All About Guns Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends" Gun Info for Rookies

Just for a change of Pace NBC got something right for once!

NBC Infographic Ends Debate on Banning ARs

NBC ran an article this week, titled, “America’s rifle: Why so many people love the AR-15.”
Within the article was an infographic that should pretty much shut down the debate for banning AR-pattern rifles.  See below:

(Infographic: NBC News)

Turns out ARs aren’t the death machines the media makes them out to be. They “account for relatively few murders,” as NBC notes.  Gun grabbers should put this info in their disarm-America-peace pipe and smoke it.
Of course, they’ll argue that ARs are used in mass shootings (as NBC did in the video below).  That’s why we need to ban them.  But the truth is almost any firearm can be used to kill a bunch of people in a short amount of time, especially in gun-free zones, in places where there is little, if any, armed resistance.  The Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 people — with handguns.

Shall we ban handguns? Well, gun banners tried that.  The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence used to be known as the Coalition to Ban Handguns. Why did it change its name?  Maybe because public support for banning handguns has consistently wanned over the past three decades.

SEE ALSO: Salon: ‘U.S. was actually founded on gun control’

Why does the public by and large oppose banning handguns?  Because as many times as bad people use handguns to do bad things in this country, more good people use handguns to defend themselves, their loved ones and their property.  Handguns are fundamentally tied to one’s right to self-defense. Take handguns away and you’ve effectively taken the Second Amendment away.
What this all boils down to is that it’s not the gun that matters. It’s the person behind the trigger.  We can ban either category of firearms and we’d still have gun murders and mass shootings.  Heck, we can even ban all firearms and we’d still have gun murders and mass shootings.  Just like they do in Europe.
As always, fighting crime is a function of taking bad guys off the streets.  The weapons — guns, cars, pipe bombs, knives, bats, etc. — they use are immaterial.

Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends" Born again Cynic! California Cops

You have a better chance with the lottery!

Connected, Skirts Own Policies


L.A. County Issues Carry Licenses to the Well-Connected, Skirts Own Policies

With 42 states and the District of Columbia now recognizing the Right-to-Carry, California’s retrograde may-issue Carry Concealed Weapon licensing regime is atypical.

However, a recent state audit of three of California’s CCW license issuing authorities shows that Los Angeles County does operate much like another large jurisdiction, New York City, when it comes to granting licenses.

That is, licenses are reserved for the well-connected and officials don’t bother to follow the rules when issuing them.

Under California law, a sheriff of a county may issue a CCW license to an applicant upon receiving proof,

(1) The applicant is of good moral character.

(2) Good cause exists for issuance of the license.

(3) The applicant is a resident of the county or a city within the county, or the applicant’s principal place of employment or business is in the county or a city within the county and the applicant spends a substantial period of time in that place of employment or business.

(4) The applicant has completed a course of training as described in Section 26165.

Statute does not further define “good moral character” or “good case,” which gives a local sheriff’s department significant discretion to determine the criteria necessary to acquire a permit in their jurisdiction. 

Los Angeles County has a written Concealed Weapons Licensing Policy that elaborates on what the sheriff’s department considers sufficient “good cause” to merit a license. The policy states,

good cause shall exist only if there is convincing evidence of a clear and present danger to life, or of great bodily harm to the applicant, his spouse, or dependent child, which cannot be adequately dealt with by existing law enforcement resources, and which danger cannot be reasonably avoided by alternative measures, and which danger would be significantly mitigated by the applicant’s carrying of a concealed firearm.

Moreover, the policy makes clear that “No position or job classification in itself shall constitute good cause for the issuance, or for the denial, of a CCW license.” 

It is exceedingly difficult for a law-abiding citizen to meet Los Angeles County’s criteria for a CCW license. Los Angeles County has issued 197 licenses to its 10.2 million residents. This works out to about 1 license for every 50,000 residents.

The audit, conducted by the California State Auditor, researched samples of 25 CCW licenses issued by three sheriff’s departments, Los Angeles County, Sacramento County, and San Diego County.

For Los Angeles, the auditors concluded that the county “did not completely adhere to its policies when issuing any of the 25 CCW licenses we reviewed.” The researchers also determined, “Los Angeles issued all but one of these licenses without the level of documentation it expects to demonstrate that the applicant has met the good cause requirement.”

