All About Guns

Custom Rifles vs. Hunting Rifles How much accuracy is enough for deer hunting? BY DAVID E. PETZAL

Ruger Deerstalker .44 magnum semiauto rifle, leupold scope

The Ruger Deerslayer: A solid performer.
By Bo Basil via Wikipedia
Mark-1 asked me (see comments in link) about competition rifles that are built on custom actions. Glad to oblige. But first we have to understand the difference between them and hunting rifles.
One of the guys I shoot against on the range kills de-ah with a Ruger Deerstalker .44 magnum semi auto, which is one of the most inaccurate rifles built since automobiles ran on steam.
I’ve known gunsmiths to turn off the lights and hide under a bench when they saw a customer approaching with a Deerstalker.

But at an animal that weighs close to 300 pounds and looks as though it could pull a plow if it were properly harnessed.
There are a great many hunters who, if they can put a round on a pie plate at 50 yards, consider themselves all set, and they’re right.
Warren Page’s legendary 7mm Mashburn, Old Betsy, with which he slew everything on Noah’s Ark, at all ranges out to 500 yards, grouped into 1½ inches, and Lefty was an accuracy fanatic. But that was all he needed, and he knew it.
I have nearly 60 years of big-game hunting under my belt, and if I were to average up the groups of everything I hunted with, it would probably come out to one MOA even. But I didn’t need it.
Competition shooters, on the other hand, take on targets that are very small, and very far away—300 yards to 1,200. Rather than the one or two rounds you expend at game, they fire 40 to 80 rounds for record. And, most important, they’re competing against people who are tremendously skillful, so there’s no margin for error. None. Zero.
Most of the matches I’ve seen have been won or lost by a single point out of a possible 400, or by a single X.

So they do need a quarter-minute rifle, and they’ll spend $5,000 to $7,000 to get one. You start with a custom action, such as the ones Mark-1 saw, which costs anywhere from $1,000 to $1,400, and this is without a trigger, which is another $300.
A competition stock, synthetic, inletted, is $500 to $600. A really good barrel, contoured, but with no other work done, $350. A first-rate scope, and rings, and base, pretty close to $3,000. The rest of it goes for fitting everything together.
One advantage of going this route is that, if you’re an experienced shooter, you have some pretty strong ideas about what you want, and you can get it, not something that’s almost right.
Then there are aesthetics. Would you like a fluted bolt? A fluted bolt provides grooves in which powder fouling collects, and you get to clean it out with a Q-Tip, but it does look very cool.
Or you could opt for laminated wood, which looks much nicer than fiberglass, and for a competition rifle, which is going to be used only for a few hours at a clip, and mostly in warm weather, and not sit out in the sleet all day, it will probably prove every bit as stable as fiberglass.
Rifles of this sort are as necessary for hunting as a Bentley is for taking your kids to school. If you research competition rifles on the Internet you enter an alternative universe that will make you feel ignorant and underprivileged. But be of serene mind.
It has nothing to do with hunting. Your Ruger Deerstalker will do just fine.

All About Guns

The CZ 75, Perhaps one of the Greatest 9mm out there?

Someday I will add one to the old & modest collection……Image result for cz-75
Image result for cz-75
Image result for cz-75

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Image result for cz-75
Image result for cz-75
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CZ 75

“Pre-B” version of the CZ 75.
Type Semi-automatic pistol
Machine pistol(select-firevariants)
Place of origin Czechoslovakia
Czech Republic
Service history
In service 1976–present
Used by See Users
Production history
Designer Josef and František Koucký
Designed 1975
Manufacturer Česká zbrojovka
Produced 1976–present
No. built 1,000,000+ (October 12, 2007)[1]
Variants see Variants and Derivatives
Weight 1.12 kg (2.47 lb)
Length 206.3 mm (8.1 in)
Barrel length 120 mm (4.7 in)
Width 32.6mm (1.3 in)
Height 138mm (5.4 in)

Cartridge 9×19mm Parabellum
Action short recoil, fixed barrel, double/single
Rate of fire semi-automatic
Effective firing range 25 m (for 9mm CZ-75 family and CZ-75 Automatic)
Feed system detachable box magazine, 12–26 rd depending on version and caliber
Sights Front blade, rear square notch
CZ P-01

The CZ P-01
Type Semi-automatic pistol
Place of origin Czech Republic
Service history
Used by Czech police
Production history
Designed 1999
Manufacturer Česká zbrojovka
Produced 2001–
No. built ?
Weight 0.77 kg (1.7 lb) with empty magazine
Length 184 mm (7.2 in)
Barrel length 98.5 mm (3.9 in)
Width 35 mm (1.4 in)
Height 128 mm (5.3 in)

Caliber 9×19mm Parabellum
Action short recoil, tilting barrel
Rate of fire semi-automatic
Feed system detachable box magazine
Sights Front blade, rear square notch

The CZ 75 is a pistol made by Česká zbrojovka Uherský Brod (CZUB) in the Czech Republic. First introduced in 1975, it is one of the original “wonder nines” featuring a staggered-column magazine, all-steel construction, and a hammer forged barrel. It is widely distributed throughout the world. It is the most common handgun in the Czech Republic.


