use their carbines to dispatch individual targets, but also used tracer ammo to identify troop concentrations for machine gunners to decimate.[68]

Vietnam War

ARVN soldiers with M1 carbines and U.S. Special Forces with M16s

The M1 and M2 carbines were again issued to U.S. forces during the Vietnam War, particularly with United States Air Force Security Police and United States Army Special Forces. These weapons began to be replaced by the M16 and by 1964 they were generally out of service by the mid 1970s, although they were used in limited numbers by U.S. troops and security personnel until the fall of Saigon in 1975.
At least 793,994 M1 and M2 carbines were given to the South Vietnamese and were widely used throughout the Vietnam War.[69] A number were captured during the war by Vietcong.[70] “While the carbine’s lighter weight and high rate of fire made it an excellent weapon for small-statured Asians, these guns lacked sufficient hitting power and penetration, and they were eventually outclassed by the AK-47 assault rifle.”[16]
The M1/M2/M3 carbines were the most heavily produced family of U.S. military weapons for several decades. They were used by every branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Foreign usage

Winston Churchill fires an American M1 carbine during a visit to the US 2nd Armoured Division on Salisbury Plain, 23 March 1944.

British officers: Brigadier “Mad” Mike Calvert (left) gives orders to Lieutenant-Colonel Shaw, while Major James Lumley stands with M1 carbine under his arm, after the capture of Mogaung in Burma during the second Chindit expedition, June 1944.

After World War II, the M1 and M2 carbines were widely exported to U.S. allies and client states (1,015,568 to South Korea, 793,994 to South Vietnam, 269,644 to France, etc.),[69] they were used as a frontline weapon well into the Vietnam War era, and they continue to be used by military, police, and security forces around the world to this day.

British Army

During World War II, the British SAS used the M1 and M1A1 carbines after 1943. The weapon was taken into use simply because a decision had been taken by Allied authorities to supply .30 caliber weapons from US stocks in the weapons containers dropped to Resistance groups sponsored by an SOE, or later also Office of Strategic Services (OSS), organizer, on the assumption the groups so supplied would be operating in areas within the operational boundaries of U.S. forces committed to Operation Overlord.[citation needed] They were found to be suited to the kind of operation the two British, two French, and one Belgian Regiment carried out. It was handy enough to parachute with, and, in addition, could be easily stowed in an operational Jeep. Other specialist intelligence collection units, such as 30 Assault Unit sponsored by the Naval Intelligence Division of the British Admiralty, which operated across the entire Allied area of operations, also made use of this weapon.[citation needed]. The Carbine continued to be utilized as late as the Malayan Emergency, by the Police Field Force[71] of the Royal Malaysian Police, along with other units of the British Army,[72][73] were issued the M2 Carbine for both jungle patrols and outpost defense. The Royal Ulster Constabulary also used the M1 carbine.[74]

German Army

Small numbers of captured M1 carbines were used by German forces in World War II, particularly after D-Day.[75] The German designation for captured carbines was Selbstladekarabiner 455(a). The “(a)” came from the country name in German; in this case, Amerika. It was also used by German police and border guards in Bavaria after World War II and into the 1950s. The carbines were stamped according to the branch they were in service with; for instance, those used by the border guard were stamped “Bundesgrenzschutz“. Some of these weapons were modified with different sights, finishes, and sometimes new barrels.

Japanese Army

A variant was produced shortly after World War II by the Japanese manufacturer Howa Machinery, under U.S. supervision. These were issued to all branches of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, and large numbers of them found their way to Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War.

Israel Defense Forces

The M1 carbine was also used by the Israeli Palmach-based special forces in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. And, because of their compact size and semi-auto capabilities, they continued to be used by Israeli Defence Forces after the creation of Israel. The Israeli police still use the M1 carbine as a standard long gun for non-combat elements and Mash’az volunteers.


The U.S. provided France with 269,644 M1 and M2 carbines from World War II to 1963.[76] The M1 carbine was used by the French Paratroopers and Legionnaires during the Indo-China War and Algerian War.[77] The M1 carbine was also popular in French Expeditionary Force in Vietnam because of it was ideal for use at close ranges, being better suited to jungle fighting than French standard infantry rifles. French troops discovered its ammunition was deadlier in close range combat.

South Vietnamese Popular Force members on patrol with M1 carbines.

ROK troops armed with M1 carbines during the Vietnam War.

Che Guevara atop a mule in Las Villas provinceCuba, in November 1958, with an M2 Carbine.

South Vietnam

The U.S. provided the Army of the Republic of Vietnam with 793,994 M1 and M2 carbines from 1963 to 1973.[76] Along with tens of thousands of Carbines left behind by the French after the First Indochina War, the M1 and M2 carbines were the most widely issued small arm during the early stages in the Vietnam War and remained in service in large numbers until the fall of Saigon. The South Vietnamese would also received 220,300 M1 Garands and 520 M1C/M1D rifles,[78] and 640,000 M-16 rifles.
The Viet Cong also use large numbers of M1 and M2 Carbines, captured from the French, ARVN and local militia forces of South Vietnam. As well as receiving many thousands of Carbines from the North Vietnamese Army (NVA), China and North Korea. Over time, the SKS and eventually the AK-47 would replace the Carbine to become the dominant weapons used by the Viet Cong.

South Korea

The Republic of Korea Armed Forces received 1,015,568 M1 and M2 carbines from 1963 to 1972.[69] Along with hundred thousands of Carbines and M1 Garands provided by the United States Army before, during and shortly after the Korean war, South Korea would become the largest single recipient of American M1 and M2 carbines.
The Republic of Korea also took an active role in the Vietnam War. From 1964 to 1973, South Korea sent more than 300,000 troops to Vietnam armed primarily with M1 and M2 carbines, as well as M1 Garands. The South Korean Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force all participated as an ally of the United States. The number of troops from South Korea was much greater than those from Australia and New Zealand, and second only to the U.S. military force.


