Allies Well I thought it was funny!

8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends by Ruddy Cano

The Marine veteran is a gold mine of experience and practicality. Marines are realists who call it like it is — and that can be a major advantage if you have a thick skin and a sense of humor.

Just ask us about the Legend of Wagner and the thing he loves.


8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends
You might want to be careful Googling that Wagner thing.


Note: The Marine Infantryman is a particularly elusive breed. Companionship with outsiders is rare but does occur more often in post-service life. Their namesake is “03,” which is derived from the first two numbers of their MOS. They are fiercely loyal and take care of their own.

1. You won’t find a better drinking buddy

All Marines can trace their lineage back to a common birthplace of Tun Tavern. Our cultural traditions involve copious amounts of alcohol and an occasionally shaky moral compass. When you’re the tip of the spear, party like it.


8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends
They insist.


2. They’re prepared for anything

Marines have a plan for zombies, the apocalypse, and natural disasters. Personally, I have a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher in my car. It’s better to have than have-not in an emergency, even if it’s basic.


8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends
But he brought coffee.


3. They pay attention to detail, all the time

Marines are very good at cleaning. It’s almost like it was drilled into them or something…


8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends
Silent but deadly (to germs and tough stains).


4. They are unparalleled travel companions

Marines like to show off how savvy they can be while off the grid. They have the innate ability to find the best food, lodging, and parties. Actual survival techniques may vary.


8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends
Avoid following Marines in North Carolina.


5. They want you to succeed

Veterans are a cut from a different cloth of society. Marines are honest — albeit indelicate — when stating the facts, but it comes from a good place. When people want to see you fail, they’ll do it in silence. If you need a kick in the ass to get your sh*t together, Marine buddies will provide it.


8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends
They’ll be your bear.


6. Marines love comedy

When life gets rough, all you can do is laugh. So, Marines laugh a lot. Rest assured that if you tell a Marine a dark joke, no judgment will be passed. However, prepare yourself for one of our own, because it’s going to change your life.


8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends

[Slays in Marine humor]

7. They’re great with animals

Our pets have better healthcare than we do. We’ll do anything to keep our little buddies healthy and happy. When shown compassion or leadership, animals have been known to join a wild pack of patrolling Marines.


8 advantages of having Marine veterans as friends
Even when things get ruff.


8. Marines are romantic

Marines excel at two things: fighting wars and making babies. Anyone who has deployed can testify to a newfound appreciation for the opposite sex. They’re going to make the most out of every opportunity to get lost in the throes of passion.

———————————————————————-                         One other thing with Marines in the Neighborhood is that all the dogs are pregnant & the trash cans have been scrubbed out . Just kidding Grumpy Ex 1/18th US Cavalry.  Happy April Fools Day!

All About Guns

Someday I will find one for sale out here in the Gun Desert of The Peoples Republic of California

Colt Diamondback 4 Inch Barrel, Gold Filled Lettering .38 Special - Picture 3

Colt Diamondback 4 Inch Barrel, Gold Filled Lettering .38 Special - Picture 7