Development of CZ 75[edit]

The armament industry was an important part of the interwarCzechoslovak economy and made up a large part of the country’s exports (see, for example, Bren light machine gun, which was a modified version of the Czechoslovak ZB vz. 26). However following the 1948 communist coup d’état, all heavy industry was nationalized and was (at least officially) cut off from its Western export market behind the Iron Curtain. While most other Warsaw Pactcountries became dependent on armaments imports from the Soviet Union, most of the Czechoslovak weaponry remained domestic (for example, the Czechoslovak army used the Vz. 58 assault rifle, while other communist bloc countries used variants of the AK-47).
Following the Second World War, brothers Josef and František Koucký became the most important engineers of the CZUB. They participated to some extent on designing all the company’s post-war weapons. Kouckýs signed their designs together, using only the surname, making it impossible to determine which one of them developed particular ideas.[2]
By 1969 František Koucký was freshly retired, however the company offered him a job on designing a new 9×19mm Parabellum pistol. Unlike during his previous work, this time he had a complete freedom in designing the whole gun from scratch. The design he developed was in many ways new and innovative (see Design details).[2]
Although the model was developed for export purposes (the standard pistol cartridge of the Czechoslovak armed forces was the Soviet 7.62×25mm Tokarev, which was later replaced with the Warsaw Pact standard 9mm Makarov pistol cartridge), Koucký’s domestic patents regarding the design were classified as “secret patents”. Effectively, nobody could learn about their existence, but also nobody could register the same design in Czechoslovakia. At the same time Koucký as well as the company were prohibited from filing for patent protection abroad. Consequently, a large number of other manufacturers began offering pistols based on CZ 75 design (see Clones, copies, and variants by other manufacturers).[2]
The pistol was not sold in Czechoslovakia until 1985, when it became popular among sport shooters (sport shooting is the third most widespread sport in the Czech Republic, after football and ice hockey[3]). It was adopted by the Czech armed forces only after the Velvet Revolution in 1989.[2]

Development of sport variants of CZ 75[edit]

The increasing popularity of the IPSC competitions in the Czech Republic led to inception of CZUB‘s factory team in 1992. Initially, the sport shooters were using CZ 75s and CZ 85sStanislav Křižík designed a new version called CZ 75 Champion already in 1992. This version had a SA trigger, a muzzle brake and adjustable weights. 150 firearms were initially made in 9×19mm Parabellum.40 S&W and 9×21mm. The design was further modified (i.e. the adjustable weights were eliminated, a new compensator was developed), however its main shortcoming of the same capacity as the standard CZ 75 magazines (15/16 in 9mm, 12 in .40 S&W) remained.[4]
The CZ 75 ST (Standard) and CZ 75 M (Modified) were introduced in 1998. These had a different frame from standard versions allowing for more modifications. While the ST had become very successful, M was not initially designed for use with collimator, the use of which led to limited lifespan of its frame.[4]
The popular ST version was further developed mostly with aim of prolonging its lifespan, which led to introduction of CZ 75 TS (Tactical Sports) in 2005. It uses a longer barrel (132 mm) and has also a higher weight (1,285 g) compared to the standard model. High-capacity magazines may use either 20 of the 9mm rounds or 17 of the .40 rounds. As of 2013, the model is used by the CZUB’s factory shooters in the IPSC Standard division, with a custom-made version CZ 75 Tactical Sports Open being also available.[4]
In 2009, the sale of CZ 75 TS Czechmate began. The model is a development of the CZ 75 TS Open, available in 9×19mm Parabellum and 9×21mm with magazine capacity of 20 or 26 rounds. As standard, the gun is sold with US made C-More Systems’ collimator. CZUB claims that its factory shooter Martin Kameníček had shot 150,000 rounds through the gun in 5 years, in which time he only needed to change the barrel once in order to maintain precision.[4]

Design details[edit]

