All About Guns

A General Out line about Common Fire Arm cartridges

 Image result for bottom of a rifle cartridge
A Small Primer on Ammo to begin with.
  Ammo can & is very confusing to a lot of folks. Even some of the REAL OLD TIMERS have been known  to make a mistake or two. So if in doubt ask somebody else!
  Also if you are not sure even then. DO NOT USE IT  IF YOU ARE NOT SURE! Since basically this is an explosive device. That can & will mess with folks and their stuff. (It’s mission in life)
 By the By. A really great book is out there that is worth looking at. It is entitled (See Below) I think that its money well spent!
 Image result for cartridges of the world
  Now again I am no expert but I have been using firearms now for over 40 plus years. I also have shot all of the rounds below at one point or another.

 So just maybe I might know what I am talking about. But none the less, take this with a grain of salt.
The 22 Long Rifle – This round has been around now for over a century. Which should tell you some thing. As it has generally been the round to go to. When none wants to trin on thei first real weapon.
Bottom Line – Its cheap , very accurate at short range & has no real recoil. It can also be used in pistols and rifle.
The 9mm Luger – A classic pistol round from Germany. It s one of the most popular rounds used by Police and the Military.
Bottom Line – It used to be a very cheap round when an ocean of it was imported into this country years ago. It is also very accurete at short distances with less recoil. That and is a so-so self defense round in my humble opinion.
  It also spawned the 380 round and a few others.
The 38 Special – This use to be the caliber for most Police Departments before the Cops started carrying high capacity automatics.
  It has a relatively light recoil and is very accurate in a good pistol. If and when one moves up to the center fire cartridges, This would make for a good choice.
The 357 Magnum –  This round was developed because of folks like Bonnie & Clyde back n the 1930’s. When the cops had to start shooting thru cars.
  It is a very brutal round with a lot of recoil and penetration power. It isn’t not the round to start off with a rookie as recoil and report are pretty hefty
The 44 Special & 44 Magnum – Now we are talking about some seroius fire power. These mighty rounds pack a lot of punch and recoil.
  But if you are going up against something big & nasty. That and if you only have a pistol. This is a very good choice. I myself prefer the 44 Special as it has a bit less recoil and is very accurate to boot.
The one bad thing about it is that Ammo in this caliber can be costly.
The 45 ACP –  The Combat round as far as I am concerned.
  This Brusier of a round has been around since before WWI.
  It also has a proven track record of being a serious man stopper. Now it takes a while to get up to the proper level of skill to use this thing. As its recoil is not unnoticable. But it is time well spent in my opinion.
Ammo for it is also easy to find and will not brak the bank
The 45 Long Colt- Another star of the Silver screen. I doubt that there are many men of my gneration. That did not own a cap gun that looked like a Colt SAA.
  It too also has a proven track record of stopping a fight. But finding ammo for it can be both expensive and harf to find.
Rifle Rounds
The 223 Remington – The Army made this round popular. It is a first rate varmit round and a good, accurate target round.
Unless there is a panic or something. Ammo is usuallu plentiful and not too expensive. That and there is a wide variety of it too.
The 22-250 – if want a little more power or want tohit the critters / varmits farther out. Then this is a good choice.
This & the 243 are great starter rounds for the young shooter. Who wants to move up the ladder to centerfire.
The 243 – The best  deer round for the ladies and our smaller folks who want a great all round medium caliber round. I love it for the light recoil and its accuracy at medium range.
The 257 Roberts – Now this round is an oldie but a goodie. That the pundits are always saying its obsolete.
  But for some reason. They are a hard rifle to find to buy . That and they keep making ammo for it. You do the math and see what you think.
The 6.5 Creedmoor – I finally jumped on the Bandwagon & I am glad that I did. If you want a really great long range rifle round that will perform. Then this is the place!
The 30-30 –  The Star of many a Western Movie. This round has probably killed more Deer than any other round. It is a great bush gun round for close range shooting.
The 308 – One of the best rounds that I have used now that my back started acting up. It is an all around medium caliber round. That a lot of Snipers use in their deadly work.  Also as a added plus.  The recoil is not too bad all things considered.
The 30-06 – What can I say about this round. But that the US Army had used it to settle arguements for almost 60 years.
That & a lot of Germans, Japanese, Koreans and Chinese could testify to its effectiveness  if they were alive that is.
The 300’s – there are really only two of these that I have shot myself. The 300 Win Mag and the 300 H&H.
  Both are really a souped up 30-06 in disguise. They are both very accurate at long range and pack a mighty punch on both ends of the gun.
The 375 H&H – If I was going back to Alaska. Then this round would come with me.
  It has a great reputation there & in Africa. It is also the minium caliber to hunt dangerous game lawfully in most of Africa. It also packed a mighty good punch at both ends.
The 458 Win Mag  – The big gun. If you are planning on Jurassic Park coming true soon in your neighborhood. Then you might want to consider this monster. As it will basically kill anything alive out there.
  All things considered. It has a huge recoil and is fairly accurate at close range. Just make sur that the gun is heavy enough and has a good recoil
Image result for firearm cartridge chart
All About Guns

