All About Guns

The Ruger # 1 Rifle


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  By Now you know doubt have figured out. I really like this Rifle. That & to be totally frank with you oh gentle reader. I really do  think that Bill Ruger was totally inspired to bring this forth in the Mid 60’s.
  In that it is one very pleasing to the eyes rifle. Since there is a total symmetry to it and I will not go on about the ergonomics of it.
  It is like a classic painting or a great looking car. One more dash of paint or line & it would of be ruined. But it wasn’t!
  Another thing that just entered into my feeble mind. Is the matter of engineering. In that with this kind of action. Is that you really can put just about any caliber into this series of gun. From little tiny rounds like the 22 Hornet to all the way up to the “Guns of Navarone” caliber.
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 (Note to younger readers, Its a great Movie by the way !)
But let us move on folks!
  Image result for ruger #1
  Then there is the ego thing about it. Since when you go to the range and uncase it. All of a sudden a lot of folks will start looking in your direction. As it seems to say. “Hey I only need one shot! That and I can afford it.”
  Also generally in my experience. Ruger wisely decided to put some of the best looking wood that I have ever seen on them. For me at least is is very important for me. As I just hate plastic on general principals.
  But best of all. This rifle for me at least so far. Has been one of the most accurate ones that I have bought right out of the box. Especially with the smaller calibers. Like the 223 or the 22-250 for example.
Image result for ruger #1
  Now is this the perfect rifle? No not really. It does have a few issues that come to mind.
 The 1st being that they are VERY expensive. The cheapest one I have bought so far set me back $700. (It was a 458 Win Mag for my Son’s College Graduation present)
  The other thing is this. Now I do not know about you. But every one of these pieces that I have been around.
  Is that they have the most inadequate and HARD recoil pads. That I have ever seen so far.
  So off to the Gun Shop for a tuneup for you. Even the 22-250 got a new pad. (Yes I am that big a pussy now a days, when it comes to recoil !)
Image result for ruger #1 recoil pad
I could not even dream about shooting a big round like this. With the ridiculous recoil pad that is shown here. It would be a case of No way Jose!
Now here is some more info on this rifle and other technical stuff

Ruger No. 1

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ruger No. 1
Ruger no1 243 right open.jpg

Ruger No. 1 rifle (with underlever down to open action)
Type Falling Block Rifle
Place of origin United States
Production history
Designer Bill Ruger
Designed 1966
Manufacturer Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc.
Unit cost $1299[1]
Produced 1967 – present[2]
Variants Standard, Varmiter, Light Sporter, International, Tropical, Medium Sporter.
Weight 7 pounds (3.2 kg)[1]
Length 36.5–42.5 inches (93–108 cm)[1]
Barrel length 20–28 inches (51–71 cm)[1]

Cartridge Various (see article)
Action Farquharson-Style Hammerless falling block
Sights none, or open sights

Sturm Ruger Ni. 1 falling block action

The Ruger No. 1 is a single-shot rifle, with Farquharson-styleinternal hammer falling block action, manufactured by Sturm, Ruger. It was introduced in 1967.[3] An underlever lowers the block allowing loading and cocks the rifle. Lenard Brownell, commenting on his work at Ruger, said of the No. 1: “There was never any question about the strength of the action. I remember, in testing it, how much trouble I had trying to tear it up. In fact, I never did manage to blow one apart.”[4]
A shotgun-style tang safety works on the hammer and sear. Available with an Alexander-Henry, Beavertail, or Mannlicher style forearm in a multitude of calibers.

Available cartridges[edit]

Over the years, the No. 1 has been chambered in several different cartridges, among them .204 Ruger.22 Hornet.218 Bee.222 Remington.223 Remington.22 PPC.22-250 Remington.220 Swift6mm PPC6 mm Remington6.5 Creedmoor.243 Winchester.257 Roberts.25-06 Remington.264 Winchester Magnum.270 Winchester.270 Weatherby Magnum6.5mm Remington6.5×55mm6.5×284 Norma7×57mm7mm-08.280 Remington7 mm Remington Magnum7mm STW7.62x39mm.308 Winchester.30-30 Winchester.30-40 Krag.30-06 Springfield.303 British.300 Winchester Magnum.300 H&H Magnum.300 Weatherby Magnum.338 Winchester Magnum.357 Magnum.375 H&H Magnum.375 Ruger.38-55 Winchester.404 Jeffery.405 Winchester.416 Remington Magnum.416 Ruger.416 Rigby.45-70 Government.460 S&W Magnum.458 Winchester Magnum.458 Lott9.3×74mmR and .450/400 Nitro Express

All About Guns

Why I keep on buying Sporterized Bolt Action Rifles
Why I keep on buying Sporterized Bolt Action Rifles – You Will Shoot Your  Eye Out

    Some how it seems that I have never been really loaded down with bags of excess bags of cash. Not I am not complaining about it.
  I also really respect those folks who thru hard work and even harder thinking have done so. More power to them is all that I will say.