The CZ 75 is a short recoil operated, locked breech pistol. It uses the Browning linkless cam locking system similar to that used in the Browning Hi-Power pistol, where the barrel and slide are locked together on firing, using locking lugs milled into the barrel mating with recesses in the roof of the slide. An enclosed cam track integral with the barrel is actuated by the slide release lever’s transverse pin. After the first few millimetres of the recoil stroke, the barrel is cammed downwards at the rear, enabling the slide to continue the recoil stroke and eject the spent cartridge.
Most models have the capability of being fired in both single and double-action modes, and feature a frame-mounted manual safety. Some recent models have a decocking lever that doubles as a manual safety. Starting in the early 1990s, all CZ 75s have been made with firing pin blocks, designated by the letter B (as in CZ 75B).
The CZ 75 was one of the first high-capacity 9mm pistols with a manual safety similar to that of the Browning Hi-Power. This allows the CZ 75 to be carried with the hammer cocked with safety applied and a round chambered, ready for use simply by switching the safety off, a configuration known as condition 1. It is somewhat unusual for double-action pistols to have this “cocked and locked” type of safety; most such as the Walther P38 and the Beretta 92F have a combination safety/decocking lever (as do some later versions of the CZ 75). The trade-off of this configuration is that to uncock the hammer for a double-action first shot, the hammer must be dropped manually by pulling the trigger while lowering the hammer with the firer’s thumb under control. Once lowered in this manner, a double-action first shot can be achieved in a similar manner to other double-action pistols without actuating any controls. Subsequent shots will be single-action unless the hammer is again manually lowered.
All non-double-action only CZ-75 variants feature a “half-cock” notch. This is not a safety position, but rather an operator aid to provide a safe place to manually decock the pistol. All of the “decocker” models decock to this position, and the manual advises not to attempt to place the hammer further on any model.
Unlike most other semi-auto pistols, the slide rides inside the frame rails, similar to the SIG P210, rather than outside. This provides a tight slide-to-frame fit and a very efficient barrel lock-up, both of which contribute to its accuracy.
On current models frames are cast and slides are machined from forgings, though forged frames have been used in very early production models. The six-groove barrel has traditional land-and-groove rifling with a higher-than-standard rate of twist (1 in 9.7).

A 9mm hollow-point bullet fired from a CZ-75 SP-01, photographed with an air-gap flash.

Variants and derivatives [edit]

CZ variants of the CZ 75 include:

CZ 75
The original CZ 75, easily identified by the heavily stepped slide and short slide rails.
CZ 75
Late version, easily identified by longer slide rails and shorter slide-step.
CZ 75 B
Second-generation CZ 75, upgraded with an internal firing pin safety, squared and serrated trigger guard, and ring hammer.
CZ 75 BD
A variant of the now-common CZ 75B (B standing for firing pin Block) with a decocker replacing the traditional manual safety. (D stands for Decocker.) This variant is quickly becoming the most common of the CZ 75B models, due to the additional safety the decocker safety provides.
Variant of the CZ 75 BD equipped with loaded chamber indicator, reversible magazine catch, lanyard ring, checkered front and back strap of the grip and serrated trigger as standard. Most POLICE models have “POLICE” stamped on the slide. A smaller amount exclude “POLICE” but have front slide serrations.
CZ 75 B Stainless
Stainless steel version of the CZ 75 B. Available in a high gloss and matte stainless finish. Also available in the New/Limited Edition (sand blasted finish with sides of the slide and frame decoratively ground). All stainless models feature ambidextrous safeties.
CZ 75B Omega
A version of the CZ 75B with a factory-reworked trigger group. It is available chambered for 9 mm or .40 S&W.
CZ 85
An updated version of the CZ 75 that’s also ambidextrous.
CZ 85B
A CZ 85 with a firing pin block.
A CZ 85 B with a decocking lever, instead of a safety.
CZ 85 Compact
A limited production compact CZ 85 with under-barrel accessory rail and chambered in .40 S&W. Identical to the current CZ 75 compact in .40 S&W.
CZ 85 Combat
adds an adjustable rear sight, extended magazine release, drop-free magazine and overtravel adjustment on the trigger. Lacks a firing pin safety so that firing pins can be replaced without special fitting.
CZ 97B
.45 ACP version of the CZ 75 B
CZ 97 BD
.45 ACP version of the CZ 75 BD
CZ 75 Compact
A standard CZ 75 with a slightly shortened grip and 3.9-inch barrel. There is now a version available chambered for the .40 S&W.
CZ 75 SemiCompact
Combines the frame, grip and capacity of the full size CZ 75 with the shortened (by 20mm) barrel and slide of the CZ 75 Compact.
CZ 75 PČR Compact
Very compact – similar to the P-01 in size, but lacks an M3 rail frame and features a smaller muzzle point and snag free sights. A popular choice for a carry weapon, known for its inherent accuracy and weight distribution.
A CZ 75 which has a single-action trigger mechanism and a drop-free magazine. It is available chambered for 9 mm or .40 S&W.
A CZ 75 that has a longer and heavier, constant trigger pull (double-action only). Chambered for 9mm and .40 S&W. Featuring no external safety or decocker. As well as a bobbed hammer. This model is no longer in production.
CZ 75 P-01
A CZ 75 Compact variant intended for law enforcement use, with an aluminum alloy frame, decocker and under-barrel accessory rail. It is the new weapon of choice for the Czech National Police since 2001. It received NATO certification after undergoing extensive testing. Its NATO Stock Number (NSN) is 1005-16-000-8619.[5]
CZ 75 P-06
Same as the P-01 but in .40 S&W
CZ 75 P-07 DUTY
The CZ P-07 DUTY is a compact, polymer-framed CZ 75 variant notable for having a redesigned trigger mechanism. The redesign has reduced the number of parts as well as improved the trigger pull. The exterior restyling was greatly influenced by the SPHINX 3000 design (itself being an enhanced Swiss CZ 75 clone). Chambered in 9mm Luger and .40 S&W, the CZ P-07 DUTY also includes the ability to change the manual safety to a decocking lever and vice versa through an exchange of parts.
CZ P-09 Duty
Full size version of the P-07

