Darwin would of approved of this! Fieldcraft

Why you do not fuck around in Wild Animals!

Darwin would of approved of this! Grumpy's hall of Shame Well I thought it was funny!

And the Winner of the More fucked up than The KKK sponsoring a Wu-Tang Clan concert Award is…..

Cops Darwin would of approved of this! Dear Grumpy Advice on Teaching in Today's Classroom

Some Red Hot Gospel!

A Victory! Cops Darwin would of approved of this! Good News for a change! Hard Nosed Folks Both Good & Bad I am so grateful!! Stand & Deliver This great Nation & Its People Well I thought it was neat!

I like her! (I also bet that idiot was really surprised too!)

Bruce McLaughlin Jr. is shown in an undated photo provided by the Pickens County, S.C., Sheriff’s Office. Authorities say McLaughlin, who escaped from a South Carolina jail Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018, was shot and killed by a woman after he kicked open the backdoor of her home. (Pickens County Sheriff’s Office via AP)
Bruce McLaughlin Jr. is shown in an undated photo provided by the Pickens County, S.C., Sheriff’s Office.
Authorities say McLaughlin, who escaped from a South Carolina jail Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018, was shot and killed by a woman after he kicked open the backdoor of her home. (Pickens County Sheriff’s Office via COLUMBIA, S.C.)
Born again Cynic! Darwin would of approved of this! Grumpy's hall of Shame This great Nation & Its People

Sad news!



Life expectancy is now dropping in America thanks to a culture that has created an epidemic of suicides and overdoses

Life expectancy only rose during the 20th century in America and the rest of the world, as did the material quality of life. As Americans ushered in a new century, there was optimism that life expectancy would only continue to rise in the 21st century.
That optimism was misplaced. AP reports people are offing themselves at a record pace, driving down the life expectancy in this declining nation:

The suicide death rate last year was the highest it’s been in at least 50 years, according to U.S. government records. There were more than 47,000 suicides, up from a little under 45,000 the year before.

The AFP news agency also chimed in with their own doleful statistics:

The drug overdose rate rose 9.6 percent compared to 2016, while suicides climbed 3.7 percent, said the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics.

The drug overdose rate is so high, more Americans die every single year than died during the totality of the 20-year long Vietnam War. Much of the problem comes from prescription opioids, and not the oft-villainized street drugs America has waged an all-out (and unsuccessful) holy war against since the 1970s.
Put these two sets of statistics together, and one can glean America’s native Anglo culture is so miserable major impacts on the population are occurring. AFP fills us in on how dire the situation is:

As a result, the average life span in America dropped to “78.6 years, a decrease of 0.1 year from 2016,” said the report.

As life expectancy has now started to decline, the geniuses at the CDC and in the mainstream media are miffed. They can’t seem to figure out why people are now killing themselves in droves and overdosing on drugs trying to escape reality.
A decrease of 0.1 years in life expectancy might not seem like much. But, it usually takes plagues or wars to bring about such a dip.

“We’ve never really seen anything like this,” said Robert Anderson, who oversees CDC death statistics. Anderson said declines like this haven’t been seen since the great flu pandemic of 1918 and World War I.

Watching the carefully polished public relations imagery America broadcasts of itself to the world, one couldn’t imagine people would be desperately grasping at something – anything – to escape the reality of living in this supposed paradise on earth.
Why would people be trying to escape by taking massive quantities of drugs and/or putting their head in a noose?
I’ll tell you why. Anglo culture, quite simply is a living hell. The America the world sees on TV is nothing but a lie. The reality: People are overworked, undersexed, bombarded with divisive politics around the clock, micromanaged by not only a Nanny State but overbearing corporate policy, fed a steady diet of trashy food, brainwashed into chasing illusions they can never make into reality, buried under a mountain of debt they can never pay off, suffering a sustained decline in their standard of living, witnessing a breakdown of the family and local communities the likes of which the world has never seen, and are now being told male and female genders are a thing of the past.
This, on top of having their entertainments limited to shopping, eating out, porn, and Netflix. Oh, and living in a police state morphing into a panopticon surveillance state in which everything has been made illegal except going to work, paying taxes, and doing exactly what you’re told when you’re told to do it. A nation where Big Brother is increasingly always watching.
Like those who commit suicide or overdose on drugs, all I can think about is a way out of this place when I’m here. When I’m back in what many of us call “The Matrix” scraping out some money to leave for happier destinations abroad, I frequently find myself murmuring, “I hate this fucking place.” Perhaps because I know there are better places. Most Americans don’t. They’re brainwashed into believing this dystopia is the best the world has to offer. It ain’t, folks. You really need to fucking get out more.
Meantime, those of us who know something is very, very wrong with this culture are being proven right by such statistics. Rather than saying this nation might need to ease up on people and let them reclaim some of their lives and freedom, we instead are treated to more boilerplate from the CDC. Boilerplate that offers no viable solutions:

“We are losing too many Americans, too early and too often, to conditions that are preventable,” Dr. Robert Redfield, the CDC’s director, said in a statement.