  So while I have a couple of Model 70 Winchester locked away. I even have a Pre -64 one too. Which I can honestly say that they are very fine rifles and always shoot true for me.
  But the majority of my rifles in the safe are either modified Mauser 98 or the modified 1903 Springfield’s Rifles . So why do you ask is this so?
  Well here goes the old fool again.
  As the Sainted Col. Townsend Whelen* said once a long time ago. “The only interesting rifle is an accurate one”.
  I also know for a fact that he owned a piss pot full of Sporterized rifles. Before he sadly passed away long ago to a well earned trip to Gun Writers Valhalla.
 Even today if one keeps a sharp eye open. It is still possible to buy a nice sporterized 1903 Springfield or Mauser 98 for under say $600 U.S.D. Sometimes even less if the Gun Gods are happy with you.
  Now try doing that with any of the modern bolt actions that are up for sale lately.
  Like for example  a Browning or say a Model anything Winchester or even a Ruger. If you do so then well done my boy & the first round is on you!
  As it seems that most of these new rifles are now being price at over $1500 or better. With no frills or whistles and with a plastic almost everything on it nowadays.
    Now since I do not know how its is in your neck of the woods. But where I come from. That is one hell of a pile of money & not a good deal for Joe six pack.
  Now this is what I have done in the past. I also hope that it can continue for me & you also.
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 As usually I have to do the following things to it for it to become a solid shooter.
1. Give it a good cleaning.
  I do not know why! But a lot of  folks never clean their guns. But then I use this against them. When I am bargaining with the seller. Yes I am shameless whore when it comes to money at times.
2. I almost always have to replace the recoil pad.
  As you can guess by now.  I am very allergic to steel butt plates for some silly reason.
3. I put in a Timney trigger in place of the original trigger system.
  It just amazes me how much of a difference this makes at the range. Bottom line it’s usually money very well spent.
4. Up grade the scope and have it bore sighted.
  This is service is usually free if I buy it at a shop. It will also save you a lot of time and ammo when you zero in.
  Now there are some good outfits that put out some fine rifle scopes. I myself am partial to BSA. But to each his own. But then I myself just cannot afford Leupold Scopes or Zeiss ones either.
Image result for bsa rifle scopes
 Now if you want something a bit different. Like say another caliber.
  You can do this with a sporterized 1903, 1917 Enfield or 98 rifle. As I have either owned , shot or seen many variables of calibers in a custom rifle.
For Example – 22-250, 220 Swift, 243 Win,. 7×57, 35-06, 308, 6.5 Swede. And a lot of other calibers that I can not remember right now.
  Now if you really have some desire to build a real muscle gun. A 1917 Enfield has one of the strongest action ever made.
Image result for 1917 enfield sporterized
  So you can rebarrel it for some mighty big calibers. If you want to go down that road.  Like the 458 Win Mag for example.
  But hopefully someone else has done the deed beforehand and now you can profit from this.
Image result for custom mauser 98
   This is where some serious cash can be spent.In my experience I have spent a thousand dollars on one barrel redo alone.
  Should I have done it? God alone knows. But now I have a 6.5 Creedmore, a 220 Swift and a 243 Winchester that will shoot better than I ever could.
How about you?
  Well that is between you and your wallet. So I shall leave it there for you to decide.
Bottom line – If they are well taken care of. These rifles will be on the firing line for the next century or two. Since their are made of good Steel & Wood.
  They also have the Mauser extraction system built in them. So that you will never really worry about ejecting a spent cartridge.  They are also very tough and reliable.
  Plus it is a one of a kind rifle. That will get the job done and done right. If the person behind it has the right stuff!
  The only major problem might be in getting ammo for them. But that is not an insurmountable one to a motivated Americans.
Image result for custom 1903 springfield
* The Good Colonel was a real Wild man in his times. My Uncle gave me his Magus Opus Book “Mr. Rifleman” to me back in Xmas 1969. I still have it and I am still learning things from him and it.
  Which probably means two things . I am not too bright and two it’s one hell of a book.
Image result for mr rifleman book cover townsend whelen
All About Guns

The 223 or the Birth of the Black Gun

Image result for THe 223 Remington
   Now in the current spirit of semi full Disclosure. I shall make no bones about the fact. That I do not like The M16 and its brood of children.
  Since I think that they look dreadful and give the Anti Gun Owners/ A whole lot of ammo to use against the 2nd Amendment.
  Also  these rifles do look very scary to such folks and other misinformed people. Especially when you see stuff like this below.
Image result for THe 223 Remington
Or this puppy too!
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Or stunts like this. Hint – “It is not helping the cause Folks!”
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  But I do understand why it’s so popular. Being that all the major powers have or are going over to the trend. As that it has been found that  plastic can be a good material for rifles.
  It is also tough enough to stand the average GI handling of it in the field.
  Just do not get me going on making something GI proof. Since the Gomer Pyle types are still well and alive in our Armed Forces. Just ask any Officer or NCO.
  Also & I am the first to freely admit it. It is a lot of fun to empty a full magazine at say a Watermelon like the Gunny does on TV.
Image result for r lee ermey watermelon
Image result for r lee ermey watermelon
   Another reason is that also there are a lot of women in the military today. So with the smaller caliber it is easier to train them up with a lighter recoil rifle.*
   That & it is a proven fact. That you can carry more ammo than you can with a full bore round like the 308. Now this sounds silly to some folks.
  But just you wait until you have to go on a long walk with a lot of gear. After the first mile or so. You too will see the light. I sure as hell did!
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  But enough of my ranting, ravings and Old Guy stuff!
Bottom Line -I will take a bolt action rifle over one of the AR Family most of the time.   Except when the Zombies show up of course.
Image result for got dead
  Now here is some more info about the 223. That frankly is  a lot better written outline than I could do.

.223 Remington

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
.223 Remington
223 Remington.jpg

A variety of .223 Remington cartridges and a .308 Winchester (right) for comparison. Bullets in .223 cartridges (left to right): Montana Gold 55 grain Full Metal Jacket, Sierra 55 grain Spitzer Boat Tail, Nosler/Winchester 55 grain Combined Technology, Hornady 60 grain V-MAX, Barnes 62 grain Tipped Triple-Shock X, Nosler 69 grain Hollow Point Boat Tail, Swift 75 grain Scirocco II.
Type Rifle
Place of origin United States
Production history
Designer Remington Arms
Designed 1962
Produced 1964–present
Variants .223 Ackley Improved, 5.56×45mm NATO
Parent case .222 Remington
Case type Rimless, bottleneck
Bullet diameter 0.224 in (5.7 mm)
Neck diameter 0.253 in (6.4 mm)
Shoulder diameter 0.354 in (9.0 mm)
Base diameter 0.376 in (9.6 mm)
Rim diameter 0.378 in (9.6 mm)
Rim thickness 0.045 in (1.1 mm)
Case length 1.76 in (45 mm)
Overall length 2.26 in (57 mm)
Rifling twist 1 in 12 inch (military style rifles use 1:7 to 1:10 to stabilize longer bullets)
Primer type Small rifle
Maximum pressure (SAAMI) 55,000 psi (380 MPa)
Maximum pressure (CIP) 62,366 psi (430.00 MPa)
Maximum CUP 52000 CUP
Ballistic performance
Bullet mass/type Velocity Energy
36 gr (2 g) JHP 3,750 ft/s (1,140 m/s) 1,124 ft·lbf (1,524 J)
55 (3.5 g) Nosler ballistic tip 3,240 ft/s (990 m/s) 1,282 ft·lbf (1,738 J)
60 (3.9 g) Nosler partition 3,160 ft/s (960 m/s) 1,330 ft·lbf (1,800 J)
69 (4.48 g) BTHP 2,950 ft/s (900 m/s) 1,333 ft·lbf (1,807 J)
77 (5 g) BTHP 2,750 ft/s (840 m/s) 1,293 ft·lbf (1,753 J)
Test barrel length: 24 inches (61 cm)
Source(s): [1][2]