The government of the Philippines still issues M1 carbines to the infantrymen of the Philippine Army’s 2nd Infantry Division[citation needed] assigned in Luzon Island (some units are issued just M14 Automatic Rifles and M1 Carbines) and the Civilian Auxiliary Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) and Civilian Volunteer Organizations (CVO)spread throughout the Philippines. Certain provincial police units of the Philippine National Police (PNP) still use government-issue M1 carbines as well as some operating units of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). In many provinces of the Philippines, M1 carbines are still highly valued as a light small arm. Elements of the New People’s Army and Islamic Secessionist movement value the carbine as a lightweight weapon and preferred choice for mountain and ambush operations.
The M1 carbine has become one of the most recognized firearms in Philippine society, with the Marikina City-based company ARMSCOR Philippines still continuing to manufacture .30 caliber ammunition for the Philippine market.

Counter insurgency

The M1 and M2 carbines were widely used by military, police, and security forces and their opponents during the many guerrilla and civil wars throughout Latin America until the 1990s, when they were mostly replaced by more modern designs. A notable user was Che Guevara who used them during the Cuban Revolution and in Bolivia where he was executed by a Bolivian soldier armed with an M2 Carbine.[79]
In Rio de JaneiroBrazil, a police battalion named Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE, or “Special Police Operations Battalion”) still uses the M1 carbine.


The unit data provided below refers to original U.S. Ordnance contract carbines the United States provided these countries. Many countries sold, traded, destroyed, and/or donated these carbines to other countries and/or private gun brokers.[69]

Current users

South Korean soldiers training with M1919A6s. Note: ROK soldier armed with M1 carbine to the left. Photo taken August 13, 1950

Former users

Ethiopian soldiers deployed with U.S.-made weapons somewhere in Korea, 1953. Note the M1 Carbine with two 30-round magazines taped together “Jungle style“.

Dutch police officer shoots teargas ammunition from the muzzle of an M1 carbine, during a blockade and demonstration against the nuclear power plant Dodewaard. September 18, 1981


The standard-issue versions of the carbine officially listed and supported were the M1, M1A1, M2 and M3.[97]

M1A1 Carbine. Paratrooper model with folding buttstock and late issue adjustable sight and bayonet lug.

Carbine, Cal .30, M1A1

Carbines originally issued with the M1A1 folding stock were made by Inland, a division of General Motors and originally came with the early “L” nonadjustable sight and barrel band without bayonet lug. Inland production of M1A1 carbines was interspersed with Inland production of M1 carbines with the standard stock. Stocks were often swapped out as carbines were refurbished at arsenals. An original Inland carbine with an original M1A1 stock is rare today.

Carbine, Cal .30, M1A2

  • Proposed variant with improved sight adjustable for windage and elevation
  • Produced only as ‘overstamped’ model (an arsenal-refurbished M1 with new rear sight and other late M1 improvements)

Carbine, Cal .30, M1A3

  • Underside-folding pantograph stock, 15-round magazine.
  • Type standardized to replace the M1A1 but may not have been issued.
  • Pantograph stock was more rigid than the M1A1’s folding stock and folded flush under the fore end. A more common name for this type of stock is an underfolder.

Carbine, Cal .30, M2

M2 Carbine, note: the selector lever on the left side, opposite of the bolt handle.

Exploded view of the M2 Carbine.

  • Early 1945
  • Selective fire (capable of fully automatic fire)
  • 30-round magazine or 15 standard issue
  • About 600,000 produced

Initially, the M1 carbine was intended to have a selective-fire capability, but the decision was made to put the M1 into production without this feature. Fully automatic capability was incorporated into the design of the M2 (an improved, selective-fire version of the M1), introduced in 1944. The M2 featured the late M1 improvements to the rear sight, addition of a bayonet lug, and other minor changes.
Research into a conversion kit for selective fire began May 1944; the first kit was developed by Inland engineers, and known as the T4. Inland was awarded a contract for 500 T4 carbines in September 1944. Although the conversion was seen as satisfactory, the heavier 30-round magazine put greater strain on the magazine catch, necessitating the development of a sturdier catch. The slide, sear, and stock design also had to be modified. On fully automatic fire, the T4 model could fire about 750 rounds per minute, but generated a manageable recoil.[98]
Although some carbines were marked at the factory as M2, the only significant difference between an M1 and M2 carbine is in the fire control group. The military issued field conversion kits (T17 and T18) to convert an M1 to an M2. Legally a carbine marked M2 is always a machine gun for national firearms registry purposes.
These M2 parts including the heavier M2 stock were standardized for arsenal rebuild of M1 and M1A1 carbines.
A modified round bolt replaced the original flat top bolt to save machining steps in manufacture. Many sources erroneously refer to this round bolt as an ‘M2 bolt’ but it was developed as a standard part for new manufacture M1 and later M2 carbines and as a replacement part, with priority given to use on M1A1 and M2 carbines.[99] The slightly heavier round bolt did moderate the cyclic rate of the M2 on full automatic.[100]
Despite being in demand, very few M2 carbines saw use during World War II, and then mostly in the closing days against Japan.[101] The M2 carbine was logistically compatible with the millions of M1 carbines in U.S. service, and offered longer range, better accuracy and better penetration than (pistol caliber) submachine guns like the Thompsons and Grease Guns.[102] Therefore, after World War II, the M2 carbine largely replaced the submachine-guns in U.S. service, until it was itself replaced by the M16 rifle.[48]
The M2 model was the most widely used Carbine variant during the Korean War.[103] A detailed study of the effectiveness of the M2 in the war was assembled by S. L. A. Marshall. He found that many troops complained on the lack of effective range of the gun, which allowed the enemy to get close enough to throw hand grenades. A more detailed analysis showed however that most troops who complained actually tended to run low on ammo, because they fired their M2 on fully automatic too soon. Troops who fired their guns on semi-automatic at distance generally complained less about the M2’s effectiveness. Generally, the more seasoned troops used the latter approach. The carbine was usually given to second line troops (administrative, support, etc.), who had little combat experience and also did not have much training in small-unit tactics, but who usually had to engage the enemy at some critical moment, like a breakthrough or ambush. Marshall noted that almost all killing shots with carbines in Korea were at ranges of 50 yards or less. It was unsurprising therefore that the M2 was a preferred weapon for night patrols.[104] The M2 was also used in the early stages of the Vietnam War by special forces, ARVN advisers, and air crews.[105]
Contemporary authors have struggled to categorize the M2 carbine. On one hand, it is more powerful than a submachine gun and is considered by some to be an assault rifle, even though it fires a projectile considerably less powerful than the StG 44‘s 7.92×33mm Kurz. On the other hand, the M2 can also be considered a precursor of the modern personal defense weapon (PDW) concept, even though contemporary guns in that category, like the FN P90, fire substantially different cartridges like the 5.7×28mm.[106]

