I first saw one of these a very long time ago. When I was still a pre -teenager When Dad would take me to the local range to fire off a few rounds for an hour or so.
Now it seemed to me that every time that I was there. I saw saw some of the Old Timers with their gun boxes*. From which. every one of them had a Colt Gold Cup that was tricked out to the max.
That and it seemed to a man. That they also had a Colt Trooper in their possession.
They would then start blasting away for hours at a time with them. They would also have for the most part some really good patterns. When they went out and got their targets back to be shown off.
It was at this time. That I decided that one day I would get one of these pistols for the collection I would one day have.
But the years rolled by and found no joy on finding one. In that I could either not afford it or had not been trashed by previous owners.
But let us cut the chase. I finally found one for sale and at a price that I could afford. It was also in very good shape. So after the usual haggling. I was able to finally buy one.
In what was to follow after this. Was one of the longest waiting periods of my life to collect it & take home with me.
But as soon as I got my paws on it. It was off to the range with my Shooting box in tow.
Where I found out some very pleasant stuff about my newest toy.
* It had one of the smoothest action that you could hope for.
* Once you figured out how it threw a round out. You could get some
very good patterns with it. The adjustable sights are a big help here.
* It is not too finicky about what kind of ammo that you feed it.
* The original factory grips are not the best. But some one smart put a pachmar grips on it. Now the ergonomics are just about perfect for me at least.
* This pistol is a keeper!
Here is a couple of videos that are pretty good about it. Also some other stuff from other sites, Enjoy!
Here is something about the Match Version
This pistol is also the foundation gun that brought us the Colt Trooper & the Phyton
* This the kind of Box that I am talking about. I finally own one. It only took 30 years. But I was always a slow learner.