It’s hard to really boil this down to only 25 but away we go…..
Drag queen drops by Michelle Obama public library to read to kids.
The Bernie Youth? MIT publishes “Communism for Kids” indoctrination manual.
Florida college awards posthumous degree to Trayvon Martin.
Mediocre, jobless former NFL quarterback immortalized by Smithsonian Institution.
The McDonald’s Happy Meal got even happier with gay fries.
Mexican designer rolls out “F*CK YOUR WALL” women’s underwear line.
Comic book promotes California armed insurrection against President Trump, U.S. government.
Is nothing sacred? Atlanta theatre thrills liberals with gay reenactments of Bible stories. Adam and Eve meet Adam and Steve.
Not even Skittles candy is safe from being called white supremacist.
Did animal rights activists inadvertently MURDER thousands of Minnesota minks?
Liberal hysterics compare the Boy Scouts to the Hitler Youth.
Pucker up and RESIST with the new “F*CK TRUMP” lipstick.
Navy’s new politically correct aircraft carrier has NO urinals.
LGBTQ+ activists demand rainbow crosswalks nationwide.
Student accepted to Stanford after writing “Black Lives Matter” 100 times on application.
Feminine hygiene product maker promotes the VAGINA Challenge.
Oregon becomes the first state to recognize a third gender on drivers licenses, eat your heart out California.
Animal rights whackos terrorize small children at Florida Chick-fil-A
Rolling Stone magazine asks why Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can’t be OUR president.
Feminist rag publishes a repulsive article on how to enjoy ANAL SEX with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
California day camp lures CHILDREN as young as FOUR years old to transgender orientation.
Yes, there really is a statue of Vladimir Lenin in Seattle.
Radical leftist scum pelted Boston Police with bottles of URINE at free speech rally.
NASTY feminist Teen Vogue writer ready to BITE men’s dicks off.
Liberal actor encourages people to break the law by writing “HARRIET TUBMAN” on $20 bills.