Rather than require the level of documentation for “good cause” outlined in their policy, Los Angeles County simply granted licenses to the well-connected. The auditors found the following,

22 of the 25 CCW licenses we reviewed were issued to applicants with professions that connected them to the law enforcement community: the individuals were former or current law enforcement officers, judges, court commissioners, retired federal agents, and deputy district attorneys.4

In fact, we found that of the 197 licenses that Los Angeles had issued that were active as of mid-August 2017, only nine were issued to applicants outside of that community.

As pointed out earlier, Los Angeles County’s written policy states that “No position or job classification in itself shall constitute good cause for the issuance, or for the denial, of a CCW license.”

The auditor’s report shares the story of a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge who did not provide information of a personal threat to his safety on his license application, as required under county policy.

This judge was granted a license. The report then contrasts this case with that of a worker who stated that he wanted a license because “he worked in undesirable and remote areas and carried large amounts of cash.” This individual’s application was denied. The audit report called Los Angeles County’s practices judging “good cause” for issuing licenses “inequitable.”

The auditors also found that Los Angeles County failed to obtain requisite documentation concerning some licensees’ residency, “moral character,” and training.

In contrast to Los Angeles County, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department has a more lenient policy concerning “good cause.”

At the direction of Sheriff Scott R. Jones, Sacramento considers self-defense or the defense of other sufficient to meet the “good cause” requirement.

This has resulted in far more permits being issued in Sacramento County than Los Angeles County. With a population of 1.5 million, Sacramento County has 9,130 CCW license holders.

Sacramento County’s shall-issue carry regime is part of what prompted the state audit.

In a letter responding to the auditor report, Jones explained that following the failure of legislation put forward by NRA F-rated Assemblymember Kevin McCarty that would have made it more difficult for ordinary Californians to acquire CCW licenses statewide.

The Assemblymember targeted Sacramento and other shall-issue carry jurisdictions for retribution. Jones’s letter notes, “Assemblymember McCarty threatened on social media on December 21st, 2016, to use the legislative audit function to intervene in my and others’ CCW permit processes because of his legislative failures. This audit is a consummation of that threat.”

However, the audit didn’t come to McCarty’s desired conclusions. The state auditor did not recommend that his legislation be adopted. Further, concerning Sacramento’s policy, the auditor report explained,

Although we believe the differences between Sacramento’s criteria for good cause and the criteria of the other two departments are most likely the reason for the higher number of licenses it issued during the period we audited, we cannot conclude that a higher rate of license issuance is necessarily a harmful effect of local discretion.

The California State Auditor’s office was right to describe Los Angeles County’s permitting procedure as “inequitable.” May-issue licensing regimes have always been ripe for this type of abuse.

In the early 20th century, New York’s Sullivan Law was used to prohibit immigrants from owning handguns. In the 1950s, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was denied a carry permit in Alabama.

This year, officials from the New York City Police Department’s License Division were indicted on federal corruption charges for what amounted to selling handgun licenses. 

Members of Los Angeles County’s law enforcement community should be able to exercise their Right-to-Carry for the defense of themselves and others.

However, the county’s law-abiding residents should have that same opportunity. Until California and the small handful of holdout jurisdictions join the 21st century and respect the Right-to-Carry, these abuses will continue.

Of course, given ongoing federal litigation and legislative efforts on the Right-to-Carry, sometime soon the regressive politicians of these backwards enclaves may no longer have a say in the matter.

Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends" Well I thought it was funny!

Alert the Authorities!

Now do not get me wrong about this. As I can not be a Racist myself as I hate almost every group one way or another.
But is fun to watch the silliness that is being produced out there!

Keeping Track: 100 Racist Things

From One Hundred Racist Things – waka waka waka 

Tucker Carlson has offered his Twitter followers one of the best “tweetstorms” the world has ever seen: #100RacistThings.
You can see the thread here, but it’s so good I’m going to preserve it for posterity in this post — because this is the sort of thing that gets people banned from Twitter these days.

1. Tamarisk trees in Palm Springs, California.
2. The ice cream truck song.
3. Credit scores.
4. Car insurance.
5. Crime statistics.
6. Halloween costumes.
7. Calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas.”
8. Most of the better Disney movies.
9. Dr. Seuss.
10. White flight.
11. Reversing white flight.
12. White chefs who make burritos.
13. Milk.
14. Tanning.
15. NFL owners.
16. Being mad about NFL national anthem protests.
17. Mathematics. (See also here.)
18. Science.
19. Yale requiring English students to study Chaucer and Shakespeare.
20. All white people.
21. Proper English grammar.
22. Patriotism.
23. The iPhone X’s facial recognition technology.
24. Makeup.
25. Emoji.