The .223 Remington (.223 Rem) is a rifle cartridge. The name is commonly pronounced either two-twenty-three or two-two-three Remington. It is commercially loaded with 0.224 inch (5.56 mm) diameter jacketed bullets, with weights ranging from 40 to 85 grains (2.6 to 5.8 g), though the most common loading by far is 55 grains (3.6 g). A 90 gr Sierra Matchking bullet is available for reloaders.[3]The .223 Rem was first offered to the civilian sporting market in December 1963 in the Remington 760 rifle. [4] In 1964 the .223 Rem cartridge was adopted for use in the Colt M16 rifle which became an alternate standard rifle of the U.S. Army. The military version of the cartridge uses a 55 gr full metal jacket boattail design and was designated M193. In 1980 NATO modified the .223 Remington into a new design which is designated 5.56×45mm NATO type SS109.[5]


From left: .222 Remington, .223 Remington and .222 Remington Magnum

1957: The development of the cartridge which eventually became the .223 Remington was intrinsically linked to the development of a new lightweight combat rifle. The cartridge and rifle were developed by Fairchild Industries, Remington Arms and several engineers working toward a goal developed by U.S. Continental Army Command (CONARC). Early development work began in 1957. A project to create a Small Caliber High Velocity (SCHV) firearm was created. Eugene Stoner of Armalite was invited to scale down the AR-10 (7.62 mm) design. Winchester was also invited to participate.[4] [5] The parameters requested by CONARC were:

  • .22 Caliber
  • Bullet exceeding supersonic speed at 500 yards [4] [5]
  • Rifle weight 6 lbs
  • Magazine capacity of 20 rounds
  • Select fire for both semi-automatic and fully automatic use
  • Penetration of US Steel helmet one side, at 500 yards
  • Penetration of .135″ steel plate at 500 yards
  • Accuracy and ballistics equal to M2 Ball ammunition (.30-06 M1 Garand)
  • Wounding ability equal to the M1 Carbine [5]

Springfield Armory‘s Earle Harvey lengthened the .222 Remington cartridge case to meet the requirements. It was then known as the .224 Springfield. Concurrently with the SCHV project Springfield armory is developing a 7.62 mm rifle. Harvey was ordered to cease all work on the SCHV to avoid any competition of resources.
Eugene Stoner of Armalite (a division of Fairchild Industries) had been advised to produce a scaled down version of the 7.62 mm AR-10 design. In May 1957 Stoner gave a live fire demonstration of the prototype of the AR-15 for General Wyman. As a result, CONARC ordered rifles to test. Stoner and Sierra Bullet’s Frank Snow began work on the .222 Remington cartridge. Using a ballistic calculator they determined that a 55 grain bullet would have to be fired at 3,300fps to achieve the 500 yard performance necessary.[5]
Robert Hutton (Technical Editor of Guns and Ammo Magazine) started development of a powder load to reach the 3,300 fps goal. He used DuPont IMR4198, IMR3031 and an Olin Powder to work up loads. Testing was done with a Remington 722 rifle with a 22″ Apex Barrel. During a public demonstration the round successfully penetrated the US steel helmet as required. But testing showed chamber pressures to be excessively high.[4][5]
Stoner contacted both Winchester and Remington about increasing the case capacity. Remington created a larger cartridge called the .222 Special. This cartridge is loaded with DuPont IMR4475 powder.[5]
1958: During parallel testing of the T44E4 (future M14) and the AR-15 the T44E4 experienced 16 failures per 1,000 rounds fired compared to 6.1 for the AR-15.[5]
1959: Because of several different .222 caliber cartridges which were being developed for the SCHV project the 222 Special was renamed .223 Remington. In May of that year a report was produced stating that 5 to 7 man squads armed with AR-15 rifles have a higher hit probability than 11 man squads armed with the M-14 rifle. At a 4th of July picnic Air Force General Curtis Le May tested the AR-15 and was very impressed with it. He ordered a number of them to replace M2 carbines that were in use by the Air Force. In November of that year testing at Aberdeen Proving Ground showed the AR-15 failure rate had declined to 2.5/1,000 resulting in the AR-15 being approved for Air Force Trials.[5]
In 1961 a marksmanship testing compared the AR-15 and M-14. 43 % of AR-15 shooters achieved Expert while only 22 % of M-14 rifle shooters did. General Le May ordered 80,000 rifles.[5]
1962: In the spring of 1962 Remington submitted the specifications of the .223 Remington to the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI). In July operational testing ended with a recommendation for adoption of the AR-15 rifle chambered in .223 Remington.[5]
1963: September the .223 Remington cartridge was officially accepted and named “Cartridge, 5.56 mm Ball, M193.” The specification included a Remington-designed bullet and the use of IMR4475 Powder which resulted in a muzzle velocity of 3,250 feet per second and a chamber pressure of 52,000psi.[5] The .223 Remington was ballistically between the .222 Remington and the .222 Remington Magnum. It emerged from the .224 Springfield. The popularity of .223 Remington was so great that in the US it virtually eliminated the chambering of new firearms in .222 Remington and .222 Remington Magnum which included both semi-automatic and bolt (manual) action firearms. Outside the US and in areas in Europe where military chamberings are restricted, the .222 Remington remained popular, filling the same market niche.

