Category: The Green Machine
If it was up to me, I would put this trooper up for an ARCOM. As I think its a brilliant piece of PSYOP! Grumpy
Taking place in Grafenwoehr, Germany, the competition — which first ran from 2016 to 2018 before being paused due to other competitions and the COVID-19 pandemic — comprises 10 graded events designed to measure a tank crew’s physical fitness, marksmanship and mental acuity. “It still hasn’t fully set in for me, yet, that we managed to win this competition in the manner that it happened,” said Army Sgt. 1st Class Kevin Greene, the winning crew’s tank commander.
“The other crews that were behind and chasing … are really talented crews, and the fact that we’re the first American team to [win] on this stage is incredible,” he added.