26. Amy Schumer.
27. To Kill a Mockingbird.
28. The SAT.
29. Military camouflage.
30. Electronic music.
31. The August solar eclipse.
32. Bitcoin.
33. The “okay” sign.
34. Having a white person box against a black person.
35. The pornographic industry.
36. Apu from The Simpsons.
37. The white nuclear family.
38. Algorithms.
39. Artificial intelligence.
40. “Jingle Bells.”
41. Lucky Charms.
42. Deporting people.
43. Bernie Sanders supporters.
44. Pumpkin spice lattes.
45. White people celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
46. Lacrosse.
47. The Betsy Ross flag.
48. The Gadsden flag.
49. Expecting people to show up on time for things.
50. Cartoons of frogs.
51. Nostalgia.
52. Soda taxes.
53. Coca-Cola (but not Pepsi).
54. Wendy’s.
55. Aesthetics.
56. Star Wars.
57. Hollywood.
58. The Oscars.
59. Democrats.
60. Republicans.
61. The Nightmare Before Christmas director Tim Burton.
62. Walmart.
63. The Hindi loanword “thug.
64. Babies.
65. Bulletproof glass.
66. Referring to “canoes” and “paddles.
67. College football.
68. The NBA draft.
69. Referring to ethnic food as “ethnic food.”
70. The White Privilege Conference.
71. Abbreviating the word “guacamole”.
72. Property taxes.
73. Tax cuts.
74. New Jersey. The whole state.
75. School grades.
76. Canada.
77. American Airlines.
78. Not renting your home to criminals.
79. Criminal background checks.
80. Art history.
81. Atheism.
82. School discipline. 
83. Saying you are English.
84. English-only education.
85. Othello.
86. Capitalism.
87. Socialism.
88. Karl Marx.
89. Highways.
90. Diabetes.
91. Climate change.
92. Accurately describing criminal suspects.
93. Pollution.
Not wanting white people to leave a college campus.
95. The Bible.
94.96. McDonalds.
97. Craft beer.
98. The British monarchy (but NOT the royal family).
99. The Washington Redskins.
100. Everything.

Alert the Authorities!

Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends" Well I thought it was funny!


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Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends" Born again Cynic!


Image result for I am just shocked , shocked!

Why New York, Philly, San Francisco are Suing the DOJ over NICS

Three cities are suing the Department of Justice for its management of the FBI’s background check system.
New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco filed the lawsuit this month claiming that the Nov. 5 church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, “could, and should, have been prevented.”
The deranged lunatic who shot and killed 26 people had a documented history of domestic violence while serving in the Air Force. He should have been listed in the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) as a “prohibited person.”
However, the Air Force failed to turn those records over to NICS. Since those records were not reported, the killer was able to purchase the rifle he used in the attack from a gun store in San Antonio.
The lawsuit “seeks narrowly-tailored injunctive relief to make certain that never happens again.”

SEE ALSO: Texas Hero Speaks Out About Stopping Church Shooter with AR-15

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has already ordered the FBI and ATF to do “a comprehensive review of the NICS.” But those municipalities believe the internal audit is not enough. They want an independent third party to get involved to ensure compliance and establish a timetable for completion.
“The national criminal background check system is the backbone of common-sense gun regulations,” San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera said in a statement.
“The Defense Department’s failure to fulfill its legal duty and accurately report criminal convictions puts innocent Americans at risk,” he continued “It is past time to ensure that we’re doing everything we can to keep guns out of the wrong hands.”
The lawsuit comes on the heels of a “Fix NICS” bill that was added to the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. The House voted to pass the legislation earlier this month.
It seems that the holes in NICS are obvious enough to everyone at this point. Though, a word of caution to those who view a “fixed” NICS as a panacea for gun violence. It won’t be. Relying on a government system to keep you safe is like relying on the mainstream media to tell you the truth. In either case, you better have a backup plan.

Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends"

Wouldn't last too long with my Platoon Sgt!

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Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends"

And the BS just keeps on flowing!

ATF Accepting Public Comment on Backdoor Bump Stock Gun Control

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives is currently accepting public comment on their plans for backdoor bump stock gun control.