Cartridge dimensions[edit]

The .223 Remington has 28.8 grains (1.87 ml H2O) cartridge case capacity.[6]
.223 Remington.jpg
.223 Remington maximum C.I.P. cartridge dimensions. All sizes in millimeters (mm).[7]
Americans would define the shoulder angle at alpha/2 = 23 degrees. The common rifling twist rate for this cartridge is 305 mm (1 in 12 in), 6 grooves, Ø lands = 5.56 millimetres (0.219 in), Ø grooves = 5.69 millimetres (0.224 in), land width = 1.88 millimetres (0.074 in) and the primer type is small rifle.
According to the official C.I.P. (Commission Internationale Permanente pour l’Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives) rulings the .223 Remington can handle up to 430.00 MPa (62,366 psi) Pmax piezo pressure. In C.I.P. regulated countries every rifle cartridge combo has to be proofed at 125% of this maximum C.I.P. pressure to certify for sale to consumers.[8] This means that .223 Remington chambered arms in C.I.P. regulated countries are currently (2016) proof tested at 537.50 MPa (77,958 psi) PE piezo pressure. This is equal to the NATO maximum service pressure guideline for the 5.56×45mm NATOcartridge.
The SAAMI pressure limit for the .223 Remington is set at 379.212 MPa (55,000 psi), piezo pressure.[9][10] Remington submitted .223 Remengton specifications to SAAMI in 1964.[5] The original diagrams use English Inch measurements.

Rifling in .223 Remington[edit]

Rifling is expressed as a ratio. A 1 in 12″ ratio means that rifling is cut so that the bullet rotates 360° after having traveled 12″. This is expressed as 1:12 spoken as 1 in 12 inches. Rifling must match the bullet design (length, weight and projectile shape) which a shooter intends to use in order to maintain accuracy.
The .223 Remington is one of the most common rifle cartridges in use in the United States, being widely used in two types of rifles:

The Sturm, Ruger & Co. AR-556 has rifling at 1:8. Their Mini-14 rifles have a rate of 1:9. Ruger’s American Rifle Bolt Action is also in 1:8.[11] Smith and Wesson in their M&P15 also uses 1:7.[12] The buyer must decide what the purpose of the rifle is and what weight bullets will be used before purchasing a rifle so that the correct rifling and chamber is used in the construction. The 5.56 mm NATO chamber will shoot either 5.56 mm NATO or .223 Rem. and is used by most makers of complete rifles and components.
Many AR (Armalite) type rifles use 1:9 which is suitable for bullets up to 69 grains or 4.5 grams or 1:7 which is suitable for bullets up to 85 grains or 5.5 grams. Many AR rifle owners choose to build their own rifles which is facilitated by a huge variety of barrels, and other components. The custom built AR may have a barrel from 7.5″ (which is classed as a Pistol) to as long as 24″ used in Varmint rifles primarily, often with Wylde or Noveske chambering. US AR builders tend to follow the same trend as the US military in building rifles with Picatinny rails that support many accessories.[13]

Cartridge case[edit]

The external dimensional specifications of .223 Remington and 5.56 NATO brass cases are identical. The cases tend to have similar case capacity when measured, with variations chiefly due to brand, not 5.56 vs .223 designation. The result of this is that there is no such thing as “5.56 brass” or “.223 brass”, the differences in the cartridges lie in powder loads which are affected by variations in case capacity. Brass for the 5.56 mm tends to be thicker. If handloaded, care must be taken to look for pressure signs as 5.56 mm cases may produce higher pressures with the same type of powder and bullet as compared to .223 Rem cases. Case capacities have been observed to vary by as much as 2.6 grains. Sierra provides separate loading sections for .223 Rem and 5.56 mm NATO and also recommends different loads for bolt action rifles as compared to semi-automatic rifles.[14][15]

.223 Remington vs. 5.56×45mm NATO Chambers[edit]

The .223 Remington and 5.56×45mm NATO barrel chamberings are dissimilar.[16] While the cartridges are identical other than powder load, bullet weight, and chamber pressure, a significant difference is in barrel of the rifle to be used, not in the cartridge. The chamber leade (throating in the USA) of the barrels of these rifles differ between designs.
The leade is the distance from the projectile while seated in the case to the rifling, which is typically shorter in .223 Remington commercial chambers. Because of this, a cartridge loaded to generate 5.56 × 45 mm NATO pressures in a 5.56 × 45 mm NATO chamber may develop pressures that exceed SAAMI limits for .223 Remington when fired from a short-leade .223 Remington chamber. See the section on .223 Remington#Pressure
The throating issue exists because in the USA it has been traditional to have short chambers so that the bullet is being engraved at the moment of insertion. European practice has more of a forcing cone construction which can, by itself, allow significantly higher chamber pressure. All Sig-Sauer handguns (for example) have European throating and all are certified to fire +P ammunition. Short throating and unnoticed bullet setback can easily increase chamber pressures by more than 10,000 psi.
It has been observed that 5.56 × 45 mm NATO ammunition is not as accurate as .223 Remington in many of the AR type rifles extant even with the same bullet weight. A solution to the problem has been developed by Bill Wylde and it bears his name. .223 Wylde is not a cartridge, it is a barrel chamber specification – with the external dimensions and lead angle as found in the military 5.56 × 45 mm NATO cartridge and the 0.224 inch freebore diameter as found in the civilian SAAMI .223 Remington cartridge – that was designed to increase the accuracy of 5.56×45mm NATO ammunition to that of .223 Remington.[17] The Noveske company also has a chamber design which increases 5.56mm NATO accuracy.[18]