Gun Porn

Now here are what I think are some of the Better Looking Rifles.
I hope that you like them !

577 nitro express rifleH&H 10g Paradox-3720         Call= .700 Nitro Express Manufactured by the Belgian company FN Herstal (FN).Anderson Wheeler Skyfall Edition - James Bond Double RifleA move is quietly afoot that could place a pre-1900 .45/70 "buffalo rifle" in your Ohio deer hunting hands, if you and fellow fans of traditional black-powder cartridge rifles are willing to work for it.  Toby Bridges, of the International BPCR (Black Powder Cartridge Rifle) Hunting Association, based in Cape Girardeau, Mo., is one of the prime movers in an effort to convince wildlife agencies in the "shotgun only" states to allow use of these vintage-style arms for deer hunting.  Note that w...
GRANITE Mountain Arms 505 Gibbs-Ike Ellis. Mauser

All About Guns

Advice on how on Buying a Pistol

So you think that you found a pistol that you would like to add as a new member to the family?  Well Done!

  Okay here is a few hopefully helpful hints. On what to look for before you slam down some of your hard earned money on the counter.
Now pistols come in basically three flavors
Image result for basic types of pistols
Revolvers Single Action or Double Action*
Single action – You have to cock the Hammer every time to shoot
or  Double action. When you can just pull the trigger and the gun will go off!
Single Shots** The name is kind of self explaining
Semi Automatic*
What to look for when thinking of seriously buying the pistol
Is the price realistic?
Look it up on the computer at some of the gun auction sites. This will give you a good sense of what it is really worth
How expensive and available is the ammo?
A 41 Colt ammo cost a lot more and is harder to find than say a 22 Long Rifle
This some of the more popular calibers out there that are fairly easy to find.
Handgun caliber comparison
How do the grips look like? But do not freak out about this. Since Today you can easily get a replacement grip at a fairly reasonable price for most pistols.
Image result for popular types of pistol grips
Image result for types of pistol grips
Image result for basic types of replacement pistol grips
Related image
Unless you want to go whole hog and then the sky is the limit.
Image result for basic types of replacement pistol grips
I myself like Pachmyr grips. Yeah they are ugly and plastic.
But they really help my score at the range.
Image result for pachmayr pistol grips
What kind of overall shape is the gun in?
Related image Not a good choice!
Image result for damaged pistolsDitto
Note any Rust, holster wear, marks, dings, scars, no serial numbers etc.
Image result for worn out pistol barrels
Image result for filed off serial numbers pistols
This is very important! As it will tell you if the gun is safe / legal to shoot and its value down the road.
What does the barrel look like?
Image result for what does a shot out barrel look like            Hopefully not like this!
The lands and grooves should be clear and sharp. (These are cuts in the barrel which help the bullet go straighter)
Related image
If you see bulges, cracks or gaps either in or out of the barrel.Image result for what a bulge on a gun barrel looks like
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****Do yourself a favor and pass on the deal. Its a turkey and may be dangerous to the user & folks near when it goes off!***
Now a lot of crafty gun seller will put a nice coat of oil on the gun for sale.
Since Oil can & will cover a lot of sins and problems. So get a rag and wipe it as dry as you can get it.
Who is this guy selling this gun to you?
Image result for hitler holding a gun
They are a lot of stories about cops doing stings on selling guns illegally.
Image result for cops arresting a  gun sting  buyer
Also remember the Courts for the most part allow Cops to lie to folks.
Image result for cartoon judges
So only buy from Reputable folks. It will pay off in the long run.
Old Joke – Two guys are sitting in their cell, One say say to the other. “She sure didn’t look like no cop to me!”
* I stole this from another site since it is better than I can explain it
Single-action (left) and double-action (right) revolvers come in nearly every shape and size.
Single actions (left) and double actions (right) come in nearly every shape and size.