Carbine, Cal. 30, M2A2

  • Arsenal-refurbished (overstamped M2) model

Carbine, Cal .30, M3

  • M2 with mounting (T3 mount) for an early active (infrared) night vision sight.
  • About 3,000 produced.
  • Three versions of night sight (M1, M2, M3)

Original Korean War era USMC M3 Night Vision Scope

The M3 carbine was an M2 carbine fitted with a mount designed to accept an infrared sight for use at night. It was initially used with the M1 sniperscope, and an active infrared sight, and saw action in 1945 with the Army during the invasion of Okinawa. Before the M3 carbine and M1 sniperscope were type-classified, they were known as the T3 and T120, respectively. The system continued to be developed, and by the time of the Korean War, the M3 carbine was used with the M3 sniperscope.
The M2 sniper scope extended the effective nighttime range of the M3 carbine to 100 yards. In the later stages of the Korean War, an improved version of the M3 carbine, with a revised mount, a forward pistol grip, and a new M3 sniperscope design was used in the latter stages of Korea and briefly in Vietnam. The M3 sniperscope had a large active infrared spotlight mounted on top of the scope body itself, allowing use in the prone position. The revised M3/M3 had an effective range of around 125 yards.[47] Eventually, the M3 carbine and its M3 sniperscope would be superseded by passive-design night vision scopes with extended visible ranges; the improved scopes in turn required the use of rifle-caliber weapons with flatter trajectories and increased hit probability.


Ingram SAM

The Ingram SAM rifles are M1 carbine derivatives in 5.56×45mm NATO (SAM-1), 7.62×39mm (SAM-2) and 7.62×51mm NATO (SAM-3). These are occasionally found on auction sites for collectors. The 5.56×45mm versions accept M16 magazines, the 7.62×39mm accept AK magazines and the 7.62×51mm versions use FN FAL magazines.

Military contractors

Commercial copies

Several companies manufactured copies of the M1 carbine after World War II, which varied in quality. Some companies used a combination of original USGI and new commercial parts, while others manufactured entire firearms from new parts, which may or may not be of the same quality as the originals. These copies were marketed to the general public and police agencies but were not made for or used by the U.S. military.
In 1963, firearms designer Melvin M. Johnson introduced a version of the M1 carbine called the “Spitfire” that fired a 5.7 mm (.22 in) wildcat cartridge known as the 5.7 mm MMJ or .22 Spitfire.[14] The Spitfire fired a 40-grain (2.6 g) bullet with a muzzle velocity of 2850 ft/s (870 m/s) for a muzzle energy of 720 foot-pounds force (980 J).[109] Johnson advertised the smaller caliber and the modified carbine as a survival rifle for use in jungles or other remote areas.[109] While the concept had some military application when used for this role in the selective-fire M2 carbine, it was not pursued, and few Spitfire carbines were made.[109]

An Auto-Ordnance AOM-130 Carbine manufactured in 2007.

More recently, the Auto-Ordnance division of Kahr Arms began production of an M1 carbine replica in 2005 based on the typical M1 carbine as issued in 1944, without the later adjustable sight or barrel band with bayonet lug. The original Auto-Ordnance had produced various parts for IBM carbine production during World War II, but did not manufacture complete carbines until the introduction of this replica. The AOM110 and AOM120 models (no longer produced) featured birch stocks and handguards, Parkerized receivers, flip-style rear sights and barrel bands without bayonet lugs. The current AOM130 and AOM140 models are identical except for American walnut stocks and handguards.[110][111]
In 2014, Inland Manufacturing, LLC in Dayton, Ohio introduced the reproduction of the “Inland M1 Carbine”. Inland Manufacturing, LLC is a private entity that is producing reproductions of the M1 Carbine and M1A1 Paratrooper models that were built by the original Inland Division of General Motors from 1941 to 1945. The new Inland M1 carbines feature many of the same characteristics of the original Inland Carbines and are manufactured in the USA. The M1 carbine is modeled after the last production model that Inland manufactured in 1945 and features a type 3 bayonet lug / barrel band, adjustable rear sights, push button safety, round bolt, and “low wood” walnut stock, and a 15-round magazine. A 30-round mag catch was utilized to allow high-capacity magazines. A “1944” M1 Carbine is also available that has the same features as the 1945 only with a Type 2 barrel Band and 10-round magazine and is available for sale in most states with magazine capacity & bayonet lug restrictions. The M1A1 is modeled after a late production 1944 M1A1 Paratrooper model with a folding “low wood” walnut stock, Type two barrel band, and includes the same adjustable sights which were actually introduced in 1944.[112]
An Israeli arms company (Advanced Combat Systems) offers a modernized bullpup variant called the Hezi SM-1.[113] The company claims accuracy of 1.5 MOA at 100 yards (91 m).[114]
Other commercial manufacturers have included:

