All About Guns

A Springfield Armory (Geneseo, Il) Trophy Match Nm, Long Slide 6" 1911 in .45 ACP

One of my better Bosses in the national Guard swore by the long slides as a great target pistol. So who am I to argue with him as he was a great NCO and a pretty good shot.

Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6

Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6
Springfield Armory (Geneseo, IL) - Trophy Match NM Long Slide 6

















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