Remington submitted the specifications for .223 Remington cartridge in 1964 to SAAMI. The original pressure for the .223 Rem was 52,000 psi with DuPont IMR Powder. The current pressure of 55,000 psi (379 MPa) resulted from the change from IMR to Olin Ball powder. [5] The official name for .223 Remington in the US Army is Cartridge 5.56 x 45mm Ball, M193. If a 5.56×45 mm NATO cartridge is loaded into a chamber intended to use .223 Remington the bullet will be in contact with the rifling and the forcing cone is very tight. This generates a much higher pressure than .223 chambers are designed for.[19] NATO chose a 178 mm (1-in-7″) rifling twist rate for the 5.56×45mm NATO chambering. The SS109/M855 5.56×45mm NATO ball cartridge requires a 228 mm (1-in-9″) twist rate, while adequately stabilizing the longer NATO L110/M856 5.56×45mm NATO tracer projectile requires an even faster 178 mm (1-in-7″) twist rate.[5]
The table contains some estimated pressures based on normal proofing practice and on the known increases in pressure caused by bullet setback (which is a similar occurrence with regard to pressure). The Proof pressure of M197 is 70,000 psi. [20]
Here is a table showing the differences in nomenclature, rifling, throating, normal, maximum and safe pressures:[5][4]

Cartridge US Designation NATO Designation Bullet Rifling Throat Pressure in NATO Chamber in .223 SAAMI Chamber Safe Sustained
.223 Remington .223 Rem 55gr FMJBT 1:14 tight 52,000 psi (359 MPa) 52,000 psi (359 MPa) Yes
.223 Remington M193 5.56 × 45 mm 55gr FMJBT 1:12 tight 55,000 psi (379 MPa) 55,000 psi (379 MPa) Yes
.223 Remington M197 C10524197-56-2 1:12 tight 70,000 psi (483 MPa) 70,000 psi (483 MPa) One time only
5.56×45 mm NATO M855 SS109 62 gr Ball 1:7 long 62,366 psi (430 MPa) EPVAT over 70,000 psi (483 MPa) No
5.56×45 mm NATO M856 L110 77gr Tracer 1:7 long 62,366 psi (430 MPa) EPVAT over 70,000 psi (483 MPa) No
5.56×45 mm NATO M857 SS111 Tungsten Carbide 1:7 long 62,366 psi (430 MPa) EPVAT over 70,000 psi (483 MPa) No
5.56×45 mm NATO Proof Proof unknown 1:7 long 77,958 psi (538 MPa) EPVAT 82,250 psi (567 MPa) estimated No

Beside the NATO EPVAT testing pressure testing protocols the other employed peak pressure measurement methodology or methodologies to correlate this table remain unknown.

Effects of barrel length on velocity[edit]

Barrel length helps determine a specific cartridge’s muzzle velocity. A longer barrel will typically yield a greater muzzle velocity, while a short barrel will yield a lower one. The first AR-15 rifles used a barrel length of 20″. In the case of the .223 Rem (M193) ammunition loses or gains approximately 25.7 feet-per-second for each inch of barrel length, while 5.56 x 45 mm NATO (M855) loses or gains 30.3 feet-per-second per inch of barrel length.[21]

Related cartridges[edit]

P.O. Ackley created an improved version of this cartridge, called the .223 Ackley Improved.[22] It has the straight sides and steep shoulder, typical of the Ackley design improvements, yielding about 5 % extra case volume. This, in turn, provides longer case life, less stretching, and up to 140 ft/s (43 m/s) faster velocities.[23]
Wildcat cartridge developers have for a long time necked this cartridge up to create the 6 mm/223 or 6 × 45 mm. At one time this round was very popular for varmint hunting and competition, but has been replaced by current popular competition cartridges using short, fat cases, such as the 6 mm PPC and the 6mm Norma BR.[citation needed]
The Thompson/Center Ugalde family of wildcat cartridges are also made by necking up .223 Remington cases, for use in the Thompson/Center Contender target pistol.[citation needed]

All About Guns

What the Other (Rich) Half take to the Field

Now here below is what I call a High End Custom Bolt Action Rifles.
Image result for Purdey bolt action Rifle
It’s probably from Purdey or Holland & Holland. Where you place your order and in a couple of years. You then will hopefully get it.
(I also have been told that the waiting list is very long. That & it has some very distinguished names on it. But the Staff is way too discrete to say who.)
Image result for holland & holland  london
Image result for Purdy gun shop london
But first, It is only after you put down several thousand British pounds. (They take Credit Cards by the way)
That the process is started. When you get to go thru the catalog to see what you want on it.
The customer is then gotten measured for it. (Just like a Saville Suit) With the Head Clerk asking a lot of very good questions on what the Gentleman wants & needs are.
This place is also where the idea of High End European Craftsman ship is still alive & well. (The Gunsmiths there actually wear ties while working on their projrcts)
So as you can plainly see, It is a long ways from some of the other stuff. That you see being sold at most gun shops today.
I myself would love to have one of these someday. But I just never seem to get the right numbers on the Lottery for some reason.
But looking is free & one can still dream of having a couple in the Old Gun Safe. Someday!
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Below also is a highly customized Pre-64 Winchester. As you can see its no slouch either.
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All About Guns

Remington Mod. 721 Rifle

Image result for Remington Model 721
Image result for Remington Model 721
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 1
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 2
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 3
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 4
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 5
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 6
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 7
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 8
Remington Arms Co, Inc. - MOD. 721 25 INCH BL W-REDFIELD SCOPE NICE BORE! - Picture 9

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Firearms Hall of Fame – Remington Model 721 Bolt Action Rifle

Remington Model 721

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Remington 721, 722, & 725
Type Rifle
Place of origin United States
Production history
Designer Mike Walker & Homer W. Young
Manufacturer Remington Arms
Produced 1948–1962
No. built
  • Model 721 & 722 – ~118,000
  • Model 725 – ~17,000
Variants 722, 725
721 Calibers:
722 Calibers:
725 Calibers:
Action Bolt actionrotating bolt with 2 lugs
Feed system Internal box magazine
Sights Iron Sights with scope mount holes
The Model 721, 722, and 725 are bolt-action firearmsmanufactured by Remington Arms from 1948 through 1962. They replaced the earlier Model 30 and abortive Model 720. Though produced in relatively small numbers compared to the Winchester Model 70, the Remington model 721 series served as the basis for the highly successful Model 700 series of rifles.


