HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?
Welcome everyone to the 156th edition of ‘Hot Gat or Fudd Crap?’, one of our many series here on TFB. If you’re new to the series, this is where we look at the most obscure firearms that are actually for sale and ask the question – is this Gat a sweet deal or only has a Fudd appeal? Each week the TFB staff weighs in with their thoughts, but readers get the final say in the poll at the bottom of each article.
In our last edition, our poll showed that you, the readers, by the narrowest of margins decided the rising sun-themed Glock 43X was a hot gat.

HGFC – Last Samurai or Wanna Cry? — Poll Results
At this time the original auction remains up with this Japanese-themed gat still up for grabs. We hope someone can find it in their heart to adopt a narrowly certified hot gat.
In this week’s edition of HGFC, we look at a Federal Engineering XC 220 chambered in .22LR. As is tradition, this retro takedown gat is currently up for sale on GunBroker for $1,699.99 Starting Bid or $1,699.99 Buy It Now.
Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?

HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?
Let’s see what the Staff had to say about this week’s offering:
“Yes, making things out of sheet steel is not a good look, but when you poke random swiss cheese holes into it the aesthetic is somehow not improved.” – Hop
“If you take it apart there’s no reason to ever put it back together again” – Eric B.
“Looks like an MG42 fetus” – James Reeves
“Is Royal Nonesuch making firearms again but in smaller caliber?” – Nick C.
“Or for that price you could buy several 10/22s that don’t look like a schizophrenically cobbled-together pipe gun from Fallout.” – Will P.
“Would rather wear a shirt with a picture of Mohammed in downtown Tehran than own this gun.” – Pete

HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?
Selling this very unique gat is GunBroker seller SandSGunsSOMD, located in Huntingtown MD. Let’s see what they had to say about this retro takedown rifle.

HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?
Federal Engineering – XC 220 – .22 LR.
Excellent condition – rifle – 16.25″ rnd, compensator barrel – walnut pistol grip – Parkerized/black – frame retains about 98% Parkerized finish with loss to sharp edges – remaining parts retain Parkerized finish with minimal wear showing minute handling marks – Markings: crisp & legible – fixed sights semi-auto – four 32 round magazines – Excellent bright and shiny bore with visible rifling – black cloth case – SN: 797

HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?
This rifle is a mixture of strange, cool, and just straight-up bizarre. Based on the information I was able to gather, these were made in various calibers including 9mm, .45ACP, and of course, the .22LR during the 1980s. Once you look at it like an 80s gun, some of the aesthetics start to make sense.

HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?
The front of the rifle looks like it drew inspiration from the Colt Commando, while the back half features a Valmet-esque stock that screws into the rear. All of this paired with a very interesting angled pistol grip makes for a very curious-looking rifle.

HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?
A quick glance at the safety and trigger makes this look like an AR-15 crossed with a Sten submachine gun. It’s confusing to look at, and oddly fascinating at the same time. Some of the features make sense, while others like the rear peep sight are just bizarre.
Certainly, this is a very interesting piece of history, and probably a valuable one. But is this worth the $1,700 asking price? As always, I leave it up to you, the readers, to decide.

HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Ultimate .22LR Takedown or Inevitable Breakdown?