CZ-75 SP-01 with extended-capacity magazine

CZ 75 SP-01/SP-01 Tactical
Similar to the P-01 with accessory rail, but with all-steel construction and utilizing the full-size frame and slide as well as incorporating extended-capacity 18-round magazines. It is available with an ambidextrous manual safety (SP-01) or with an ambidextrous decocker (SP-01 Tactical). The CZ 75 (SP-01) was designed for multiple purposes including but not limited to: a military/law enforcement duty sidearm, sidearm for counter-terrorism forces, and field/target shooting.[6] Used in the 2005 IPSCWorld Shoot XIV by World Champions Adam Tyc and Angus Hobdell (1st and 3rd place respectively in the production division).[7]
CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow
New generation of CZ 75 SP-01 pistol especially adapted according to suggestions as proposed by users from Law Enforcement, Military and Police communities worldwide, with an additional input from the Team CZ shooters Angus Hobdell and Adam Tyc. Based on the SP-01, it has no firing pin block resulting in improved trigger travel. It also features a slightly reshaped grip and safety, a “weaker” recoil spring for easier loading, and fiber optic front sight and tactical “Novak style” rear sight.[8]

In 2017 an improved version of the shadow was released; titled the shadow 2 it included a longer barrel, more aggressive slide serrations and a smaller fiber optic in the front sight.

CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow Line – a competition-centric variant of the CZ-75 model.

CZ 75 SP-01 Phantom
The CZ 75 Phantom has a polymer frame, is 33% lighter than steel frame models, with accessory rail and a forged steel slide with a weight saving scalloped profile. Two Interchangeable grip rear strap inserts are included with the Phantom to accommodate users with different sized hands. The pistol is further outfitted with a decocking lever. A CZ 75 variant designed specifically for IPSC competition with extended grip, single-action trigger, heavy-duty free-falling magazines, and an enlarged magazine well. A competition version designed for Open Division IPSC competition, with three port compensator, adjustable trigger, extended magazine release, ambidextrous safeties, fully adjustable sights and two-tone finish, with blued slide and satin nickel frame. Czech Army Paratroopers of the 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade are fully equipped with this pistol from January 2012.
CZ 75 Standard IPSC
A CZ 75 variant designed specifically for IPSC competition with extended grip, single-action trigger, heavy-duty free-falling magazines, and an enlarged magazine well.
CZ 75 Tactical Sports
Replacing the ST IPSC was the Tactical Sports model, which featured minor improvements over its very similar predecessor. Available in 9×19mm (20 rounds) or .40 S&W (17 rounds).
CZ 75 Champion
A competition version designed for Open Division IPSC competition, with three port compensator, adjustable trigger, extended magazine release, ambidextrous safeties, fully adjustable sights and two-tone finish, with blued slide and satin nickel frame.
CZ 75 TS Czechmate
A competition variant based on the Tactical Sports model, equipped with a compensator and electronic red-dot sight on a frame mount. Designed especially for IPSC Open Division (and replacing the older Champion model), the Czechmate presents a turnkey solution for the sport, offering a complete competitive package including additional magazines and spare parts.

The CZ 2075 RAMI subcompact variant designed for concealed carry.

Field stripped CZ 75

CZ 2075 RAMI
A subcompact version of the CZ 75 intended for concealed carry. Features a 3-inch barrel, aluminum frame and low-profile sights. Available in 9×19mm or .40 S&W, with standard magazine capacities of 10 (9×19mm) and 8 (.40 S&W) rounds, respectively. An optional 14-round magazine is available for the 9 mm version.
Same as the 2075 RAMI but includes a decocker and tritium sights.
CZ 2075 RAMI P
Polymer framed version
CZ 75 Kadet/ Kadet 2
.22 LR caliber slide/ barrel assembly and magazine kit to fit onto most standard CZ 75B frames (except the Tactical Sport and SP-01 Phantom). The Kadet also used to be sold as a complete pistol (slide assembly and frame), but is now only sold as a slide assembly to be mounted on existing frames. The 2nd generation conversion kit currently being sold is called the “Kadet 2”, and includes a dedicated .22 slide stop that locks the slide back on an empty magazine. Night sights are optional.
selective-fire variant introduced in 1992 intended for law enforcement and military use. One distinguishing characteristic of earlier models is its longer compensated barrel although later models may have a standard barrel. An extra magazine can be attached to the front to act as a makeshift foregrip.