  • Alpine of Azusa, Calif.[115]
  • AMAC or Jacksonville, Ark. (acquired Iver Johnson Arms)[116]
  • AMPCO of Miami, Fla.[117]
  • Bullseye Gun Works of Miami, Fla.[118]
  • Crosman Air Rifle; produced an M1 Carbine lookalike[119]
  • ERMA’s Firearms Manufacturing of Steelville, Mo.[120]
  • Erma Werke of Dachau, Bavaria serviced carbines used by the West German police post World War II. Manufactured replacement parts for the same carbines. Manufactured .22 replica carbines for use as training rifles for police in West Germany and Austria and for commercial export worldwide.[121][122]
  • Federal Ordnance of South El Monte, Calif.[123]
  • Fulton Armory of Savage, MD[124]
  • Global Arms[125]
  • H&S of Plainfield, NJ (Haas & Storck, predecessor of Plainfield Machine)[126]
  • Howa of Nagoya, Japan, made carbines and parts for the post-World War II Japanese and Thai militaries, and limited numbers of a hunting rifle version[127]
  • Inland Manufacturing of Dayton, Ohio[128]
  • Israel Arms International (IAI) of Houston, Texas assembled carbines from parts from other sources[129]
  • The Iver Johnson Arms of Plainfield, NJ and later Jacksonville, Ark., (acquired M1 Carbine operations of Plainfield Machine) and followed the lead of Universal in producing a pistol version called the “Enforcer”.[130]
  • Johnston-Tucker of St. Louis, Mo.[131]
  • Millvile Ordnance (MOCO) of Union, N.J. (predecessor of H&S)[132]
  • National Ordnance of Azusa, Calif. and later South El Monte, Calif.[133]
  • NATO of Atlanta, GA[134]
  • Plainfield Machine Company of Plainfield, N.J. and later Middlesex, N.J. (P.O. Box in Dunellen, N.J.), M1 Carbine manufacture later purchased and operated by Iver Johnson[135]
  • Rock Island Armory of Geneseo, Ill.[136]
  • Rowen, Becker Company of Waterville, Ohio[137]
  • Springfield Armory of Geneseo, Ill.[138]
  • Texas Armament Co. of Brownwood, Tex.[139]
  • Tiroler Sportwaffenfabrik und Apparatenbau GmbH of Kugstein, Austria manufactured an air rifle that looked and operated like the M1 Carbine for use in training by Austria and West Germany.[140]
  • Universal Firearms of Hialeah, Fla. – Early Universal guns were, like other manufacturers, assembled from USGI parts. However, beginning in 1968, the company began producing the “New Carbine”, which externally resembled the M1 but was in fact a completely new firearm internally, using a different receiver, bolt carrier, bolt, recoil spring assembly, etc. with almost no interchangeability with GI-issue carbines.[141]

    Universal was acquired by Iver Johnson in 1983 and moved to Jacksonville, Ark. in 1985.

  • Williams Gun Sight of Davison, Mich. produced a series of 50 sporterized M1 Carbines[142]

Hunting and civilian use

Patty Hearst holding a sawed-off M1 “Enforcer” Carbine during her infamous bank robbery attempt.

After World War II, the M1 carbine became a popular plinking and ranch rifle. It is still popular with civilian shooters around the world and is prized as a historically significant collector’s item. The Carbine continues to be used in military marksmanship training and competitive target matches conducted by rifle clubs affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program(CMP).
The M1 carbine can be used for big-game hunting, such as white-tailed deer and mule deerat close range (less than 100 yards), but is definitely underpowered for larger North American game such as red deerelkmoose, and bear. A standard .30 Carbine soft-point round weighs 110 grains (7.1 g) and has a muzzle velocity of about 1,990 ft/s (610 m/s) giving it about 967 ft·lbf (1,311 joules) of energy.[143] By comparison, a 110gr .357 Magnum bullet fired from an 18″ rifle barrel, has a muzzle velocity of 1718 ft/s (523 m/s) and 720 ft/lb (976 joules) of muzzle energy.[144] 30 Carbine sporting ammunition is factory recommended for hunting and control of large varmints like coyotefox or bobcat.[143]
Some U.S. states prohibit use of the .30 Carbine cartridge for hunting deer and larger animals due to a lessened chance of killing an animal in a single shot, even with expanding bullets. The M1 Carbine is also prohibited for hunting in several states such as Pennsylvania[145] because of the semi-automatic function, and Illinois[146]which prohibits all non-muzzleloading rifles for big game hunting. Five-round magazines are commercially made for use in states that limit the capacity of semi-automatic hunting rifles.
Some indoor pistol ranges may permit the firing of an M1 carbine, as its bullet is comparable to magnum handgun rounds, whereas an AR-15, AK-47 or other high-velocity rifle might penetrate the backstop.
New Jersey lists the “M1 Carbine Type” as a banned assault firearm although most examples of the M1 Carbine technically meet the restrictions on semi-automatic rifles identified by the state. Although not banned by name, make or model, M1 Carbines may in some cases be classified as contraband assault weapon under the 2013 NY SAFE act if they feature bayonet lugs, pistol grips, folding stocks and flash suppressors. 10-round magazines are available in states that restrict magazine capacity for civilian firearms.
The M1 carbine was also used by various law enforcement agencies and prison guards, and was prominently carried by riot police during the civil unrest of the late 1960s and early 1970s; until it was replaced in those roles by more modern .223 caliber semi-automatic rifles such as the Ruger Mini-14 and the Colt AR-15 type rifles in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
The ease of use and great adaptability of the weapon led to it being used by Malcolm X and Patty Hearst. Both were featured in famous news photographs carrying the carbine.

