I was told that one of the reasons that one is treated like shit in Basic. Was in order to get the recruit in touch with his inner bitch.
So that when the time came. One would be able to do some really horrible things to the other side. Only problem, they never taught us how to turn it off . Once we went home from the service. Oh well!
WWI Propaganda
The Franco-Prussian war of 1870. (The Imperial German Guard hitting a town in France)
The American Civil War
Then folks act all surprised when stuff like this happens. I was not for the record.
Bottom line these folks have seen stuff that nobody should ever see. That and it takes a long time to come back to civilization after a fight. Some sadly don’t.
Category: Art
Some Old Hunting / Gun Advertising Porn
I hope that like these as much as I do! Grumpy
Shotgun Porn
The Gun that won the West Question
Now I am a little more confused than usual. Especially when it comes to this issue.
Now I get it that Hollywood thinks that it’s the Winchester 73. Fair enough says I!
Or how about the Mountain Men and their various Muzzle Loaders?
But then the US Cavalry might say that the Colt SAA or the Springfield Trapdoor Rifle is it.
Or the Buffalo Hunters might say that the Sharps Rifle might be it.
But then Wyatt Earp and Friends might say it’s this!
or this
But then the Indians / Native Americans would say “Hey how about our various Guns?”
See why I am confused? So what are your thoughts on this matter?
Some of the earliest Firearms porn
As you can see, the history of Firearms go back a bit. Say about almost 700 years for the Europeans. Let alone for how far back it was for Asia!
here is some more!
I bet that he didn’t do that twice on purpose or how I discovered recoil MOM!
Even then Folks wanted more firepower!
Thanks for your time! Grumpy
Some Real Men Toys