Clones, copies, and variants by other manufacturers[edit]

Today the CZ factory is located in the Czech Republic (EU) and the handgun is offered worldwide. However, during the Cold WarCzechoslovakia was part of the Warsaw Pactand thoroughly communist in its political outlook. The CZ 75 was the first 9mm semi-auto pistol developed expressly for sale to the West and it offered new ideas in auto-pistol manual safety design, being a dual mode design. It could be carried in the conventional double-action/single-action mode of operation, or it could be carried “cocked and locked” like the 1911 pistol.[9]
Due to a 60 percent duty on Czech-made products at the time and because CZ failed to secure world patent protection for their design, CZ could not market their pistol in the United States when it debuted. Instead, the Italian firm Fratelli Tanfoglio made and marketed the pistol to the West.
Two shooters, American Doug Koenig and Frenchman Eric Grauffel, won the IPSC World Championship using pistols based on the CZ 75 design (all other World Champions up to the time had used pistols based on the John Browning 1911 format).[9] Other notable copies/clones are those of Sphinx Systems.[10]
The clones, copies and variants by other manufacturers include:


Many countries use copies and clones produced by local manufacturers (see above). This incomplete list only includes users of the original Czech-made CZ 75 and its variations.

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up^ “THE CZ 75 PISTOL MODEL PASSED ONE MILLION PIECES” (Press release). 2007-10-22. Archived from the original on 2008-06-30.
  2. Jump up to:a b c d e f “Zašlapané projekty Pistole CZ 75”Česká televize (in Czech). Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  3. Jump up^ Kyša, Leoš (January 28, 2011). “Počet legálně držených zbraní v Česku stoupá. Už jich je přes 700 tisíc” (in Czech). Retrieved January 28, 2011.
  4. Jump up to:a b c d Kučera, Pavel (2013), “CZ 75 TS Czechmate Parrot”, Zbraně & náboje (5): 10–15
  5. Jump up^ “CZUSA CZ P-01 gets NATO approval” (Press release). 2003-02-01. Archived from the original on 2009-02-17.
  6. Jump up^ “CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical – CZ-USA”.
  7. Jump up^ “CZ 75 SP01 9mm, light rail, safety, black polycoat 91152”. Archived from the original on 16 March 2010. Retrieved 9 December 2014.
  8. Jump up^ “CZ 75 SP01 SHADOW 9mm 91154 Black CZ Custom Exclusive”. Archived from the original on 14 December 2014. Retrieved 9 December 2014.
  9. Jump up to:a b James, Frank (2004). Frank James: Effective handgun defence. Iola, WI: Krause Publications.
  10. Jump up^ “Gun Review: Sphinx 3000: “Built like a fine Swiss watch”” Retrieved 9 December 2014.
  11. Jump up to:a b c “The CZ-75 and Its Early Clones” Retrieved 2011-02-23.
  12. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k “Modern handguns – CZ 75 pistol (Czech Republic)”World guns. Retrieved 2011-03-01.
  13. Jump up^ A Czech emigrant Ing. Tůma was among first to start manufacturing direct copies of CZ 75. Soon he developed own variant of the pistol, which he later offered to Swiss company Sphinx. Sphinx continues to manufacture its own variants of CZ 75 up today. See Zašlapané projekty Pistole CZ 75 (Czech)
  14. Jump up^ “EAA Witness” Retrieved 2011-04-25.
  15. Jump up^ “Gun Review: CZ P-09 Duty”The Truth About Guns. Retrieved 2014-01-02.
  16. Jump up to:a b c d e f Poole, Eric R. (2011), “TORTURE TEST: CZ-USA 75 P-07 DUTY IN .40 S&W.”(PDF), Guns & Ammmo (CZ-USA Special Collector’s Edition): 6–12, archived from the original (PDF) on 2006-09-21
  17. Jump up^ “Ruční zbraně AČR” (PDF). Retrieved 9 December 2014.
  18. Jump up^ “Naše pistole střílela, i když ji Egypťané máčeli v blátě, říká manažer České zbrojovky” Retrieved 2013-05-04.
  19. Jump up^ “Georgian Army”. Georgian Army. Archived from the original on 2012-03-09. Retrieved 2007-06-25.
  20. Jump up^ Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан № 744 от 5 августа 1998 года “О разрешении Министерству внутренних дел Республики Казахстан ввоза оружия с боеприпасами и принадлежностями из Чешской Республики”
  21. Jump up^ Kazakhstan Special Forces (1/3) on YouTube
  22. Jump up^ Kazakhstan Special Forces (2/3) on YouTube
  23. Jump up^ “Česká zbrojovka dodá mexické policii zbraně za 180 milionů”Aktuálně.cz – Víte co se právě děje. Retrieved 9 December 2014.
  24. Jump up^ JSK Internet. “Z czego strzela Policja? (nr 51 06.2009)”Policja 997. Retrieved 9 December 2014.
  25. Jump up^ “ Наука и техника: Прокуроров и следователей вооружат новыми пистолетами”. Retrieved 9 December 2014.
  26. Jump up^ “ – CZ-75 SP-01 Shadow”
  27. Jump up^
  28. Jump up^ Tuoi Tre Newspaper. “Police to expand investigation into smuggled guns detected at Vietnam airport”
  29. Jump up^ “Týmito zbraňami nás polícia chráni” (in Slovak). Retrieved 2011-03-01.
  30. Jump up^ “รายชื่ออาวุธยุทโธปกรณ์ในกองทัพอาเซียน”. Retrieved 9 December2014.
  31. Jump up^ Fred J. Pushies: Weapons of Delta Force, Zenith Imprint, 2010, page 53