Related equipment and accessories

Ammunition types

Main article: .30 Carbine

The ammunition used by the military with the carbine include:[147]

  • Cartridge, Caliber .30, Carbine, Ball, M1
  • Cartridge, Grenade, Caliber .30, M6 (also authorized for other blank firing uses, due to a lack of a dedicated blank cartridge)
  • Cartridge, Caliber .30, Carbine, Dummy, M13
  • Cartridge, Caliber .30, Carbine, Ball, Test, High Pressure, M18
  • Cartridge, Caliber .30, Carbine, Tracer, M16 (also rated as having an incendiary effect)
  • Cartridge, Caliber .30, Carbine, Tracer, M27 (dimmer illumination and no incendiary effect)


Ruger Single-Actions: America ’s Best Do-It-Yourself Kit! By J. Marshall Stanton

My very first handgun was a Ruger, and since that time, I’ve been a staunch fan of the simplicity, ruggedness and affordability of Ruger revolvers, with Ruger single-action’s topping my list of most-packed and favorite firearms.
The strength of Ruger revolvers is legendary, as is the safety of these fine guns.  To Bill Ruger’s credit, he pretty much single-handedly prevented the single-action revolver from slipping into oblivion as an American icon.  Introduced in 1955, Ruger’s Blackhawk single-action revolver in .357 magnum was revolutionary in terms of action design and safety.  Then this great handgun was upgraded in terms of safety with a transfer bar safety which allowed a revolver to really be a six-shooter, and not a five shooter, as these revolvers are safely carried with all chambers loaded.
Over the years this line of single-action revolvers has grown and blossomed such that today, over half of Cowboy Action competitors use Ruger single-action revolvers, and in terms of hunting handguns, they are the tool of choice for a large percentage of working Americans who pursue big game with a handgun.  Part of this widespread appeal is due to the simplicity and rugged reputation of these great guns, part due as well to the affordability of Ruger single-action revolvers.
 Through the years I’ve owned many of these guns, and while some have been either traded-off or sold, my hunting armory still has some Blackhawk and Super Blackhawk revolvers that have been with me the better part of a quarter of a century, and they are still favorites in my hand, and as reliable as ever.  When I’m bumming the woods near our home, hunting in earnest in the most remote parts of North Idaho , or in the saddle riding the mountains behind my house, it is a Ruger single-action that accompanies me.  So much so, that it is second-nature to grab one of my six-guns and strap it on cross-draw style, and go about my business.
As with many gun-cranks, I’ve been in search of the “ultimate packing piece” for years, trying many different variations, then trading them off when I see greener grass in another pasture.  However, through this process, many common issues have plagued the various center-fire Blackhawks, Super Blackhawks and Vaquero revolvers that have revolved through our stables over time.  So common are these nuances that whenever I acquire a new Ruger single-action, that there are certain requisite procedures necessary to bring that handgun up to the performance standards I’ve come to need and expect from a handgun.
I’ll be the first to admit that perhaps I demand a bit more from my handguns that the average weekend shooter.  Where I live and the lifestyle we lead, a handgun is just part of living in the North Idaho Panhandle, where we live pretty remotely in the woods, bordering much public land that is landlocked by private property, the area behind our place is largely untouched by other people, and hunted even less.  As such, it is a haven not only for many species of big game, but large predatory critters as well, most of which carry at least the common traits of being carnivores armed with sharp teeth, strong jaw muscles and claws to boot, be they ursus, canine or feline the possibilities of confrontation in defense of pets or livestock is a very real possibility on a daily basis.  As such, not only does a handgun have to be utterly reliable, rugged,  handy, and comfortable to carry, it must also be accurate.  Accuracy to my thinking must exceed average, it must be exceptional!
Now, Ruger single-actions are very affordable, at least when compared to many other handguns on the market.  Couple their affordability with the safety and ruggedness of design, they are quite a bargain in today’s firearms marketplace.  Notwithstanding however, there are a few issues that must be addressed with any of these newly acquired, to bring them to the standards I demand from a handgun.
With these issues in mind, and of course still being on the continual search for a “perfect packing piece” while in the woods, I set about to buy a New Model Blackhawk revolver for the dual purpose of creating the mythical great woods gun, and to chronicle those things done to bring a current production gun up to those high standards all of us would like to see in a great single-action handgun.  Please forgive me, as some steps outlined here in this article don’t have photos to accompany the text… I was simply too jazzed about working over my new handgun, and remembered the camera, and the photos I didn’t take only after some things were already accomplished!
First off, I’d decided on a 4 5/8” barrel length, as it is about perfect in my estimation as a cross-draw packin’ gun when riding in the saddle.  Secondly, this revolver would have to be in .45 Colt, as I intended to load relatively mild loads with wide meplats and heavy weights for great penetrating qualities, large wound channels, and manageable recoil, even for my teenage girls.  Lastly, the gun should be stainless to resist the wet, sloppy conditions we so often encounter in the North Panhandle, especially during our typical deer and elk seasons.
With these parameters in mind, I set about shopping for my perfect revolver.  My wife accompanied me to a couple regional gunshows where I’m sure she became intensely frustrated as I examined several of the sought-out six-guns, and passed on them all!  I carried with me a set of old-fashioned feeler gauges, and one of the first tests was to check the cylinder gap on each of the revolvers we examined.  Rejection of many guns was due entirely too excessive cylinder gap, which on factory-new guns ran from .004” to as large as .008”.  I was tempted with one that had a gap at .0035”, but passed on it as well, holding out for one with a little tighter tolerances.  After going through all the gunshow offerings, I also exhausted the gunshops within about a 75 mile radius of our home, without finding a single revolver that was any better than the one that tempted me earlier.
