N.S.F.W. Well I thought it was funny!

Who ever did this was mighty clever and has a great dirty sense of humor

Allies War Well I thought it was funny!

Last English words spoken at the Alamo 185 years ago today (Just Kidding)

Image result for the alamo
Davy Crockett’s last words to General Santa Anna: “I’m willing to discuss the terms of surrender, if you tell your men to lay down their weapons and assemble peacefully, I promise to take you all to General Houston and I’ll try my best to save most of your lives, That said Sams’ a might prickly”Goliad Executions By Norman Price From Texas State Archives And Library Commission.jpg

Well I thought it was funny!

To those who are offended by this, please send your emails to #Idon' Thank you!

I am going to get so much Sh*t for this one buts its worth it! Grumpy

Ammo Useful Shit Well I thought it was funny!

Just another reason why I DON'T handload!

Well I thought it was funny!

Sorry but it was just too weird and funny for me to not post it

Well I thought it was funny!

When “Giving Head” takes on a whole new meaning.

Art Well I thought it was funny! Well I thought it was neat!

When the Phrase "I am so f*cked" comes to mind

But is some awesome Art! Grumpy

Well I thought it was funny! Well I thought it was neat!

Today has not been a loss as I have learned something new today


All About Guns Well I thought it was funny!

"Wrong Convenience store"

Well I thought it was funny!

When you want to REALLY to make an entrance at some establishments