All About Guns

Browning Blr 308 Win Lever Rifle with a Scope in the excellent caliber of.308 Win.

Now all I can say is that somebody over in the Browning Company really earned their pay with this rifle!
As the Old Timers would tell you. In that most lever actions have a couple of problems compared to most Bolt Actions & Semi Auto rifles.
Browning - Browning BLR 308 Win Lever Rifle W Scope - Picture 10
In that you can not put a scope on them. Which to an Old fart like me. Is very important as time has not been kind to my eyeballs!
Browning - Browning BLR 308 Win Lever Rifle W Scope - Picture 5
Next problem is that you can not use top of the line ammo. With its spitzer (pointed nose) Since you can not have that type in a tube magazine.
W/o the chance of some real excitement. When the sharp end of the bullet hits the primer & causing it to go off . Causing a chain reaction explosion with your hand grasping it. OUCH & you may now call me Lefty or Stumpty!
Browning - Browning BLR 308 Win Lever Rifle W Scope - Picture 3
Now here come the very clever part! The bolt of the rifle is inside. Allowing you to mount a scope. (Granted it makes it a pain to clean later on)
Also this rifle uses a Magazine that allows you to use top of the line modern ammo. Hence making a chain reaction a lot harder*.
(*Just remember that there are Folks that can & will fuck stuff up due to their limited brain cells that God gave them!)
Browning - Browning BLR 308 Win Lever Rifle W Scope - Picture 1
So endeth the sermon about this fine Rifle!
If you see one up for sale. You might want to think about getting it. As they are so good that owners seldom sell them. There by making them as scarce as a Honest Politician.


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