So, I kind of put things on hold for a time, and then last May we took a trip to the Midwest to see my inlaws, and I also looked along the way, as time and opportunity permitted both enroute there, while staying the week in Nebraska, then along the way home as well.  Then, in Twin Falls ,while my wife and teenage girls were doing the typical female clothes shopping thing!  What did I find?  I found five 4 5/8” Blackhawk .45 Colts, stainless steel in stock!  After going back to the suburban to retrieve the feeler gauges, to my amazement three of the five guns measured an honest, snug, .002” cylinder gaps!  Now, I could look at other criteria as well in selecting my “perfect gun”!
Examining the bores of each gun revealed very heavy leading in the first inch and a half of the barrel in all five of the guns they had in stock!  In jest, I even asked the department manager if they took them out cowboy shooting on their off time!  The leading was that bad.  At first he thought I was putting him on, but all five of the guns had significant leading in bores just ahead of the forcing cone.  Presumably this is from proof-testing at the factory, but none-the-less I was quite surprised by what I found!  Well, since all the guns displayed about the same level of lockup tightness, and correct cylinder timing, the only thing left was configuration of the wood in the grips…and even that didn’t really matter to me since I intended to install a Bisley grip-frame on the gun eventually anyhow.  But, of course I picked the gun with the nicest looking set of grips anyhow, did the requisite paperwork, paid for the gun and was back at my suburban before the female contingency came looking for me!  It was a very good day!
Once home, and some backlogged bullet orders were caught up, I began in earnest on my new project.  First things first.  I pulled the cylinder pin and at once went to work with my pin gauges to determine cylinder throat diameter.  What a shock…. I knew that the .45 Colt Ruger revolvers of recent manufacture were on the small side, but when measured they measured from .447” through .4495”, no two being the same dimensionally.  I had intended to uniform them anyhow, but felt that this was an excessive amount of under-sizing for a factory cut set of chambers! 
So now the real saga begins!  I called Ruger customer service the following morning, and was greeted by their customary computer answering system, and after listening to no less than two separate menu selections, finally managed to speak with an actual live, living breathing body on the other end of the phone.  The customer service rep was very congenial, and up-beat, but informed me that the dimensions I had encountered in my new .45 Colt Blackhawk were “within factory specs”.  So, I asked to speak to her supervisor, who after about five minutes came on the phone and confirmed what the first representative had affirmed.  Once again I asked to climb the food-chain of management, and finally spoke with a gentleman who, while quite nice on the phone, was also very matter-of-fact that the dimensions of the throats in the chambers of the cylinder were precisely “within factory specifications”.  I then asked him if I could quote him on that.  He immediately asked who I was, and what did I mean quote him!  I told him who I was, and that I was writing an article for our website on Ruger single-action revolvers.  To this he offered to send a next-day UPS air call tag for the revolver to be picked up, and he assured me that they would expedite the “servicing of the revolver to make sure all is in order”.  I then politely declined the offer, saying that I suspected that while he was indeed sincere, I wouldn’t have been privy to such treatment if I had just been Joe Shooter wanting his revolver to have proper dimensions.
So, since this article was to be about an off-the-shelf revolver, and within the budget of any shooter, I declined to send the revolver in for customer service, instead following a regimen that I’ve used many times in tuning Ruger single-action sixguns in the past.  What chronicles hereafter in this article are the steps taken to make this revolver a truly outstanding shooter, and addressing the shortcomings of these great sixguns.
I had intended from the beginning to replace the standard Blackhawk grip-frame with a Bisley model, as my wide palms and short stubby fingers don’t agree well with the small Blackhawk grip.  So, such being the case, and in changing out the grip-frame also necessitated changing the trigger and hammer, I decided that since the gun had a trigger pull of 8.3 pounds as measured by a Lyman digital trigger pull gauge, the grip and trigger component changes would be sooner rather than later in this project.
Stripping the factory Blackhawk grip from the frame is straightforward and simplicity itself.  Removal of the grip panels, followed by cocking the hammer (on an empty gun with the cylinder removed), then pinning the hammer-strut back with a decapping pin, or similar object, removing the five grip-frame attaching screws, and the grip-frame drops free from the frame, be careful that the spring loaded pins, one that regulates tension on the transfer-bar safety, and the other that pre-loads the cylinder locking lug don’t spring free into oblivion as the grip-frame is dropped free.
Once the grip-frame was removed, I also took out the hammer and trigger, the transfer-bar, the hand and the loading gate.  The transfer-bar, hand and loading gate had considerable roughness to their castings, and some 600 grit emery paper judiciously applied smoothed these considerably.  Just keep in mind only to hit the high spots.  The Bisley grip frame required minimal fitting to the Blackhawk frame, primarily fitting the top contour of the grip to match that of the frame. (sorry photos weren’t taken of this phase).  The sear engagement surfaces were stoned to smooth them up, and test fitted until a nice crisp, creep-free  3.2 lb. trigger pull was achieved.  The reduced power trigger-return spring from Wolf Springs was installed, but the stock hammer spring retained for use in this revolver.
At this point, the heavy, eight-plus pound trigger pull had been reduced to just over three pounds, and a grip frame installed that properly fit my hand.  Although I knew that the cylinder throats were undersize, and that the barrel had issues, I was determined to do a little shooting with my new sixgun.  The results from a sandbag rest at twenty-five yards met my dismal expectations in every way!