The Remington Model 721 was born out of Remington’s experience building martial arms during the Second World War. Because of the need to make numerous arms cheaply, manufacturing technology had advanced to a point where production of pre-war models had become too expensive. The Model 720, an improved Model 30, had been designed as the flagship bolt-action rifle for Remington, however production had halted during the war. Remington had a choice of resuming production of an expensive rifle or simplifying the design for mass economical production. They chose a redesign.

Design details[edit]

When compared to the Mauser 98 action, the Remington introduced several features meant to decrease production time and cost as well as increase the accuracy potential.[1] The first was a redesign of the receiver from a billet-machined structure to a round profile. The round receiver can be produced on a lathe rather than requiring a mill. The recoil lug was a simple plate of steel sandwiched between the barrel and receiver.
The bolt was redesigned and made from multiple pieces. The large claw extractor was eliminated in favor of a small, but effective part mounted in a newly recessed bolt face. The ejector was now a plunger on the bolt face rather than a blade mounted in the receiver. The safety was simplified and a new trigger mechanism was fitted.


The Model 722 was a short-action version designed for shorter cartridges. The Model 725 was a deluxe version with a larger, Model-30 style safety and Monte Carlo stock. All rifles were available in various grades and calibers.
721A Standard grade
721BDL Deluxe grade
722A Standard grade
722BDL Deluxe grade

All About Guns

THe Current Queen of England and Guns

As you can see also that the Current Queen and her family know their away around a guns. (She was in the British Army during WWII)

That and like the rest of the British Aristicracy / Rich Folks. They are really  into hunting and not just with Cameras.
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It must of been nice to have your own hunting lodge I mean Empire!
I just could not resist it, But I do not think that this one is real by the way!
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Thanks for spending your time on this!
The Grumpy Old Teacher (Ret)

All About Guns

Queen Victoria & A Hell of a nice gift of a Gun!

All I can say is “That sure is a Nice Gift from the Old Girl!”

For sale, gun Queen Victoria gave her servant rumoured to be her lover: A Double-barrelled rifle given to John Brown as a Christmas gift in 1873 set to fetch £40,000

  • The monarch gave the deer-stalking rifle to Brown at Christmas 1873
  • Queen turned to the attendant for counsel after husband’s death in 1861
  • Gun was kept in late American industrialist Clay Bedford’s collection 
  • Rifle will be sold in London and auctioneers call the item ‘very desirable’ 

An antique rifle that was a gift from Queen Victoria to a manservant who was rumoured to have been her lover is to be sold at auction

An antique rifle that was a gift from Queen Victoria to a manservant who was rumoured to have been her lover is to be sold at auction

The relationship infuriated the Queen’s eldest son, Edward VII, who was said to have once arranged for a boxer to give him a thrashing.

The affair was also the subject of the 1997 Judi Dench film Mrs Brown, which focused on their controversial relationship.

According to experts the weapon was the best that money could buy at the time and was engraved with his name at her behest.

The gift came 18 months after Brown had saved the Queen from a potential assassination attempt when the nephew of an Irish MP rushed her open carriage with an unloaded pistol prompting Brown to grab hold of him.Share

After Brown’s death in 1883 the gun was acquired by the late American industrialist Clay Bedford and it has been in his collection ever since.

The deer-stalking rifle was displayed at the London Metropolitan Museum of Art for a firearms exhibition in 1971. It is now being sold at auction in London.

Patrick Hawes, a rifle specialist at auctioneers Bonhams, said: ‘The rifle is unique in many ways and has a direct association with Queen Victoria which makes it a very desirable item.

‘There is no doubt that it was the best quality and the best rifle that money could buy at the time.

‘We believe this is the first time it is being sold at auction. It is in a very good condition and is usable. It doesn’t appear to have had a lot of use.’

The monarch (right) had turned to trusted attendant Brown (left) for counsel after the death of her husband, Prince Albert in 1861, and it was suggested they were romantically involved

The monarch (right) had turned to trusted attendant Brown (left) for counsel after the death of her husband, Prince Albert in 1861, and it was suggested they were romantically involved

Brown, from Aberdeenshire, worked as an outdoor servant at Balmoral Castle in the mid 18th century.

He became the pastoral aide to Victoria and Albert, and in 1854 Victoria wrote that Brown ‘takes the most wonderful care of me… and it is quite a sorrow to leave him behind’.

The rifle, made by royal gunmaker Alexander Henry of Edinburgh, comes in its original pig-skinned lined brass-mounted oak and leather case with nearly all the accessories.

The exterior of the lid is stamped in gilt letters ‘J. Brown Esq. H.M.P. Attendant, Balmoral’. It is being sold on May 12.

Auctioneers at Bonhams say that it is the best quality and the best rifle that money could buy at the time

Auctioneers at Bonhams say that it is the best quality and the best rifle that money could buy at the time

The exterior of the lid is stamped in gilt letters 'J. Brown Esq. H.M.P. Attendant, Balmoral'. It is being sold on May 12

The exterior of the lid is stamped in gilt letters ‘J. Brown Esq. H.M.P. Attendant, Balmoral’. It is being sold on May 12


All About Guns

Some other Ideas about Shooting Folks or not!

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Now I have a couple of thoughts on this grisley issue. It seems to me from what that I have see and read from a lot of folks. There seems to be a lot of folks who actually seem to want to shoot somebody. You know who I am talking about right?

