Remember that this is just a Job! Too many folks think that its some Holy Crusade. It isn’t!
Make sure that your finances and your home life are squared away. Too many Teachers do not have a safety net like this and suffer for it!
DO NOT BE A STUDENTS FRIEND! The road to hell is paved with good intentions. There are a lot of ex Teachers in Prison.
BE ORGANIZED – Use the Folder system! I use to go out and buy some folders with pockets in them. My Student had to keep them with all their work in it.
I also wrote their weekly GPA on the back of it. Also any extra credit points on it. That and a student contract. Funny as it sounds but it worked for me.
Try and keep your after school work low. Use pop quizzes, student oral presentations etc. It will help keep your grading work down a bit.
Category: Dear Grumpy Advice on Teaching in Today’s Classroom
It is just a good thing that somebody’s Guardian Angel was wide awake there!
Yep Teenage Boys! All they can think about is Sex and how they do not have any. Just remember that it is not their fault as they are suffering though a massive chemical overhaul at this stage of life.
Mom Nature can be mighty cruel at times!
Yep and you will also have Teacher Dreams even after retiring like I did. Like the one when I am looking for my classroom and cannot find it.

You’ve arrived at the campsite with your friends and some cold beer in the cooler, only to realize you left the bottle opener at home. Lucky for you, that’s no problem — you’re a master of improvisation.
This is another meme that has a grain of truth in it. But just remember this. Your Students have an incredibly acute sense of smell for Bullshit too. They can smell it from a mile away.
When asked why I had become a Teacher. I just told my students that it was the only job that I could get that had benefits. They will respect you a lot more for your honesty.
As a Teacher you will see some mighty strange behavior as you try and civilise your latest batch of Thugs / Barbarians.
Just try and keep your sense of humor going and not drink too much during the Christmas / Winter Break. By the way most Civilians will not believe your war stories. Just saying.
I made sure that all my students thought I was insane. It can be really helpful at times to just start laughing in a sinister way. Think Renfield from the Monster movies.
It also a good thing to have your Administrators think so too! Because of the ADA Act. As it makes it harder to fire you. They might even leave you alone a little more.
My thugs would always do things like this!
One of the biggest surprises though.
Was finding out that there are a few folks out there. Who do not want to learn anything ever! I am not kidding about this. They will also get really mean & nasty about it if pushed.
So do not say that I did not warn you about this. Or this one either.
Do not ever try and get between a Homeless student and their stuff or food. I guarantee it is a sure fire way to start off the day with a major incident. If you are foolish enough to try it!
I have never had much luck with Technology in my Classroom either!