Starline .45 Colt Brass, Winchester Large Pistol Primers








265g Keith PB







255g WFN PB














The above loads employed bullets BHN22, and due to the small diameter of the chamber throats, necessitated sizing bullets down to .451” to allow chambering.  Even at .451” the loaded rounds were a thumb-press-fit into the chambers.  Group sizes recorded are the composite of three, five-round groups fired from a solid rest at 25 yards with absolutely no wind and about 70 degree ambient temperatures.  Heavy lead buildup in the barrel induced thorough cleaning between every fifteen rounds.
Undersized cylinder throats precluded shooting bullets appropriately sized to fit the .4505” barrel on this revolver.  So, the options were, hone them myself, buy a cylinder throat reamer, or send the cylinder out for reaming to a custom revolver smith.  In keeping with the spirit of this project, I opted to hone them out myself, as I’ve done many others in the past, not only to avert the turn-around time from a custom smith, but to illustrate how effective home workshop methodology can actually be when care is taken and attention to detail maintained.
Once the cylinder is removed from your revolver, it’s imperative to have a bench vise of some description available for this next step in tuning the revolver.  Too, the jaws of the vise need to be padded, in the accompanying photographs leather was used to pad the jaws, protect the cylinder and facilitate keeping a good grip on the cylinder while honing.
To accomplish the task at hand, use 320 grit one-inch wide strips of emery cloth, wrapped around a split steel or brass rod turned in a common power drill as shown in the photo.  The idea is to wind enough emery cloth around the split rod such that it becomes a snug fit in the chamber throat.  One must be extremely cautious to keep the honing assembly perfectly aligned with the chamber and throat.  For this reason it is best to insert the rod from the breach end of the cylinder, and shove the emery-wrapped rod through the chamber until approximately one-eighth to one quarter of an inch of the assembly protrudes out the front of the chamber mouth.  Then using slow RPM’s with the power drill, turn the emery paper in the throat slightly working the assembly in and out about a quarter of an inch to prevent creating grooves in the chamber throats.  Use the chamber, and the axis thereof as a guide for alignment of the turning rod, keeping it centered in the chamber, and aligned with the throat in such manner.  Cutting action of the emery cloth is surprisingly quick, so don’t over due a good thing!  Too, if the emery isn’t cutting aggressively, liberally irrigate the whole honing assembly with WD-40.
Stop frequently and the diameter of the cylinder throat being honed.  This can be surprisingly well regulated by using bullets of the exact diameter you intend to use in the gun.  This is especially true when using cast bullets with an ogive that goes out to full bullet diameter ahead of the crimp groove.  Turn the cylinder upright, so the chamber throats are down, then drop a bullet of proper diameter down the chamber.  When honed to the proper diameter, the bullet should slide most of the way through the throat under its own weight, and require just a slight push with finger pressure to shove all the way through as shown in the photo.  Then, once the first throat is done to satisfaction, it can be used as a gauge for the remaining throats, by dropping a bullet through each of the successive chamber throats as they are honed, until bullets so dropped through stop at the same relative point as the first, or index chamber.  Successively honing each throat to match the first is surprisingly easy, provided one spends the time to stop and check progress frequently when honing out each throat.  Too, marking the chambers with a Sharpie felt marker helps keep track of which throat one is working upon, and allows a sequential progression through the chambers.
After so honing the throats in our subject stainless Blackhawk, using only the methods described, I then later checked those throats with a set of precision-ground pin gauges, and found variation to be less than .0005” through the entire course of the six throats opened up using the described procedure.  Yes, I probably invested about two hours opening these up, while sending a cylinder off to a custom revolver smith for reaming currently costs only about $40.  As mentioned before, the purpose of this article and project is to demonstrate that home methods can, and do get the job done quite effectively, and with a surprising degree of precision!
With the throats uniformly opened up to .4525”, it was time to shoot this gun again for groups.  Once again the same loads as previously fired were shot for groups at 25 yards off a sandbag rest under very favorable shooting conditions without wind, a slight overcast sky, so there was no glare off the sights, and in the mid 70’s for temperature.  No chronograph readings were taken for this shooting session.

Starline .45 Colt Brass Winchester Large Pistol Primers







265g Keith PB






255g WFN PB












Once again leading became an issue in shooting these groups, and the barrel was thoroughly cleaned between every fifteen rounds.  Most severe leading occurred in the first two inches of the barrel, being the heaviest at the forward end of the forcing cone, directly underneath the threads where the barrel shank screws into the frame.  Slugging the barrel using a number eight oval egg sinker revealed that a constriction of .0025” existed directly under the threads on the barrel shank at the forward end of the forcing cone.
Such constrictions on Ruger single-action revolvers is nearly the norm, and although .0025” is quite a constriction, it isn’t uncommon in these guns, especially those in calibers beginning in “4”!  Fire-lapping was mandatory for this gun to achieve the accuracy potential desired, and the lapping process was conducted in two stages due to time constraints.  While lapping this particular revolver I used the method outlined in Bill McConnell’s excellent article “Firelapping A Ruger Redhawk In 36 Rounds”  and while the gun didn’t require 200+ firelapping rounds to relieve the constriction in the barrel, it did necessitate firing 78 rounds to totally eliminate the constriction.  Firelapping was followed by an energetic polishing of the bore as described in The Beartooth Bullets Technical Guide to achieve a mirror-like interior barrel finish.  Once complete, test firing commenced once again, under nearly identical conditions as the two previous range sessions, with the following results.