  Like at the Gunshows or on TV that keep stressing on how to use tactical methods and combat situations. Or some of those very scary looking and talking dudes at the local Gun Show.
 I just do not get it myself. But if the fantasy helps you sleep well at night. Then so be it.
  Me? I am one of those folks. Who has seen enough real violence at first hand. That if I never have to do it or see again. That would be just fine by me.
  Now let us move one to the real world. Here are a few ideas on how to avoid this problem.
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1. Do not go down to the bad part of town. Especially at night!
2. Avoid certain types of folks. Like Bikers, Drug Dealers, Cops, Fighting Drunks and stupid, lazy & crazy folks. This seems to me at least to be a good idea.
3. Avoid the Bar scene especially the rougher ones. We all know where those are right? I mean hey! Get with the here & now. Computer dating is the way to go!
4. Going to the ATM in the middle of the night. Or flashing a lot of cash!
     Are you crazy! Most folks are either getting ready to go to bed or a    sleep.
   (“Hey Old Buddy! I will be there in the first thing in the AM to bail you
      out okay? Good Night!”)
5. Going to the Liquor Store or 7-11 during the night.
  “Honey you need diapers? Okay here use this old T Shirt of mine. I will
    go get some more in the AM.”
6. Avoid Riots! If you get caught up in one. Then get the hell out of there.
    As there are very few causes worth dying for. That and 5 years from
  Now let us go to some of the favorite scenerios of the Gun Advertisers
  Its late at night! You hear a noise and you go check it out with your gun in your hand to save & protect your family.
  Sorry Rambo! But its either your kid trying to sneak out or in. Or it is the cat.
Image result for i hate cats meme
  So I am willing to bet a lot of cash. That I think your spouse and or the Cops are not going to be too thrilled about that either. Jail by the way is not fun!
   Here is a little something else that my Students / Thugs taught me. When I was teaching in Juvenile Hall.
***Most criminals break into your house during day time. When everyone is at work or school. Best thing to do is get a dog instead.  My Former Students also really do not want to get shot either!****
  Or how about the other one that has been around since the Back Yard Bomb Shelter Scare / Scam of the 1950’s. (Which you have turned into a wine cellar years ago.)
  Something Bad / Horrible has happened!!! (Pick your choice of Nuclear War / Winter, Aliens from Space or Mecca, Terrorist Attack,  Climate Change, EMP, Plague or what have you.)  What ever, it is going to be Bloody Awful!
Image result for Plague
Image result for atomic bomb explosion
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Image result for Winter is coming  meme
  Me? Nah!
  If things are going to get that bad. Hey I would of left here a long time ago with my family. Why are you still here?
   Because if the Big one is going off. Then I am going be to run right toward the cloud. Because I am sure as Hell is not fun. Do not want to live in another Dark Age.
Image result for bring out your dead!meme
Bottom Line – Fear is almost as good as sex when it comes to selling stuff. Me?  I am going to spend my cash on other things, That and have as much fun as I still can.
Maybe you might think about that also!
PS This does not mean that I will have no problem with introducing you to my “little friend of mine”.
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What so ever though if someone messes with me,  my family, friends or my stuff.
Then its “Gee Officer! I just do not know what happened! Better talk to my Lawyer and we will figure this one out Okay?”
That and this other nugget of advice, “Hey Officer, can you double lock the handcuffs pretty please?  That & can I be put in solitary when we get to the Station? “
All About Guns

The Moro's and the Birth of the 45 A.C.P

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   After the Spanish War of 1898. America found itself in control of most of Spain’s former Empire.  (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippine Islands) For which we / They paid Spain a nice chunk of change for.
  Now we almost immediately gave Cuba its freedom. (Just do not mention the United Fruit Company or the Sugar Trusts to any Cubans by the way)
But we decided to keep the rest of them for various reasons.
  So as you can guess. The Filipinos were not very happy about this. Especially since they had been fighting the Spanish for a very long time. Plus they had helped us a lot in boxing in the Spanish Army in Manila during the war.
  But that is the way it was during the height of Imperialism. So the Filipinos turned there guns toward the American Army / Marines. It then turned into a very nasty little war. Which did not bring much credit to the US.*
  Anyways after a couple of years of some very hard fighting & soldiering on both sides. The Major Islands of the P.I. were under US control.
  The US then moved south to the island of Mindanao & the Muslim Moros. Some very tough, hardy & hard nosed Muslim tribes. That were not going to just bow down and be happy new members of the Americas overseas empire.
  Now these folks were the Arch Enemy of the Catholic Northern part of the Islands. They lived a very primitive and war like life of raids, slavery and Piracy.
  So when the Us Army showed up. They just considered them to be just a another group of Christian folks to fight.
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 Okay now here is where the story of the 45 A.C.P. comes in. The Army having just basically having finished the fight with the American Indians. Had finally got Congress to pay for new guns. Like the Krag-Jorgensen & the new Colt Army Double Action Revolver to be the standard guns of the Regular Army.
  Now considering all things. These were good, well built & solid guns of the period. If they had gone up against a European Power like it had against Spain.
  They had done all right but it was not spectacularly either. Especially the Krag when it went up against the quick loading Spanish Mauser at San Juan Hill.
  The problem was that they were under powered for the job at hand. The 1892 Colt being chambered in 38 Long Colt. Which was not a real power house of a round to start with.