Revolvers come in many flavors, many shapes and sizes, and many different configurations. The two main platforms are the single action and the double action. Which one is best for you is ultimately a matter of preference. Which is most comfortable in your hand, and more importantly the revolver you can shoot most accurately, is the one you should choose.

Single and Double Action Differences
Single actions derive their name from the fact that they can only be fired by cocking the hammer and squeezing the trigger one shot at a time, whereas the double action can be fired in the same manner as the single action or simply by squeezing the trigger to fire – hence “double action.”
All modern day single-action revolvers are based, however loosely, on the Colt Single Action Army (SAA). So timeless was the design that it is still in wide use today. There are a number of manufacturers of single-action revolvers, including Ruger, Freedom Arms, Magnum Research, Uberti and Colt.
Double-action revolvers are available from Smith & Wesson, Colt, Ruger and Taurus on the new and used markets. Colt’s excellent Anaconda is no longer in production, but it can be found used and makes for an excellent choice for hunting or as a back-up weapon.
Both types of revolvers can be chambered in calibers adequate for big-game hunting and protective back-up duty, but they handle recoil differently. Double actions tend to transfer all of their recoil straight back into the web of your hand, while single actions have a propensity to exhibit barrel rise and are designed to roll upward (particularly in the case of single actions equipped with “plow handle”-type grips).

** As the name implies, single shot refers to any firearm–which may be a pistol, rifle or shotgun–that has no magazine and holds a maximum of one cartridge at any given time
semiautomatic pistol is a type of pistol that issemiautomatic, meaning it uses the energy of the fired cartridge to cycle the action of the firearm and advance the next available cartridge into position for firing. … A semiautomatic pistol harnesses the energy of one shot to reload the chamber for the next.
All About Guns

Buying a Rifle Part 3

Now moving right along, Sorry that this is a very long diatribe!

Let us move along to the action of the rifle.
Does it operate smoothly?
This video will give an idea as to how it should go as concerning smoothness. The first 30 seconds is all you need to see.
If yes then you are good to go!
How does the metal of the gun look like?
Does it look uniformly clean w/o any rust, pits, stains, scars, bulges, cracks or stuff like that?
How does the inside of the barrel look like?
It should look like this
Inline image 1Inline image 2
How does the trigger feel?
Ask if you can dry fire it.
If the trigger have a reasonable resistance to pressure and then breaks clean. (You will feel it when you do it.)
If not – You can still think about getting it. Since you can usually replace the trigger with an aftermarket one. Which will cost around another $100.
Move on the next section
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Operating a bolt action rifle: working the bolt for speed and consistency

