All About Guns

The Winchester Model 121 – My 1st Rifle

Image result for Winchester Model: Model 121
Image result for Winchester Model: Model 121
Image result for Winchester Model: Model 121

Image result for Winchester Model: Model 121
Image result for Winchester Model: Model 121
Image result for Winchester Model: Model 121
Now if my feeble brain will try cooperated a bit & my CRS* does not kick in. Here is my story about the Rifle of mine!
It was Christmas in the mid 1960’s and the Folks took me and my sister down to my Grandfather’s Nursery in Northern San Diego County to celebrate.
Also there was also my other Grandfather from Phoenix. Who showed up for the show. Whose  name was Morris and my Grandmother Virginia.Image result for huge old school gun shopWhat I thought of both of my Grandfathers were like to me!
Anyways the time came to open the presents. Where I learned that I had gotten a Rifle scope. WTF? I did not get any guns so what am I going to do with it? Oh well Grownups!
Later that week we the went over to Phoenix to pay a visit. Where upon Grandpa took Dad & I to the biggest Gun Shop that I had been to so far.Image result for biggest gun shop in the world
Now I have told this part is true. As it seems that I was told that I could have any gun. As long as it was a rifle, single shot and a 22LR.
Well after a few hours passed by. I finally picked out a very nice Winchester Model 121. Then the Owner of the Shop was nice enough to mount a scope on it and away we went from there.
Now I will be the first to admit that it is not the fanciest rifle ever made. But it was mine and nobody elses. That and it shot pretty well. Well Enough that it is still in the Gun Safe today after over 50 years .
Anyways that is how I got the Gun bug and I doubt that I will ever be cured of it.
GrumpyImage result for huge old school gun shop
God what a great Present, Thanks Dad & Morris!
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