Colt M1892Inline image 2

or the

Krag–Jørgensen in 30-40 Krag

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  Now from what I have read about this war. The Moros did either of these things.
In that they had their genitals bound down tightly. Which caused extreme pain, then they were blessed by the local Holy Man. Then they went out and attacked any non Moro they ran into.
  That or they got really drugged out of their minds & then went out to slaughter folks with their fearsome Kris swords.
  But the bottom line was that American Soldiers and later on the Philippine Scouts were seriously under gunned for the job at hand.
 So the  Army quickly re issued their old 1873 Colt Single Actions in 45 Long Colt which is a fine man stopper. That and also began issuing Riot Shotguns.
Otherwise the Army could not function properly in the field.
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 I am willing to bet they used the 1897 Winchester Shotgun with a sawn off barrel. I know Thats What I would of used.
  They also got Colt to make some Colt New Service Pistol in 45 Long colt as a stop gap until some thing better came down the pike.
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  That and the powers to be. Also launched an effort to up grade the Army’s
small arms. Which in turn brought about the 1911A1 in the excellent caliber of 45 ACP. Thanks to the Genius of John Browning.
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    This fight also helped bring about one of the finest rifles that the US ever had. The 1903 Springfield in 30-06.
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  Since either one of these guns, With the proper placement of the bullet. Would be able to stop any body for the most part. Then the Army got itself some new Commanders and in a few years time kicked the Moros butt.**
  So in closing this is how the 45 Automatic Colt Pistol round was born. Its long service with American Armed Forces. Having come about from a long forgotten war. It that went on to serve for almost 75 years in all of Americas Major Wars of the 20th Century.
Here is also some other sources that you might want to read about this period of time.
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* This is where we learned about water boarding & other dirty tricks.
   As there was also a lot of massacres on both sides, treachery and other not so nice stuff. Like the phrases that the US Soldiers used at the time. “civilize ’em with a Krag”  Basically it was hell on earth for all involved.
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** By the By The Moors as still there and they are still are a pain in the Ass for the National Philippine Government. That and US Army still have Advisers down there in the War against Terrorism.
I guess some Folks just do not get the message!
All About Guns

A General Out line about Common Fire Arm cartridges

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A Small Primer on Ammo to begin with.
  Ammo can & is very confusing to a lot of folks. Even some of the REAL OLD TIMERS have been known  to make a mistake or two. So if in doubt ask somebody else!
  Also if you are not sure even then. DO NOT USE IT  IF YOU ARE NOT SURE! Since basically this is an explosive device. That can & will mess with folks and their stuff. (It’s mission in life)
 By the By. A really great book is out there that is worth looking at. It is entitled (See Below) I think that its money well spent!
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  Now again I am no expert but I have been using firearms now for over 40 plus years. I also have shot all of the rounds below at one point or another.

 So just maybe I might know what I am talking about. But none the less, take this with a grain of salt.
The 22 Long Rifle – This round has been around now for over a century. Which should tell you some thing. As it has generally been the round to go to. When none wants to trin on thei first real weapon.
Bottom Line – Its cheap , very accurate at short range & has no real recoil. It can also be used in pistols and rifle.
The 9mm Luger – A classic pistol round from Germany. It s one of the most popular rounds used by Police and the Military.
Bottom Line – It used to be a very cheap round when an ocean of it was imported into this country years ago. It is also very accurete at short distances with less recoil. That and is a so-so self defense round in my humble opinion.
  It also spawned the 380 round and a few others.
The 38 Special – This use to be the caliber for most Police Departments before the Cops started carrying high capacity automatics.
  It has a relatively light recoil and is very accurate in a good pistol. If and when one moves up to the center fire cartridges, This would make for a good choice.
The 357 Magnum –  This round was developed because of folks like Bonnie & Clyde back n the 1930’s. When the cops had to start shooting thru cars.
  It is a very brutal round with a lot of recoil and penetration power. It isn’t not the round to start off with a rookie as recoil and report are pretty hefty
The 44 Special & 44 Magnum – Now we are talking about some seroius fire power. These mighty rounds pack a lot of punch and recoil.
  But if you are going up against something big & nasty. That and if you only have a pistol. This is a very good choice. I myself prefer the 44 Special as it has a bit less recoil and is very accurate to boot.
The one bad thing about it is that Ammo in this caliber can be costly.
The 45 ACP –  The Combat round as far as I am concerned.
  This Brusier of a round has been around since before WWI.
  It also has a proven track record of being a serious man stopper. Now it takes a while to get up to the proper level of skill to use this thing. As its recoil is not unnoticable. But it is time well spent in my opinion.
Ammo for it is also easy to find and will not brak the bank
The 45 Long Colt- Another star of the Silver screen. I doubt that there are many men of my gneration. That did not own a cap gun that looked like a Colt SAA.
  It too also has a proven track record of stopping a fight. But finding ammo for it can be both expensive and harf to find.
Rifle Rounds
The 223 Remington – The Army made this round popular. It is a first rate varmit round and a good, accurate target round.
Unless there is a panic or something. Ammo is usuallu plentiful and not too expensive. That and there is a wide variety of it too.
The 22-250 – if want a little more power or want tohit the critters / varmits farther out. Then this is a good choice.
This & the 243 are great starter rounds for the young shooter. Who wants to move up the ladder to centerfire.
The 243 – The best  deer round for the ladies and our smaller folks who want a great all round medium caliber round. I love it for the light recoil and its accuracy at medium range.
The 257 Roberts – Now this round is an oldie but a goodie. That the pundits are always saying its obsolete.
  But for some reason. They are a hard rifle to find to buy . That and they keep making ammo for it. You do the math and see what you think.
The 6.5 Creedmoor – I finally jumped on the Bandwagon & I am glad that I did. If you want a really great long range rifle round that will perform. Then this is the place!
The 30-30 –  The Star of many a Western Movie. This round has probably killed more Deer than any other round. It is a great bush gun round for close range shooting.
The 308 – One of the best rounds that I have used now that my back started acting up. It is an all around medium caliber round. That a lot of Snipers use in their deadly work.  Also as a added plus.  The recoil is not too bad all things considered.
The 30-06 – What can I say about this round. But that the US Army had used it to settle arguements for almost 60 years.
That & a lot of Germans, Japanese, Koreans and Chinese could testify to its effectiveness  if they were alive that is.
The 300’s – there are really only two of these that I have shot myself. The 300 Win Mag and the 300 H&H.
  Both are really a souped up 30-06 in disguise. They are both very accurate at long range and pack a mighty punch on both ends of the gun.
The 375 H&H – If I was going back to Alaska. Then this round would come with me.
  It has a great reputation there & in Africa. It is also the minium caliber to hunt dangerous game lawfully in most of Africa. It also packed a mighty good punch at both ends.
The 458 Win Mag  – The big gun. If you are planning on Jurassic Park coming true soon in your neighborhood. Then you might want to consider this monster. As it will basically kill anything alive out there.
  All things considered. It has a huge recoil and is fairly accurate at close range. Just make sur that the gun is heavy enough and has a good recoil
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