  • Ramos, J.M. CZ-75 Family: The Ultimate Handgun. Boulder, Colorado, USA: Paladin Press, 1990. ISBN 0-87364-566-9.

External links[edit]

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All About Guns

The Auto 5 Shotgun

 Image result for Browning Auto-5
 One Hard working and Hitting on both Ends Shotgun.
I have been lucky enough to have owned a couple of these Old Timers Shotguns. Frankly I think that they are some of the best examples of early 20th Century Gunmaking!
************Important Stuff to know!**************
Also here is the most important part to remember. When you get one in your hot little hands.
Make sure that somebody inspects the Friction Rings. So that they are in the right sequence & are in good shape. Or the gun will not function properly!
Inline image 1
Here is one with an adjustable choke on the barrel
Inline image 4
Two really Bad Folks
Inline image 5
Bonnie & Clydes Auto 5
Inline image 3
The Auto 5 being used in Combat
Inline image 6
The Gun Genius from Utah – John Browning
Inline image 7
Inline image 2
Here is some more information about this really tough Shotgun!
Inline image 8

Browning Auto-5

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Remington Model 11/Browning Auto-5
Remington Model 11 Shotgun
Type Semi-automatic shotgun
Place of origin United States
Service history
In service 1905–1975
Used by See Users
Wars Malayan Emergency[1]
Rhodesian Bush War[2]
Production history
Designer John Browning
Designed 1898
Manufacturer Browning Arms
Fabrique Nationale Herstal (Belgique)
Remington Arms
Savage Arms
Miroku Corp.
Produced 1902–1998
Variants Remington Model 11, Savage Model 720 and Model 745
Weight 4.1 kilograms (9.0 lb)
Length 127 centimetres (50 in)
Barrel length 71.1 centimetres (28.0 in) [3]

Cartridge 12 gauge16 gauge20 gauge
Action Semi-automatic
Feed system Two or four round tubular magazine, plus 1 in the chamber

The Browning Automatic 5, most often Auto-5 or simply A-5, is a recoil-operatedsemi-automatic shotgun designed by John Browning. It was the first successful semi-automatic shotgun design, and remained in production until 1998. The name of the shotgun designates that it is an autoloader with a capacity of five rounds, four in the magazine and one in the chamber. Remington Arms sold a variant called the Remington Model 11 that was nearly identical but lacked the magazine cutoff found on the Browning.


Depiction of Auto-5 in 1909 catalog.

The Browning Auto-5 was the first mass-produced semi-automatic shotgun. Designed by John Browning in 1898 and patented in 1900,[4] it was produced continually for almost 100 years by several makers with production ending in 1998. It features a distinctive high rear end, earning it the nickname “Humpback”. The top of the action goes straight back on a level with the barrel before cutting down sharply towards the buttstock. This distinctive feature makes it easy to identify A-5s from a distance. A-5s were produced in a variety of gauges, with 12 and 20 predominating; 16 gauge (not produced between 1976 and 1987) models were also available. The gun saw military service worldwide between World War I and the Vietnam War. A Remington Model 11 was used in the suicide of Kurt Cobain.[5]


