Expect the Worst and you will never be disappointed! Do not trust anybody until you have known them for at least a year!
Seldom will you have enough time & money at the same time!
It is bad to believe in too much but its even worst to believe in nothing at all!
I have found the things that can mess up your life & Reputation. Are your handling of Booze, Money and Women!
You will find the worst Boss you ever had was yourself!
When it comes to gear & stuff. You can buy it once or many times. So its cheaper to buy the best if you can!
There is always one more thing to do!
Anything worth having is going to be hard to get!
Courage & Money are the only two things that never go out of fashion!
Nothing lasts as Friends & Good Relatives always disappear!
The only person who you can trust & rely upon is yourself.
If you want a job done well then trust but verify!
Do the best you can with what you have & then have as much fun as you can also!
As I have found over the years, Failure is the Best Teacher!
As a much better man than I, said it so much better!
So Endth the Lesson!! Grumpy Oh yeah one more! There will always be Video around when you mess up now a days!