All About Guns

Buying a Rifle Part 2

********Trigger Warning – Adult Profanity coming up!**********

Yeah I am a real windy Bastard at times. So thank you for bearing with me so far!
  Now where was I? Oh yeah buying a Rifle! As you can see my my C.R.S.* is acting up!
 Let us say that you have found a worthy candidate of a Rifle to add to you group of foster guns. As President Teddy Roosevelt (The Good Roosevelt*) would say “Bully!”.
  Right! Now is the time to turn on your cold hard eyes and do a serious inventory on the condition of this Long Arm.
Now I generally start from the Butt or bottom of a rifle and move my way up.
Does this rifle have a but plate or a recoil pad on it. If so what shape is it in?
If it has a recoil pad. How hard is it. I have bought some rifles that the pad could break concrete.
If you have to replace the pad. Then it will probably cost you a C Note or $100 dollars to those Yankees out there.
Are there any cracks, scars, scratches,blemishes on or near the toe & heel of the butt? If yes then pass on it. Unless you get a big discount.
Yes! You can replace a stock. But that is very expensive. With either your choice of wood or a good plastic one.   (I hate most plastic gun parts by the way)
So when I say expensive think at least $200 and up. IF you can find a good Gun Smith & if he has time for it. So add another couple of hundred to the tally.
NO I AM NOT TRY TO SCARE YOU! But I do want you to go in with your eyes open Okay?
Unless you can get a good deal on E bay. But that can be a gamble at times with E bay.
More later
* Theodore was a great sportsman and had a great collection of guns. Hopefully one day. I can go to Oyster Bay, NY and see his home. Which has been turned into a Museum. Serious Hint – By the by. Did I mention that I take gifts on Paypal by the way?
All About Guns

Buying a Rifle- Part 1

Image result for buying a gun
Now I have written before about buying a pistol and later on I will post something about Shot guns.

If you have the burden of living in the Peoples Republic of California and some other states*. You are going to have to buy a gun safe. But I will write about these at a later date. But it is a good idea anyways.
  Now again Rifles come in these basic formats
Gun Infographic (see link for more) - visit us at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex, Sparta, ILor the Fully automatic mode like the AK-47**
Image result for ak-47
Assault Rifles like the AK-47** – Which contrary to Media BS is basically illegal to have in Most Places in the USA.

** There are versions of the AK-47 out there. But they are only Semi Automatic. They can be converted to full Auto. But if you do & when you get caught. Your new Room mate is called Bubba and he thinks that you have a pretty face.
So unless you do not want to get in touch with your other sexual self. I highly recommend not doing this foolish thing!
All About Guns

Remington Model 600-Stock Refinished .308 Win.

All I know is that when I shot one like this . It had a a great report and a solid recoil that you did not forget real soon! As you can guess by now. I am not a real fan but God Bless those who do like them!

Remington - Remington Model 600-stock refinished - Picture 1
Remington - Remington Model 600-stock refinished - Picture 2
Remington - Remington Model 600-stock refinished - Picture 3

All About Guns The Green Machine

NEW Upgrade to the M2 50 caliber Machine Gun

All About Guns

Savage Model 1899a, No. 21 & Lyman No. 1a Rear Sights, Blue 20” Lever Action Short Rifle, MFD 1909 C&R .303 Savage

Savage Model 1899A, No. 21 & Lyman No. 1A Rear Sights, Blue 20” - Lever Action Short Rifle, MFD 1909 C&R - Picture 4
Savage Model 1899A, No. 21 & Lyman No. 1A Rear Sights, Blue 20” - Lever Action Short Rifle, MFD 1909 C&R - Picture 5
Savage Model 1899A, No. 21 & Lyman No. 1A Rear Sights, Blue 20” - Lever Action Short Rifle, MFD 1909 C&R - Picture 7
Savage Model 1899A, No. 21 & Lyman No. 1A Rear Sights, Blue 20” - Lever Action Short Rifle, MFD 1909 C&R - Picture 8
Savage Model 1899A, No. 21 & Lyman No. 1A Rear Sights, Blue 20” - Lever Action Short Rifle, MFD 1909 C&R - Picture 9
Savage Model 1899A, No. 21 & Lyman No. 1A Rear Sights, Blue 20” - Lever Action Short Rifle, MFD 1909 C&R - Picture 10

All About Guns

The Pre-64 Winchester Model 70 vs Current Model 70