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Now there was a Baseball Game that I would of paid good Money to see! The ‘Death Row All Stars’

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Between the Lines: ‘Death Row All Stars’ debuts at Raley Field event

Updated August 25, 2014 11:59 AM

From opposing teams’ viewpoints, playing the Death Row All Stars was a somewhat twisted, once-in-a-lifetime novelty. For the All Stars themselves … well, they believed they would be granted reprieves from their death sentences if they kept smoking the competition. Which was motive enough.
“The idea of literally playing for time was a great incentive for them to be good, and they were one of the best baseball teams in the West,” said Enss. “They played for only one season and were unbeaten, and a lot of people won a lot of money betting on them.”
The first incarnation of “Death Row All Stars” was published in 2004 as “Playing for Time,” but was not distributed, Enss said. Its publisher pulled it back to avoid conflict with another baseball book it was publishing at the same time. Years later, Enss teamed with longtime writing partner Kazanjian to write an expanded version. “The new book has much more information,” she said.
The Death Row All Stars’ brief reign ended as their execution dates began coming up. The first among them to be led to the gallows was their most valuable player, third baseman Joseph Seng.
“He was a powerful batter, as well, and would eat zinger after zinger,” Enss said.
You can buy the Book about this at Amazon!

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