John Browning presented his design (which he called his best achievement)[4] to Winchester, where he had sold most of his previous designs. When Winchester refused his terms, Browning went to Remington. Tragically, the president of Remington died of a heart attack as Browning waited to offer them the gun. This forced Browning to look overseas to produce the shotgun. It was manufactured by FN (a company that had already produced Browning-designed pistols) starting in 1902. Browning would later license the design to Remington, which produced it as their Model 11 (1905–1947). The Remington Model 11 was the first auto-loading shotgun made in the USA. Savage Arms also licensed the design from Browning and produced it as their model 720 from 1930 to 1949, and their model 745 with an alloy receiver and two-shot magazine from 1941 to 1949. Browning’s long-recoil design itself served as the operating system for subsequent Remington (11-48), Savage (755, 775) and Franchi (AL-48) models.[4]
Production of the Auto-5 in Belgium continued until the start of World War II, when Browning moved production to Remington Arms in the United States. The Auto-5 was produced by Remington alongside the Model 11 until FN could resume making the gun after the war.[6] Unlike the Remington Model 11, the Remington-produced Browning shotguns had magazine cutoffs. Some 850,000 Remington Model 11 shotguns were produced before production ended in 1947. In 1952, production of Browning models returned to FN, where it continued until the end. However, the majority of production moved to the Japanese company Miroku in 1975. Finally, in 1998, manufacture of A-5s ceased except for a few commemorative models created at FN in 1999. As of 1983 it was well established as the second-best-selling auto-loading shotgun in U.S. history, after the Remington 1100.[4]
In 2014 Browning released the A5, a recoil-operated shotgun with external resemblance to the Auto 5, which is being manufactured in Belgium, assembled in Portugal.

Design details[edit]

Browning Auto-5 in 20-gauge magnum (made in Japan).

Auto-5 field stripped

The Browning Auto-5 is a long-recoil operated semi-automatic shotgun. Shells are stored in a tubular magazine under the barrel. When a chambered shell is fired, the barrel and bolt recoil together (for a distance greater than the shell length) and re-cock the hammer. As the barrel returns forward to its initial position the bolt remains behind and thus the spent shell is ejected through a port on the top of the receiver. Then the bolt returns forward and feeds another shell from the magazine into the action. This type of long recoil action was the first of its kind and patented in 1900 by John Browning.
To load the gun, shells are fed into the bottom of the action, where they are pushed into the tubular magazine. Most A-5s have removable plugs in the magazine which prevent more than three shells from being loaded (two in the magazine, plus one in the chamber) to comply with U.S. Federal migratory waterfowl laws, as well as some state hunting regulations. With the plug removed, the total capacity is five rounds. If the chamber is open (the operating handle is drawn back) the first shell loaded into the magazine tube will go directly into the chamber (there is a manual bolt closing button under the ejection port), the bolt then closes, and all further shells fed into the gun go into the magazine.
The A-5 has a system of friction piece or pieces and bevel rings which retard the barrel’s rearward travel. Setting these rings correctly is vital to good shotgun performance and to ensure a long life to the weapon, by controlling excessive recoil. The friction rings are set based on the type of load to be fired through the gun. Different settings can be found in the owner’s manual.[7][8]



Something for the Gentlemen & The Up Coming Weekend NSFW


Cherry-Cage-Bra-Shop-Anya-Lust.jpeg (750×1125)

Well I thought it was funny!

Well I thought they were funny!

Inline image 3
Inline image 1
Inline image 1

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 Inline image 2
Inline image 1

Inline image 1

Well I thought it was funny!

I had one of these! (Then Mom took it away)

I would go & pretend that I was on Safari and the Cat was a Lion.  (I really hate Cats by the Way!)
It was a Glorious time while it lasted.

All About Guns Well I thought it was funny!

One way to chop wood

Attachments area
All About Guns

German Court Rules Heckler & Koch Not Liable for Faulty Rifles by JORDAN MICHAELS on SEPTEMBER 6, 2016



A German court ruled last week that gun manufacturer Heckler & Koch will not be required to compensate Berlin for what the German military claimed were faulty G36 infantry rifles.
German soldiers in the Middle East have been reporting since 2010 that the rifles fail to shoot straight in hot weather or when the barrels become hot after extended periods of rapid firing, according to a report from Reuters.
Anecdotal evidence of the weapon’s inaccuracy was confirmed in a 2015 study by the Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, according to German media outlet DW. The study revealed that the G36’s observed hit rate at a distance of 100 meters drops to just 7 percent in temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit).
Despite this evidence, the court ruled in Heckler & Koch’s favor because the company’s firearms still complied with the specifications the government originally requested in its original order—20 years ago. Germany has been using the G36 since 1996, at which time the military was performing few if any operations in the Middle East. Now, as the sites of engagement have changed, the rifle’s performance has suffered under the much hotter conditions.
“The fact that the requirements for a weapon change over the course of 20 years is normal,” said Sebastian Schulte, a defense analyst and Germany correspondent for a military magazine Jane’s Defense Weekly. “A weapon is just a tool, like a hammer or a drill, and if the conditions on the construction site change, then you have to review the tool.”
The G36 was designed in the late 80s when its likeliest use appeared to be in Central Europe, fending off a Soviet invasion. “In other words, for a specific scenario under the climatic conditions you have in Europe,” said Schulte. “If you then take the rifle to Afghanistan, as the [German military] did, starting in 2002, then, of course, you have different operational and climatic conditions.”
The court found that Heckler & Koch met the specifications set out in the original purchase contracts and passed the quality and acceptance specifications. So even though the rifles failed in combat, the court ruled, the company did not violate the terms of its agreement.
Understandably, the German government remains unconvinced. The German defense ministry told Reuters it plans to appeal the ruling.
“If the court bases today’s decision on the same dubious arguments as it gave before the summer, then the relevant government office will appeal,” a ministry spokesman said.
Heckler & Koch, meanwhile, said it still plans to participate in the competition for Germany’s next rifle contract, which should be awarded in the next two years.
“We make the world’s best assault rifle. Many armies in the western world use our weapons. We are already looking forward to the German army’s assault rifle tender, in which we will again prove our performance,” the company said in a statement.