On December 22 Breitbart News reported a Department of Justice announcement that the ATF would be seeking to redefine the term “machinegun,” so as to include aftermarket devices that do not convert semiautomatic firearms into fully automatic weapons. As of now, only mechanisms/alterations that truly convert a semi-action into a full-action are governed by the National Firearms Act (1934). The efforts to redefine the term “machinegun” center on new controls for devices that merely “mimic” full auto fire.
The pertinent portion of the DOJ’s announcement:

Those engaged in the business of manufacturing, importing, or dealing in NFA firearms must be registered with the Attorney General. 26 U.S.C. 5801, 5802. When the NFA was enacted in 1934, only a handful of firearms qualified as machineguns, such as the Thompson submachine gun. Over time, however, as firearms technologies have advanced, manufacturers and the public have attempted to develop firearms, triggers, and other devices that permit shooters to use semiautomatic rifles to replicate automatic fire without converting these rifles into “machineguns” within the meaning of the statute. Consequently, questions have arisen about whether these types of devices should be classified as machineguns (or machinegun conversion devices) pursuant to section 5845(b). See, e.g., Internal Revenue Ruling 55-528 (1955) (considering whether types of “Gatling Guns” constitute machineguns); ATF Ruling 2006-2 (examining a firearms accessory device that, when activated by a single pull of the trigger, initiated an automatic firing cycle that continued until release).
ATF has issued a number of private letters to individuals and manufacturers who voluntarily submitted such devices for classification under the NFA and GCA. In addition, ATF has promulgated a regulation that defines “machinegun,” See 28 CFR 478.11, but that regulation mirrors the statutory language of the NFA and GCA and provides no further interpretation.

The ATF’s intention to redefine the term “machinegun” was published in the Federal Register on December 26, 2017. The agency is accepting public comments on their plans for backdoor gun control from now until late January.

Their announcement says, “Written comments must be postmarked and electronic comments must be submitted on or before January 25, 2018. Commenters should be aware that the electronic Federal Docket Management System will not accept comments after Midnight Eastern Standard Time on the last day of the comment period.”
Bump stocks were evaluated by Barack Obama’s ATF, recognized as accessories rather than conversion devices, and approved for sale in 2010. The ATF/DOJ push for redefining the term “machinegun” would essentially eliminate any difference between accessories and conversion devices, treating both categories as a means of converting semiautomatics into full autos. This, in turn, would bring bump stocks under the auspices of the National Firearms Act (1934), requiring that the accessories be registered with the government and that owners of bump stocks be fingerprinted, photographed, and required to undergo a background check.
AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins.

All About Guns Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends"

Arkansas Governor to State Police: Open Carry ‘Protected and Allowed’

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) sent a letter to Arkansas State Police (ASP) directing them to recognize that the open carry of handguns is “protected and allowed.”

He addressed his letter to ASP director Col. Bill Bryant and said Act 746 of 2013 allows a “person to open carry a handgun so long as there is no intent to unlawfully employ the handgun.”
Hutchinson added:

Further, consistent with Act 486 of 2017, the sole legal act of open carrying a handgun in and of itself will not in revocation of an an individual’s concealed carry license. A concealed carry license or enhanced carry license continues to be required in order to carry a concealed handgun.

He asked Bryant to share the directive with “all appropriate ASP personnel” and “monitor all agency materials for consistency.”
Arkansas Matters reports that Hutchinson’s directive “carries no force of law” but “will have the effect of guiding state troopers” as they interact with armed law-abiding citizens.
ASP director Bryant responded to Hutchinson’s letter by issuing a memo to troop commanders, reminding them that “openly carrying a handgun does not alone provide probable cause for arrest.”
AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

All About Guns Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends"

Something to ponder upon

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All About Guns Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends"

Colts Woodsman Semi Auto Pistol.

Thanks to California’s Politicians and their Crusade against the 2nd Amendment. All I can say is Good luck trying to find one of these fine pistols out here!
Colts Patents Arms Manufacturing Company - Woodsman Semi Auto Pistol. - Picture 1

Colts Patents Arms Manufacturing Company - Woodsman Semi Auto Pistol. - Picture 2
Colts Patents Arms Manufacturing Company - Woodsman Semi Auto Pistol. - Picture 3
Colts Patents Arms Manufacturing Company - Woodsman Semi Auto Pistol. - Picture 4
Colts Patents Arms Manufacturing Company - Woodsman Semi Auto Pistol. - Picture 5
Colts Patents Arms Manufacturing Company - Woodsman Semi Auto Pistol. - Picture 6
Colts Patents Arms Manufacturing Company - Woodsman Semi Auto Pistol. - Picture 7