Starline .45 Colt Brass, Winchester Large Pistol Primers








265g Keith PB







255g WFN PB














Leading in the above test was a non-issue, and the barrel was NOT cleaned at any time during the testing of these loads.  Interestingly all the ammunition fired in these tests was loaded using a Dillon 550 progressive press, and all ammunition was loaded at the same session, all bullets were from the same lot.  The only differences in performance was the change in dimensional relationships in the cylinder throats and removing the barrel constriction through firelapping.  Keep in mind, while the above loads are tried and true combinations that consistently perform superbly in a wide variety of .45 Colt firearms, no attempt was made to specifically tailor a load to this revolver for accuracy sake.
With the mechanical aspects of this revolver being whipped into shape, it was time for some development of loads for which the revolver was intended.  Specifically I wanted bullets from 280-330 grains, with muzzle velocities between 1000 and 1100 fps.  Loads in this velocity threshold are easy to control, penetrate completely with the heavy cast bullets, and leave large wound channels the entire length of penetration and are very pleasant to shoot!
Loads as listed below were carefully worked up, and tuned for accuracy in the project revolver, keeping the above listed criteria in mind when so doing.  The results are listed below, as fired from 25 yards off sandbag rests, temperature in the mid-seventies, no wind and somewhat overcast conditions.

The Data In This Table Is Intended Only For Ruger Blackhawk, Original Vaquero, Super Blackhawk Hunter,
Ruger Bisley, T/C Contender, Colt Anaconda, and Taurus Raging Bull Revolvers!  Do Not Shoot In ANY Colt SAA Revolver or Clones thereof nor New Model Ruger Vaquero.

Starline .45 Colt Brass Winchester Large Pistol Primers







































































Loads listed in the data table above deposited little or no lead in the barrel, and exhibited excellent grouping capabilities.  In testing the 330g WFNPB bullet, and the 340g LFNGC bullets the Blackhawk revolver sights did not enough sight adjustment to bring them into alignment for elevation.  The bullets over 300 grains hit four to six inches high at 25 yards, even with the sight in its lowest possible position.  As a consequence, a remedy to this situation was quickly found.
While there are many custom front sights available to the shooter these days which are significantly taller than the factory front blade, I again chose the home remedy route, in keeping with the remainder of this article.  The first step was to remove the front sight blade on the barrel by drifting out the sight retaining pin as seen in the accompanying photograph.
Once removed, the sight was carefully measured to determine exact factory height of the blade, then calculations were made as to the desired final height of the blade once altered.  Having determined optimal front sight height, work began to fashion just such a sight. 
First step was to use a file and remove a fairly significant part of the front sight height with a mill-flat file, being meticulously careful to keep the top surface flat across the horizontal axis, and parallel to the longitudinal plane while doing so, as seen in the photograph.  Then, once the top of the sight was decked flat and true with the file, it was fluxed, and a piece of brass bar stock silver soldered to the top of the sight using Brownell’s 440 silver solder and flux.
When soldering the brass on the top of the sight, the critical aspect is to make sure that the brass bar-stock aligns with the axis of the sight along the sighting plane.  I intentionally used a piece of brass that was both too long for the application, as well as too wide and too tall.  The extra length of the piece of brass used, allowed a place to grasp the brass with needle-nosed pliers to hold it in place during the soldering process.  To make the soldered joint, both the factory sight and the brass bar-stock were fluxed, and the top of the sight tinned with the Brownell’s silver solder.  Once tinned and fluxed, the brass bar-stock was placed atop the sight, held in place with pliers while the assembly was brought up to temperature using a propane torch.  As soon as the solder on the top of the sight where it was tinned, becomes liquid, the brass bar-stock will settle into place, and removing the torch heat will allow the two pieces to almost instantly bond together. 
Once soldered together as seen in the photograph, a file may be used to shape the brass bar-stock to the desired end shape and contours as well as regulating the height of your new custom sight.  Be advised that using a grinder or Dremel tool for shaping the sight and brass bar-stock will be self-defeating!  The heat generated by using these tools is sufficient to bring the whole assembly up to a temperature such that the solder once again becomes liquid, and it falls apart as you’re working on it!  This note of caution is from the cruel world of experience…. Yep I botched the project the first time around this way!
Once dressed with a fine file, and followed up with some 600 grit emery paper, the soldered part of the seam becomes almost invisible, and the steel portion of the sight, after degreasing with either brake and clutch cleaner, or denatured alcohol may be reblued with some simple cold bluing solution.
Once the sight issue was addressed, regulating the little Blackhawk became easy with any load, and as a side benefit, the sight was much easier to pick up in low light conditions, and even in full bright sunlight, due to the angle placed on the rear edge of the sight, precise shot placement is no object.  Overall the sight improvement was so successful that I think I would do it strictly for sight picture, even if I didn’t need the extra height of the sight.
At the end of this road I have a very nice packin’ revolver that shoots as good as it looks!  I didn’t build this little gun for heavy bullets at 1400 fps., but rather the very loads listed in this article, as they are eminently sufficient for any application that this handgun will be called into play, they are fun to shoot, and for once, I think I’ve found my perfect woods bumming companion.  Too, it didn’t cost an arm and a leg for a custom revolver smith to work over, and there’s the satisfaction of doing a job yourself.  And doing it right! 
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B-14 Rifles by Bergara

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