Anti Civil Rights ideas & "Friends"

70,000 New York Permit Holders Are Now Felons for Failing to Register Handguns by S.H. BLANNELBERRY on FEBRUARY 1, 2018

On Thursday of this week, more than 70,000 New York pistol permit holders woke up as felons.  Law-breakers.
What was their crime?  They didn’t register their handguns with the state.  Now, why on God’s green earth would they have to do that?
Emperor Gov. Andrew Cuomo rammed through the NY Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act in 2013.  This insidious law requires pistol permit holders to register their handguns and recertify their licenses every five years.  Failure to do so is a Class E felony.
The objective was clear.  Build a massive central database of every handgun owner in New York.  Not only who they are and where they live, but what handguns they have in their possession.  Hmmm.  Why would a government want to know which citizens are armed?  I’ll leave you to answer that.
“We’ll have for the first time a statewide handgun database that will allow the state, allow local officials to check periodically,” Cuomo said while pitching the SAFE Act, adding, “You don’t want criminals and people who are mentally ill to have guns.”

Just to be clear, the trooper in the video above says that criminal possession of a firearm is “a misdemeanor,” not a felony.  Well, according to this screenshot from the SAFE Act, it is a Class E Felony.  Goes to show you that even law enforcement is confused about what is what. I also like how he said there’s a “good chance” if you missed the deadline that your permit will be revoked. Contradicts the messaging that you won’t be penalized for late registration.  Right.  You’ll just lose your permit altogether.

Right, because violent criminals and murderous madmen register their firearms.  And to catch these evildoers, all police are going to have to do is consult this handy-dandy database.  Crime fighting at its finest.
For over 370,000 New Yorkers, all of whom were issued a permit before the rollout of the SAFE Act, the deadline to recertify was Jan. 31, 2018.  This past Wednesday.  Estimates suggest that only 300,000 followed through with the mandate.  Meaning, approximately 70,000 or more did not.

SEE ALSO: This New York Senator Has Vowed to Kill the Hearing Protection Act

To calm the nerves of worried gun owners, state police have said they will not prosecute those who “unknowingly” missed the deadline.
“The state police are not going to penalize those people who fail to recertify unknowingly by the deadline,” saidBeau Duffy, Director of Public Information for New York State Police.
“What we’re going to do is continue to accept recertifications past the deadline,” he added. “We want to make sure everyone is aware and has the opportunity to recertify so we can have the best records possible.”
Okay, so the state police aren’t going to punish people for “unknowingly” missing the deadline — at least for now.  But what about the county judges and officers in charge of issuing permits?  Don’t forget, New York is a May-Issue state.  Permits are issued at the discretion of county judges – not state police.  How will these county officials respond to those who missed the deadline?  Will they start pulling permits?
“It’s in the law but I don’t want to speculate how they’re going to move forward on it,” Duffy said. “It would be up to each office to make that decision.”
Let’s unpack that.  Duffy has no idea how your local county official is going to respond.  That judge may revoke your permit.  He may not.  Glad we cleared that up.
To state the obvious.  This is a disaster.  The whole thing.  And I didn’t even say how much it’s costing taxpayers.  You ready for this?  $28 million, according to NPR.  Wow!  Talk about a giant waste of money.
My favorite aspect of this whole SNAFU is this answer on the Q&A page of SafeAct.NY.Gov.  The question reads: Will permit holders’ guns be confiscated if they can’t prove they recertified?

The Answer: 

To be clear, the State Police will not be confiscating weapons from those permit holders who fail to recertify by January 31st. This provision was never intended to be a “Gotcha” for pistol permit holders. It was included in the law that was passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor in order to update the accuracy of both state and local records. To that end, the State Police will continue to accept recertifications throughout 2018 while we continue to update the database.
What a lie!  This whole system is a “gotcha” scheme.  As Cuomo said, it’s for police to “check periodically…” What are they checking for if not to confiscate guns from those who shouldn’t have them?
Watch what happens down the road.  Two or three years from now.  State police will be checking the list regularly for people with expired licenses.  Why?  Because they’re felons under the law.  They are guilty of criminal possession of a firearm.  Consequently, their guns will have to be seized.