Redfield laments the problem but points no fingers. The CDC is located at the intersection of the corporate-government complex, so don’t expect them to say slave-driving corporations and a tyrannical government are the root causes of such widespread misery.
Unfortunately, statistics painting such a grim picture aren’t blips on the radar, either. A long-term downward trend in life expectancy is beginning. Continuing from AFP:

Overall, the statistics show a “downward trend in life expectancy since 2014,” a time period in which Americans have lost 0.3 years of life, he told AFP, describing the trend as “very concerning.”

At least one so-called “expert” echoes our claims about how miserable America has become:

CDC officials did not speculate about what’s behind declining life expectancy, but Dr. William Dietz, a disease prevention expert at George Washington University, sees a sense of hopelessness.
Financial struggles, a widening income gap and divisive politics are all casting a pall over many Americans, he suggested. “I really do believe that people are increasingly hopeless, and that that leads to drug use, it leads potentially to suicide,” he said.

Did you notice Dietz equates money with happiness, like a true ‘Murican who can’t see past the economy. He, like so many lost souls equates getting and spending money on worthless junk and poorly made restaurant meals as the be all, end all of existence. Indoctrination works.
Happiness is deeper than dollars and cents, bro. And doesn’t come from voting the right candidates into office, either. But, Dietz is right about one thing. I feel hopeless when I’m here. Do you?
All it took for me to feel happy and whole again was a recent 10-day trip out of Anglo America to my oasis of humanity in the Old World culture of Latin America. The year I spent living abroad and the months I’ve spent in South America and Asia are the happiest memories of my adult life. I’ve often wondered, if I didn’t have that release in my life – the female attention in particular – would I have ended up one of the statistics in this report?

Born again Cynic! Cops Darwin would of approved of this! Grumpy's hall of Shame

Yeah you sure showed him who was The Boss!

I really feel sorry for the Good Cops out there & there are a lot of them! Especially after dealing with “Citizens” like this fellow.

Darwin would of approved of this! Dear Grumpy Advice on Teaching in Today's Classroom Hard Nosed Folks Both Good & Bad Leadership of the highest kind The Green Machine War

A Great Example of panic looks like!

Now a lot of folks think that panic means a person running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. Now based on my experience.
It mostly is not. Instead it takes the form of the mind just shutting down from the over flow of information & raw fear. The bottom line is that it takes a lot of guts to summon forth from that inner bank to over come this.
For Example, The Spanish have a saying. “He was brave that day”. Meaning that courage is not a inexhaustible well. That it can & will run dry. If not given time to recover & regroup once in a while.
Also sadly a large proportion of the population. Do NOT have a huge amount of this inner strength needed. Otherwise the Army or Marine Corp would not need a large NCO & Officer Corp.
The Army started to learn this during the true Holocaust of WWI. When it began to run into what is now called P.T.S.D. or as I like to call it Combat Fatigue.
This problem started when a large number of troops basically broke down mentally. After X amount of days on the front line.
It was also calculated that if even the most stout hearted trooper survived that long. Almost all troops would have a complete Mental Breakdown after a year of combat experience.
Anyways this is what I think happened at Foy. That & Winters did as usual the right thing. Grumpy

A Victory! Allies Darwin would of approved of this! Hard Nosed Folks Both Good & Bad Stand & Deliver This great Nation & Its People

Now this is what I call one really tough Dude!

Words fail me on how to express my admiration for this guys guts and courage! Grumpy

All About Guns Darwin would of approved of this! Grumpy's hall of Shame

Air Rifle Hunting Cape Buffalo | The High Road with Keith Warren

I just to make it clear, about my opinion on using a air gun on an African Cape Buffalo.
So here goes – “OH FUCK NO!! That & do you have a death wish or something!?! Are you running a high fever or something? Somebody get me away from this Lunatic!!!” Grumpy

Allies Born again Cynic! Darwin would of approved of this!

Try Standing On This Flag come Nov. 11! (It won't be pretty)